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nitrogenous principle to the calorifacient is as one to five-nearly the same as in human milk. This acts both mechanically and as a food.


Take a piece of unslaked lime as large as a walnut; drop it into two quarts of filtered water contained in an earthen vessel; stir thoroughly; allow to settle, and use only from the top; replacing the water, and stirring as consumed.


First prepare an oatmeal porridge; take a heaping teaspoonful of this, put it into a quart of cool water, heat, with constant stirring, to the boiling point, and strain.

This may be used in milk-foods as a substitute for ordinary water if constipation be present.


Put two tablespoonfuls of washed pearl barley into a quart saucepan with a pint and a half of clear water and boil slowly down to a pint; strain, and allow the liquid to set into a jelly.

Used for same purpose as barley water.


Put two tablespoonfuls of rice, thoroughly washed, into a quart of water and place near the fire, where

it may soak and be kept warm for two hours; then boil slowly for one hour, or until the water is reduced one-half, and strain.

Useful as a diluent for milk in cases of diarrhoea.

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Heat the milk up to a point that can be agreeably borne by the mouth, and add the pepsin with gentle stirring; let the whole stand until firm coagulation has taken place; then beat with a fork until the curd is finely divided, and strain.


The process of peptonization, already described, is very useful in the preparation of food for absorption by the lining membrane of the rectum. Any of the predigested foods may be used in this way, the only caution being to administer them in small quantities-not over four tablespoonfuls-and at intervals of not less than four hours. It is essential, too, in rectal feeding to keep the lower bowel clear by a daily laxative injection of warm water.

When the materials for proper peptonizing are not at hand, one of the following enemata may be used with advantage :

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First mix the essence and gelatine, and warm in a water bath at 112° F.; then dissolve the pepsin in a teaspoonful of warm water by the aid of the acid; stir it into the first mixture and let the whole remain warm for two hours.

Administer warm with two drops of laudanum to secure retention.

The bulk of this enema is adapted for a child of eight to twelve years.


FIG. 22.

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Stir all together, and administer gently and slowly.

Should this injection not be retained, add two drops of laudanum

at each administration.


The best syringe for these injections in shown in

Fig. 22.



In the first Chapter, attention was directed to certain deviations from the features of health that should lead the mother or nurse to suspect the onset of disease. In addition to these, it is of great service to take into account the four seasons of the year, and to be informed of what diseases are most apt to prevail during each.

In the late fall and early winter catarrhal affections are most apt to occur. In catarrh there is an increased secretion of mucus from the lining membrane of either the nose, the throat, the airtubes or the digestive canal, attended by fever, loss of appetite, thirst and lassitude, with sneezing, hoarseness, cough, vomiting or diarrhoea, according to the situation of the disease.

As winter advances, the bronchial tubes, the lungs themselves and their investing membrane— the pleuræ are liable to attack, and the signs of bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy to be developed.

In the changeable weather of spring, together with the catarrhal and inflammatory disorders already mentioned, epidemics of measles, scarlet fever

and chicken pox are most prevalent; while during the summer months, disorders of the bowels, such as diarrhoea, summer complaint and cholera infantum, swell the mortality lists of the larger cities.

Again, the influence of any hereditary tendency to disease should always be present in the mother's mind, as this not only makes her alive to the possibility of the onset of illness and leads her to seek medical advice in time, but also induces her to shield anxiously her child from known exciting causes, and to adopt hygienic measures calculated to overcome the constitutional predisposition.

In considering the question of emergencies, under which term will be included both accidents and certain conditions of disease, no reference will be made to the management of serious disorders. These, even in their earliest stages, must receive the attention of a physician.



The shape of the head is sometimes altered by the compression it is subjected to during a prolonged and difficult labor. The deformity is usually in the direction of elongation. The distance from the chin to the back of the head at times measuring six inches or even more. There is no

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