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'Twere indeed very defirable, that all the Law that does any ways concern Churchmen were drawn up in one moderate Volume, and in fuch a Manner, that those who are not acquainted with the Phrafes and Terms of Art, might yet underftand it. This is an Eay toward that Defign, and with the Additions and Amendments which you'll find in this Sixth Edition, if it do not wholly anfwer the propos'd End, yet, I think, I may justly fay, it bids very fair for it: at least it may ferve as a Direction to any PrivateClergyman, by giving him an Idea, not only of our whole Conftitution, but of that Station which he has in it.

There is nothing has more convinced me of the Neceffity of fome Books of this kind, than a late Pamplet call'd, The Parfon's Jewels; wherein the Author, [Mr. Morgan, who ftiles himself Vicar de Jure, of Liban tri fanet, in Comitat Glamorgan,] pretends to go no farther, than to direct a Clergyman how he may qualify and fettle himself in a fingle Benefice; and yet is guilty of fo many Miftakes, in imperiously telling his Reader, that he must do many Things, without giving any Reafon but his own Word for it; and, on the other fide, forgets other things of greater


greater Confequence; that if any young Clergymen, believing this Confident Af fertor, and taking him for their Guide, fhould follow his Directions, they would lay an unneceffary Load upon their own Backs; when the Law has already laid more than enough; and yet at laft find, that his Inftructions are fhort and defeЄtive.

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He advifes his Clergyman, "To have a publick Notary along with him to the Bishop, to atteft his Inftitution; " and both a Notary Publick and an Attorney to be prefent at his Induction, "&c. I fuppofe, becaule the Charge of Inftitution and Induction are not great enough already. 'Tis certain, there is no other Reafon for it. The Law will take the Atteftation of any honeft, understanding Man, as well as of an Attorney or Notary.

He fuppofes, the Witnefs muft fwear, That the Clergyman read every Syllable of the Liturgy and Articles, &c. and did net mifpronounce one Word, p. 6. Who told

him fo? If this were Truth, the Witneffes who were in fuch a Cafe to make Oath for a Welchman, or Foreigner, would be hard put to it, if the Liturgy be to be read in English.


He tells us, the Witneffes must underfrand Latin, because otherwise they cannot Swear, that you read the Latin Certificate, p. 6. By what Law, or Canon is the Clerk bound to read his Latin Certificate? 'Tis certain, by none at all; except it be one of Mr. Morgan's making. He, indeed, that had been Ordained by fome other Form, than that of the Church of E N GLAND, was bound by 13 Eliz. not only to read the Articles, but a Certificate from the Ordinary, of his having fubfcribed them; but that was only for fuch Minifters, and for that Time: And 'tis now fufficient to fubfcribe them before the Bishop; and read them, and give Affent and Confent before the Congregation; the having a Certificate of it is not prefcribed by the Act, much less the Reading of it.

But he tells you, the Witneffes must understand Greek too; How else can they fwear, That you read the two Greek Words? Artic. 9. p. 6. I anfwer, by having them

it in vulgar Characters in the Margin, thes, Fronema Sarcos. The Law is fo far from obliging the Witneffes to understand Greek that the Clerk himself is not bound to know fo much as the Greek Alphabet. The more is the Pity.


He advises the Inducted Clerk, Page 4. To keep the Key of the Church, if he expects any Contest. As if, when the Title to a Benefice were difputed, the Law would give it to him who had the ftrongeft Arm, or the greatest Sleight in holding fast a Key. No, aflure your felf, the Church may be fued from you, tho' you have the Key never fo clofe in your Pocket.

Twould be loft Time, to mention allthe little Niceties about Induction, on which he lays fo great a Stress; his enjoining his Clerk, to give Affent and Confent to the Liturgy three feveral Times; and to Hold up the Book of Common-Prayer, every Time he does it: And moreover, to be at the Expence or Trouble of giving Copies of his Certificates to every Witnefs; all which Particulars, feem meerly invented to stuff out a thin Pamphlet.

But above all, he charges his Clergyman over and again, To receive the Sacrament, and take Certificate of it, against the next Quarter-Seffions; in order to take the Teft: And he would make the Clergyman believe, that except this be done, He hazards all, Page 3. He ought to have given fome Reason for it, but that is not his Way; nor indeed is there any Reafon.


to be given for what he fays on this Head; but of this, and all other Matters he treats of, fee Chap. 9.

And yet, after all, he forgets to remind his Clerk of taking the Abjuration Oath; as if the Act of Parliament, by which this is enjoin'd, were not yet received in Wales.

There is one Advertisement, which I doubt not, but that all will agree to be very pertinent; That when your Inftruments are ready, you are to pay for them. But tho' this be much to the Purpose, yet there is lefs Fear that this fhould be forgot, than any thing elfe; because there will be fo many about the Clerk at his Inftitution in the Ecclefiaftical Court, ready to refresh his Memory, if he fhould be willing to forget this Particular. I fhould rather caution my Reader, that he don't overdo, and pay too much; but remind himfelf and the Officers, of the Clauses in the Act against Simony; which fee Chap. 11. Art. 5.

And having ufed my beft Endeavours to prefent the Clergy with a clear and diftinct View of what is due from them to others, and from others to them, by our Laws, as they stand at present, fo far as was poffible in fo fmall a Sketch; I wish


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