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Nanticoke Indians, ix. 300, 440.

Nantucket, i. 255, 256, 257; vii. 30n.

[ocr errors]

Napier, x. 516, 521, 523, 524, 530, 533,
539, 544, 548, 572, 574, 580, 582, 586, 595,
619, 712.

Narraganset Bay, vi. 515.

Narraganset country, iv. 421; v. 34, 77, 78,
80, 90, 91, 123, 299, 349; vi. 8, 38, 175,
189, 232, 284, 285, 296, 513, 515; vii. 294,
426, 572, 573, 604. Small-pox in, iii. 326.
Jurisdiction over the, vii. 294.
Narraganset Indians, ii. 183; iii. 102, 110,
113, 122, 155, 235, 349, 355; iv. 306, 472;
v. 70, 124; vi. 65, 95, 164, 178, 191, 195,
197, 198, 199, 215, 216, 218, 222, 223, 225,
228, 231, 239, 241, 246, 247, 251, 259, 262,
266, 269, 280, 281, 283, 298n, 300-304, 318,
346, 347, 374; vii. 324, 325, 411, 413,
482, 579, 580, 581, 601; viii. 85. War
with the, iii. p. ix.; iv. 308-310, 329; vi.
65, 160, 174. Exempted from the great
mortality, iii. 102, 110. Challenge the
Pilgrims, 110. Reply to their challenge,
111. Apprehensions from the, 126. The
Little James sent to, to trade, 155. Quar-
rel with the Pequots, 349. In friendship
with Massachusetts, 349. In the assault
on the Pequots, 355, 357. Forsake the
English, 356. Try to raise a conspiracy
against the English, 361. Execution of
murderers of one of the, 362, 365. Con-
spire against the English, 416. Beaten
by Uncas, 424. Further hostilities by the,
428 foll. Insult messengers, 432, 433.
Warlike preparations against, 432, 434.
Treaty with, 437. Treaty with the Mo-
hawks, vi. 159, 161. Conference with
the, at Warwick, 1654, 287. Swamp
Fight, Dec., 1675, 308; vii. 583. Supplied
with ammunition by the French, vi. 309.
Expedition of, to Warwick, 308-311.
league with the Mohawks, 1643, 357. In-
cite the Mohawks, &c., to war against
Uncas, 358.

Narraganset River, iii. 225n.


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Nash, Sarah. See Talmage, Mrs.

Nash, Thomas, of Leyden, i. 157; iii. 49,


Nash, Thomas, of New Haven, vii. 519n.

Nash, Timothy, vii. 519.

Nashua, N. H., v. 1.
Nassau, ship, v. 445.
Natanscott, vi. 158.
Natascott, vii. 89n.

Natawanute, a sachem, iii. 313.
Natick, Mass., viii. 245.

Natick Indians, v. 318; viii. 85.
Naumkeng. See Salem.

Naunton, Sir Robert, befriends the Pilgrims,
iii. 29.

Nauset. See Eastham.

Naval battle between the Spaniards and the
Dutch, 1639, vii. 213, 298; between the
English and the Dutch, 1653, 465; 1662,
viii. 200.

Navarre, M., ix. 358, 384.

Nawset English, vi. 280.

Nayantacawnick Island, vi. 201.

Nayantaquit, or Nayantakick. See Niantic.
Neal, Daniel, his "History of the Puritans "
cited, vi. 435n, 452n; viii. 167n.
Neanticutt. See Lyme.

Neave, Mrs. Margaret, i. 99.
Nebine, an Indian, v. 360.
Nebott, an Indian, vii. 57.
Necawnimeyat (in English, Oldway), vi.


[blocks in formation]

Nelson, Thomas, of Rowley, 1639, vii. 212.
Nelson, Pres. Thomas, of Virginia, 1771, x.
630, 728.

Nelson, William, x. 630.
Nenekunat. See Ninigret.

Nepawbuck, a Pequot Indian, vii. 278.
Nepmet Indians, vii. 396.

Neptune, vessel, ix. 638.
Nequamkick, Falls of, iii. 316.
Nesbitt, Arnold, x. 525, 528.
Nesbitt, Robert, viii. 683.

Netherlands, Churches and religious tolera-
tion in the, iii. 10. Pilgrims move to the,
10-15, 411. Reasons and causes of their
removal, 22. Marriages in the, 101.
Neufville, John, iv. 178.

Neutral French, Treachery of the, v. 373.
Removal of the, from Nova Scotia, 396,


Nevet. Rev. Rowland, Death of, viii. 584.
Nevis, Island of, vi. 537, 538.

New Amsterdam, Surrender of, demanded
by the Commissioners, 1664, vi. 527.
Surrendered to the English, Sept. 8, 1664,
529n. See also New York City.
Newark, N. J., iv. 20. Aid to the sufferers
by the Boston Port Bill, iv. 171.
Newbald, Fria., iii. 213.

Newberry, Benjamin, his death, 1689, v. 213.

[blocks in formation]

New Brunswick, Province of, iv. 470.
Newbury, Walter, ii. 207n.

Newbury, Mass., i. 201, 212; ii. 174; v.
897; vi. 81, 275n; vii. 101, 208, 217, 327,
575n. Ecclesiastical dissensions in, viii.

Newbury Fall, iv. 123.

Newcastle, Duke of, iv. 502.

Newcastle, Del., vii. 309n; x. 807.
Newcastle, Eng., Capture of, 1640, vi. 143.
Plague in, 1636, 448. Sir Arthur Hasel-
rig appointed Governor of, 542.
Newcastle-upon-Delaware, County of, letter
to the Committee of Correspondence of
Boston, iv. 32; reply, 34. Second letter,
232; reply, 233.

Newchawanick, Indian murder at, v. 334.
Newcomen, Rev. Matthew, i. 67.

New-comers to Plymouth Colony, 1623, iii.
146. Agreements with, 147, 157, 179, 249.
New-comin, John, murdered, iii. 277.
Newell, Deacon, i. 272.

Newell, Timothy, "A Journal kept during
the Siege of Boston," by, 1775-76, i. 261-

[blocks in formation]

M. H. S., iii. p. v.; iv. p. xxi.; v. p. viii.;
vi. p. viii.; vii. p. viii.; viii. p. x.; ix. p.

New England, i. 247; v. 364, 540, 585; vi.
304, 492, 527, 533n, 554, 576; x. 531, 540,
676, 720, 733, 801, 806, 808, 815. Maps
of, erroneous, 1729, ii. 185, 186. Com-
mittee for, 1661, 280. Orders in council
concerning, 279-304. Patent for, iii. 44.
Grant to the Plymouth colonists by the
President and Council of, 107, 138, 250.
Patent of, denounced as monopolizing
the fisheries, 141. Grant by the Com-
pany to Gorges, 148. Complaints against,
327. Project of making Gorges the Gov-
ernor, and introducing Episcopacy, 329.
Confederation of the colonies of, in 1643,
416, 417. Coin, iv. 423, 424, 459. Pre-
dictions of punishment for, v. 269. Gov-
ernors in, 328. Forces, 470. New England
an island, vi. 38. People begin to prefer
New England to the West Indies, 1645,
64. Character of the letters from, 442 foll.
Calumnies against the planters of, 480,
485. Disaffection toward. in England,
442 foll. Snow in, March, 1653, 523.
Council of, vii. 347. A matter of high ac-
count to have been a New-England man,
viii. 3, 4, 5. Map of, by Cotton Mather, 9.
A governor-general to be sent to, 526, 573.
Condition of, 577, 593, 594. History of,
595. Addresses from the congregations
in, to James II., 697, 698. Order for the
restoration of charters to, 710. Trade
with Virginia, 1634, ix. 110. Under
Andros, 188 foll. Refuses to raise troops
for Gen. Gage, x. 515. Paper money in,
520. Open to attack from the sea, 799.
Its growth in population, 826.
"New England, Good News from," by Ed-
ward Winslow, i. 195-218.

[blocks in formation]

Newfoundland, i. 225, 235; iii. 78n; v. 213,

224, 332, 334; vi. 536n; vii. 498. Lord
Baltimore in, ix. 96, 97; x. 676.

New Hampshire, ii. 182; v. 71, 82, 94, 115,
121, 258, 298, 299, 319, 320, 336, 342, 350,
352, 355, 359, 360, 364, 389, 392, 393, 398,
420, 533, 537; viii. 190, 367, 369, 371; x.
593. Paper money, ii. 182. Action on
the Boston Port Bill, iv. 74n-76n. Per-
secution of Nonconformists in, viii. 57n,
479, 700. Condition of, 533. Boundary,
x. 493, 496, 507, 514, 530, 538.
New Hampshire Historical Society, its Col-
lections cited, v. 325n.

New Harbor, Me., v. 451. Indian attack
on, 450.

New Hartford, letter to the Donation Com-
mittee of Boston, iv. 105; reply, 106.
Newhäusel, Hungary, surrendered to the
Turks, viii. 211.

New Haven, Conn. (Quillipiake, Quilipi-
acke), i. 201, 230; vi. 220, 340, 348n, 349,
351, 353, 355; vii. 208, 209, 217. Letters
to the Donation Committee of Boston, iv.
269. Iron-works at, vii. 401n, 403, 404,
406, 474n, 477, 487, 493n, 495n, 501n,
507n, 514, 525, 546, 548, 553, 558, 575, 587,
589, 594. Church in, viii. 308, 363, 605,
611, 626. The church chooses the magis-
trates, 1639, vii. 278. Letter from the
church to Increase Mather, viii. 692.
Storm at, 1682, 628.

New Haven Colony, vi. 175, 176, 320, 344,
357, 384, 390n; vii. 182, 186, 424, 523,
538n. Confederation with, against Indians,
iii. 416. Indian outrages in, 427. Sup-
ports Uncas, 433. Claimed by the Gov-
ernment of New Netherland, vi. 346.
Loss of Capt. Lamberton's ship, 346.
Union with Connecticut, vii. 522, 523,
525, 552, 556n. John Winthrop, Jr., in-
vited to, 72n, 78, 470, 474n. Election of
governor at, 1658, 495. Bounds of, 518.
Order of the magistrates of, relating to
the settlement of Rev. Zechariah Walker
at Stratford, 566.

New Hopkinton, N. H., v. 389.
Newichuwenog, Monstrous birth at, viii.


Newichwannock River, x. 816, 817.
New Ipswich, iii. p. x.

New Jersey (the Jerseys), v. 233, 234, 244,
328, 329, 392, 458, 518; vii. 570n; ix.
293, 449; x. 503, 505, 507, 521, 579, 592,
601, 709, 720, 801, 802, 805, 809. Indian

hostilities in, v. 456, 458. Troops from,
470, 475. Granted to James, Duke of York,


New Jersey Historical Society, Collections
of, viii. 599n, 601n.

New Kent Co., Va., ix. 165 foll.
Newland, William, vi. 532.

Josiah Winslow, v. 35.

Letter to

New Light Stir, The, 40.
New London, Conn. (Nameag, and, with the
vicinity, Pequot), i. 5, 27, 28, 35, 36, 37,
40, 45; v. 130n, 328; vi. 95, 183, 285, 290,
338, 348, 349, 377, 504, 517, 518; vii. 33n,
82, 84n, 416, 488, 538, 544, 548, 556, 584;
x. 801. Foundation of, ii. 204, 205. Called
'London," vi. 112, 340. Trouble of the
church at, with Rev. Richard Blinman, vii.
84-87. Murder at, viii. 377.

[ocr errors]

Newman, Mr., 1660, vii. 241, 246, 248.
Another?, 541.

Newman, Rev. Antipas, i. 17; vii. 500n.
His death, i. 18. Notice of, vii. 83n.
Newman, Mrs. Elizabeth (Winthrop), wife
of Rev. Antipas, and afterwards Mrs.
Endicott, vi. 40, 106; vii. 83n, 500, 521.
Newman, Francis, chosen Assistant, vii.
278. Élected Gov. of New Haven, 495,
496, 506.

Newman, John, M.D., Cor. Memb. M. H.
S., i. p xiii.

Newman, Rev. Noah, i. 14, 17. Preaches
the Plymouth election sermon, 1677, viii.
233. Notice of, 233n.
Newman, Robert. vi. 351, 352. Letter to
Mr. Davenport, viii. 173, 201; to Mr.
Gilbert, 182.

Newman, Rev. Samuel, of Rehoboth, i. 20;
ii. 54; vi. 277; viii. 233n.
Newman?, William, viii. 173.

New Market, N. H., iv. 144. Letter to the
Donation Committee of Boston, iv. 152.
New Medowes, i. 212.

See Plymouth.
His bad con-

New Netherlands. See New York State.
New North Church in Boston, viii. 434.
New Orleans, ix. 288.
New Plymouth, Colony of.
Newport, Capt., ix. 23, 55.
duct, 68.
Newport, R. I., iv. 9; vi. 256, 268, 272, 274,
280, 289, 296, 297, 303, 320, 321.
lution on the Boston Port Bill, iv. 127n.
Letters to the Donation Committee of
Boston, 157, 265; reply, 158. Messengers
to, appointed by the church at Boston,
vi. 312, 315.

Newport Harbor, v. 70.
New Roxbury.

See Woodstock, Conn.

New Somersetshire, vii. 90n, 337n, 363n.
Province of, 377n.

"News from Ipswich," by Prynue, vi. 419,
422, 434, 446, 461.

News-Letters, Extracts from, transcribed by
William Goffe, viii. 166-224.
Newton, Mr., 1650, vi. 282.
Newton, Mr., captured by Indians, 1722,
v. 341.

Newton, Sir Isaac, viii. 444.

Newton, Rev. Roger, viii. 165n, 304, 337n.
Illness of, 380. Death of, 626.

of, 304n, 380n.

Newton, Simon, iv. 158.

Newton, Thomas, vii. 452.

New Town, Conn. See Hartford.

New Town, Mass. See Cambridge.



"New Year, A, well-begun," by Cotton
Mather, viii. 431, 433, 450.

New York City (Manhattan, &c., New
Amsterdam), i. 20; iii. 314; iv. 9, 374,
376, 377, 457; v. 212, 213, 233, 245, 247,
250, 252, 329, 462, 505, 506, 518; vi. 272,
284, 335, 524; vii. 40n, 53, 307n, 417, 518,
571n; viii. 142, 184; ix. 47, 380, 440, 474;
x. 594, 629, 694, 696, 700, 733, 803, 806.
Attempts to induce the Pilgrims to remove
to, iii. 42, 43, 48.
from, 222, 233, 311. Bark trading there
Dutch deputations
seized, 323. Action of the inhabitants on
the passage of the Boston Port Bill, iv.
162. Letters from, to the Donation Com-
mittee of Boston, 162, 164, 171, 177,
221, 249. Fort at, attacked, 176-, 353.
Second Congreg. Church in, 509. Meet-
ing of Commissioners at, 1690, v. 233,
244. Its surrender demanded of the
Dutch by the English Commissioners, vi.
527. Surrendered, 1664, 529n, 533n. Fort
at, x. 498, 500.

New York State (New Netherlands), ii. 180;
iv. 420; v. 161, 180, 239, 244, 259, 261,
276, 287, 288, 291, 295, 296, 319, 328, 364,
392, 424, 442, 540; vi. 346, 533n; vii.
571n; ix. 441, 444;
Cromwell's instructions for an attack
x. 676, 720, 801.
upon, ii. 230-232. Proposed annexation
of Plymouth to, v. 248, 249, 276, 279.
Soldiers of, killed, 460. Troops, 470, 475;
x. 592. Colony of, vii. 317, 571n. Eccle-
siastical and civil liberties of, in 1669, 317.
Dispute between the Assembly and the
Crown on the judges' tenure of office, ix.
442-447, 458-461, 462-466, 473-482, 486.
Memorial of the Council to Gov. Monck-
ton, 476. Boundaries, x. 492-498, 514,
530. Influence of the province, 595.
New York and Pennsylvania, Synod of, x.

Neyantick Sachems. See Niantic.
Neyle, Capt., 1631, vii. 93n.

Neysong, Balfar, his wife killed, v. 410.
Niagara, iv. 369; v. 503, 510, 544, 563; ix.
238, 249-252, 262, 266, 272-365, 380-426,
485, 488; x. 491, 499, 524, 532, 536, 573.
Expedition against, under Gen Shirley,
1755, v, 391. Expedition against, under
Gen. Prideaux, 1759, 501, 504, 545. Pris-
oners taken at, 518. Account of the fort
at, 541.

Niagara Falls, v. 438, 504.
Niantic (Naantucke, Neantucke, Nantequit,
Nayantick, Nayantaquit), i. 35, 36; vi.
200, 220, 231, 268, 318; vii. 324, 325, 419.
Number of houses at, vi. 251.

Niantic (Nantequit, Nayantaquit, Nayan-
tick, Neyantick, or Nyantic) Indians,
i. 35, 36; vi. 192, 197, 203, 216, 218, 238,
246-248, 250, 260, 264, 265, 318, 346, 347;
vii. 57n, 396, 422. Treaty with the, iii.
437, 440.

Niantic sachems, vi. 251, 261, 263, 374.
Nicaragua, iv. 502.

of Virginia, 1774, x. 703.

Nicholas, an Indian, v. 133.
Nicholas, Sir Edward, ii. 280, 281.
Nicholas, Henry, i. 249.

Nicholas, John, viii. 215.

Nicholas, Robert Carter, Treasurer of Vir-
ginia, x. 718, 751. Anonymous letter to,


Nicholet, Rev. Charles, viii. 269, 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276. Notice of, 271n.
Nicholles, Goodman William, of Pequett,

vii. 71.


killed, 1758, v. 454.
Nichols, Maj., 1755, v. 393.

Nichols, Benjamin Ropes, A.M., Member
M. H. S., i. p. viii.; on the Committee of
Publication of vol. 10, 2d Series, vol. 2,
3d Series, i. p. xxi.

Nichols, John Gough, F.S.A., Cor. Memb.
M. H. S, viii. p. xiii.; ix. p. xvii.
Nicholson, Col., 1728, ii. 182.
Nicholson, Col., afterwards Gen., v. 321,
322, 323, 330, 331; ix. 198, 200; (Nicol-
son) x. 831, 837. Expedition to Port
Royal, 1710, v. 319, 320, 329. Expedi-
tion to Canada, 1711, 328.
Nicholson (Nichallson, Nicallson), Joseph,
vii. 286, 289.
Nicholsonn, Mr., vi. 567.

Nickerson, Mrs. Anne, i. 97.

Nickerson, Anne, daughter of the preceding,

i. 97.

[blocks in formation]

Nickerson, William, of Eastham, v. 308.
Nicolls, a lawyer, x. 537, 542, 544.
Nicolls, Richard, Royal Commissioner, Gov.
of Delaware and of New York, v. 79; vi.
527; vii. 83n, 307n, 309, 310, 311, 312,
318, 319, 531. Approval of J. Winthrop's
letter by, vi. 329. Abstract of a letter
from, vii. 315. Fac-simile of his signa-
ture, vi. plate 5.
Nicols, Mr., 1721, ii. 166.

Nicommo, Indian dance of triumph, vi.


Nicotowance, an Indian, ix. 80n.
Niger, ship, x. 778.
Nightingale, ship, v. 503.

Niles, Mrs. Elizabeth (Adams Whiting), i.
22, 24, 25, 26, 50.

Niles, Hon. Nathaniel, Cor. Memb. M. H.
S., i. p. xii.

Niles, Rev. Samuel, married, i. 26. His
"History of the Indian and French
Wars," v. p. xvi., 309-589. Lines on the
restoration of Cape Breton to the French,

Nimeguen, Treaty of, viii. 163n, 335.
Nincunnet. See Ninigret.
Ninety-six, v. 577. Attack on the fort at,
by Cherokees, 554.

Ninigret, Ninicraft, Nenekunat, Nincunnet,
or Juanemo, sachem of Niantick, vi. 153,
202, 203, 204, 205, 218, 248, 275, 277, 278,
287, 288, 290, 300, 311, 337; vii. 422, 457,
468, 578. Complaint of Wequashcuck
against, vi. 341, 342. Requests leave to
bunt in the Pequot country, 358. Arrest
of, vii. 426. Captures the daughter of a
Long-Island sachem, 482.

Nipmuck Indians, vi. 192, 193, 204, 217,
232, 240; viii. 586. Battle with the
Wunnashowatuckoogs, vi. 197.
Nippumsint, an Indian, vi. 372.
"Nishmath-Chajim," by Cotton Mather,
viii. 452, 454.

Nistigione, v. 250.

Nixon, John, iv. 148, 156.

Noble, Col., v. 403. Death of, 1746, 373-

Noble, John, iv. 228.

Nobscusset, part of Yarmouth, v. 133.
Nock, James or Sylvanus, v. 349.
Noddle's Island, i. 262; iv. 334; v. 328; vii
307n; viii. 291.

Noller, Ensign, 1758, v. 481, 482.
No-Man's-Land, iii. 97.

Nonconformists, viii. 56, 65, 66. Silenced
in London, &c., 201, 202, 206, 510. Bills
passed against the, 210. Persecutions of,
211, 326, 327, 331, 486n, 489, 490, 492, 494,
497, 498, 500, 510, 511, 512, 543, 580, 588,
618, 620, 642, 649, 650, 658. Ministers
deceased in and about London, 304, 583,
584, 585. Relief sent to, from New Eng-
land, 585. Liberty granted to, 666, 667.
Non-importation agreements, iv. 349-352,
446, 457.

Noockasee abandoned by the Indians, v.
579. Burnt by the English, 580.
Norcraft, Rev. Mr., of Exeter, i. 212.
Norfolk County, Mass., i. 209.
Norfolk County and Borough, iv. 64n.
Norfolk, Va., letter to the Donation Com-
mittee of Boston, iv. 160. Reply, 161.
Norridgwalk, v. 335, 348, 352.
Norridgwalk Indians, v. 364.

Norris, Rev. Edward, vi. 66, 74, 139, 142,
147; viii. 276. His salary, i. 212. No-
tice of, viii. 276n.

Norris, Isaac, ix. 336.
Norsey Bark, vi. 325n.
North, Mr., 1682, viii. 499.

North, Frederick, 2d Earl of Guildford, x.
750, 756, 757, 760, 768-771, 774. Praised,

North America, v. 331, 498, 541, 584.
Northampton, Mass., v. 262. Sickness at,
1690, 269. Indian murder at, 354. Hos-
tilities near, 376.
Northampton, Va., letter to the Donation
Committee of Boston, iv. 63. Reply, 66.
Northampton County, Penn., iv. 149n.
dian hostilities in, v. 459; x. 510, 511.
North Berwick, Me., letter to the Boston
Donation Committee, iv. 219. Reply, 220.
Northborough, Reply of the Boston Dona-
tion Committee to, iv. 246.


"North Briton, The," cited, iv. 455.
North Carolina, v. 509; x. 698, 725, 800.
Action of the Provincial Convention on
the Boston Port Bill, iv. 24n.

North-east Harbor, v. 399, 400, 402, 403.
North-eastern boundary of the United States
iv. 500.

Northern Indians, vi. 252.
Northern Neck, Va., iv. 187.
Northfield (Squeakeag or Squakeag), v.
372, 376, 389; vi. 531; viii. 519. Inhabi-
tants slain at, v. 346, 347. Indian murders
at, 367, 369, 380, 389. Indian attack on,


North Kill, Indian murders at, v. 455.
North Kingston, R. I., vi. 285, 297n. Re-
ply to, from the Donation Committee of
Boston, 1774, iv. 189.

North Mountain, v. 455.

North Providence, letter to the Donation
Committee of Boston, iv. 211. Reply,


North Sea Boat. See Bachelor.
North-west Passage, vi. 480, 488.

North Yarmouth, v. 389; viii. 519. Reply
of the Donation Committee of Boston to,
iv. 159. Attack upon, by Indians, v. 363.
Hostilities at, 414.

Norton, Capt., 1634, iii. 324.
Norton, Mr., 1648, vi. 350, 352.
Norton, Rev. Asa, Cor. Memb. M. H. S., i.
p. xii.

Norton, Charles Eliot, A.M., Member M. H.
S., v. p. ix.; vi. p. ix.; vii. p. ix.; viii.
p. xi.; ix. p. xiv.; on the Standing Com.,
vii. p. vii.

Norton, Mrs. Eleanor. See Hooke, Mrs.
Norton, Sergt. George, viii. 630.
Norton, Rev. John, of Boston, i. 93n; iv. 291,
307; vi. 72, 80, 116, 369n; vii. 487n; viii.
4, 55, 204, 205. His salary at Ipswich, i.
212. Quotation from his "Heart of New
England rent," iv. 327. His Funeral

Elegy on the Rev. J. Cotton," 331, 332.
Succeeds John Cotton, vi. 155. Answers
Pynchon, 369n.
the colony at London, vii. 135.
Appointed agent of
"Heart of New England rent," &c., 287.
Letters to John Winthrop, 448; to John
Winthrop, Jr., 450; to William Goodwin,
450. Removal to Boston, 535.
similes of his signature and seal, vii.
plate 9. Agent to England, viii. 170,
198. Notices of, iii. 343n; vii. 448n; viii.

Norton, Rev. John, of Hingham, Ordination

of, 1678, viii. 248. Notice of, 248n.
Norton, Rev. John, taken captive at Fort
Massachusetts, 1746, v. 370, 371, 376.
Norton, Mrs. Lucy (Downing), vi. 70, 78;
vii. 448, 449.

Norton, Samuel, vi. 497.

Norton, William, of Boston, vii. 600.
Norton, William, of Ipswich, i. 93; vi. 70,
72, 77; vii. 448, 449.

Norwalk, viii. 310. Bad weather at, 624.
Norwich, Bishop of, vi. 410n, 411.
Norwich, Conn., i. 29; iii. 425n; v. 392;

vii. 71n. Letter to the Donation Com-
mittee of Boston, iv. 45. Reply, 46.
Norwich, Eng., Plague in, 1636, vi. 429.
Norwich, Eng., Diocese of, Visitation of Bp.

Wren to the, 1636, vi. 407. Orders, direc-
tions, &c., given at this visitation, 435.
Ministers silenced, 429.
Norwich, ship, v. 431, 432.

Norwood, Gov. of Bermuda, vii. 318.
Norwootuck, viii. 306.

Notre-Dame Mountains, x. 839.

Nott, Eliphalet, D.D., LL.D., Cor. Memb.
M. H. S., i. p. xiv.; iii. p. vi.; iv. p.
xxii.; v. p. x.; vi. p. x.; vii. p. x.
death, viii. p. xiv.

Nott, John, viì. 55.


Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of, v.
277. Letter to, from Increase Mather, ii.

Nottingham, ship, v. 445.
Nottinghamshire, Church of Pilgrims in, iii.
9, 10.

Nova Scotia (Acadia), ii. 178, 222; iv. 299,
470; v. 34, 299, 332, 363, 364, 388, 396,
397, 411, 445, 518, 519, 539; ix. 222 foll.,
341; x. 676. Controversy respecting, iii.
431. Notice of D'Aulnay, iv. 462-470.
Expedition to, 1707, v. 313.
Alexander's patent, 319. Surrendered to
Sir William
the French, 319. Taken by Sir William


Phips, 320. Engagement with the French
in, 431. D'Aulnay takes possession of,
vi. 518, 519. Boundary, x. 830 foll.
Novatians, The, iii. 5.
Nowell, Mr., 1670, i. 10.
Nowell, Mr., 1678, viii. 263.
Nowell, Mrs., 1679, viii. 262.
Nowell, Alexander, his death, i. 16, 17.
Nowell, Increase, ii. 60, 250-252, 256, 267-
269; iii. 335; vi. 4, 16, 41, 316, 517; vii.
253, 441. His signature as Secretary of
the Court, ii. 32, 39, 44, 56. His conduct
at the punishment of Obediah Holmes,
49, 50, 58. Grant of land at Mystic, vi.
128. Resigns the office of ruling elder,
185. Letter to, from Daniel Patrick, vii.

Nowell, Martin, ii. 281.

Nowell, Rev. Samuel, viii. 95, 158, 339, 366,
520, 700. Chosen agent to England, 84.
Chosen Treasurer of Harvard College,
496, 506. His Artillery Election sermon,
526. Chosen Treasurer of Harvard Col-
lege pro tempore, 694.
others) to James II. 701. Letter to Jona-
Petition (with
than Bull, 572. Letter to, from Joshua
Moodey, 371; from James Allen, 675.
Death of, 676, 704, 705, 713. Invitation
to Increase Mather to attend the funeral
of, 704. Notices of, 496n, 526n.
Noy, Edward, killed in a duel by Capt.
Byron, vi. 419.

Noy, William, Attorney-general, vi. 461.
His persecution of Prynne, 414-417. His
sickness and death, 416-419, 447.
tract from his will, 418, 419n.
Noyes, Rev. Mr., 1690, v. 264.
Noyes, Rev. James, of Newbury, his salary,
i. 212. His catechism, viii. 55.
Noyes, Rev. James, of Stonington, i. 33.
Noves, Rev. Nicholas, v. 264; viii. 262, 672,

673. Ordination of, 287. Notice of, 287n.
Noyes, Dr. Oliver, establishes fisheries, v.

Noyes, Hon. Thomas, v. 337.

Noyewee, v. 580.

Number Four. See Charlestown, N. H.
Numpas, Capt., an Indian, v. 247.
Nut Island, v. 559.

Nutley, James, ii. 233.
Ny, Mr., 1635, vi. 330.

Nyantick Indians. See Niantic.
Nye, Joseph, iv. 206, 207.

Nye, Rev. Philip, vi. 492; vii. 16; viii. 8,
35, 61, 150, 208, 343, 583, 584.

O., H., i. 16.


Oakes, Edward, viii. 3.

Oakes, Edward, Jr., viii. 368, 369.
Oakes, Dr. Thomas, viii. 368.

Agent for

Massachusetts in England, ii. 300, 304.
Oakes, Urian, Pres. of Harvard College,
i. 12-19, 21; viii. 3n, 44, 93, 337, 338, 339,
368, 388n, 463, 464, 511, 615. His death,
i. 22.

Oakiuskees, The, v. 555.

Oaks, Dr., 1661, viii. 6.

Oates, Titus, viii. 20, 21, 102, 107, 345, 347,
670, 687n. His narrative of the Popish
Plot, 19n.

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