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tives and that, disgusted with a sickening world, in calm retirement, he should seek for peace. He sought it here--and in Bellarmin's name, was here most safely sheltered! When, soon, the daring calumny spread wide, of "Traitor"-of Assassin"-and the sad narrative perverted,. confirm'd the perjur'd statement. You'll say I should have answered this? No-aware such influence, and such arts, would, with such Judges, beat down humble truth, I kept immur'd! and my reported death checking inquiry, whilst the loud world sung forth the slanderer's praise, I could look inward, and exclaim, better for ever undeserved disgrace, than hear applause the heart can never sanction!

Agnes. My Lord, (to Ravensburg), though lost in wonder, and in joy, and now most certain he proclaim'd me as Manfredi's daughter, to give a colour to each cruel charge! yet can I see a fellow creature, torn with such convulsive agony !-Go-speak-console him.

Abbot. (To Prince). You hear!

Prince. I do! and if Manfredi had, like me, beheld her angel mother's form, the strong resemblance had betray'd the secret, and mad ambition had been sooner crushed! I sue, I supplicate for death-life, life's the dreaded punishinent for guilt like mine! Come-I implore ye!

Abbot. 'Tis gone! 'tis vanish'd! and I, who hated and opposed, now feel my Edict surpasses even royal rights! Monarchs may spare, yet also they must punish! By my Prerogative, I can but pardon --be safe within these walls, till higher power determines on your fate. (The Prince is led up the Stage). Now hope we to fulfill a far more welcome office, the union of two hearts, that beat in unison,

and that, and our forth-coming installation, past(Music without)-Hark! they come-The warfare o'er, the sons of peace approach.

Ravens. (Looking out). Oh! glorious, welcome sight! and let none say the days of darkness are returned, when such desert is crown'd with such reward-My Lord, they enter they expect you.

Abbot. Why, aye; and if my Princess will partake - She will, she will- and 'tis not there, that I shall seek reward-'Tis here! 'tis here.(Taking the Princess's hand.)




The Installation, &c.

All the Characters discovered.


Hail, hour of glory!

Hail, hour of glory!

Long o'er our hearts may our Abbot sway!
Fam'd in story,

Long live this hallow'd and this happy day!

Abbot. Be ever chronicled this blest event! And now my Princess shall with me unite to root out secret, subterraneous Justice, and fixing it in fair and open day, unmask Free Knights, and hail the dawn of genuine freedom, and enlightened Truth!


Now your lofty Peans raise,

To our youthful Princess' praise.
Ne'er may such bless'd Rulers sever—
May our Princess live for ever!

London Printed by B. M'Millan,
Bow Street, Covent Garden.


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