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Alonthly Record of Current Events.



1ONGRESS adjourned on the 6th of August. the Senate Messrs. Wiley and Carlisle, appointed from Virginia, in place of Messrs. Hunter and Mason, were admitted to seats. The House resolved, at the opening of the Session, that it would only consider bills and resolutions relating to military and naval appropriations, and that all other bills should be referred without debate to the appropriate Committees, to be considered at the next regular Session. This resolution was subsequently modified, but nearly all the business of the Session related directly to war measures. The bills were mostly passed by very decided majorities, the votes against them in either House rarely exceeding half a dozen. The principal exceptions to this were the Tariff Act, which, as finally amended, was passed in the House by a vote of 89 to 39, and the Confiscation bill by 60 to 48. There were very few formal speeches made; the most noticeable of these were in the Senate, upon Mr. Wilson's bill indorsing the acts of the President. This was opposed at length by Messrs. Breckinridge and Powell of Kentucky, Polk of Missouri, and Bayard of Delaware. No direct vote was taken upon this bill. In the House the principal opponents of the war measures were Messrs. Wood of New York, Vallandigham of Ohio, and Burnet of Kentucky. Mr. Crittenden of Kentucky offered a resolution, which was passed almost unanimously, to the effect that the present war has been forced upon the country by the Southern disunionists; that the only object of the Government in prosecuting it is to maintain its integrity and the unity of the entire country, and that when these objects shall have been accomplished the war shall terminate. A similar resolution offered in the Senate, by Mr. Johnson of Tennessee, was passed by a vote of 30 to 5.-The following list comprises a synopsis of the most important public acts passed during the Session:

Authorizing a National Loan of $250,000,000. The Secretary of the Treasury may borrow this amount within twelve months, for which he is to issue bonds or Treasury notes. The bonds to bear interest not exceeding 7 per cent., redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after twenty years; the treasury notes, of not less than $50 each, payable after three years, with interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent. He may also issue Treasury notes of $10 and upward, payable on demand without interest, or notes of similar denomination, payable in one year with interest 3 65-100 per cent.; but the issue of notes without interest shall not exceed $50,000,000. The Secretary may open books of subscription to the loan; in case a larger amount is subscribed than is required, smaller subscriptions to have the preference. He may also issue proposals

for the sale of the bonds, and may accept such as he thinks proper, but no offer at less than par may be accepted. He of this loan in foreign countries. The faith of the United may also negotiate the sale of not more than $100,000,000 States is pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of this loan. A supplementary Act authorizes the issue of Treasury notes of five dollars, instead of ten, as limited by the original Act.

Levying direct taxes, and increasing the tariff. A direct tax of $20,000,000 per annum is imposed, the amount apsentative population. The following is the sum assigned portioned among the States in proportion to their repreto each State and Territory: Maine

New Hampshire.

Rhode Island..

New York...
New Jersey.

North Carolina
South Carolina


$120,826 Indiana. 21S,406 Illinois.. 211,068 Missouri 824,581 Kansas ,116,963 Arkansas 308,214 Michigan

$904,875 1,146,551





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To collect this tax the Secretary of the Treasury may divide the country into suitable districts, appointing collectors and assessed upon the value of lands, lots of ground, with their assessors, and making all needful regulations. The tax is improvements and dwelling-houses, which are to be valued at what they are worth in money on the 1st of April, 1862. Property specially exempted from taxation by State laws, and property to the amount of five hundred dollars belonging to any person who resides upon the same, to be exempt from taxation. The act makes full provisions for the cases of fraudulent returns, and absentee property owners, and defaults in payment. In addition to this direct tax, an income tax is levied. Incomes less than $800 per annum are not taxed; those above this amount, derived from salaries, profits, dividends, interests, or any source not included in the foregoing "direct tax," pay three per cent. upon the excess of income over $800; persons residing abroad, deriving income from property in this country, pay 5 per cent. Any State may assume the collection and payment of the foregoing direct and income taxes; the State is then to be entitled to an abatement of 15 per cent. upon all amounts paid to the treasury of the United States before the last day of June, or 10 per cent. upon all paid in before the last day of September in the year to which the payment relates the year commencing with the 1st of April. The collectors receive for their services, four per cent. upon the first hundred thousand dollars paid over by them, one per cent. upon the second hundred thousand, and one-half per cent. upon all further sums; but no one shall receive more than 8000 dollars. These taxes are due on the 13th of June, 1862; if not paid at that time six per cent. interest is to be added until paid; if not paid within 30 days after

due notice, the collector shall levy upon property, and in default of property, the delinquent is to be imprisoned until taxes and costs are paid; but he may be released from imprisonment in the manner provided for release from custody for the non-payment of State taxes, or by order of the Secretary of the Treasury. In case the taxes can not be collected in any State, by reason of insurrection, they are to be collected, with interest, when the authority of the United States is re-established.

To provide for increased revenue from imposts. The most important additions made by this tariff are that tea pays 15 cents per pound and coffee 4 cents, these were formerly free. Raw sugar pays 2 cents, and white sugar 2, instead of cents, refined and loaf sugars 4 cents, instead of 2. The duty on silks is increased 10 per cent.; on wines 10 per cent.; on brandy it is raised from $1 to $1 25; on distilled spirits from 40 to 50 cents; and on molasses from 2 to 5 cents per gallon. This bill forms a part of tax-bill, as finally passed.

Providing for the collection of duties in disaffected States. The President may order these to be collected at a port of delivery, or upon shipboard, or where they can not be so collected in any district he may by proclamation close the ports of that district; any vessel from abroad attempting to enter these ports to be forfeited. When any part of a State is in insurrection against the United States, the President may by proclamation forbid all commercial intercourse with the remainder of the States, all goods, proceeding to or from these portions, with the vessels or vehicles conveying them, to be forfeited. But he may license commercial intercourse in such articles, and to such extent, as he deems advisable. Vessels belonging wholly or in part to citizens of the insurrectionary States, found at sea or in any port of the loyal States fifteen days after the issue of the proclamation, to be forfeited. But the forfeitures under this act may be remitted or mitigated by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Authorizing the employment of volunteers to aid in enforcing the laws and protecting public property. Authorizes the President to accept the services of volunteers, not exceeding 500,000 in number, cavalry, artillery, or infantry; they are to be enlisted for the war, and are to be subject to the rules of the articles of war, and to be in all respects on the same footing as similar corps in the United States army. The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, is to appoint such major-generals and brigadier-generals as are, in his judgment, required for the organization of the volunteers.

Increasing the pay of volunteers. Non-commissioned officers and privates shall receive two dollars a month in addition to their former pay, making 13 dollars a month for privates; in lieu of clothing they shall be paid three dollars and fifty cents a month additional; they shall receive rations computed at nine dollars a month; if wounded in battle, they will be awarded the same pension as is given a disabled soldier of the regular army; and if death ensues from wounds received, the widow, or, if there be none, the legal heirs, shall receive, in addition to all arrearages of pay and allowances, the sum of one hundred dollars. Bounties are to be paid to troops who re-enlist for the war. If they enlist individually, they receive 30 dollars; if by companies of not less that 64 men, 50 dollars each; if a whole regiment re-enlists, each man re

ceives 75 dollars.

Increasing the present military establishment of the United States. In addition to the present regular army there are to be enlisted nine regiments of infantry, one of cavalry, and one of artillery; this increase is to be for service during the present insurrection; and within one year after constitutional authority shall be restored, the number of the army may be reduced to 25,000 men, unless otherwise ordered by Congress.

Providing for the suppression of rebellion. This act authorizes the President to call out by proclamation the militia and employ the land and naval force to execute the laws, when necessary. The militia so called out to receive the same pay and allowances as the regular army. Any officer or private failing to obey the proclamation to forfeit a sum not less than one month's or more than one

portation of the army, 16 millions; for gun-boats on Western waters, 1 million; for hire of quarters, etc., 14 millions; for clothing and camp equipage, 13 millions; for ordnance and supplies, 2 millions; for the manufacture of arms, 2 millions; for amount to refund to the States expenses incurred in sending out volunteers, 10 millions.

Making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June 30, 1862, and for arrearages for the preceding year. This bill makes appropriations to the amount of about $30,000,000. The following are the principal items, also given in millions of dollars: For pay of officers and seamen, 7 millions; for repair and equipment of vessels, 8 millions; for fuel, 1 million; for ordnance and stores, 3 millions; for the completion of seven screw sloops, 14 millions; for provisions, 2 millions; for contingent expenses, 1 million; for arrearages due on purchase, charter, and fitting out of vessels, 4 millions.

Providing for the temporary increase of the navy, appropriating $3,000,000 for the hire and purchase of ves sels, and for the payment of officers and men,

Appropriating two millions of dollars to defray the cost of transporting and delivering arms and munitions of war to the loyal citizens of States now in insurrection against the United States, and for defraying the expenses of organizing these citizens for protection against rebellion or invasion.

Appropriating $10,000,000 for the purchase of arms and equipments for the volunteers and regular troops.

Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to remit duties paid by any State upon arms imported for the use of troops engaged in suppressing insurrection.

Appropriating $10,000,000 for the purchase and manufacture of arms, ordnance, and ordnance stores. Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to each State the costs incurred in fitting out and sending its troops to aid in suppressing the present insurrection.

Directing all letters sent prepaid to soldiers, directed to any place where they have been stationed, to be forwarded to the places where they have been removed, without extra charge.

Defining and punishing conspiracies. If two or more persons in any State or Territory combine together to overthrow the Government of the United States, seize its property, or obstruct the execution of its laws, they are to be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both: fines to be not less than five hundred or more than five thousand dollars: imprisonments to be not less than six months or more than six years.

Confiscating property used for insurrectionary purposes. -This act provides that, in the present or any future insurrection, any property given to aid such insurrection, or used for that purpose with the knowledge and consent of the owner, shall be subject to seizure and confiscation: any person claiming service or labor from any other person, under the laws of any State, who shall employ such person in aiding or abetting the insurrection, forfeits all right to this service or labor, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

The military operations of the month have been of decided importance. In Western Virginia the Federal troops, under command of General M‘Clellan, have met with brilliant success in several engagements. On the 11th of July an action took place at Rich Mountain, where a body of Confederates, commanded by Colonel Pegram, were attacked and defeated by the Ohio and Indiana troops, commanded by General Rosencranz, with a loss of 60 killed; they also lost all their guns and camp equipage. Colonel Pegram, and the remnant of his command, amounting to 600 men, surrendered themselves prisoners of war. Two days after General Garnett, the commander of the Confederate army in this section, while retreating from Laurel Hill, where he had been posted, was overtaken by the Federal troops under General MorMaking appropriations for the support of the army for ris, at Carrick's Ford. They made a stand, but were the year ending June 30, 1862, and for arrearages for the defeated with a loss stated at some hundreds; among preceding year. This act makes appropriations to the amount of about $180,000,000. The following are some the killed was General Garnett. Several other miof the principal items; we give the sums in millions of nor actions of less consequence took place in this dollars: For pay of the army, 4 millions: for pay of three region, the result of all being in favor of the Federal months' volunteers, 34 millions; for pay of two and three years' volunteers, 55 millions; for subsistence of regular troops. General M'Clellan, in an order to his army, troops, 24 millions; for subsistence of two and three years' dated July 19, thus sums up the results of the camvolunteers, 23 millions; for regular supplies in quarter-paign to that day: "Soldiers of the Army of the master's department, 14 millions; for incidental expenses West: You have annihilated two armies, commandof quarter-master's department, 7 millions; for purchase of dragoon and artillery horses, 10 millions; for trans-ed by educated and experienced soldiers, intrenched

year's pay.

advance of this column accomplished nothing, and to its failure may be attributed the disaster at Bull Run. General Patterson, a few days before the close of his time of service, was superseded by General Banks, and this division of the army returned across the Potomac to Maryland.

in mountain fastnesses, and fortified at their leisure. | volunteers whose term was about to expire. The You have taken five guns, twelve colors, fifteen hundred stand of arms, one thousand prisoners, including more than forty officers. One of the second commanders of the rebels is a prisoner, the other lost his life on the field of battle. You have killed more than two hundred and fifty of the enemy, who has lost all his baggage and camp equipage. All this has been accomplished with the loss of twenty brave men killed, and sixty wounded on your part."General M'Clellan having been called to Washington, after the disaster at Bull Run, the command in Western Virginia devolved upon General Rosencranz, who, on the 7th of August, announced to the Government that the enemy had been driven from the valley of the Kanawha, and asking for the resumption of the United States mail service.

General Patterson's division, which crossed the Potomac above Harper's Ferry on the 2d of July, was expected to follow the Confederate troops under General Johnston, who had abandoned Harper's Ferry, and at all events prevent them from uniting with the main body at Manassas Junction. Johnston fell back as far as Winchester; but Patterson did not advance beyond Martinsburg; and as the event showed did nothing to prevent the junction of the Confederate forces. He reports that the enemy were reinforced so as to outnumber his own, and that his forces were composed in a great measure of

The main column of the army, commanded by General M'Dowell, commenced the passage of the Potomac opposite Washington on the 7th of July; but it was more than a week before the division was collected, and then many of the regiments advanced without ever having been collected into a brigade. But on the 16th General M'Dowell left Arlington, though poorly prepared to advance; but the period of the service of many of his troops was about to expire; in a few days he would have lost 10,000 of his best men from this cause. The design was to reach Centreville, some seven miles from Manassas, on the 17th, and bring on a battle on the 19th. But the obstructions of the road, and the condition of the men, who were unaccustomed to marching, caused a delay of two full days, giving the enemy time to concentrate their forces. On the evening of the 20th M'Dowell's command was mainly at Centreville, while the enemy was at or near Manassas. The accompanying diagram will illustrate the account of the battle of the following day, condensed from M'Dowell's official report: Midway between Centre

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result was a defeat, which might have been fatal
had the enemy followed up his advantage.
most disgraceful part of the affair, as reported by
General M'Dowell, is the conduct of the Fourth
Pennsylvania regiment of volunteers and the battery
of the volunteer artillery of the New York Eighth
Militia. Their term had expired on the eve of the
battle. They insisted on being discharged, refusing
'to remain even for a few days longer. They marched
off the next morning, moving to the rear to the
sound of the enemy's cannon, while their former
comrades were advancing to battle. The Federal
troops who crossed Bull Run numbered 18,000.
Their loss is officially stated as follows:











Many of the wounded received but slight hurts.
The total number disabled will probably be less than
1000. The number returned as missing is 1216;
how many of these are prisoners it is impossible to
say; but the number is undoubtedly large.
loss of arms and munitions was about 17 rifled can-
non, 8 smooth bores, 2500 muskets, 150 boxes of
small-arm ammunition, 80 boxes cannon ammuni-
tion, 13 wagons of provisions, 8000 knapsacks and
blankets. The whole number of cannon taken into
the action was 49 pieces, of which 28 were rifled.

ville and Manassas is a small stream called Bull Run. | Johnston's reinforcements turned the scale, and the A reconnoissance made on the 18th, resulting in a partial engagement under General Tyler, had shown that Blackburn's Ford, one passage over the Run, was strongly fortified; so also was the Stone Bridge on the Warrenton turnpike, the direct road from Centreville to Manassas. Three miles west of the bridge is a ford at Sudley's Spring, which was supposed to be undefended, between which and the bridge was a defended ford. It was therefore resolved to cross at this upper ford, and having guarded the lower ford and bridge, to send a detachment to destroy a portion of the Manassas Railroad, and thus break up the communication between the forces at Manassas and those supposed to be held in check at Winchester by General Patterson. The divisions were ordered to march at half past two o'clock on the morning of the 21st, rations for three days having been given out on the previous evening. A strong force was to hold the road from Blackburn's Ford, to prevent our left from being turned by the enemy; General Tyler was to move on the Warrenton road, and cannonade the enemy's batteries near the bridge, while Colonel Hunter's division, following after, was to turn northward to the upper ford, and having crossed this, to turn south, and thus gain the rear of the enemy's batteries; and in the mean while, Colonel Heintzelman's division was to follow Hunter's for a distance, and then turn to the lower ford, where he was to cross, after the enemy had been driven off by Hunter. These movements are clearly shown on the map. Tyler commenced fire at half past six A. M., but was not answered from the enemy's batteries, which led to the suspicion that the Confederate forces were not in force in front, but intended themselves to attack our left by way of Blackburn's Ford. Hunter's division found the road to the upper ford longer than had been anticipated. The crossing was effected, and Hunter's division, reinforced by Heintzelman's, advanced southward toward the Warrenton turnpike, while Tyler fired upon the bodies of the enemy who were advancing in front of him upon the troops who had just crossed. The main battle-field was thus on the west side of Bull Run, between Sudley's Spring and the Warrenton turnpike. The Confederate troops were, after severe fighting, pressed back for a mile and a half beyond the Warrenton road, when rein- General Butler, in command at Fortress Monroe, forcements arrived for the Confederates. These con- has asked the direction of the Government as to the sisted of the residue of General Johnston's army, disposition to be made of the slaves who seek refuge which had just arrived from Winchester, a part at the fortress, of whom there were nearly a thousand. having been on the ground previously. The Fed--Secretary Cameron replied that it was the desire eral troops were exhausted. of the President that all existing rights in the States be maintained; and hence no question could arise as to fugitives from service in loyal States and Territories; but in States wholly or in part under insurrectionary control, the rights dependent upon the execution of the laws must temporarily fail; and in States within which military operations are conducted, the rights dependent upon the laws of the States must of necessity be subordinated to the exigencies created by the insurrection, if not wholly forfeited by the treasonable conduct of parties claiming them. By a recent Act of Congress if persons held to service are employed in hostility to the United States, the right to such services is forfeited; hence no claim can be recognized by the military authority of the Union for the services of such persons, when fugitives. In respect to persons escaping from the service of loyal masters in these States, the Secretary concludes that the rights of the masters will be best subserved by receiving the fugitives into the service of the United States, and employing

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon; they had been up since two in the morning, and after a weary march had been fighting for five hours; many of them had eaten nothing, having thrown away the rations with which they had been supplied the previous night. The fresh troops of the Confederates threw themselves into the woods on our right, and drove our forces back; the retreat then became a rout, soon degenerating into a panic. The enemy followed only a short distance, but at the crossing of the ford, where the road was blocked up by the flying masses, occasioned much loss. By sundown the greater portion of our men had got beyond Centreville; but so utterly demoralized were our forces that no attempt was made at a stand; and the fragments of the army rushed back to Arlington, and occupied the positions which they had left but five days before. During the action they fought with unquestioned bravery, and almost secured a victory, against large odds, both in numbers and position; but the arrival of

Directly after the battle of Bull Run General M'Clellan was summoned from Western Virginia, and placed at the head of the division of the army near Washington.-General Frémont has reached his field of command, making St. Louis his headquarters. General Banks commands the division of the Upper Potomac, having superseded General Patterson.-General Butler, apprehending an attack upon his post at Hampton, withdrew his forces; the town was abandoned by the greater portion of the population. On the 2d of August General Magruder advanced from Yorktown with a large body of Confederates, and on the night of the 7th set fire to Hampton, giving the remaining inhabitants only a few minutes to escape; the village was almost entirely consumed.

them as circumstances may require, keeping a record of all the facts and circumstances, so that upon the return of tranquillity Congress may be able to provide for their return, and for just compensation to the masters. In the mean while General Butler is directed not to permit any interference by his troops with the servants of peaceful citizens in the house or field, nor to encourage them to leave their masters; nor, except in cases where the public good may seem to require it, to prevent the voluntary return of any fugitive to the service from which he may have escaped.

In Missouri affairs are assuming a critical position. As noted last month, Governor Jackson, abandoning the capital, proceeded southwest toward Arkansas, where troops were gathering, under the command of Major M'Culloch, the Texan Ranger, joined by bodies of the Missouri "State Guard." General Lyon, with United States troops and bodies of the "Home Guard," proceeded in the same direction. Several skirmishes have taken place in different parts of the State, mostly in the southwest. One of the most important of these occurred at Carthage, on the 5th of July, the Federal troops being commanded by Colonel (now General) Siegel, and the Confederates by General Rains, in which the former had a decided advantage, although, being greatly outnumbered, he retreated to Springfield, toward which place General Lyon was advancing. On the 1st of August General Lyon, learning of the approach of M'Culloch, advanced to meet him; on the following day a skirmish occurred at Dug Spring, nineteen miles from Springfield, in which a gallant charge was made by a small body of cavalry upon a superior force of the enemy, who retired. General Lyon, having but four days' rations, did not pursue, but returned to Springfield on the 4th. At the latest dates, the enemy were concentrating in large numbers in this quarter, and a decisive engagement was hourly expected.- -In the mean while the State Convention re-assembled at Jefferson City, and on the 30th of July, by a vote of 56 to 25, passed an ordinance vacating the offices of Governor, Lieuten

The blockade of the Southern ports is far from efficient. A large number of privateers have succeeded in evading the blockading vessels, and putting out to sea. They are mostly vessels of light draft, capable of running into inlets where ships of war can not follow them. They have made many prizes; at least fifty merchant vessels are known to have been captured. The most successful of these privateers have been the steamer Sumter and the brig Jeff Davis. The Sumter, formerly the Marquis de la Habana, belonging to General Miramon, was captured by the United States, and taken to New Orleans, where she was seized by the Confederates. She is commanded by Raphael Semmes, formerly a lieutenant in the United States Navy. She succeeded in running the blockade of the mouth of the Mississippi, and is known to have captured eight vessels off the coast of Cuba; one of these was burned at sea, the others were taken to the port of Cienfuegos, in Cuba; these were given up by the Spanish Gov-ant-Governor, Secretary of State, and members of ernment to the United States. Three of these prizes have reached New York, having been convoyed for a part of the way by the United States steamer Crusader, which had been sent to look out for the Sumter.-The Jeff Davis, supposed to be the former slaver Echo, is known to have taken three prizes. The most valuable of these was the schooner S. J. Waring, captured within 200 miles of New York. The privateer took away the captain, mates, and two seamen, putting in their place five men as prize crew, and leaving on board William Tillman, the colored steward, two seamen, and Bryce Mackinnon, a passenger. The vessel was then steered toward Charleston. The steward imagined that he had discovered a design to sell him as a slave, and determined to retake the vessel. One of the crew agreed to join him, the other, named M'Leod, refused. On the 16th of July, the vessel being not far from Charleston, Tillman, taking an opportunity when the prize captain and mates were asleep, killed them successively with a hatchet, and, assisted by his comrade, threw the bodies overboard, and then assuming the command of the vessel, brought her to New York, with the two surviving members of the prize crew. Another Confederate privateer, the Petrel, was taken off the coast of South Carolina by the frigate St. Lawrence, on the 1st of August. The privateer, formerly the United States revenue cutter Aiken, mistook the frigate for a merchantman, and fired upon her; the St. Lawrence answered with a broadside which cut her completely in two, and she sunk almost on the instant. Of her crew 5 were lost, the remainder, 36 in number, being picked up by boats from the St. Lawrence, and taken to Philadelphia.-President Davis sent a flag of truce to the President of the United States, threatening that the same treatment and the same fate would be given to the prisoners held by the Confederates as shall be experienced by those persons captured on the Savannah.

Assembly, and appointing a new election for these offices, to be held on the first Monday of November. Hamilton R. Gamble was appointed by the Convention as temporary Governor. He issued a proclamation enjoining all citizens to enroll themselves in military organizations for the defense of the State: announcing that the late law of the Assembly, called the "Military Law," was abrogated by the Convention, and ordering all troops enlisted under it to disband. He promises full security to all who have taken up arms at the call of the late Government, if they return to their homes. The officers and troops of the Confederate States who have invaded Missouri are informed that their presence is against the will of the people of the State, and they are notified to depart at once. The choice which has been made for temporary Governor, he says, "will satisfy all that no countenance will be afforded to any scheme or to any conduct calculated in any degree to interfere with the institution of Slavery existing in the State; but that institution will be protected to the very utmost extent of the executive power."

The Confederate Congress is in session at Richmond. The sessions being close, little definite information of its proceedings is given in the Southern papers. It is understood, however, that large additions to the army are to be called for. Mr. Toombs, having accepted an appointment as General in the army, has resigned his post of Secretary of State, Hon. R. M. T. Hunter of Virginia succeeding him. The Rev. Leonidas Polk, Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana, has been appointed MajorGeneral in the Confederate Army, to have chief command on the Mississippi.

The election has been held in Kentucky for members of the Legislature and for several State officers. A very large majority of the members chosen to the Legislature are in favor of the Union. The aggregate Union majority is estimated at about 60,000 in the State.

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