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SCENE IV.-An extenfive Forest and a neat Farm Houfe-Thunder, Lightning, and Rain.

Enter Frank, baftily.


BLESS me!-'tis very awful!-to be expos'd to fuch a tempeft, and at such a moment!-'twixt fright and guilt, I-guilt!-the crime is my mafter's-thank Heaven! not mine ;--bush!what's that noife?-'tis Rachel ftealing to the appointed fpot, (Rachel croffes the fage,) and underneath her cloak-yes-lome unknown parents are deprived-and I muft, villain-like, reward her (going up stage).

Villars. (without.) Nay-I infist, I will not be refus'd.

Frank. We are difcover'd! (looking out)-nothey look another way-the fecret's lafe-and that it may be fo, I'll haften home-Lord! what a uselefs thing is fortune, when purchas'd at a price fo dear as this! [Exit.

Enter Villars, leading in Sophia.

Villars. 'Tis paft-the ftorm's difpers'd, Sophia. Oh yes:-but ftill it rages here-indeed, Mr. Villars, I owe you much, and I'll no


more intrude upon your kindness-bless you-fare. well.

Villars. Whither would you go?

Sophia. Alas! I know not-but let the fuffering be my own (going).

Villars. (opping her.) Look-as I told you, there is your afylum-within that calm abode, you'll find repofse and safety.

Sophia. I cannot !-loft as I am, and cenfured by the world, am I fociety?

Villars. You are unfortunate-and must I pause to ask the world's advice?-no-I difdain all cenfure but my own.

Sophia. Ay: but another's feelings

Villars. Mean you Maria's?-Oh! you little know -her door is fhut against the common tribe, who vifit but to murder Fame and Time; but to the poor and houfelefs wanderer, 'tis open as her heart (Tourly and Jack Analyfe appear at the wing and liften):-come-fhe fhall greet you with a filter's fimiles, and for myfelf-(taking her band and kiffing it,) pity firft ftamp'd your story in my breast, and the impreffion is engrav'd for ever! [Exeunt into Farm Houfe. Fack. (advancing.) There! exactly as the Doctor told us! and "the impreffion is engrav'd for ever!"-Now-what have you to fay now, Sir?

Tourly. Say! that, what with ftorms, gipfies, diftrefs'd damfels, and amorous knights, this is fome black forest in romance, and, by way of party of pleasure, we shall be ferv'd up to a wolf's pic nic, or a bear's public breakfast.

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Jack. Ay, Sir, but am I married?

Tourly, No-but you ought to have been ;-and to the sweet, interefting Sophia Woodbine ;-and, till you marry her, see if I cease to rattle in your


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Jack. No matter, Sir, I have long with'd to be reveng'd upon this Villars; for by afpiring to my coufin's hand, he robb'd her of a far fuperior match, and now his infolence fo wounds my pride, that I will teach him—

Tourly. Do-wind up our journey, by getting between those two lively fires, man and wife, Jaek. Jack. Wait the event-and if he do not yield to all that I demand

Tourly. Very well, we fhall fee-but if you do get the worst on't-

Jack. If I do, Charles-you fhall have the best on't the rest of the journey.

Tourly. What! let me be cock of the party!-let me-but he's here!-now, Jack.

Re-enter Villars.

Villars. 'Tis very ftrange!-Sufan return'd not with the child!-Maria too gone forth to feek them in the foreft!-and I thus negligent!-Oh I reproach myself

Jack. And you have reason to reproach yourfelf, Mr. Villars!

Villars. Sir! (angrily.)-your pardon-you are

related to Maria

Jack. Ay, Sir!—as one related to your wife, I have a right to afk, Why fhe is thus neglected? Villars. Neglected!

Jack. Yes, Sir: and by whom?-by him, whofe humble fortune and obfcure defcent, might at the leaft teach gratitude and truth.

Villars. Sdeath! am I ever to be thus accus'd? -but reprefent me as you will, whilft my Maria thinks me what I am to her and to her only fhall I answer? OS Jack. No, Sir!


Villars. No: and if you wish to fee and fhare our focial joys, you are most welcome,-but if, urg'd on by prejudice and fpleen, you come to taunt me with inferior birth, you'll find the humble Villars is as proud as any of your race-for honour is the ftar he keeps in fight, and boafting that, he will not be infulted!

Jack. You talk this well, Si-.

Tourly. (afide to Jack Analyfe.) He does-and you had better mind, Jack.

Jack. But I proceed on stronger proof than words -and when I know my coufin "is to greet a rival with her fmiles,"-nay, Sir-deny it not-is there not now beneath your roof a young and captivating

Villars. There is—and I exult and glory in receiving her.

Jack. What! you perfift!-then mark me-inftant difmifs her from your house.

Villars. Never-till fhe can find protection where fhe ought,-there is her place of fhelter and of fafety !

Jack. (contemptuously.) Protection where the ought!

Villars. Ay: and had the unknown villainwhom the declines to name-like me, beheld her finking 'neath the ftorm-Oh! judge of his feelings and of mine-under the mask of honourable love, he lures her to a bafe clandeftine meetingand though the fhuns and fcorns him for his treachery-yet ftung with fhame and with remorse -dreading to meet the friend fhe had elop'd fromfhe wanders forth (to feek her native home)-when after four days paft in poverty and tears-I find Sophia fainting on the earth

Tourly. Sophia!-what!-not Sophia Woodbine! Villars. The fame-and having fnatch'd her from defpair, may I not boldly afk, which has

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most reason to be proud-he who betrays, or who protects a woman?

Tourly. You may-and I fhould like to travel with you, for you understand pleasure better than any man I ever faw!-don't he, Jack?-and isn't this unknown villain a fad, fhocking- -Give him another touch (afide to Villars)-it will do him good-and I've a right to order it—for I'm cock of the party now!

Villars (obferving the agitation of Analyfe.) What! he's before me!-in the proud accufer, I behold the trembling culprit!-rafh, thoughtless man! go-copy him you would defame-and 'ftead of plunging in licentious joys, partake the bleffings of connubial love!-or at the leaft, ne'er feek to interrupt them.

Tourly. No, Jack;-and if, hereafter, any body meddles between you and your wife, read them this moft pleasant chapter in our most pleasant journey.

Villars. But I delay-business of stronger interest calls me hence-Maria and my child (going).

Jack. Stay, Sir-we part not-you must ac


Tourly, Be quiet-I manage now-retire Mr. Villars.

Villars. (to Analyfe.) Sir, I can only fay, if love or pity linger in your breaft, there's one (pointing towards boufe) who well deferves them-and Villars will befriend you with his life,-but if you ftill perfift in a feducer's aims-'ftead of the modern triumph that you boast-you merit the affaflin's fate-nay, worfe-for when the poniard ftrikes, the victim fhares not in the crime-but honour wounded!-Oh! the contagion spreads, till even death perchance can find no cure!-Farewell!-reflect on what I've faid-and I fhall hope to be your friend.

[Exit. Tourly.

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