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were led to believe that the Federal forces were victorious. They procured a skiff, crossed the creek, and inadvertently strayed within the enemy's lines, where they were all made prisoners.


General Garnett had at this time nearly 10,000 men under his command, and occupied a position at Beverly, on Tygart's Valley river, Randolph Co., in a valley of the Alleghany Mountains. Two good roads unite at an acute angle at this place, one leading westwardly to Buckhannon, and the other northwest to Phillipi. A mountainous ridge crosses both these roads in front of Beverly, and at each point of intersection General Garnett had an intrenched camp. The first was on the road to Buckhannon, called the Rich Mountain Camp, under command of Colonel Pegram; and the second, on the road to Phillipi, called Laurel Hill Camp, under General Garnett's personal command.

Early on the morning of the 11th of July, General Rosecrans was dispatched to attack Colonel Pegram, and dislodge him from his posi tion. General Morris was to make a simultaneous movement on the position held by General Garnett.

JULY 12, 1862.

The rebel entrenchments at Rich Mountain were very strong in their position, and were evidently to be taken only by a great sacrifice of life. They had rolled great trees down the steep sides of the mountain, and banding their branches into a general entanglement, filled the open spaces with earth and stones. The dense forest on all sides made the approach almost impassable. General Rosecranz was accordingly directed to attack them in their rear. For this purpose he took with him the Eighth and Tenth Indiana, and the Nineteenth Ohio, and under the leadership of an experienced guide, started about daylight to ascend the mountain. The path was exceedingly difficult and tedious, most of the distance being through thick laurel underbrush, almost impenetrable woods, and a broken, rocky region, which gave them a toilsome march of nearly nine miles. Meantime a courier from General McClellan with dispatches for General Rosecrans, had been captured by the rebels, who instantly took the alarm, and a body of 2,500 men were sent to the top of the mountain by a short route

which they commanded, and on the arrival of the Union forces they stood ready for defence. The rebels had three cannon in place, and awaited the troops, facing that part of the road where they would emerge from the timber. For some time there was skirmishing, the rebels firing their cannon into the woods at random. The Union troops had no cannon, and left the sheltering trees only long enough to deliver a volley at any one time, and then retired back to the bushes. They thus succeeded in drawing the enemy from his earthworks, and leading him into the open fields, where the encounter took place.

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Colonel Lander called for twenty sharpshooters, who speedily left the cannon without men to work them. Their places were filled by others, when the Nineteenth Ohio, which had gained a position on high ground in the rear, poured in a tremendous volley, and giving loud cheers, rushed forward for a closer struggle. The Eighth and Tenth immediately charged upon the guns and carried them, and then the entire entrenchment. The enemy found it impossible to resist the impetuous and daring onset, and broke up instantly in a total rout. The action was short, but fiercely contested. One hundred and forty rebels were found killed, while the Federal loss was only twenty-five or thirty.

The victors attempted to follow the flying enemy, but after proceeding a short distance were recalled, and formed in line, in anticipation of an attack from the fort, at the foot of the mountain. It appeared, however, that when their cannon ceased firing they gave up all as lost, and deserted their works. General Rosecranz remained on the field burying the dead, and taking care of the wounded, till next morning, when he marched down to the fort with his forces, and took possession. Several hundred prisoners were taken on the field, and Colonel Pegram, after wandering about nearly two days without finding a chance to escape, surrendered unconditionally to General McClellan, with the remnant of his command, numbering six hundred men.


JULY 13, 1861.

While these stirring events were transpiring, General Garnett, hearing of the combined movements, and conscious that he would be unable to maintain his position, or make a successful retreat if defeated, withdrew his forces from the Laurel Hill camp, and was proceeding towards Beverly, when he received intelligence of the surrender of Colonel Pegram and the rapid advance of General Rosecranz, accompanied by the intrepid Colonel Lander, towards the spot he was himself approaching. He then struck off on the Leading Creek Pike, half a mile from Leadsville, and commenced a rapid retreat towards St. George, in Tucker county;

General Morris's brigade entered the rebel camp at Beverly at 10 A. M. of Friday, the 12th of July. At 11 o'clock the Federal troops detailed to follow General Garnett started in pursuit, under Captain Benham. The advance comprised Colonel Steedman's Ohio Fourteenth, Colonel Milroy's Ninth and Colonel Dumont's Seventh Indiana, and two pieces of artillery, with forty men-total about eighteen hundred and fifty. At two o'clock on the morning of the 13th they set out in a pitiless storm, guided by the baggage, tents, trunks, blankets, knapsacks, and clothing thrown away by the enemy. The roads had been obstructed by the retreating foe. A guide, however, led them by a cross-road, which enabled them to gain rapidly on the enemy. on the enemy. On reaching the track again, it was found necessary to keep an advance of axe-men to clear the obstructions. This was performed with the greatest zeal and alacrity, while the storm raged furiously around them.

About noon General Garnett had reached and passed Kahler's Ford, twelve miles from St. George. When the advance of the Federal troops emerged from the ford they caught sight of the rear of the enemy, and

they were instantly nerved with new life. The retreating Southerners were also excited, and redoubled their speed, if possible, throwing away everything that encumbered their progress. General Garnett had become thoroughly convinced that there was no alternative but to make a stand, and thus test the question of superiority without delay. He continued his course, however, until he came to the fourth ford on the river, known as Carrick's Ford, and prepared to receive his pursuers. On the left bank of the river were level bottom lands, con-fields, and meadows. On the right high bluffs commanded the fields below, and its bank was thickly hedged in with impenetrable thickets of laurel. Fording the river, and placing his men on the high bluff on the right, they were completely concealed, while the situation gave his artillery every advantage. The wagon train was left standing in the river, evidently to mislead his pursuers with the idea that they were unable to cross the rocky bed of the stream. The Federal troops advanced to seize the train, and were consequently within range of his artillery on the bluff.

The Federal columns pushed rapidly forward, Colonel Steedman's Fourteenth Ohio in front, and as they approached the teams their drivers called out that they would surrender. The position, and the conduct of the teamsters, however, excited the suspicions of the regiment, and the men were disposed in order, with skirmishers thrown out towards the ford, the line moving down after them in the finest order. Just as the advance were approaching the stream, and only about two hundred yards from the steep bluff on the other side, an officer rose from the bushes and gave the order to fire. Immediately a volley of musketry was followed by a discharge of artillery. The Fourteenth Ohio and Seventh Indiana were directly under the fire, and returned it, doing good execution, while that of the enemy flew harmlessly over their heads. The Fourteenth Ohio, being nearest the ford, were almost exclusively aimed at, and for a time the storm of war was frightful. The roar of cannon, the crashing of trees, the bursting of the shells, and quick volleys of musketry made the wild scene of terrible and appalling havoc. Amid it all our men stood undaunted, and returned the fire with great rapidity, and in superior order. Burnett's artillery then came up, and opened, and under cover of their fire the Seventh Indiana was directed to cross the river and climb the bluff on the enemy's left. They made the attempt, and two companies had already reached the top, when they were directed to descend and make the ascent so as to turn the enemy's right. Colonel Dumont led his men down the stream with such dispatch, that the enemy could not turn his pieces upon them until they were concealed from view by the smoke, and beyond the guns on the bluff. During this movement the Fourteenth Ohio, and Colonel Milroy's Ninth Indiana, with our artillery, kept up a brisk

fire in front, until suddenly Colonel Dumont's men, having scaled the bluff, appeared on the right, and poured in a volley. The appearance of our troops there was the signal for a retreat, and the enemy instantly broke up in rout and disorder, precipitately flying from, the field.

Our regiments and artillery then crossed the river in hot pursuit. At a distance of a quarter of a mile the road again crosses the stream, and General Garnett sought in vain to rally his troops at this point. Major Gordon of the Seventh Indiana led the advance, and soon reached the spot where General Garnett, on the opposite side of the river, was endeavoring to rally his forces around him. Gordon called upon Captain Ferry's company, and ordered them to fire. The rebels greeted Major Gordon with one volley and fled. General Garnett turned to. call his men, and motioned them back, but al in vain. At this moment, Sergeant Burlingame, of Captain Ferry's company, raised his piece, took aim, and fired. General Garnett fell backward, his head lying towards our forces, and with open mouth, as though gasping for breath. He uttered not a groan, and when Major Gordon reached him, a few moments afterwards, he was just expiring. The Major stooped down, tenderly closed his eyes, disposed his limbs, and left a guard of loyal soldiers around him to protect all that remained of the chivalrous and honored, but mistaken leader of Western Virginia.

Every Virginian among the followers of this gallant man fled, and left him to fall and expire alone. But a young soldier wearing the Georgia uniform and button, sprang to his side, only to share his fate, for a musket shot answered this devotion with death, and he fell side by side with his commander. The Federal troops, even in the glow of victory, stopped to pay a tribute of respect to this generous youth. They placed a board at his grave and cut rudely upon it, "A brave fellow, who shared his General's fate and fell fighting by his side. Name unknown."

The loss of our troops was killed, two; wounded, twelve. The enemy lost eight on the field, three died in hospital, and ten others were wounded. A large number of prisoners were taken, including six Georgia captains and lieutenants, a surgeon, and a number of noncommissioned officers. Beside prisoners, there were also captured two stands of colors, one rifled cannon, forty loaded wagons, hundreds of muskets and side arms, with other effects of various kinds.

This action is honorable in the highest degree to all engaged in it. They had pursued and overtaken an enemy who had twelve hours advance; they had made a forced march of nearly thirty miles in less than twenty-four hours, over the worst of roads, and with scarcely any food, some of the men having been without nourishment for thirty-six hours. They then fought a battle, cut off the enemy's baggage train, captured

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