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so that an examination was made with much less difficulty; the ulcer on the cheek had begun to put on a more healthy action, and the external swelling was lessened. The same remedy was continued, and a grain of calomel, with eight of rhubarb and twelve of sulphate of potash, was ordered for the morning this cleared out the bowels of offensive stools, and the child appeared in every respect better, the brown ragged appearance of the ulcers had given place to a more healthy surface, which was rapidly healing. The plan was pursued for a week longer, by which time the child was perfectly sound. This rapid progress has been made, without exception, in every case in which I have given this medicine, when there has been no eschar. In those cases where there has been one, more time has been required to throw off the slough, but all have shown almost immediately the power of this medicine in arresting the disease.


William ætat. 3, the son of a turnpike keeper, who lived on the top of a hill in the purest air, was brought to me October 5th; he was pale and sickly, and had been out of health for some weeks; he had refused his food for several days, from great soreness in his mouth; the cheek on one side was occupied by an ill-conditioned ulcer, extending to the gums, they were spongy and separated

from the teeth; the cheek was swelled, hard and painful, of its natural colour; the child's belly was full and tense, and the evacuations very unhealthy.

I ordered a mixture containing potassæ chloratisǝij syr. simplicis zij aquæ ziiss,—of which he was to take a dessert spoonful occasionally, so that the whole was taken in twenty-four hours. When I saw him two days after, the 7th, the ulceration was arrested and healing. An aperient of calomel, rhubarb, and sulphate of potash, was ordered for him, and to continue the chlorate; at the end of the week his cheek was perfectly healed.

With the exception of the following case all have terminated favourably; and in this, the child lived sufficiently long to show the beneficial influence of the remedy.


In August 1836, I was requested to see a child, a girl between 5 and 6 years old, who had been under the care of another practitioner. I found almost the whole cheek of the right side in a state of mortification, quite black, which was rapidly increasing, with a margin of dusky-red inflammation without the slightest trace of separation; some teeth had fallen out, and others were loose, the gums having been eaten away by the phagedænic ulcera

tion; almost the whole inner part of the cheek was one large foul ulcer, the stench was most foetid-the pulse was rapid and fluttering, and the extremities cold. The attention of the mother had been attracted to the state of the mouth a week before, by the child's complaining of the soreness of it, and by its refusing all kinds of food excepting liquids, and by the salivation. Medical assistance had been called in, but the ulceration continued its ravages, and a black spot had been observed first, four days before I saw it, in the centre of the part which had been previously swelled. Without hope of benefit I ordered the following mixture: R. Potassæ chloratis ǝij syr. simp. zij aquæ 3ifs misce.-two tea spoonfulls to be taken every hour; and that as much of the salt should be taken as possible, I ordered two more scruples to be dissolved in a wine-glass of port wine with as much water, the whole of which was to be given during the next twelve hours, or sooner if possible at the expiration of that time, I fancied there was less disagreeable smell, and the child appeared to have rallied a little; I therefore ordered the chlorate to be continued in the same quantities: on the following day the smell had certainly diminished, and there was a slight crack between the dead and living parts; this separation increased so much during the next twenty-four hours, that it showed the disease was arrested. On the following day, the edges of the eschar began to separate, and the internal ulceration had put on a more healthy appearance, but during the following night

the child sank and died. I certainly then thought, that had the medicine been given before the disease had proceeded so far, it would have saved the child, although at the expense of a portion of the cheek. The only external application was a poultice, wetted with a weak solution of the chloride of lime.

That the foetid smell from these sores should be removed quickly by this salt is not surprising, as doubtless in the struggles with the child to oblige it to swallow, the sores were frequently brought in contact with the medicine, when of course it acted as a topical application, and destroyed the smell, as the chlorates are known to do when applied to external sores; but that there should be so speedy an improvement in every particular feature of the case has always struck me with astonishment, and not until many successive cases occurred to me, did I give a full credence to the power of it; but the experience of nearly twenty years, during which time I have again and again administered it, and I may say with almost invariably good result, if given before the child has been much exhausted,-leave me no room to doubt its peculiar value in these and some other analogous diseases. I am also borne out in this opinion by the experience of two or three medical friends, who were induced to try it on my suggestion. At some future day I may, perhaps, be allowed to lay before the Society my experience of this remedy in the other diseases to which I have alluded-when I hope to be better prepared to offer

some explanation as to the manner in which it operates so quickly and beneficially.

Since this paper was read, the following case occurred in St. George's Hospital, under the care of Mr. Cæsar Hawkins,-to whom I am indebted for it.

Selina Gingham, seven years of age, was admitted into St. George's Hospital May 12th, having suffered from ulceration in the mouth, for at least seven weeks, during five of which she had been under treatment at a dispensary, which had not prevented the disease from slowly spreading; it is probable that the ulcers had existed for some time before they were discovered, as her breath had been observed to be very offensive; she had had measles a year before, but appeared to be in very fair health, and had not suffered from any privations.

The external surface of the right cheek appeared somewhat swelled and stiff, when she tried to act with the muscles of that side, but was not inflamed: on the inside the whole mucous surface of the cheek and lips, opposite to the gums of both jaws, was ulcerated and covered by a thin ash-coloured slough, the ulcer extending from the central incisors to the last molares. The gums of both jaws were soft and spongy, and dark coloured and swollen, and a little loosened from the teeth, and bled slightly when touched, and the teeth themselves were encrusted

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