Page images

space death from pyæmia and
gangrene of foot and leg, under Dr.
T. J. Elston, 207.

Dr. Steevens' Hospital.-Retention of

urine, with puncture of bladder-

large malignant tumour of breast,

under Mr. Colles, 76; Holt's opera-

tion for stricture, under Mr. Hamil-

ton, 100; cystic bronchocele, under

Dr. McDonnell, 123; exophthalmia,

under Mr. Colles, 139; the antiseptic

treatment, 165; case of leucocy-

thæmia, under Dr. H. Freke, 205;

fracture of the clavicle, caused by

muscular action, under Mr. Hamil-

ton, 225; chronic larygngitis, un-

der Mr. Swan, 277; abscess of the

prostate gland, under Mr. Swan,

299; ptyriasis versicolor and idrosis,

under Dr. Freke, 304.

Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.-Cases of
aneurism treated by iodide of potas-
sium, under Dr. G. W. Balfour,
329, 305, 390.

King's College Hospital.-Anæmia,
phthisis, and cancer of liver, under

Dr. Beale, 99, 122, 139, 165, 186,
206, 226, 371, 388, 409, 488.
London Hospital.-Case of varicocele
dependent on self-abuse, under Mr.
Rivington, 436.

Mercers Hospital. -Case of ilius,
under Dr. Eames, 351; popliteal
aneurism cured by double compres
sion, under Dr. Morgan, 370; cal-
culus in the bladder-lithotrity-
successful issue, by Mr. Morgan,
486; remarkable fistulous commu-
nication with the kidney in the
lumbar region, and discharge of
several calculi therefrom-lateral
lithotomy performed nine years ago,
under Mr. Morgan, 504; dropsy
and its pathology, under Mr.
Sharpey, 505, 524; locomotor ataxy
supervening upon syphilitic taint-
successful results from anti-syphi-
litic treatment, under Mr. D. B.
Hewitt, 548.

Richmond Surgical Hospital.-Epi-
thelioma of fourteen years' duration
situated on left cheek over the
malar eminence, under Mr. Wm.
Stokes, 8; enormous incarcerated
and subsequently strangulated in-
guino-scrotal hernia, probably con-
genital, under Mr. Stokes, 26;
excision of the upper jaw, under
Mr. W. Stokes, 54; strangulated
inguino-scrotal hernia, under Mr.
W. Stokes, 75; urethral stricture,
under Mr. W. Stokes, 224; multi-
locular ovarian tumour, ovariotomy,
unsuccessful results, under Mr. W.
Stokes, 436.

St. George's Hospital.-Abdominal
tumours, under Dr. Ogle, 227, 278,
305, 456, 547.
Westmoreland Lock Hospital.-Pri-
mary uterine sores, under Mr. Mor-
gan, 389; suppuration of the in-
guinal glands simulating the
"Bubon d'Emblee," with uterine
primary sore, under Mr. Morgan,

How to deal with our criminals, 541
Hughes, Dr. J. S., short notes on
Nice, 52, 118

Hunterian Medical Society of Edin-
burgh. 460

Hydrophobia, 322

City of Dublin Hospital, Dr. J. H.

Benson, 403

Guy's Hospital, Dr. Moxon, 322.

Jervis Street Hospital, Dr. S. M.
McSwiney, 461.

King's College, Dr. Guy, 318
London Hospital, Mr. G. Cutchell,


Liverpool Royal Infirmary, Mr. Fred.

T. Roberts, 339, 360

Meath Hospital, Dublin, Mr. Rawdon
Macnamara's inaugural address,


Pharmaceutical Society of Great

Britain, Mr. G. W. Sandford, 341

Queen's College, Birmingham, Lord
Lyttelton, 320

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,

Dr. Wm. Hargreave, 441

University College, Prof. Erichsen,

Ireland, the Apothecaries' Hall of,


Irish oyster culture, the, 281
Irish Poor-law medical service, 245

School of Physic, University of
Dublin. School of Surgery, Royal
College of Surgeons. The Ledwich
School of Medicine, Peter-street.
Steeven's Hospital School. The
Carmichael School of Medicine.
The Medical School of the Catholic
University. The City of Dublin
Hospital. The Meath Hospital and
County Dublin Infirmary. St.
Vincent's Hospital. The Adelaide
Hospital. Sir Patrick Dun's Hos-
pital. The Mater Misericordiæ
Hospital. Mercers' Hospital. Jer-
vis street Hospital. Rotundo Lying-
in Hospital. The Coombe Lying-
in Hospital, 268, 269

Irish universities and licensing bodies,
the, 64

Is the administration of wine in acute
diseases a mere fashion? Dr. T. W.
Grimshaw on, 177

Jackson, Dr. J. H., on the physiology
of language, 237

Jacob, Dr. Archibald H., on diseases
and injuries of the eye, 521

Jervis Street Hospital, introductory

lecture, Dr. S. M. McSwiney, 461

"Journal of the Irish Medical Asso-
ciation, the," 48

Junior Surgical Society of Ireland,
517, 518

[ocr errors]

"Doctors," civil and military, Lord

Amberley's views on abortion, 209-

The ailments of the medical body cor-

porate-No. I., the materiel of the

profession, a few words about fees,


The selection of a profession, recom.

mendations of the General Medical

Council, 243-4

The purgatory of London hospitals,


Squeamish lieutenants, Parliamentary

representation, Sir D. Corrigan, 293
Hospital ships, 311

The Brotherhood of St. Luke's, bar.
racks, 334

Local sanitary committees, the Medi-
cal Club, 352-353
Ventilation of troop-ships, 374
Married soldiers, professional auto-
cracy in medical journalism, the
Edinburgh Association for Improv-
ing the Condition of the Poor, 392-4
Reform of the Medical Council, certi-
ficate signatures, 411

The influence of medical politics on

the elections, Glasgow and Aber-

deen Universities, the enfranchise-

ment of the Scottish Universities

and the Lancet, 431-3

A few words about combatants and

non-combatants, the British fool,

the Navy Report, 450-1

Educational reform, smoke nuisance
and magisterial justice, report of
the Army Medical Department for
1866, 472-3
Educational reform-No. II., homoeo-
pathy in the Aberdeen Royal Infir-
mary, Army Medical Department
for the year 1866, 490-1
Educational reform-No. III., winter
climates, scarlatina or scarlet fever,

Educational reform-No. IV., the cat,
extra professional medical publica-
tion, the superannuation of Irish

[blocks in formation]

Lewis, Mr., on the treatment of the
apparently drowned, 17
Licensing bodies in Ireland, regula-
tions and bye-laws of, 256
Licensing system, history of the, 506
Ligature of the first stage of the right

subclavian artery, 539

List of entries in the register of the
Branch Medical Council, Ireland,
48, 175, 241

Little, Dr. W. J., on spinal weak-
ness (Review), 101
Liverpool Royal Infirmary School of
Medicine, 267

London hospitals and schools, 264-266
London Medical Benevolent Fund, 19
Longuet, M., on a new sphymograph,


MACDONALD, Dr., the case of, 14
Magdalene Asylum, Edinburgh, 514
Malvern College, speech day, 154
Malvern Hospital, 90
Marriages, 286

Medical Acts Amendment Act, the, 9
Medical Assistant, his duties and pri
vileges, the, 247
Medical calling, the, 400
Medical Club, the, 458
Medical Council, Dr. James' plan of
reforming the, 19; Dr. Williams'
reform in, 88; representation in
the, 192; Rivington, W., "on the
representation of the profession in
the," 301

Medical manners, 359

Medical officers of health, 219
Medical practitioners' (colonies) bill,
copy of, 48

Medical reform, Ashe, Dr., on, 68,

153; Cantab. on, 109; Crisp, Ed-
wards, Dr., on, 505; Cognovi, on,


Medical remuneration, 540
Medical training, 359
Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glas-
gow, 241

Medico-legal inquiries, 47
Medico-social pencillings of London
life and practice, Quid Nunc on,
455, 496, 514, 541, 559

Meeting of London and provincial

poor-law medical officers, the, 16
Metropolitan Board of Works, 20
Medulla oblongata, tumour in the,


Middlesex hospitals, 265

Military hospital arrangements in
Prussia, 175

Minute investigation of the kidney,

Mitchell, the late Mr., 379
Mitral disease, Lawson Tait on, 51
Mortality by enthetic disease, 19

NEVUS maternus, 364

National Association for the Promo-
tion of Social Science, 550
Naval medical service, 13
Naval Medical Department, official
regulations. (See Students' No.,

vol. vi., 250)
Netley Hospital, 245

New examination for pharmaceutical
assistants, the, 240

New nomenclature, the, 358
New President of the Poor-law Board,
the, 499

Neuralgia, sulphate of nickel in, 562
Nice, short notes on, by Dr. J. S.
Hughes, 52, 118

Nomenclature, the new, 358
Non-efficacy of the bromide of potas-
sium in chordee, the, 343
Notatation of mineral silicates, 551
Notes on the great debate in the
Medical Council, 35, 59

Notes on the metals (Review), 479


The Carmichael prizes, the next army
examination, public prosecutors,
convenient indispositions, the new
anaesthetic, the new penny paper on
the public health, 11-12
The future president of the Medical

Council, the Royal College of
Physicians of London, Royal Col-
lege of Surgeons of England, medi-
cal parliamentary representation,
medical statistics of the Abyssinian
expedition, first fruits of sanitary
reform in Liverpool, what should
we drink? poor-law salaries in
England, 36-37

Royal College of Surgeons of Eng-
land, University of Edinburgh, the
Abyssinian medical service, chloro-
form, glazing the streets, evils of
bad cooking, muzzling dogs, dust-
bins, 59-60

Royal College of Physicians of Lon-
don, Medical Department of the
Privy Council, medical candidates
for Parliament, aneurism in the
army, the Lothian's Medical Asso-
ciation, 82-83

The Duke of Edinburgh, St. Andrew's
Medical Graduates' Association,
the Registrar-General's quarterly
return for Ireland, prevention of
cruelty to animals, accidentally
poisoned, 104.5

Figures not, fears, the public health,

Medical honours at Oxford, nomen-

clature of diseases, Sir James Simp-
son, the late Mr. Travers, the cattle
plague, sunstroke, Junior University
Club, Dublin; the plague of flies,
bathing, pepsine biscuits, 146-8

Representation of the profession in
the Council, the fellowship of the
Royal College of Physicians of Lon-
don, the chair of botany in the
University of Dublin, death of Dr.
Mackenzie, of Glasgow; the medi-
cine of the future, the Thames,
yellow fever, real and apparent
death, vaccination, the onion as a
disinfectant, bathing, conveyance
of food, water companies, sickness
in Dublin, 171-3
Oxford University, London Hospital,
the "Dreadnought" Hospital Ship,
the West Middlesex coronership,
the British Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, the annual
report of the Scottish Registrar-
General, the penalty of unqualified
practice, the chair of botany in
Trinity College, Dublin; the naval
medical service, 189-91

Doctors in the legislature, the quar-
terly examinations at the Royal
College of Surgeons in Ireland, the
Dublin city prisons, reproduction
extraordinary, the perils of the sea-
side, 211-2

The public health, the city police
(London), a medical man fined,
over laying and death certificates,
medical capacity for coronerships,
the Medical Act against quacks,
qualification of medical assistants,
Scottish longevity, professional ap-
peal, 232-4

University of Cambridge, Lord Am-
berley and the Fenians, an insulted
coroner, full dress and disease,
register, lodgers and graduates, the
coming medical session in Lon-
don, Coombe Lying in Hospital,
Dublin, 282-5

Tweedledum v. Tweedledee, the mo-
rality of Lord Amberley's platform,
vaccino-maniacs, public health, is
smoking injurious? the new water
supply of Dublin, the health section
of the Social Science Association,
the Indian pharmacopoeia, parish
doctors and the franchise, Dr.
Humphrey Sandwith, scientific
popular lectures, examination and
prize scheme, the purgatory of Lon-
don hospitals, the value of a diploma,

The introductories, the dinners, prizes,
Queen's College, Birmingham; a
medical lecture in a chapel, Univer-
sity of Cambridge; the fall of the
leaf, the Aberdeen and Glasgow
Universities election, another medi-
cal candidate for Marylebone, poison
in socks, an unfinished infirmary,

Medical auction bidding, gas analyst,
Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford; un-
qualified interlopers, the societies,
treatment of the apparently drown-
ed, 335-6
Over-population, health of Dublin,
Queen's University in Ireland, Sir
Dominic Corrigan, repression of
syphilitic disease, disease in Dublin
during the last quarter, arrival of
the "Mauritius at Portsmouth,
scarlet fever, health of Salford,
West Kent Medical Society, the
elections, British Pharmacopoeia,
1867; alleged pauper ill-treatment
in workhouses, medical auctioneer-
ing, domestic torpedoes, Holborn
union, the stage doctor, the Queen's
University in Ireland, 353-7

Medical Society of London, alleged lunatics, homoeopathy, the late Dr. Sibbald, University of Aberdeen, the Registrarship of the College of Physicians of Ireland, King and Queen's College of Physicians, composition of Welsh lake water, the Golden Bridge Cemetery, Dublin; the Corrigan election fund, storage of petroleum, the Varty water supply for Dublin, honour to surgery, arrival of the ship "Clara" at Portsmouth, the Dublin Quarterly Journal, Woolwich dockyard drainage, bitter beer, pauperism, Sir D. Corrigan's candidature,


Army medical officers and reduction

in the army, certificates of purity, Royal College of Physicians of London, tobacco, Royal Commission on sanitary organisation and laws, asylum for the imbecile poor, the late Mr. Henry Brown, the quarterly return of the Registrar-General, verdict of murder against a surgeon, military hospitals, Sir D. Corrigan's candidature, death of Dr. Hardy, of Dublin; Beaumont Medical Society, the Scotch Universities, 395-7

Royal College of Physicians of London, Royal College of Surgeons of England, nurses for the sick poor, Charing Cross Hospital, ovariotomy, death from chloroform, the late Mr. Partridge, of Colchester; the late Professor Griesinger, Dr. Wolfe, the mastership of the Rotundo Lying-in Hospital, Dublin; Sir Dominic Corrigan, Gresham lectures, by E. Symes Thompson, M.D., F.R.C.P., Graham Professor of medicine; Colonial Benefit So. cieties, 412-4

Hospital v. Workhouse, the New Pharmacy Act, Dublin Obstetrical Society, homoeopathy at Aberdeen, the late Dr. Hellier, excision of joints, physician or surgeon, Dr. or Mr., Royal South Hants Infirmary, the army blue book, Lord Rector Moncrieff, 433-5

Scarlet fever, sudden death of a surgeon, Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities' election, the Pharmacy Act in Scotland, medical club, a champion of medical reform, Dublin Obstetrical Society, the Pathological Society, health of Dublin for the past week, over-housing, election to the Meath Hospital, Dublin ; medical men in Parliament, 452-4 Death from starvation, guardians v. Poor-law board, the Abergele Coroner, H.M.S. "Ariadne, death from hydrophobia, hints on quackery, the new Pharmacy Act and the dispensary practitioners, the health of Dublin, Thames purification from the sewage of Oxford, Eton, Windsor, and Abingdon ; Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society, payment of medical officers, killed during the elections, St. Andrew's Medical Graduates' Association, 474-6 New examination in operative surgery in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, superannuation of Irish Poor-law medical officers, Sir Dominic Corrigan, Junior Surgical Society, the last appointment of the

late Government, medical evidence, French medical bibliography, the manslaughter of a medical student in Dublin, Goodsir's anatomical works, public health, inquests in StPancras, testimonial to Dr. Chowne, Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals, fever in London, civic honours to medical men, a new principle of medical editorship, the preservation of meat, 492-5

The New Sanitary Act, 1868; Spanish quarantine, Royal College of Surgeons of England, the St. Pancras medical officer of health, disinfectants, dry and damp soils, twice Lord Mayor of Dublin, prevalence of scarlatina, the evils of sewing machines prevented, Dublin Hospital reports, the Under-Secretaryship, health of Dublin, Turkey and Greece, the Registrar Chief of the King and Queen's College of Physi cians of Ireland, 510-13 Mrs. Gladstone's Convalescent Home, the vestry of St. Pancras and the medical officer of health, the Indian cholera epidemic, the late lunacy case, small-pox at Sheffield, AngloGerman Ophthalmic Hospital, French Hospital and Infirmary, the sanitary condition of Falmouth, a Royal Commission on the Sanitary Laws, the Royal College of Science, Dublin; ligature of the first stage of the right subclavian artery, University of Cambridge-natural science scholarships, 538-9 Charity, public health, the treatment of consumption by ether, army medical promotion, rumoured reduction in the army medical department, the vacancy in Vincent's Hospital, Dublin; Professor Skoda, propagation of nuisances by the London Corporation, the recent candidature of Sir D. J. Corrigan, death of Sir Richard Mayne, K. C.B.; Medical Society of Dublin, Children's Hospital in Brighton, 557-9.

Note-taking, 359

Notices to Correspondents :-20, 48, 70, 90, 155, 176. 197, 220, 242, 286, 202, 324, 342, 364, 384, 402, 422, 440, 460, 479, 499, 520, 542, 562

Novel treatment of sunstroke, 373


Bradshaw, Mr., 155.
Cowan, Dr. C., 499.
Donovan, Dr. J., 520.
Edwards, Dr. G., 542.
Elliotson, Dr., 155.
Hobson, Dr., 499.
Kennion, Dr., 57.
Matteucci, Sig., 57.
O'Ferrall, Dr., 562.
Pouillet, 57.
Ramsbotham, Dr., 57.
Ryan, Dr., 562.
Sichel, M., 520.
Stevens, Dr., 155.

OCCLUSION of hydrogen gas by metals, 207

Opening of the General Medical Council, 9

[blocks in formation]

Chambers, Dr. T. K., on how shall we make our daily experience advance science? 179

Croly, Mr. H. G., on a case of strangulated femoral hernia, 202; amputation of the penis for cancer 224.

Dickie, Dr. John, cases in illustration of the value of chloroforn in convulsion, 327.

Donovan, Mr. M., on the dismemberment of pharmacy from medicine, 523.

Freke, Dr. H., on the nature of the

phenomena of paroxysm and intermission, 182.

Gray, Mr. H. C.. on a remarkable and curious case of foreign body in the larynx, 91.

Gordon, Dr. C. A., experiences of a regimental surgeon in India, 289, 348, 387, 429, 468.

Hamilton, Mr. E., on the spinal icebag in the treatment of delirium tremens, 291. Hayden, Dr. Thomas, on the patho

logy and significance of certain endo-cardial murmurs, 205. Hughes, Dr. J. S., short notes on Nice, 52, 118.

Jackson, Dr. J. Hughlings, on the physiology of language, 237. Jones, Dr. C. Handfield, on heatstroke, 423, 445, 464.

Jones, Dr. H. M., on the action of aconite and quinine in neuralgia, 5 Kelly, Dr. B., on urea and uric acid, 72, 93; on fever and inflammation, 203.

Kinkead, Mr. R. J., on some points connected with the operation for hare-lip, and excision of the lip for cancer, 160.

Little, Mr. P. C., on epilepsy, 184. Longuet, Mr. M., on a new sphymograph, 485.

Macalister, Mr, A., on the anatomy and physiology of the coronary arteries of the heart, 117. MacCormac, Dr., on the food question, 92; on artificial restraints on population, 277; ventilation, 449. McEvoy, Mr. F., on a fracture of both bones of the leg in two places, and the leg re-fractured after eleven weeks at the lower break-reco

very, 408. Martin, J., cases occurring in the

practice of, 97.

[ocr errors]

Maunsell, Dr. S. E., on the influence

of temperament on the diseases peculiar to India, 501. Morgan, Mr., a two months' summary of cases treated at the Westmoreland Lock Hospital, 95; pemphi gus syphiliticus, 303; syphilitic affections of the larynx, 325; syphilitic deposit in the heart, 425. Oppert, Dr. O., on the progress of sanitary improvement in existing hospitals, 21.

Porter, Dr. Angus M., notes on some peculiar cases of syphilis, 25, 50. Purdon, Dr. H. S., on the nervous connection of certain skin diseases, 157; on carbolate of quinia, 328. Roberts, Mr., on a case of compound fracture of frontal bones, with fracture of clavicle and acromion, 71. Sandham, Mr. W. H., on a case of melancholia treated by ice to the spine, 503.

Sturges, Dr. O., on the forms of pneumonia, 200, 368.

Tait, Lawson, on three cases of mitral disease, 51.

Tidy, Mr. C. M., gleanings in toxicology-No. I., on poisoning by nitrate of baryta, 447; No. II., on poisoning by colocynth, 529. Vesey, T. A., on a case of ileus successfully treated by electricity, 224. Waring-Curran, Dr., on ovarian neu

ralgia treated by hydrochlorate of ammonia and tincture of aconite, 162; cannabis indicus in catarrhus seniles, 222; fractures of the pubes, 370.

Williams, Dr. H. W., on practical schemes for extending the Contagious Diseases Act to the civil population, 180.

O'Sullivan, Dr., against the Limerick
Guardians, 499
Ovariotomy, 373

Overdose of laudanum, 111
Over-population and public health, 84
Oxford University, 219, 250

PARISH nurseries, 400
Pauperism, 55

Pemphigus syphiliticus, Mr. Morgan, on, 303

Peroxide of nitrogen, 551
Pharmacy Bill, the, 41
Physicians of Edinburgh, Royal Col-
lege of, 262

Physicians v. Surgeons, 201
Physiology of language, Dr. J. H.
Jackson on the, 237
Pleuro-Pneumonia, 458
Poison of toads, the, 530

Poor-law and medical inspectors (Ireland) bill, 47

[ocr errors]

Poor-law medical officers' association, 373, 400

Poor-law Reform, 498

Poor relief (salary of auditors), 47
Primipara, an aged, 342

Private Scotch Bills, 556
Projected appointments at the Dublin
College of Science, the, 561
Prolapsus ani, 342

Queen's College, Belfast. Queen's
College, Cork. Queen's College,
Galway, 270

Provincial Schools of Medicine, 266 Public health, the, 47, 69, 89, 111, 154, 195, 286, 323, 363, 401, 449

[blocks in formation]

A collection of the published writings of the late Thomas Addison, M.D., Physician to Guy's Hospital, 145 Barton on the nature and treatment of syphilis, 498

Cameron's stockfeeder's manual, 124 Chapman on sea-sickness, and how to prevent it, 437

Clark on bandages and splints, 57 Drysdale's Ueber die behandlung der syphilis, 549

Garrod on the essentials of materia medica and therapeutics, 57 Guy's principles of forensic medicine,

102 Half-yearly abstract of the medical

sciences, vol. 47-Jan. to June, 1868. The retrospect of medicine, edited by W. Braithwaite, M.D., and James Braithwaite, M.D., vol. 57-Jan. to June, 1868, 58 Hebra on diseases of the skin, 527 Heiberg's researches on syphilis, 372 Klob on pathological anatomy of the female sexual organs, 102

Little on spinal weakness and spinal curvatures; their early recognition and treatment, 101

Miller's elements of chemistry-inorganic chemistry, 123

Moore on rodent cancer, with photo

graphic and other illustrations, 57 Mosler on the treatment of typhus fever, 79

Parker, Langston, on the mercurial vapour bath, 549

Perpetual almanack and calendar for the investigation of dates, 479 Physician, a, on education and training considered as a subject for legislation, 58

Prince on plastics; a new classification and brief exposition of plastic surgery, 102

Seaton's haudbook of vaccination, 57 "The British army in 1868," 187 Thorowgood on consumption and its treatment by the nypophosphites, 390

Trousseau's lectures on clinical medicine, 145

Wanklyn on water analysis, 515 Watt's dictionary of chemistry, five vols., 124

Wood's notes on the metals, 479

Rodent caucer (Review), 57
Rogan, Dr., death of, 242
Royal College of Physicians in Lɔn-
don, 111, 134, 253

Royal College of Surgeons in England, 111, 254

Royal Hospital for Imbeciles, Putney, 241

Royal Infirmary, Elinburgh, 556 Royal Medical Benevolent Fund of Ireland, 47, 134

Royal Medical Society of Elinburgh, 556

Royal Sea-Bathing Infirmary, Mirgate, 241

Royal Society of Edinburgh, 514 Rules for registration in the Scottish Universities, 108

ST. ANDREW's University, 263
St. Cuthbert's, 556

St. Pancras New Infirmary, 99
Sale of poisous, 77

Salt-cure of Reichenhall, the, 342
Sea-sickness, 437

Secret poisonings at Marseilles, the, 537

Schools of Medicine, provincial, 266
Scotch double qualifications, the, 262
Scotland, registration in, 70
Scottish Hospital in London, 489
Scottish Medical Intelligence, 414,
456, 476, 489, 513, 535
Scottish Registrars, 489
Scottish Registrar-General's Quarterly
Return, 196

Scottish Universities, rales for registration in, 108

Secondary school education, 30
Sewage experiments at Tottenham, 70
Sheffield School of Medicine, 267
Sick poor of East London, the, 410
Site of the new Edinburgh Infirmary,
the, 535

Social Science Congress, 332

Address by Dr. H. W. Rumsey,
361, 380, 398, 416.
President's address, 332.

Solubility of oxide of iron, 86
South Dublin Union, 377
Sparrows and rabbits in Australia,

Spectra of potassium and barium, 208
Spinal weakness (Review), 101

Starch in the yellow of eggs, on the presence of, 551

Statistics of insanity, 90-in Scotland, 134-in Ireland, 154 Stiffened bandages, on, 518 "Stimulants," Dr. W. J. Cummins, on, 128, 135

Stricture, Mr. R. Macnamara, on, 343, 365, 385

Students, registration of, 31

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

gunshot wound of the skull, 331;
yellow fever, 331; pleuro-pneumo-
nia, 458; mortality in India ac-
cording to temperament, 458;
malingering, 458; on heat-apoplexy,
on the communicability of
phthisis, 519

Dublin Obstetrical Society.-On retro flexion of the uterus, 518 Forfarshire Medical Association, 108 Junior Surgical Society of Ireland. -The President's address, 517; on some points in the physiology of respiration, 518; on stiffened bandages, 518

Medical Society of London. On bloodletting as a point of scientific practice, 379; dilatation of the urethra, 438; on the medio-lateral operation of lithotomy, 439; on the phases of physic in the 19th century, 458; on gall stones, 519; the spectroscope in relation to physiological and pathological research, 550 Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow. -Sanitary aspect of the sewage question, 331

Pathological Society of Dublin.-Nonmalignant tumour, 526

Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society.-Certain points in the physiology and pathology of the fifth pair of cerebral nerves, 525

St. Andrew's Medical Graduates' Association, 107.

Transfusion of blood, 479 Treatment of a severe case of whoopingcough by vaccination, 195 Treatment of consumption by the hypophosites, 390

[blocks in formation]


Printed for the Proprietor by M'GowAN & DANKS, and published every Wednesday Morning, by ALBERT ALFRED TINDALL. London: 20 King William street, Strand. Dublin: 3 Lincoln place. Edinburgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, Sonth Bridge.

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