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securing equal advantages for homœopathic students in public institutions, and his success as chairman of the committee to ask state aid for the hospital.

I have thus far spoken principally of executive matters of which he was a part, but there are in the archives of the society many valuable papers and essays on medical and surgical subjects, showing that amidst the whirl and bustle of the busiest of lives, he still found time for study and research, of which he was ever ready and willing to give liberally for the benefit of his fellow practitioners.

I have thus briefly endeavored to outline his work in this society, but believe me, it is only an outline. Almost every page of its history for the past forty years teams with evidences of his labor, much of it of the character of drudgery. There may be others who have done equal work or been of equal service and value, but if so, the deponent knoweth not the name thereof.

All honor to that brave fraternal band who in the face of invective, of ridicule, of social and professional ostracism founded this society, but following their noble work there was the need of a strong, persistent, discerning, courageous soul to advise, to direct, to govern, to encourage. That soul joined the society May 17, 1853, its labors ceased July 2, 1899.

Neither the cunning of the sculptor's chisel nor the marvellous skill of the painter's pencil could justly commemorate the memory of this remarkable man. There is but one worthy monument, and that is, the perpetuation of his own work, the proper maintenance and care and development and perfection of those institutions which were his especial pride, and the continued dissemination of that medical faith to which he untiringly and joyfully gave his whole life.

Servant of God, well done! They serve God well

Who serve his creatures; when the funeral bell

Tolls for the dead, there's nothing left of all
That decks the scutcheon and the velvet pall
Save this. The coronet is empty show,
The strength and loveliness are hid below,

The shifting wealth to others hath accrued,
And learning cheers not the grave's solitude.
What's done is what remains! Ah, blessed they
Who leave completed tasks of love to stay
And answer mutely for them, being dead!
Life was not purposeless, though life be fled.



Business Session.

The regular meeting of the Boston Homœopathic Medical Society was held at the Boston University School of Medicine, Thursday evening, November 2, 1899, at 8 o'clock, President Sarah S. Windsor, M.D., in the chair.

The records of the October meetings were read and approved.

The following persons were proposed for membership: Florella Estes, M.D., and Conrad Smith, M.D., both of Boston.

Drs. Henry F. Batchelder, Charles J. Douglas, Anna B. Davis, John A. Rockwell, Jr., and Solomon C. Fuller were elected to membership.

The following report of the Talbot Obituary Committee was read by the chairman, Dr. F. B. Percy:


Whereas, In the dispensation of an all-wise God, we have been called upon to mourn the loss of our lamented and much-beloved colleague, Dr. I. Tisdale Talbot:

Resolved, That in the death of Dr. I. Tisdale Talbot this society has lost a staunch champion, a wise counsellor, and a most indefatigable worker. That to him more than to any other member this society owes, not only its inception, but its ever-increasing usefulness.

Resolved, That the lesson of his life will ever be an incentive to all members of the profession, because of his unselfish devotion to that which was truest and best.

Resolved, That we extend to the family our deepest sympathy, and join with them in the great satisfaction which a completed life brings to us all.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon our records, and one sent to his bereaved family.


WALTER WEsselhoeft,



The following report of the Paine Obituary Committee was read by the chairman, Dr. L. Houghton Kimball :


Whereas, By the will of the Divine Providence in which he so implicitly trusted, our late beloved colleague, Dr. Joseph P. Paine, has been removed from this earthly sphere of usefulness, so faithfully and gladly rendered, to the higher service to which he has long looked forward, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Boston Homœopathic Medical Society desires to give expression to the great loss sustained in the taking away of one of its oldest and most esteemed members one always loyal to the best interests of homoeopathy, as evidenced by the generous recognition in his will of the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital.

Resolved, That the Boston Homœopathic Medical Society extends to the relatives and immediate friends of the deceased its heartfelt sympathy.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be incorporated in the records of the society and sent to the relatives of the deceased,


SUSAN H. Gibbs,

Committee on Resolutions.

Scientific Session.

Dr. Southwick exhibited an unusual specimen of uterine fibro-cystic tumor. The cyst, when removed, contained six quarts of fluid, cholesterin; no bacteria or pus corpuscles.

Another portion of the growth showed nearly a complete calcareous degeneration.


F. B. PERCY, M.D., Chairman.

LUCY A. KIRK, M.D., Secretary.

FRED. S. PIPER, M.D., Treasurer.

The following sectional officers were elected for the ensuing year: Chairman, F. A. Hodgdon, M.D.; Secretary, A. G. Howard, M.D.; Treasurer, Grace Marvin, M.D.


1. Croton Tiglium. F. A. Hodgdon, M.D.

2. Iodoform in Tubercular Meningitis. D. P. Butler, M.D. Discussion opened by H. C. Clapp, M.D.

3. Rhus Tox: Some Considerations of Its Value in Ocular Diseases. J. M. Hinson, M.D. Discussion opened by Conrad Wesselhoeft, M.D.

4. Ferrum Picrate in a Case of Anæmia Infantum PseudoLeukæmia. E. R. Johnson, M.D. Discussion opened by F. B. Percy, M.D.

5. A Medical Medley. F. S. Piper, M.D.

6. Report of the Seaside Home for Children. C. C. Burpee, M.D.

7. A Case of Bromoform Poisoning, with Recovery. W. L. Marden, M.D.

1. Dr. Hodgdon's paper, "Croton Tiglium," proved very interesting, being a record of the author's experience with a series of cases in which Croton tiglium was used.

Dr. H. E. Spalding, in discussing Dr. Hodgdon's paper, said in part I want to thank Dr. Hodgdon for bringing to our attention this remedy. I presume my experience is a good deal the same as other physicians', that a remedy comes to our notice and use and we use it until something else comes to our attention, and it may be temporarily put aside. I used to use it a few years ago at the hospital, and think it a valuable remedy, especially in skin diseases. The first impression in speaking of, Croton tiglium is that we get bene

ficial results from its irritation. In other cases, where large doses have been taken, one or two instances have been reported where there was no diarrhoea. In one instance where the drug was taken, it seemed to affect the ear passage and also the nervous system, but there was not enough taken to produce vomiting or diarrhoea. One physician thought he had a case of cholera, but found patient had taken Croton tiglium.

As to the secondary symptoms, I am very glad that they have been brought to my attention, because I think we all have a good deal of trouble with eczema. We often have cases of old men who are troubled with eczema of the scrotum, and this is not an easy disease to treat. I simply point these out as possible uses for Croton tiglium.

Dr. Merrick I would like to ask if any local applications. were made in Dr. Hodgdon's cases, and in what potency the drug was taken ?

Dr. Hodgdon 6th to 12th potency. No local applications. whatever.

Dr. Colby: It is a good while since I have used this remedy. I was very glad to hear the report regarding skin diseases. I remember that for many years I used Croton tiglium in eczema, and I think I can truthfully say that I used Croton tiglium with better success in more cases of eczema than all the rest of the drugs that I can recall to my mind.

2. Dr. Butler's case of tubercular meningitis relieved by iodoform proved of unusual interest.

Dr. H. C. Clapp, in discussing this paper, said: I have no doubt that some of you, surely not all of you, think, as many authorities do, that because this case did not die it could not have been a case of tubercular meningitis. It is recognized as a very fatal disease. Some authorities say they never have seen a case that recovered. This is, I think, the true position to take. I will say that until this time I have never seen a case that I wanted to call tubercular meningitis which recovered. It may be mentioned that this case has not recovered as yet; the meningeal symptoms have disappeared

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