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Enter Dr. Pliable.

Oh Doctor! thee art the very man-we dan't knaw how to tell a good round fib-now thee can't help us without trouble.-(Sophia intercedes) He can! for at the club, he's next to old Lieutenant Jobbins.

Doctor. Next to old Lieutenant Jobbins!

Giles. Aye; and but for his ftory of the Algerines-don't thee remember?-When feized on by three furious Algerines; two of their heads he cut off in a twinkling-but for the third-icod! he fwore the third did cut off his !-and ever fince, inftead of "That's a lie!"-the club all fay that "'Tis a Jobbins!" when if thee'd had'ft thy right, I must confefs they would have faid it was "a Doctor."

Doctor. Silence, Sir-no impertinence and let me inftantly fend Mrs. Villars to detect her hufband.

Giles. Detect her husband!

Doctor. Ay let me fee, if she'll repeat to me→ "There lies your way, Doctor;"-no-I can now convince her he is gone to Lady Davenant.

Sophia. Gone to Lady Davenant!-impoffible! -Heavens!-who told you this?

Giles. Who!-why Jobbins!—and as I do think thee wilt get more by going to cure thy patients, than by coming here to kill other people-there lies thy way, Doctor!-there lies-'Raten! didn't I tell thee fhe had loft her child?

Doctor. Well! if you did-what's that to-look'ye, Sir-your aunt has proof

Giles. And look you, Sir-in Mr. Villar's abfence, I be the man o' the houfe-his wife be under my protection and fince both aunt and thee do feem main fond of scandal: knaw, I shall watch her all night long-and fo far reprefent her husband,


that she shall feel no forrow I can help!-fo there be thy door-here mine-and now, Soph-'ftead of a low and odious falfhood-now for an honest, gentlemanly plumper.

Doctor. 'Sdeath, Sir!-this won't do you must apologize

Giles. Muft I?

Doctor. Ay: you must ask pardon !

Giles. Icod! you muft fhew I the way, then-for as I dan't offend, fo I's not apt to ftoop or kneel -never except at church-and if thee'd oftener try that mode-he! he !-mayhap thee would'ft be less upon thy knees elsewhere!

Doctor. Mighty well, Sir-but I'll inftantly report you to your aunt-fhe-fhe fhall talk to you

Giles. Let her and let I talk to her of her cruel 'haviour to Soph and her lover-and-but -I won't ferve her, as thee do ferve Mr. Villars-I won't judge aforehand-for by the law of this land every perfon be innocent, till they be prov'd guilty-always "hear it out" I fay-and you do knaw it were three whole clubs before I did shake my head at thee and Jobbins-fo I do with thee fafe through the foreft-don't thee, Soph ?

Sophia. Indeed I do-for 'tis a dark and dreary road.

Giles. Ay: and alone, and in bad company!dang it-I be quite frighten'd for him-for when we cross it on long wintery nights, we call in conscience to amufe us-and that we ever may-come -let us lofe no time in doing good-but hedang it! I be quite frighten'd for him.

[Exit with Sophia. Doctor. Frighten'd for me!-plague on the fellow for putting fuch thoughts in my head;-but pfha!-Frank has already rid me of one fear-and

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though I came to fecure Mifs Gurnet's marriage, by keeping Mrs, Villars from her uncle-yet ftill they can't prevent it-no-and that accomplish'd, I will atone in earnest-for I begin to feel the guilty have the worst on't-and fo far I agree with Mr. Giles-d-n me, I wish I was fafe through the foreft? [Exit.

SCENE-The Street in the Town.-Outfide of Dr. Pliable's and Mifs Gurnet's Houfes.

Enter Tourly with the basket-the bandage is removed from bis eyes.

Tourly. So here's a blind bargain !—and never was poor traveller more completely trick'd by a rafcally jack o' lantern.-He is gone-and when I pull'd the bandage off, and peep'd into the basket— and faw a little fleeping, ruddy-Oh! I shall live the laughing stock of Oxford-of the world!—I hear them there goes Charles Tourly and his basket! -unlefs-and there again!-the mark's rubb'd out! -the mark's effac'd!-I cannot find it in the town,

Enter Jack Analyse.

Jack. Oh! I'm glad I've found you-we want your management-Sir Andrew is about to form a match, that will for ever part me from Sophia— and were we free, we might prevent this dreaded union-but, as it is, the doctor and his myrmidons

Tourly. I know and could I find-(runs to a door in the wing, and examines it,)—what's herepo-curfe it

Jack. Why, what the devil are you poking after?


Tourly (examining door after door). What's that to any body?—and chiefly you, Jack, who'll crow over my bad management-who'll chuckle-(coming against Mifs Gurnet's door.)-Huzza! for the honour of Oxford!-Oh! Sinon and his Trojan horfe-Columbus and his new world-Sir Ifaac Newton and his folar fyftem-they will be nothing to Charles Tourly and his little scratch! (rings loudly at the door.)

Jack. Zounds!-whofe is that house?

Tourly. Curfe me, if I know or care-but I'll teach them to play tricks on travellers! (Enter David, the Servant, from Mifs Gurnet's boufe.) It won't do, my lad! - here's your prefent back again! (giving him the basket.)

David. Prefent back!-Oh! from the alderman ! (afide.)-'Tis little Peter, isn't it?

Tourly. Yes-yes-'tis little Peter!
David. Any thing to pay?

Tourly, No-I'm paid handfomely-and now you're paid hand fomely-(Servant exit into house with the basket.)-Take care of the door-and now we'll go pay the Doctor handsomely-look! -(baking purse,)—a hundred guineas?—heh!— who's cock of the party now?

Jack. Heavens!-how could you get a hundred guineas?

Tourly. How!-by playing blindman's buff, my boy! (Enter Sir Andrew Analyse behind.)-By catching fome poor devil in the dark! (pointing to Mifs Gurnet's house,)—but now to find the Doctor -and then-Oh Jack! if carrying baskets always be fo profitable, that (napping his fingers,) for old Oxford and the Temple !-my court of practice fhall be Covent Garden,-dear-darling-jovial Covent Garden! [Exit with Jack.

Sir And. (advancing.) So-(fanning himself with bis bat,) still in the basket!-upon my word, this


is the most extraordinary(Looking out.) That fellow again! and Jack with him! Zounds! I'il look into it, and if I find I am imposed upon, I'll be a great Encyclopedia of revenge.


SCENE-An Apartment at Mifs Gurnet's.

Enter Mifs Gurnet and David.

Mifs G. Very well-poor little Peter, and faft asleep, you say?

David. Yes, Ma'am.

Mifs G. And in my dreffing-room?

David. Yes, Ma'am; little Peter is fast asleep in your dreffing-room.

Mifs G. Then, mind he is not d:fturbed till(Sir Andrew Speaks behind.) Retire-here is Sir Andrew. [Exit David.

Enter Sir Andrew Analyfe.

Sir And. Pha!-I'll rid it from my mind-I'll banish low fufpicion, and think only-(afide.)Yes" look in her face, and I forget it all,”. my dear Mifs Gurnet

Mifs G. Oh Sir Andrew!

Sir And. Here is the herald of approaching blifs -here is the licence-and below my fteward waits to hear how beft our nuptials can be crown'd with eaftern fplendour and magnificence!

Mifs G. Nay, Sir Andrew-the heart.that's full of conftancy and love, admits no room for worldly, oftentatious thoughts-and when I think-Oh! how could Mrs. Villars fo negle&——

Sir And. Don't talk of her-I lov'd her as my own child; nurs'd, watch'd, educated her, and though he has flander'd and forgotten her old uncle-no-I have forgotten her and fhe fhall


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