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Contains the Essential Elements of the Animal Organization-Potash and Lime; The Oxidizing Agents-Iron and Manganese;

The Tonics-Quinine and Strychnine;

And the Vitalizing Constituent-Phosphorus; the whole combined in the form of a Syrup with a Slightly Alkaline Reaction.

It Differs in its Effects from all Analogous Preparations; and it possesses the im portant properties of being pleasant to the taste, easily borne by the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.

It has Gained a Wide Reputation, particularly in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs. It has also been employed with much success in various nervous and debilitating diseases. Its Curative Power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic, and nutritive properties, by means of which the energy of the system is recruited.

Its Action is Prompt; it stimulates the appetite and the digestion, it promotes assimilation, and it enters directly into the circulation with the food products.

The prescribed dose produces a feeling of buoyancy, and removes depression and melancholy; hence the preparation is of great value in the treatment of mental and nervous affections. From the fact, also, that it exerts a double tonic influence, and induces a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases.


The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light or heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects.

As these cheap and inefficient substitutes are frequently dispensed instead of the genuine preparation, physicians are earnestly requested, when prescribing the Syrup, to write "Syr. Hypophos. Fellows."

As a further precaution, it is advisable that the Syrup should be ordered in the original bottles; the distinguishing marks which the bottles (and the wrappers surrounding them) bear, can then be examined, and the genuineness-or otherwise-of the contents thereby proved.

Medical Letters may be addressed to:

Mr. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey Street, New York


The Demand For

a pleasant and effective liquid laxative has long existedlaxative that would be entirely safe for physicians to prescribe for patients of all ages-even the very young, the very old, the pregnant woman, and the invalid-such a laxative as the physi. cian could sanction for family use because its constituents were known to the profession and the remedy itself had been proven to be prompt and reliable in its action, as well as pleasant to administer and never followed by the slightest debilitation. After a careful study of the means to be employed to produce such

A Perfect Laxative

the California Fig Syrup Company manufactured, from the juice of True Alexandria Senna and an excellent combination of car

minative aromatics with pure white sugar, the laxative which is now so well and favorably known under the trade name of "Syrup of Figs." With the exceptional facilities, resulting from long experience and entire devotion to the one purpose of making our product unequalled, this demand for the perfect laxative

is met by Our Method

of extracting the laxative properties of Senna without retaining the griping principle found in all other preparations or combinations of this drug. This method is known only to us, and all efforts to produce cheap Imitations or substitutes may result in injury to a physician's reputation, and will give dissatisfaction to the patient; hence, we trust that when physicians recommend or prescribe "Syrup of Figs" (Syr. Fici Cal.) they will not permit any substitution. The name "Syrup of Figs" was given to this laxative, not because in the process

of Manufacturing

a few figs are used, but to distinguish it from all other laxatives, and the United States Courts have decided · that we have the exclusive right to apply this name to a laxative medicine. The dose of


a laxative is one or two teaspoonfuls given preferably before breakfast or at bed time. From one-half to one tablespoonful acts as a purgative, and may be repeated in six hours if necessary.

"Syrup of Figs" is never sold in bulk. It is put up in two sizes to retail at fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle, and the name "Syrup of Figs" as well as the name of the California Fig Syrup Company is printed on the wrappers and labels of every bottle.







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DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING.-Give circumference of abdomen on line of rupture. State If for single or double, right or left. Goods sent by Mail upon receipt of price, or Express C. O. D., charge for returning added.


No. 1005 Spring Garden Street,

Syrupus Roborans.

Syr. Hypophos. Comp. with Quin. Mangan. and Strych. 1-128 gr.

Strychnine to teaspoonful

Syrupus Roborans as a Tonic during Convalescence has no equal. As a nerve stimulant and restorative in wasting and debilitating diseases, as a constructive agent in Insomnia, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Marasmus, Strumous Diseases and General Debility, this compound has no superior. BYRUPUS ROBORANS is in perfect solution and will keep in any climate.

Dr. W. O. ROBERTS says:-In cases convalescing from "La Arippe" Syrupus Roborans has no equal

Samples sent upon application.


Philadelphia, Pa.

Peter's Peptic Essence.

A Powerful Digestive Fluid in Palatable Form.

Please note that Essence and Elixir Pepsin contain only Pepsin
while in Peter's Peptic Essence we have all the
digestive Ferments.

It is a Stomachic Tonic, and relieves Indigestion, Flatulency, and has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting during pregnancy. It is a remedy of great value in Gastralgia, En teralgia, Cholera Infantum, and intestinal Derangements, especially those of an inflammatory character. For nursing mothers, and teething children it has no superior.

Express Charges at your Expense.
For Sale by all Wholesale Druggists.
PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky.






REPARED from Bear's Claw Berries, Sulphuric Ether and Oils of Turpetine, Origanum and Citronella, according to the formula of Dr. W. R. GILLESPIE. See MEDICAL BRIEF, June, page 680. This is a recent discovery and in every case in which it has been employed the results have been marvelous. The only local application which instantly relieves all forms of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Its effects are permanent and will warrant every physician in giving this Remedy a trial.


Davis, W. Va., July 17, 1894.

Dear Doctor:-The Liniment was received and I have used it in six cases; five of them it did well, the other had no results from it. My belief is due to the fact, that the man would not use it as directed and wanted me to prescribe for him for nothing, while he could raise money for batent medicines. Yours etc.,

B. M. SMITH, M. D.

Bemus Point, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1894. W. R. GILLESPIE, M. D.

Dear Doctor: I can truly say the Liniment is all you recommended, and is doing what many different doctors did not do in the case. The patient was almost helpless, unable to walk except being carried on the shoulders of some one as support. Leg and shoulder drawn up. She can now straighten out leg and is getting much better use of shoulder; is in good spirits, says she is going to get well; is taking on flesh and has only used half a bottle. Want more when you are able to furnish it. Will inform you as the case proceeds. Hoping you success, I remain yours,


Columbus, Miss., Aug. 24, 1894. W. R. GILLESPIE, M. D.,

Covington, Ky.


Dear Doctor:-Your favor of August
21st received, will state in reply that my
patient used the last of the Mexican
Liniment the other day, and will state
further that since she commenced the
use of the Liniment she has steadily im-
proved. Now she is free from pain, but
still has some swelling of the wrist and
knee joints. She has but little use of
the lower extremeties, but I think this
trouble will be gradually overcome.
went visiting the other day, something
that she has not done for twelve or four-
teen months. You should by all means
prosecute the study of the plant. If the
plant has ever been described by procur-
ing a dried specimen of the plant, you
could readily find out the botanical name.
I am satisfied from the effects of the
Remedy on my patient that it possesses
valuable curative properties for Rheuma-

Should you write an article on this
Remedy, please forward me a copy.
Yours truly and fraternally,

See also a letter from Dr. W. R. CLEMENT, September BRIEF, page 1071.

Put up in pints only, at $3.00 per pint, net. One pint is sufficient for the treatment of one chronic, or from three to five acute cases, as but very little is required for each application.


216 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A.

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