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and tript after me, like fo many prifoners of war. But where's Mr. Doric, and, who the deuce is he? Nobody feems to know him; but, they fay, that's nothing; and, for my part, I like this new acquaintance fyftem as well as any of them; for if a man only visits friends, egad! he won't be afk'd out twice a year. (Mufic repeated.)

YOUNG DORIC is feen receiving the falu

tations of the company in the recess. That's him! ahem! (pulling out his chitterlin, &c.) I mustn't be behind hand, for I'll confult him on Sir Edward's concert-afk him for fingers and muficians.

Y. Doric (advancing). Major Tornado, I'm inform'd (taking his hand). Nothing unpleasant, I hope, has fo long detained you.

Major. Sir! (bowing)

Y. Doric: Detain'd! Oh! no-I ftaid away on purpose. We never arrive, now, 'till an hour after our company; and generally go to another party and leave them; for, you don't come to fee me, you know, nor I to fee you--but, you come -you-pray, why do you come ?

Major. Why, be upon my foul, I can hardly tell


Y. Doric. No! and therefore to relieve both hoft and visitor, why not the plan that I propofe? Why not these great confectioners and cooks, prepare the company, as well as the provifions.

Major. Prepare the company.

Y. Doric. Ay; isn't it as eafy to make a little Lord as a large trifle! a woman of fashion, as a whipt fyllabub? or a purse-proud citizen, as calf's-foot jelly? And then, Major, we should have the best of parties on the best of terms; for they'd eat no fupper, talk no nonfenfe, and be taken off with the fragments.


Major. You are the very man I want. Sir, can you help me to conduct a concert?

Y. Doric. To be fure I can.

Major. To-morrow, at Sir Edward Specious's boufe, and, between ourselves, we've not one finger yet but, as director, I'm empowered to use all thefe bank-notes: look! to the beft ad-. vantage (hewing them).

Y. Doric. And Sir Edward wants fingers?
Major. He does indeed!

Y. Doric. And that's to pay for them? (Major nods affent) Then, in the next room there is a lady with the clearest and divineft tones! but, by this letter, which I found, a favage landlord, for a debt of forty pounds, now waits to cage the warbling bird. But pay the rafcal with Sir Edward's money, and he himself fhall, late or early, own, that you have used it to the best advantage.

Major. So, he will.-Here, afk the lady to give her notes, and thus I give Sir Edward'sYet, hold! this savage landlord fhould not gain his point.

Y. Doric. No, he wont: for, hark ye! he arreft's her to-(whispering and laughing)—He! he! and, better ftill-her name is Aubrey.

Major. Aubrey! what Aubrey?

Y. Doric. Oh! he has heard her voice before, but not to such a tune as this-So, whilft you live, fee company, Major; for, at the rate of forty pounds a head, you'll soon grow rich by hofpitality-and, for Sir Edward, tell him, the next time the school is in arrears, he had beft make it help his education, by taking it in leffons,-ha! ha.-You've ufed his money to the beft advantage! (Smacks him on the back.) [Exit. Major. What! what, Mrs. Aubrey? Surely, not Olivia's governefs! Yet, now I recollect, my

fifter faid-Blefs my foul! there's no end to rural diverfion! and, haply, whilft pursuing that, I have forgot the beft diverfion life affords-that of affifting the unfortunate.-Poor, poor Olivia! Zounds! if I'm duped-(going)

OLIVIA appears.

Oh! here's my partner!-the unknown lady, that
I danc'd with.-'Piha! I've no fpirits now.

Olivia. So! I've found you, fir, at laft-Upon my word, a very truant gentleman! to leave your partner ftaring round the room-Pray, fir, do you mean to dance again?

Major. No, madam; I

Olivia. No! I wish you had told me fo an hour ago; for I've refused a dozen gay, young,but, then, perhaps, they'll never think of me again -and, fomehow, you-come,-come,-go with


Major (turning away). I cannot.

Olivia. Dear! (looking in his face) How you're altered!-You looked as cheerful, and as pleafedMajor (taking her hand). Farewell! and, unlike her who occupies my thoughts, may you ne'er meet a parents, or protector's cold neglect!

Olivia (bursting into tears). Parents! alas! you've touched upon the ftring--

Major. In tears! what! they're no more?

Olivia. I know not; but he, who for years supplied to me their lofs,-he, who engroffed my bleffing and my prayers, has liftened to abase, calumnious tale, and caft me on the world, the wretched orphan that he found me. Major. Orphan !

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Olivia. He has! he has; but his paft kindnefs ftill rushes on Olivia's memory, and her overflowing


Alowing heart (falling at his feet) thus, thus pours forth its gratitude and love.

Major (trying to raife her).Olivia !-come to your protector's arms! (embracing her)

Olivia. My more than parent-my benefactor.
Major. My bleffings on thee!

Enter immediately from the back feene, Young Doric and Mrs. Aubrey.

Y. Doric. And mine! and this wrong'd lady's on you both-and, henceforth, if I can but raise one guinea in the world, I'll give a little party to fome friends, juft for the chance of a deffert like this.

Olivia (fying to Mrs. Aubrey). Oh! Mrs. Aubrey! you, who have fhared, and oft outsmil'd my forrows, does this (killing the Major's hand) does this repay you?

Mrs. Aubrey. Moft amply; and now, if we are doomed to part

Major. Part! fhew me who dare propose it. Shew me another villain like Sir Edward

Y. Doric. And I'll pay him with his own banknotes-Major, the debt's discharged.

Major. Well, well; of him I think not-let us this inftant to the Hermitage; for I am fure my fifter is as much impofed on as myfelf; and her fecluded life pleads fome excufe; but I-I to quarrel, and offend-'tis the air, 'tis the country air-I've caught the breezes of the Yorks and Lancafters, and they have blown me top-fide downBut here's my haven and my hope-come, come! Mrs. Aubrey (curtfying to Y. Doric). Sir, I've to thank you for your kindness.

Olivia (curtfying). And I once more, fir.Y. Doric. And I'm fure I've to thank you, ladies; for never felt I rapture like the prefent;


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(ladies and gentlemen crofs the ftage) and fince the trade's so pleasant and productive, fhould I again turn dealer in fuch merchandize-(points to ballroom).

Major. Oh! we'll, we'll be your customers.

Y. Doric. Indeed! then I'll this moment to my guests, and boldly afk them to a concert next. -To-morrow, Major, we'll oppofe Sir Edward; and if you'll join in the direction, his fhall conclude in a difcordant folo.

Major. Ours in full chorus of harmonious joy.

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