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ourfelf, and filence thefe invaders, whilft I feclude myself in my recefs.

Major. Do; retire to your fanctum fanctorum.

[Exit Mifs Stoic at a door in back fcene. I'll lecture them! I'll teach them to disturb this facred, folitary-Shew me to this fervant, Sir. Nich. What for, fir? Sure you don't mean to go?

Major. Go!-any where-every where-and tho' I don't know this Mr. Doric, of courfe he knows me; or, if he don't, 'tis the more civil of him to afk me-and with his ball, Sir Edward's concert, and the Yorks and Lancafters, I may forget Olivia -No, never-my memory-that helps me where I owe a favour, fo fails me at an injury, that I forgive, and can't help glorying in my weakness.




Dorv. So as I thought-none yet have noticed Jack's mad cards of invitation; and I've no hope but one---the letter which, unknown to him, 1 fent his uncle yesterday, ftating his love of ftudy and improvement. Should this regain his worthy partner's friendship, mine will be well rewarded.


Y. Doric. Joy, joy, my boy! I have again held converfe with Olivia, met her this moment with her governefs-and, what do you think? they come-both come

Dorv. What! to the ball?

Y. Doric. Ay: they refus'd at firft; but when they faw, amongst my lift of vifitors, Major Tornado's name, they told me fuch a long affecting


tale of him, his fifter, and Sir Edward Specious, that 'twas refolved to meet him at my ball; and if it faves Olivia from the fnares of villains, this, my laft hundred, fhall afford me more pure fubftantial joy, than all my former thoufands yielded.

Dorv. Granted: but fuppofe the Major don't come, or, what is worfe, fuppofe nobody comes. Y. Doric. Ay: there's the rub.

(Holds down his head.) Dory. What! you begin to be alarmed ?

Y. Doric. Not for myfelf, but for Olivia and her friend their fate depends on my fuccefs, and not one anfwer yet-nonc nibbling at the bait!-Zounds! is credulity confined to cities! and here, where air encreases appetite, fhall fuppers go uneaten?

Dorv. Pooh! nonfenfe! in London, you are known.

Y. Doric. So I am every where. A common fwindler might expect no guefts-but, fam'd Jack Doric! on whofe gala nights, all Bond-street, and all Bow-fireet are let loofe, and who fo occupies both town and country talk, that, even fcandal muft give way to my chalked floors, hot fuppers, and hot rooms-and, fhall not bumpkins bite? Now when two helpless women reft their hopes

Enter Servant.

Well, fir, what news? What has detained you? Serv. Lord, fir, confider-I've had to deliver a hundred cards of invitation, and wait for almost as many answers.

Y. Doric. Where are they then? (Snatches them out of his hand) Now be propitious for Olivia's fake: (reads the cards) "Mrs. Squeeze's compli"ments, comes-Rev. Tim Tantrum's compli"ments, comes-Doctor and Mrs. Tarradiddle's compliments-bring with them their town vifitors, Alderman Cram, a Dutch Commiffioner, and

two gentlemen from the Victualling Office." Bravo! they bite-and if they come in crowds, why, 'tis the London mode; for, when the gala feafon once fets in, they flock, like gecfe, and cackle for their fupper! Ah, but the Major-What fays Olivia's benefactor!

Serv. Oh, fir! he is fo cager, and fo pleas'd, that he is gone to the ball-room already. [Exit Servant. Y. Doric There, George! what fay you to my fyftem now? Had I gone cringing to the Major's door, would it have ferved Olivia ?-But back'd by balls, and fuch a hoft of guests, may I not hope to ask him to a wedding fupper next! And then, no longer will I fend out cards of invitation, with the words, "at home"-but, grown domeftic, I fhall advertise, that I am out," the whole year round.

Enter the Delinquent,

Delin. Your pardon, fir; but, if your name be Doric (to Dorville).

Y. Doric. I, fir-I am that happy gentleman. Delin. One word in private, then.

[Young Doric beckons Dorville to retire, Your name's familiar to my memory,-and, when I read it on the card you fent Sir Edward Specious

Y. Doric. My card! what, you're left out! My dear fir, if I had room, I'd afk all Europe; but at this rate, I shan't get in myself.

Delin. Sir, you miftake-fecing your name, I merely came to afk if you ever heard of one Sir Arthur Courcy.

Y. Doric. Oh! is that all? Courcy?

Delin. Ay; of Rowland Caftle, in Northum→ berland; he, who fled for debt.

Y. Doric. Debt! no—(confidering)—yes-didn't my uncle, Mr. Doric, rebuild the caftle, by his orders?

Delin. He did fpeak quickly-do you know fir Arthur's person?

Y. Doric. No

Delin. Sure! are you quite fure?

Y. Doric. Quite, or if I did, and his diftrefs proceeded from misfortune, do you suspect that I'd betray him? No; rather I'd invite him to my ball, and, fcorning modern oftentatious fhew, revive that antient English hofpitality, that cheer'd the wretched, and upheld the poor.

Delin. Would you! I knew him well (Shaking Young Doric's hand violently).

Y. Doric. Indeed!

Delin. And on fome future day perhaps where, where can he repay thofe thanks I offer now?

Y. Doric. There-(taking a card out of his pocket). And, for yourself, pray join us at the ball, -You'll fee, at leaft, one object worth the fecking -the lovely Mifs Tornado.

Delin. Mifs Tornado! What! (having the pocket-book open in his hand, to place the card in it.) Y. Doric. Ay: attended by her kind, her worthy governess.

Delin. Worthy! (trembling, and in his agitation, letting a letter drop from his pocket-book, unfeen by him). You're deceived-the is moft guiltyand, not to part her from her lovely charge, by any means however defperate-(Y. Doric appeals) yet if the's innocent, the deed will drive me mad. -Oh! that I were already fo-then might I plead infanity for pardon; for none but madmen would forfake that peace, which virtue yields-preferve it-cling to it-fortified with that, you boaft a bulwark may defy the world!


Y. Doric. Now, is this an old complaint, or fud denly brought on from my not afking him to fupper. I'll go, and-(treads on letter) Oh ho! this may explain, perhaps-liften, (reads) " Where have you been loitering? I have kept Major Tornado out of the way, by employing him to provide fingers at a great expence for my concert: and, by the enclosed affignment to you, of Mrs. Aubrey's houfe, you may keep her out of the way, by arresting her directly in your own name, for the 40%. due for rent.-Proceed in this, whilft I proceed to bear away her pupil-Edward Specious"-So! a moft lively town-and I fhall have goodly company. What's to be done?


Dor. What indeed!

Y. Doric. You've not a guinea to difcharge the debt, and my laft fhilling muft discharge the bill→ but come 'ere this, the ball's begun, and thould it crofs Sir Edward in his plots, and this poor tenant be releas'd from bondage, let the floor crack with crowds of company-His is the genuine focial plan, who cheers the men and makes the women happy. [Exit.

SCENE III.-Ball.-Anti-Chamber.-Music.


Major. So!-hard at it again. The Yorks and Lancasters have been drawn out in regular line of battle, and to decide!-Who fhould lead down firft couple !-They all called for the court calendar, but that not having the honour of know. ing any of them, "Molly put the kettle on," cried I, and looking fierce, and handing out a fweet, interefting partner, they all grounded their arms

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