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enter the hospital and let Dr. Smith operate; and he consented, with the result you have seen.

"I consider that this man's best arm has been saved for him, with but little impairment of its normal functions, and possibly his life. One can readily see from this case what modern surgery must mean on the field of battle, for here we have an illustration of the old method as contrasted with the new. What the outcome might have been had he not submitted to operative interference is hard to realize.

"The other two cases I will not take your time in discussing, except to say that the results are all that could be desired, and certainly the operation for excision of the scapula seems to be an ideal one for conserving the use of the arm."

The last paper of the evening was read by Dr. William T. Hopkins, his subject being "Operation of Choice in Chronic Prostatic Hypertrophy."

Owing to the lateness of the hour, Dr. Hopkins' paper was not discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 10.10 P.M.

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FRANK E. ALLARD, General Secretary.


ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 10, 1899. To the Members of the American Institute of Homœopathy and the Homœopathic Physicians of the United States and Canada, Atlantic City extends a hearty invitation to attend the Fifty-fifth Annual Convention of the Institute, June 20 to 24. As the time for this meeting draws near, the indications become clearer and stronger that it will be a very large and enthusiastic gathering. Several members of the Institute have visited Atlantic City the last few days, making hotel arrangements for the entertainment of the clubs and parties. It looks now as if this session of the Institute will be a congress of clubs and societies. Having a list of forty good hotels from which to choose (many of them being in every way first class) has made it an easy matter for these advance agents to secure just the accommodations that they

desire. There is still room for more, but the committee would advise early engagements where large parties are concerned if those having them in charge desire that all their members should room near each other or on the same floor. The following is a list of the hotels that have been secured with the rates per day, one person in a room:

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The program has developed in a way that is very gratifying; members have responded to the call for papers in an enthusiastic manner, and every point has been brought to a focus, to the end that nothing has been left undone or overlooked that will add to the comfort, pleasure, and profit of the members and their friends.

This program is good from beginning to end, and no part of it can be cut or missed without corresponding loss. The session will be short and active, and all should arrange to come early and stay to the end.

Keeping pace with the scientific program, the social program for entertainment and amusement has developed very satisfactorily; and while the social features will be largely in

evidence, they will not be allowed in any way to interfere with the serious and scientific works of the Institute.

On Tuesday night the local club will entertain the Institute first with an informal reception on the pier immediately following the opening session, and will be followed by a smoker at the Rudolf Grotto; on Wednesday evening the Alumni Association of the New York Homœopathic Medical College will give an entertainment to which the ladies will be invited; this will be held at the Hotel Dennis. On Thursday evening the Germantown Medical Society will give a smoker at the Empire Theatre. On Friday the Alumni Association of Hahnemann Medical College, of Philadelphia, will entertain the Institute at the Islesworth; and on Saturday evening a banquet will be tendered the Institute by the local club, to which the ladies will be invited.

The Ladies' Homœopathic Club of Atlantic City have prepared a pleasant program of teas, receptions, and excursions for the lady visitors.

The several sessions of the Institute will be held upon the new steel pier, situated at the foot of Virginia Avenue; the meeting room will be delightfully cool and pleasant, as has often been stated by those visiting the pier.

Applications for membership keep coming in, but they would come in more rapidly if the members all over the country would keep beckoning their friends towards the Institute. Much work must still be done in this direction before the twentieth of June; a strong effort is being made, but we need more workers in the field. Sometimes it only requires a word to turn one to the right or to the left; that word said by a member may bring a new member in.

Do not forget the date of the meeting, June 20 to 24; do not forget it will be only a five days' session; do not forget to come early, and do not leave until it is over; do not forget the place, Atlantic City, N. J.

Yours very truly,


Chairman Local Committee.

NEW YORK CITY, April 28, 1899. DR. JOHN L. COFFIN, Editor Medical Gazette, Boston, Mass. Dear Doctor, Although many reminders of the Atlantic City meeting of the American Institute of Homœopathy, on June 20, 1899, have already appeared in the various journals, it may not be amiss to point out briefly some of the peculiar and singular advantages of this year's assembly.

First. The place selected, Atlantic City, N. J., is ideal; perhaps no other watering place or summer resort offers such extensive and excellent hotel accommodations, at prices that may be adjusted to suit all. Some forty or more hotels are ready to accommodate the members of the Institute, and they have made notable reductions in their prices. The halls for the meetings, both general and sectional, are all that can be desired; and the freedom from the vexatious noise and hot winds of the city will be more appreciated when listening to the sounds of the surf upon the beach, and enjoying the cool ocean breezes.

Second. The change of the plan, while it provides for a shorter session, rather adds to than detracts from the value of the purely scientific side of the meeting. Each session will have one general meeting before the entire Institute, and papers of general interest will be read and thoroughly discussed. Sectional meetings for each session have also been provided for. For all these meetings, both general and sectional, a definite and clear-cut program has been arranged. The papers to be read will be announced in the regular order, and the names of those chosen to discuss the papers will follow. Time enough will be allowed to allow others besides those on the regular program to take part in the discussions. It is believed these arrangements, enabling a larger amount of work to be done in a given time, will prove eminently satisfactory; and the General Secretary may add that the chairmen of all the sessions have done everything in their power to perfect this plan.

Third. Quite aside from the scientific interest of the Institute, but allied to it, is the social side. The plans of the committee, already familiar to your readers, need not be re

capitulated here. Suffice it to say that the members present will be made happy in more ways than it is possible for them to imagine. It may also be added that there will be reunions. and celebrations by many clubs and organizations, and many old acquaintanceships and friendships will be revived.

Fourth. Besides all these things, the railroad fare is certain to be at a reduced rate of one and one third for the round trip. There will be the largest attendance at this meeting, in all probability, of any meeting held by the Institute for years. Atlantic City is a better place to rest and enjoy oneself thoroughly than almost any other spot that might have been selected.

To all these very good reasons why every homoeopathic physician should attend the Atlantic City meeting, let me add the most excellent reason of all, and that is, that the American Institute of Homoeopathy, our national organization, not only desires but is entitled to command the presence and support of every homoeopathic physician in the United States. We all know what the Institute has done as a national body. We know that without it our rights, privileges, and power would have been greatly curtailed. We know that it is not only a bulwark and safeguard against the assaults of our enemies, but it unites our own force into a home genius working core. Besides all this, it has encouraged and built up our schools and colleges, has fostered scientific research, has exhibited the greatest tolerance in matters of opinion, and has been a college for the education and development of leaders in a school. Because of all these things, it seems to the General Secretary that he may encroach once more upon your space and upon the patience of your readers, even if most of what he says has been said before. Let us from this year, 1899, resolve that we will attend the Atlantic City meetings of the Institute, and that we will give this grand old national organization such a forward impetus that we will begin the work in the new century with irresistible force and strength. I am,

Yours fraternally,


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