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Impeachments, 28, art. 11.

who to find, to try, 28, art. 11, sec. 1, 2.

effect of, 28, art. 11, sec. 1, 3.

Education, 28, art. 12.

duty of general assembly to provide, 28, art. 12, sec. 1.
permanent school fund, 28, art. 12, sec. 2.

donations for schools, 28, art. 12, sec. 3.

alienation of school moneys forbidden, 28, art. 12, sec. 4.
Amendments of constitution, 28, art. 13.

mode of proposing, voting on, and adopting, 28, art. 13.
articles adopted, 30, arts. 1-4, inclusive.

Adoption of constitution, 29, art. 14.

when to begin operation, 29, art. 14, sec. 1.

effect of, on existing institutions, 29, art. 14, sec. 1.

debts prior to valid, 29, art. 14, sec. 2.

supreme court jurisdiction, 29, art. 14, sec. 3.

New Shoreham and Jamestown exempt from military duty, 29, art. 14, sec. 4.


of word "land" in mechanic's lien act, 361.

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common drunkards," 555, 556.

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town" in title IX of schools, 132.

of common seller," 190.

of "compact part of town," 196.

of "animal," in 206.

of "person," "owner," &c., 206.

of "at large," chapter 96, 222.


edgments of deeds, 350.

how may certify their own deeds, 351.

CONTAGIOUS DISEASE, vessels, infected with not to approach land, 173.

signals of, 173; examination of, 173.

persons and cargo, how landed and disinfected, 173, 174.

penalties for violation of above provisions, 173, 174.

expenses of examination and quarantine of vessels, how defrayed, 174.
provisions relative to quarantine of, 176-178.

breaking out in towns, provisions regarding, 174-176.

penalty for wilfully spreading, 175.

among cattle, provisions in regard to, 178-180.

CONTINUANCE to be ordered of unanswered cases of realty and foreign attachment, how long,


CONTRACTS, effect of, written or unwritten in beginning process for mechanic's lien, 350.
need not be completed when liability to sale accrues under mechanic's lien act, 361.
law impairing obligation of, forbidden (Constitution of Rhode Island), 19.
for public printing, how made, and by whom, 58.

CONVEYANCE of estate in land for more than one year, requisites of, valid, 349, 350.

of real estate by certain officials, executed without United States, how to be certified and
executed without acknowledgment, 351.

of property cannot be made by prisoner in state prison during imprisonment, 568.

of real estate of married women, how to be made and executed, 330, 331.

in fraud of creditors, void, 349.

to new trustees appointed by decree of court, of trust property, not required, 362.
CONVICTS, penalty for bringing into state, 153.

See Imprisonment; Jail; State Prison.

CONVICTION may be of lower offence than charged in indictment, but substantially included

in it, 564.

COPARTNERSHIP, member of, to make oath how, in cases of foreign attachment, 460.

costs for or against, 480.

when dissolved, partner may make separate compromise with creditors, 258.

effect of such compromise, 258, 259.

evidence of such compromise, 258.

partners may call on compromising partner for contribution, when, 258, 259. COPIES OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS to be given by secretary of state, 58.

by town clerks, 42.

of official letters to be kept, 59.

CORD OF WOOD to measure how much, 249.

CORDERS OF WOOD, when elected by towns, 93; fees of, 250.

CORN to be measured if imported, when; fees of measurers; penalty for selling without measurement, 241, 242.

when need not be measured under act, 242.

Indian, 56 pounds to make a bushel, 242.

CORONERS when elected to have exclusive jurisdiction in their towns and cities, 571.

if none elected, justices of peace to be, 571.

duties of and powers, 571-573.

fees of and for inquests, 593.

returns of deaths by, 180-183.

to register their names and residence in town clerk's office, 182. CORONER'S INQUEST, form of and proceedings at, 570–572.

result of to be certified to common pleas or supreme court, 572.

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT forbidden in asylums and poor-houses, 151. forbidden in state prison, except under direction of inspector, 585.

CORPORATIONS, bill creating, to be continued over an election (Constitution of Rhode Island),

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procedure when no person competent to call or preside at meeting, 291.

to continue three years after expiration of charter, and for what purposes, 291, 292.

may make promissory notes, 271.

actions by or against on note so made, 271.

created solely by this state, to have office here, and clerk, treasurer, or agent residing here, 293.

to furnish list of stockholders to assessors of taxes, when, 106.

mode of furnishing such list, 106.

shareholders in not to be taxed when, 104.

transitory actions by or against, where to be brought, 443.

when shares in attached, what officer of to make oath, and where, 460.

stocks or shares in, how to be sold under levy of execution, 497.

to record sheriff's deed, 497.

fraudulent issue of stocks in, how punishable, 546.

franchise of may be sold on execution, how, 292.

how may be redeemed, 292.

created solely by this state, to keep records of transfer here, 292.

officer keeping records of transfer to live in state, 292.

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executions against, how collected, where sufficient to satisfy does not appear, 497.
religious, literary, or charitable, not subject to insurance acts, 316.

CORPSE not to be taken on execution, 495.

penalty for so taking, 495.

disinterring or stealing, or concealing when stolen, how punishable, 555.

may be disinterred by coroner for examination, when, 573.


CORRUPTION OF BLOOD, no conviction nor sentence to work, 565.

COSTS, how to be awarded; to include what; how far in discretion of court, 479-481, 522, 360.

by whom taxed, and by whom examined and allowed, 480, 481.

not to be taxed against school officers if acting in good faith, 128.

on committal of lunatics and furiosi to Butler Hospital, how paid, 160.

recovery of, how, 160, 161.

in forcible entry and detainer how to be taxed, 528, 529.

to include board of poor debtors and poor tort debtors paid by creditors, 504-508.

to be collected notwithstanding set-off in executions, 495.

to include expenses of determining constitutional questions, 485.

in partition a lien on estates divided; collection of, 422.

to form part of sentence, except of sentence to state prison, 568.

to be part of sentence in justice courts, 425.

imposed on defendant when he is adjudged to pay fine, 575.

in criminal cases when and to whom paid, 85.

in criminal cases may be remitted by what officers, 568.

how to be apportioned in case of several criminal defendants, 568.

in forfeiture of birds and animals, to include expenses of keeping, 207.

in forfeiture cases, how adjudged, 576.

in complaints in supreme court against kindred for support of poor, 151.

in cases of appeals when secured by bond, and when to be paid down, 481, 482.
in appeals from orders of removal of paupers, how adjudged, 155.

in appeals from appraisal of damage by grading highways, and costs, 144.

not to be remitted or reduced in liquor appeals, 193.

prisoners in Providence county jail for non-payment of, to have what allowance, 566. treble to be given against mortgagee refusing to discharge mortgage on record, 356. double and double damages given for injuring or removing bounds of private oyster-bed,


double in suits against owners, &c., of infected vessel for wages due for examination and
quarantine, 174.

double given on confirmation of judgment, if appeal not entered in appellate court, 482.
double, when assessed against plaintiff in trespass for cutting trees, &c., 526.
security for, to be given when plaintiff is not an inhabitant of the state, 454.
additional security, when to be given, 454.

action to recover from security to be brought within one year from final judgment, 454.
who not required to give security for in complaints to justice courts, 423.

security for, to be given before issue of warrant for threats, 422.

in other cases, 423, 424.

security for, to be given, how, in suits on bonds of exccutors and administrators, 400, 401.

security for, by person claiming forfeiture of auctioneers' bond, how given, 263.

security for, how required of applicant for writ of estrepement, 524.

security for, in petitions, for enforcing mechanic's lien, 360.

security for, not required of officers complaining for seizure of gambling implements, 558. security for, not required from town prosecuting officers, 95.

security for, not required of officers, nor if qui tam benefits waived in liquor cases, 192,


security for, not required of special constables in dog complaints, 201.

COSTS Continued.

security for, not required of shell fishery commissioners, 281.

security of, not to be required of person suing liquor seller for damage by drunkard, 445. COTTON, weighers of, appointment of, and fees, 243.

to be sold by weight, 243.

record of weight to be kept, 243.

COVENANT, actions of, to be brought within twenty years, 447.

COVENANT TO STAND SEIZED TO USES, does not require livery of seizin, 349.

requisites of, valid, 349, 350.

COVENANTS and agreemENTS of married women, how and as to what may be made,


COUNCIL. See City Council; Town Council.

COUNSEL FEES, when to be paid by railroad defendant, and when allowed to it, 319.

COUNTERFEITING, how punishable, 549-551.

passing counterfeit money, or having it to pass, how punishable, 549, 551.

tools for, penalty for making, 550-551.

tools seized, to be delivered into whose custody, 551.

brand of inspector of liquors, to be forgery, 253.

COUNTERFEIT BILLS, to be stamped by bank receiving, 297.

limitation of damages, if done erroneously, 297.

COUNTIES, limits of, on the sea, 32; jurisdiction of, on public waters of state, 35.

definitions of, respective of state, 34, 35.

county towns fixed, 34, 35.

limits of, to be jail yard, 502.

COUNTING VOTES, mode of, 52.

COUPON BONDS OF STATE, how may be registered, 76.

COURTS. See Supreme Court; Common Pleas Court; Justice Courts. expenses of, and costs, and jurors' accounts, how to be allowed, 81.

COURTS-MARTIAL, constitution of and jurisdiction, procedure before, and form of orders

for, 625-628.

of inquiry, calling of, purpose and procedure, 629.

COWS impounded, may be milked by keeper of pound for his own use, 222.
CRANBERRIES, to be sold at level measure, or 32 pounds to be a bushel, 248.
CRANSTON, town of, with Warwick, to have care of Pawtuxet Falls Bridge, 145.

to have one-quarter of penalty for removing stones, or fastening vessel at Pawtuxet
Falls Bridge, 145.

persons quarantined at Providence not to enter compact part of, 177. CREAM OF TARTAR, inspectors of, how appointed, 96, 240.

penalty for selling impure, 141.

CREDITOR, citation to, when debtor to take poor debtor's oath, 503-506.

when the state is the creditor, 507.

who to be deemed, under poor debtor's oath act, 507.

to pay board of poor tort debtor, 508.

may defend replevin brought against officer for goods attached, 531.

may petition for grant of administration on estate of person imprisoned for seven years or more, 568.

of bank may have special commission to examine its affairs, how, 298.

conditions of suit by, on executors' or administration bond, 400.

conveyances to defraud, void, 349.

CRIME committed, not affected by repeal in chap. 261, unless punishment mitigated, 631. conviction of, to affect credibility, not competence, of witness, 473, 474.

injury caused by, may be sued in trespass or case, 445.

conditions of action for, 445.

compounding of, how punishable, 538.

threats to accuse of, for extorting money, &c., how punished, 541.

punished by statute of state, not to be punished by town ordinance, 99.

punishable by imprisonment for life, only triable by supreme court in Providence county,


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against nature, assault with intent to commit, how punished, 541.

how punished, 553-554.

CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, constitutional provisions regulating (Constitution of Rhode Island), 18.

when must precede civil action and when not, 445.

in common pleas or supreme court, what fees to be charged in for use of state, 500. CRIMINALS, harboring and relicving, except in case of certain kindred, how punishable, 559,


reward for apprehending may be offered by governor, 57.

by town council and mayors, 98.

penalty for bringing into state, 153.

CROPS of dower land may be bequeathed by widow, 518.

growing, stealing of, how punishable, 546.

thief may be arrested without warrant, and detained for six hours, 547. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, society for prevention of to have fines collected on its complaint or information, 206.

CRUELTY TO BRUTE CREATURES, penalties for, and provisions for process, 205-207. CULVERTS, maintenance of, and building to enter land by road, 142, 143.

CUMBERLAND, act of 1746, relative to land grants in, of New Plymouth, Massachusetts, and Massachusetts Bay, continued, 352.

CURBSTONES to be paid for by adjoining land-owners, 143, 144.

appeals from assessment for, 144.

CURRENCY, bank-bill and treasury notes may circulate as; penalty for other notes and bills,


authorized by congress, excepted from bank laws, 303.

CURTESY OF HUSBAND in wife's realty secured to him, 331, 390.

not subject to wife's will, 373.

CUSTODIANS OF PROPERTY of deceased persons, or of persons under guardianship, how appointed, 366.

CUSTOM-HOUSE OFFICERS AND CLERKS free from militia duty, 601.

CUTTING OR MAIMING MALICIOUSLY, punishable by not more than ten years' impris onment, 539, 540.

by not more than five years, 541.

CY PRES application to trusts may be made on petition or bill, how, 363.

DAMAGES, punitive, not allowed in surviving actions against executor or administrator, 444.

in discontinuance, default, demurrer, and submission, how to be assessed, 468.

in replevin, 530, 531.

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double and costs given for injury in removing bounds of private oyster-bed, 280.

treble for killing, wounding, or poisoning animal of another, 546.

double and treble allowed in actions for cutting or carrying away trees under growth, &c.,


set off in, when both parties recover, 531.

DAMAGE FEASANT ANIMALS, remedy by impounding, 224.

by action, 225.

writ for damage must have appraisal attached, made in ten days, 225.

DAMS may be kept up by mill-owners, 215.

damages for flow of water by, how determined, 215–218.

how long natural flow of stream may be detained by, 218.

DANGEROUS WEAPON, assault or battery with, how punished, 541.
DAY'S LABOR, number of hours making, in absence of special contract, 344.

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