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pish prayer on a nation whose religions are far more diverse now thin they were a century ago, these people threaten to excite exactly the same passions the Constitution was meant to damp down. Both sides would do well to give more careful study to the foundations of the constitutional democracy they are so busily trying to alter.


The Intentions of
the Authors

of the First Amendment

Michael J. Malbin

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Washington, D.C.

pish prayer on a nation whose religions are far more diverse now thin they were a century ago, these people threaten to excite exactly the same passions the Constitution was meant to damp down. Both sides would do well to give more careful study to the foundations of the constitutional democracy they are so busily trying to alter.


The Intentions of
the Authors

of the First Amendment

Michael J. Malbin

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Washington, D.C.

Michael J. Malbin is resident journalist at the American Enterprise
Institute and a contributing editor to National Journal.

ISBN 0-8447-3302-4

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 78-18353

AEI Studies 200

Second printing, August 1981

1978 by American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,
Washington, D.C. Permission to quote from or to reproduce materials in
this publication is granted when due acknowledgment is made.

Printed in the United States of America

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