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mit the Latin to memory, and, forgetting the English words as far as possible, let the student throw all his emotion, thoughts, and energy, into the Latin sentences and their proper enunciation, accompanying the delivery with such gestures as shall be at once forcible and natural. The language of Cicero and Horace will in this manner soon become a living language to him in speaking it, and, in reading, it will become associated in the mind with the lively forms of natural expression, which will add greatly to the interest of what is read.




As an important practical object in the study of Latin is the acquirement of a common basis for the study of the modern European languages, what is known as the Continental method of pronunciation would seem preferable to the English method. Its rules may be briefly given as follows:


a like a in father: ex. amo: pater.

e like a in made: ex. ego: plebes.

e before final r, like ai in fair: ex. uter: ver.

i like e in me: ex. ire: patria.

o like o in flow: ex. oro: bono.

o short like o in floss: ex. corpora: mollis.
u like oo in moon: ex. luna: virtus.
Caution-never like u in muse.


æ, same as e in grey: ex. ætas.
œ, same as e in grey: ex. cœlum.

1 While advocating the Continental method of pronunciation for the reasons stated here and in the Preface, the author would not be understood as calling in question the propriety of the Roman method so far as purely philological principles are alone involved. It is supposed that, in using this book, the established local usage will be followed.

au, same as ou in out: ex. aurum.

eu, same as u, like oo in noon: ex. neuter: seu.


In general as in English.

c before e and and i soft like s (or ts1) cives.

c before a, o, u, hard, like k, canis.

Ich like k: charitas.

g always hard, as in go: gero: genus.

j before a vowel, like y: jusjurandum.

s final, preceded by e, like z: cives: potes.

t before ia, iu, io, ie, like ts: spatium (spatsium), oratio (oratsio), lætitia (lætitsia).

1 In Germany the soft c is pronounced like ts, as we also pronounce it in patience, prudence, for Lat. patientia, prudentia.


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