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No. 1.Letter to the Editor of the Morning
Chronicle.-Garden Seeds.-Education.-
Local Courts, Letter IV.-Assessed Taxes.

No. 2.-Emigration, and Cobbett's "damnable

doctrine." Education. Wilberforce.-

Ah! Ah! - Wood, calied John.

Whittle.. Register in Volumes. As-

sessed Taxes.-The Spy System.-Wal-

worth Dinner.-Mr. Rogers's Letter on

Right of Suffrage in Boroughs.

No. 3.-Letter IV., To the Hon. John Stuart

Wortley.-Rural Affairs.-Italian Clover.

-Cobbett-Corn.- Garden Seeds.-Tree- No.

planting.-History of George the Fourth.

-Dead-Weight.-Wilberforce.- Ireland,

and the History of the Protestant Reforma-

tion. Whig Greediness. Mr. Thomas

Smitu's Letter." Heddekashun.". Mr.

Attwood's Letter on the Currency.--Mr. No. 10.-Education and "Heddekashun";

O'Connell's second Letter to his Con-


No. 4.-Assessed Taxes.-Rebellion of the

Dead-Weight.-Wilberforce; Letter to

Lord Morpeth.-Letter to Wilberforce, in

1817.--Cobbett-Corn.-History of George

the Fourth.-Letter to Mr. Benett, on

the Tullian System.

No. 5.-Letter to the President of the United

States. Bank of the United States.-Bad

Book-making.-Italian Clover.- History

of George the Fourth.-Letter to the Peo-

ple of Oldham.-Lord Durbam's Affair at

Gateshead.-Mr. Doubleday's Speech.-

Mr. C. Attwood's Letter.

No. 6.-Corn Bill and Malt-tax. -- Brewing

Beer.-Italian Clover.--Rural War.-Mr.

Poulett Scrope's Address to the Agricul-

turists.-Scotch Fires.-Affray at Sand-

hurst. To the People of Oldham.-To

Correspondents.-Negro Emancipation.-

Mr. Attwood's Letter.

No. 7.--Garden Seeds. - Letter II., To the

President of the United States of America

-Report of the Agricultural Committee.-

Fires. To the People of Oldham.-Aris-





VOL. 82.-No. 1.}



Bancroft Library



[Price Is. 2d.

reptile like you, who affects to feel abhorrence at the very plunder in which you are participating; or, rather, in which you live, and without which you can have no life.

For forty years I have had to endure the assaults of this race of pen and press plunderers; but, in the course of the whole of the forty years, 1 have never witnessed, all the circumstances considered, anything, in these assaults, half so base as that which is exhibited in yours of the 21. of September, which

MORNING CHRONICLE. I shall presently insert previously to my

remarks upon it. I do not name you ; I Pennenden Heath, 2. Oct. 1833. cannot legally name you, because, acBASE EDITOR,-It is now about forty cording to the practice of all depredating years (for it began in Philadelphia) that reptiles, you keep out of sight; you I have been an object of attack with hide your base carcass, while you poke the race that plunder the people, and es- out your poisoned stabber. I will not pecially with that part of the race who name your master, for the same reason use the press and the pen as the means that I lately withdrew an action against of committing their plundering deeds him; namely, because he once not only under the pretence of enlightening the acted a just, but a generous part topeople, and of receiving pay for their wards me, and that, too, at a time when work. This is a race of plunderers much wretches like you thought I was down, more wicked and more loathsome than never to rise again. I must, for the the open plunderer, who tells us, flatly, present, at least, content myself with that we shall keep him as long as he you, creeping and venomous and namecan make us do it; who tells us, that less reptile as you are. we may petition and cry out as long as Before I insert the infamous article, we like; but that he will have his pen- to which I have alluded, it is necessary sion, his sinecure, his commissionership, for me to state the grounds of it, real or his two or three livings in the church; pretended. In my Registers of the 14. that he will still have these; or, that, in and 21. of September, I had complained, the end, he will cause us to be hanged that Woop (emphatically called JOHN), much more detestable than this plun- who had flung me back at Preston; derer is the base creature, who, pretend that RUSHTON, who had roared for him ing to political knowledge and literary on that occasion; and that PARKES, talent, uses the pen or the press, or both whom I had detected in the act of (as in your case), for the purpose of whispering for the Whigs in order to plunder, affecting, all the while, to la- get a 20 instead of a 10 pound suffrage: ment that the plundering work should I had complained that these men were exist. The Rev. DOCTOR THOMAS PEN- now eating taxes; or, in other words, ROSE, who has had, during twenty-one coming, swing-tail and with jaws wide years, a pension of 2137. a year for hav- open, at my victuals and drink. Knowing been (or under pretence of having ing something of their appetites, and not been) chargé d'affaires at Florence for knowing when they were to stop, I nafive months, and who has had two livings turally became alarmed, and began to in the church, in Essex, all the while; cry out. In an endeavour to defend my even this man is less offensive than a bacon and my beer-barrel, it was ne [Printed by W. Cobbett, Johnson'"&c3992



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