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all debate shall be germane and confined to the specific question then pending before the Senate.

On August 10, 1888, the Senate agreed to the following:

Resolved, That after to-day, unless otherwise ordered, the morning hour shall terminate at the expiration of two hours after the meeting of the Senate. (S. Jour. 1266, 50-1, Aug. 10, 1888.)



Immediately after the consideration of cases not objected to upon the Calendar is completed, and not later than 2 o'clock if there shall be no special orders for that time, the Calendar of General Orders shall be taken up and proceeded with in its order, beginning with the first subject on the Calendar next after the last subject disposed of in proceeding with the Calendar; and in such case the following motions shall be in order at any time as privileged motions, save as against a motion to adjourn, or to proceed to the consideration of executive business, or questions of privilege, to wit: First. A motion to proceed to the consideration of an appropriation or revenue bill.

Second. A motion to proceed to the consideration of any other bill on the Calendar, which motion shall not be open to amendment.

Third. A motion to pass over the pending subject, which if carried shall have the effect to leave such subject without prejudice in its place on the Calendar.

Fourth. A motion to place such subject at the foot of the Calendar.

Each of the foregoing motions shall be decided without debate and shall have precedence in the order above named,

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and may be submitted as in the nature and with all the rights of questions of order.

[Jefferson's Manual, Secs. XIV, XXXIII.






1. Any subject may, by a vote of two-thirds of the Senators present, be made a special order; and when the time so fixed for its consideration arrives the Presiding Officer shall lay it before the Senate, unless there be unfinished business of the preceding day, and if it is not finally disposed of on that day it shall take its place on the Calendar of Special Orders in the order of time at which it was made special, unless it shall become by adjournment the unfinished business.

[Jefferson's Manual, Secs. XVIII, XXXIII.

2. When two or more special orders have been made for the same time, they shall have precedence according to the order in which they were severally assigned, and that order shall only be changed by direction of the Senate.

1 And all motions to change such order, or to proceed to the consideration of other business, shall be decided without debate. [Jefferson's Manual, Secs. XVIII, XXXIII.



When the reading of a paper is called for, and objected to, it shall be determined by a vote of the Senate, without debate. [Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XXXII.

1 As amended, S. Jour. 442, 48-1, Mar. 19, 1884.




1. When the yeas and nays are ordered, the names of [12.1] Senators shall be called alphabetically; and each Senator shall, without debate, declare his assent or dissent to the question, unless excused by the Senate; and no Senator shall be permitted to vote after the decision shall have been announced by the Presiding Officer, but may for sufficient reasons, with unanimous consent, change or withdraw his vote. No motion to suspend this rule shall be in order, nor shall the Presiding Officer entertain any request to suspend it by unanimous consent.

[Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XLI.

2. When a Senator declines to vote on call of his name, he [12.2] shall be required to assign his reasons therefor, and having assigned them, the Presiding Officer shall submit the question to the Senate: "Shall the Senator, for the reasons. assigned by him, be excused from voting?" which shall be decided without debate; and these proceedings shall be had after the roll call and before the result is announced; and any further proceedings in reference thereto shall be after such announcement.

[Jefferson's Manual, Secs. XVII, XLI.

3. No request by a Senator for unanimous consent for [12.3] the taking of a final vote on a specified date upon the passage of a bill or joint resolution shall be submitted to the Senate for agreement thereto until, upon a roll call ordered for the purpose by the Presiding Officer, it shall be disclosed that a quorum of the Senate is present; and when a unanimous

1 As amended, S. Jour. 74, 63-2, Jan. 16, 1914.




consent is thus given the same shall operate as the order of the Senate, but any unanimous consent may be revoked by another unanimous consent granted in the manner prescribed above upon one day's notice.



1. When a question has been decided by the Senate, any Senator voting with the prevailing side or who has not voted 1 may, on the same day or on either of the next two days of actual session thereafter, move a reconsideration; and if the Senate shall refuse to reconsider, or upon reconsideration shall affirm its first decision, no further motion to reconsider shall be in order unless by unanimous consent. Every motion to reconsider shall be decided by a majority vote,2 and may be laid on the table without affecting the question in reference to which the same is made, which shall be a final disposition of the motion. [Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XLIII.

2. When a bill, resolution, report, amendment, order, or message, upon which a vote has been taken, shall have gone out of the possession of the Senate and been communicated to the House of Representatives, the motion to reconsider shall be accompanied by a motion to request the House to return the same; which last motion shall be acted upon immediately, and without debate, and if determined in the negative shall be a final disposition of the motion to reconsider.

1 As amended, S. Jour. 357, 71-2, May 16, 1930.
'As amended, S. Jour. 945, 49-1, June 21, 1886.

[Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XLIII.




1. Whenever a bill or joint resolution shall be offered, its [4.1] introduction shall, if objected to, be postponed for one day.

[Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XXIII.

2. Every bill and joint resolution shall receive three read- [14.2] ings previous to its passage, which readings shall be on three different days, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise; and the Presiding Officer shall give notice at each reading whether it be the first, second, or third: 'Provided, That the first or second reading of each bill may be by title only, unless the Senate in any case shall otherwise order.

[Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XXII.

3. No bill or joint resolution shall be committed or [14.3] amended until it shall have been twice read, after which it may be referred to a committee; bills and joint resolutions introduced on leave, and bills and joint resolutions from the House of Representatives, shall be read once, and may be read twice, on the same day, if not objected to, for reference, but shall not be considered on that day 2 nor debated, except for reference, unless by unanimous consent.

[Jefferson's Manual, Sec. XXV.

4. Every bill and joint resolution reported from a committee, not having previously been read, shall be read once, and twice, if not objected to, on the same day, and placed on the Calendar in the order in which the same may be reported; and every bill and joint resolution introduced on leave, and every bill and joint resolution of the House of Representatives which shall have received a first and second

1 As amended, 8. Jour. 71, 63-2, Jan. 14, 1914. As amended, 8. Jour. 357, 71-2, May 16, 1930.

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