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a new State, to be called "Kanawha." It included thirty-nine counties, and provision was made for the admission of other adjoining counties, if a majority of the people of each desired it. The question of forming a separate State was submitted to the popular vote on the 24th of October, and resulted in favor of the proposition by a large majority, Since that time other counties have signified a desire to be admitted.

Western Virginia, became the scene of military operations directly after the war broke out, following in close order upon the occupation of Alexandria. On the 30th of May Colonel Kelly took possession of Grafton, and the occupation of Phillipi followed but a few days subsequently. Federal troops also crossed the Ohio and entered Parkersburgh. General McClellan had command of this portion of the State, it being included in the Ohio district, and issued his proclamation to the Union men of Virginia.

A series of offensive and defensive events now followed each other in rapid succession, exhibiting bravery and determination unparalleled in history-individual heroism and uncomplaining endurance of sufferingrapid marches and brilliant charges, that shine in letters of fire upon the pages of our war history, and threw the prestige of early victory about the northern arms. It was here that McClellan won his first laurels— here that chivalric Lander met a soldier's death-here that Kelly, was wounded, till for weeks and weeks his life was despaired of. In fact, Western Virginia is covered with victorious Union battle-fields. She has indeed given their greenest laurels to many of our generals.

The military department of Ohio, in which Western Virginia was included, was organized on the tenth of May, and Major-General George B. McClellan appointed to the command. His headquarters were at Cincinnati. On the 26th of the same month he issued his first proclamation, declaring that his mission was one of fraternity, union, and protection, and called upon all patriotic men to aid him in his endeavors to accomplish this holy purpose. The proclamation produced a marked effect. Colonel Kelly, of Wheeling, Virginia, had prior to that date organized a regiment for the defence of the Union, known as the "First Virginia Volunteers."

On Friday, the 24th of May, about twelve hundred rebels had assembled and marched from Harper's Ferry to Grafton, a town on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and forced many citizens to abandon their homes and fly for safety, leaving their property to be pillaged by the enemy. About one hundred of the fugitives reached Morgantown. The inhabitants of that place, warned of their danger, immediately flew to arms and prepared for a vigorous defence. Finding that they were not to be molested, and burning for revenge, they marched, 1000 strong-their ranks having been swelled by friends from Pennsylvania-towards Grafton.

The rebels became alarmed and fled to Philippi, in Bourbon county, about 17 miles southward. On Monday, the 27th, detachments of Ohio and Indiana troops crossed the Ohio river at Wheeling and at Marietta, on their way, also, to Grafton. Simultaneously, Colonel Kelly's regi ment of Virginians moved forward in the same direction, but the bridges having been destroyed, their march was delayed. At every point, and especially at Mannington and Fairmount, they were received with great enthusiasm and hailed as deliverers.


Brigadier-General Thomas A. Morris arrived at Grafton on the evening of June 1st, and took command of the Union forces. An expedition was immediately organized to surprise and attack the rebels at Philippi, under the command of Colonel Porterfield. The troops left in two divisions. The First Virginia regiment, part of the Ohio Sixteenth, and the Seventh Indiana, under Colonel Kelly, moved eastward, by rail to Thornton, a distance of five miles, and from.there marched on twenty-two miles to Phillipi, reaching the town on the lower side. The second division, consisting of the Sixth and Seventh Indiana, the Fourteenth Ohio, and a section of artillery under Lieutenant-Colonel Sturgis, met by detachments at Webster, on the North-western Virginia railroad, and marched twelve miles to Phillipi. The combined forces were commanded by Colonels Dumont and Lander, and at eight o'clock on the night of the 2d of June marched forward through one of the most overwhelming storms known to our country that year. Lander had been detailed to a special command by General Morris, and in the terrible march that followed, through darkness, mud and rain he led the way, sometimes exploring the route three miles ahead of his forces, in the midst of profound darkness, and through mud so deep and tenacious that every forward step was a struggle. The men followed, bravely toiling through the miry soil, staggering forward in thick darkness, and pelted by the rain so violently that they could not have seen the road had it been daylight. Still, not a murmur was heard. Against the whole force of the elements the brave fellows struggled on, eager for the storm of fire which was soon to follow the deluge that poured upon them. Now and then Lander's majestic form, seated upon his charger, would loom upon them through the darkness, returning from his scouting duty to cheer them with his deep, sympathetic voice, which aroused them like a trumpet. Thus they moved on, supported by one stern purpose, through woods, across valleys, and over hills, the storm drowning their approach till they drew up on the edge of the town

overlooking the enemy. But it was not altogether a surprise. Just before they reached the town the troops had passed a farm-house. A woman within that house sprang from her bed as she saw the lines of troops filing slowly by in the misty gray of the dawn, and guessed their object. She instantly aroused her little son and sent him by a short cross-road to give the alarm. The boy was quick of foot, but the hopes of conflict had so aroused the energies of these jaded men that he was but a few minutes in advance of them.

Lander's troops took position on a hill across the river and below the town, commanding it and the encampments around. He at once planted two pieces of artillery, and prepared to open fire at exactly four o'clock, the hour agreed upon for the attack, which was to be made at once by both divisions. Lander was to assault them in front, while Kelly was to attack the rear and cut off all retreat. But Lander found his division alone before the enemy. The terrible night, the almost impassable roads, and a march of twenty-two miles had delayed Kelly's forces, and when he did arrive it was to come in by mistake below the town.

The presence of Lander's troops aroused the town and threw it into terrible commotion. In vain Lander searched the distant hills, impatient for Kelly's appearance. The hour of attack had arrived and passed. The men became impatient as their leader, who, in his indomitable courage commenced the battle with a portion of his forces.

When Lander gave the order his eager men sprang to their posts, and the artillery opened fire. As the first gun awoke its thunder on the encampments, Kelly advanced, but in the wrong direction. He instantly comprehended Lander's action, and with prompt courage charged upon the encampments. The batteries had by this time obtained the range, and were pouring in their messengers of terror and death, tearing through tents and cabins, and scattering the rebels like chaff in every direction. After firing a volley of musketry, Lander advanced.

Colonel Kelly's command was close upon the enemy, the Virginia troops in advance, the Henry Clay Guards in front, and Colonel Kelly and Captain Fordyce leading, while Colonel Lander's force came rushing down the hill to the bridge and joined in an impetuous pursuit of the fugitives. Colonel Kelly, who, with a bravery amounting almost to rashness, had been foremost from the very first, was shot by a concealed foe, the ball entering the left breast and lodging beneath the shoulder blade. As his men conveyed him to a place of safety, this brave man, while in the agony of his pain, exclaimed, "I expect I shall have to die. I would be glad to live, if it might be, that I might do something for my country, but if it cannot be, I shall have at least the

consolation of knowing that I fell in a just cause.'

But he was not

destined to be cut off in the zenith of his fame and usefulness. After a few weeks of danger and anguish he was again performing noble duty for the country he loved so well.

In this dashing victory fifteen of the rebels were killed, a large number wounded, and ten taken prisoners, together with a quantity of camp equipage, arms, &c. The organization of the rebels at that point was completely broken up, and the men driven to the mountains.


The bitter animosity of the rebel army was strikingly illustrated on the 23d July, by the destruction of a large number of locomotives and cars of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad by secession troops under the command of Colonel Thomas J. Jackson. Forty-eight locomotives and three hundred cars were blown up or burned, one of the engines having been previously wrapped in our national ensign. The road had been rendered impassable by the destruction of bridges, and, therefore, the rolling stock could not have been rendered available. The estimated loss was about three-quarters of a million of dollars.


General McClellan, during the time that elapsed since his appointment, had been actively engaged in organizing his forces and getting them ready for efficient service. Scouting parties-an important feature of his department-were detailed for service, and raw troops replaced by experienced men. Colonel Kelly, who was now recovering from the wounds received at Phillipi, had been appointed by Governor Pierpont to the command of the Virginia brigade of volunteers. Gens. Morris, Hill, Schenck and Schleich were assigned their respective positions the telegraph lines were put in order, and new ones for military purposes were constructed where necessary. The arrival of fresh regiments, among which Colonel Rosecranz made his appearance, added great activity to the department. On the side of the enemy were Generals Robert S. Garnett, Henry A. Wise, Ex-Governor, John B. Floyd, Ex-Secretary of War, and Colonel Pegram.

Columns of Federal troops were dispatched to attack the enemy, simultaneously, at three different points, and the first collision between them occurred on the 10th of July.


A brigade of rebels under Governor Wise, crossed the Alleghanies. to the head-waters of the Kanawha, with the intention of attacking the rear of McClellan's forces, while General Garnett was prepared to meet him in front. General Cox had been dispatched to this section. with a considerable force of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky troops, and was encamped on the Kanawha about ten miles below its junction with Scarey Creek. Hearing that a portion of the rebel force had taken position at Scareytown, but four miles above his camp, on the other side of the river, and were entrenching themselves there, General Cox dispatched a force of about 1,000 men, consisting of the Twelfth Ohio, a portion of the Twenty-first Ohio, the Cleveland Artillery, and a detachment of cavalry, all under the command of Colonel Lowe, to dislodge the rebels if practicable. The column was ferried across the stream, and moved cautiously onward, the scouts scouring the country as they advanced. The enemy was found to be entrenched on the opposite side of Pocatallico Creek, here intersecting the Kanawha, protected by breast works, and also sheltered by woods, about half way up a slope of high hills, having two pieces of artillery in position, while a portion of their infantry had possessed themselves of ten or twelve log huts, constituting the village of Scareytown, in which they had improvised loop-holes. The Federal troops were met by a discharge from the rebel battery as soon as they made their appearance; but the artillery of Captain Cotton soon got in position, and returned the fire of the enemy with good effect. The infantry were now ordered to advance, and rushed fearlessly across the stream, which was fordable, in the face of a heavy fire. The left wing, composed of portions of the Twelfth and Twenty-first Ohio, had reached the enemy's entrenchments, but being unsupported by the right, and a fresh regiment of the rebels appearing on the ground, they were compelled to retreat, leaving many of their dead and wounded on the field.

The loss of the Federal forces by this engagement was nine killed, thirty-eight wounded, and three missing. Of the rebel loss we have no record.

A great misfortune of the day, however, was the capture of five of the principal officers of General Cox's command, who were not attached to the expedition.

Colonels Woodruff and De Villers, Lieutenant-Colonel Neff, and Captains Austin and Hurd, prompted by an eager desire to witness the engagement in which they were not assigned a part, rode up the banks of the river to its junction with the creek, and hearing a loud shout,

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