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those which are adopted with little hesitation, as the roots of the oak, which is exposed to the tempest, strike much deeper, than those which grow in the forest.

I view the Congress of Panama as one of the links in that great chain of events, by which Providence designs to bind all the nations of Christendom,—which will be, finally, all the nations in the world,-in one grand bond of permanent and universal peace. It is to me to the utmost degree graifying, to find, that the first promoters and most able abettors of this great measure, which forms a new era in the history of man, agree, in their views of it, with the friends of peace; and I regard it as a grand triumph of our principles, which are gradually, though silently, extending to every heart, and bringing about the joyful anticipations of their first movers. Notwithstanding the taunts and jeers of the enemies of peace, we find, that the greatest and the wisest men in the nation are adopting our principles, though they may not from prudential motives, join our society as the doctrines of the christian religion have an effect on the principles

and practice of those who do not become professors, and have a coercive power over those who fear and hate the light.

It seems that the chief opposition, which was manifested against the mission, originated in the fear, that it would result in the final abolition of slavery in this hemisphere; while, on our part, the chief hope was, that it would result in the final abolition of war within the same bounds. Thus, in this case, as in all others, we find a natural alliance between liberty and peace, slavery and war.

The following sentiments of the President are breathed in the very spirit of the friends of peace, and I may almost say, of the Prince of Peace. He says, "In the intercourse between nations, temper is a missionary perhaps more powerful than talent. Nothing was ever lost by kind treatment. Nothing can be gained by sullen repulses and aspiring pretensions." This great statesman seems to have taken the same views of the contemplated congress, as have been entertained by the friends of peace ever since its first proposal. He adds

"But objects of the highest importance, not

only to the future welfare of the whole human race, but bearing directly upon the special interests of this Union, will engage the deliberations of the Congress of Panama, whether we are represented there or not. Others, if we are represented, may be offered by our Plenipotentiaries, for consideration, having in view both these great results, our own interests, and the improvement of the condition of man upon earth. It may

be, that in the lapse of many centuries, no other opportunity so favorable, will be presented to the government of the United States, to subserve the benevolent purposes of divine Providence, to dispense the promised blessings of the Redeemer of mankind, to promote the prevalence in future ages of peace on earth and good will to man, as will now be placed in their power, by participating in the deliberations of this Congress."

In the following quotation my readers will probably recognize some sentiments with which they have been familiar, and which have always been advocated by the friends of peace, but never so ably as by Mr. Adams.

"If it be true that the noblest treaty of

peace, ever mentioned in history, is that by which the Carthagenians were bound to abolish the practice of sacrificing their own children, because it was stipulated in favor of human nature, I cannot exaggerate to myself the unfading glory, with which these United States will go forth in the memory of future ages, if, by their friendly counsel, by their moral influence, by the power of argument and persuasion alone, they can prevail upon the American nations at Panama to stipulate, by general agreement among themselves, and so far as any of them may be concerned, the perpetual abolition of private war upon the ocean. And if we cannot yet flatter ourselves, that this may be accomplished, as advances towards it, the establishment of the principle that the friendly flag shall cover the cargo, the curtailment of contraband of war, and the proscription of fictitious paper blockades; engagements which we may reasonably hope will not prove impracticable, will, if successfully inculcated, redound proportionally to our honor, and drain the fountain of many a future sanguinary war."

The abolition of the slave trade is to be one

of the grand problems to be solved at the contemplated congress. If we consider how many wars the slave trade has occasioned in Africa, and how many wars the colonial system has caused in Europe and America, we must acknowledge that the abolition of that trade would be the prevention of much devastation and bloodshed. It is probable, also, that at this congress, the projected invasion of Cuba and Portorico, and much consequent carnage and desolation will be prevented, not only on those islands, but in other parts; for it is probable, that in case of invasion, Spain, seeing her inability to defend these colonies, will cede them to some other continental power, and thus, unless the age should be uncommonly pacific, a war might again be lighted up in America, which would extend to Europe.

Another grand object which will probably be at least in part obtained, is an extension of religious liberty. This will have a decided tendency to the preservation of peace. Mankind cannot be made warlike, unless they are grossly ignorant, not only of the great principles of the christian religion, but

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