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Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie, 301
Welcome to you, rich Autumn days, 782

Well! If the Bard was weather-wise, who made,


What is this life if, full of care, 782
What have I done for you, 794
What heart could have thought you?
Whate'er I be, old England is my dam !, 800
Whate'er you dream, with doubt possessed, 696
When Britain first, at Heaven's command, 291
When chapman billies leave the street, 308
When daisies pied and violets blue, 130
When icicles hang by the wall, 133
When I consider how my light is spent, 161
When I have fears that I may cease to be, 449
When I set out for Lyonnesse, 790
When I was once in Baltimore, 782
When love with unconfinèd wings, 191
When Robin Hood and Little John, 65
When that Aprille with his shoures soote, 40

When the hounds of spring are on winter's traces,

When the lamp is shattered, 427

When the quiet-coloured end of evening smiles, 655
When to the Sessions of sweet silent thought, 135
Wheer 'asta bean saw long and mea liggin' ere
aloan, 632

Where the bee sucks, there suck I, 134
While rain, with eve in partnership, 793

Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?,

Who is Silvia? What is she?, 134

"Why did you melt your waxen man, 686
Why I tie about thy wrist, 190

Why so pale and wan, fond lover?, 191
Why weep ye by the tide, ladie, 384
With fingers weary and worn, 517

With how sad steps, O moon, thou climb'st the
skies!, 127

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her chil-
dren, 779

Ye banks, and braes, and streams around, 314
Ye clouds! that far above me float and pause, 358
Ye dayntye Nymphs, that in this blessed brooke,


Ye distant spires, ye antique towers, 297

Ye flowery bank o' bonie Doon, 314

"Ye have robb'd," said he, "ye have slaughter'd
and made an end, 814

Ye learned sisters, which have oftentimes, 121
Ye mariners of England, 519

Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more, 158
You brave heroic minds, 129

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