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passes down the river annually, we may safely calculate order of the president and managers, to take into conon an immense sum and almost an unlimited trade up-sideration the subject of the construction of the said on this line of our improvements, believing that the Rail Road, and the prosecution of the work until com. worn out arguments of watermen, and the opposers of pleted, as authorised by the charter; and the canaling system, will fade away before actual and successful experiments, and the whole of the Susque hanna trade find its way to market through the Canal. Although the river at times may afford a speedier passage for the descending trade, yet when the loss of lives, the destruction of property, aud the risk encountered, under the most favorable circumstances, from storms, and other causes, to which may be added, the difficulties which are met with by our lumber and produce merchants, in selling, at a fair price, at a common depot, where an immense amount of property is thrown into market at our annual spring freshets; every pru-ed to put under contract as soon as practicable, with a dent man cannot but choose the safe and easy channel of the canal.

The fact, that the descending trade of the river will, at no distant day, be transferred to the Canal, is fairly deducible by arithmetical calculation of the actual expense incurred by the two modes: Take for instance, the article of Coal, which will shortly exceed all the descending trade of the North Branch.

The following will exhibit the expense of transporting sixty tons of Coal from the waters' edge at Wilkesbarre or Plymouth, by the river in an Ark, and a Boat of that burthen, on the Canal, making the market at Harrisburg.

By the River.

An Ark of 60 tons burthen, will cost
Loading of Ark,

Allowing 3 days to a trip, at an average pitch

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$60 00
5 00

$7 00
5 25
3 50

13 50
13 50
40 00

$87 75

5 62


2 25

6 75


Whereas, it satisfactorily appears to the stockholders now convened, from the reports of Moncure Robinson, and F. W. Rawle, Esqrs. engineers of the company, that the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road can be made (in a less distance, on a more favorable location, and with 354 feet less ascent and descent, than by the first survey) for a reasonable sum, and in a superior manner, fitted in every respect for the application of locomotive power for the conveyance of passengers, and the transportation of every kind of tonnage; therefore, Resolved, That the president and managers be request

view to its speedy completion, so much of the eastern section of the said Road, commencing at the point of connexion with the Mount Carbon Rail Road, and extending to the mouth of the Shenandoah creek, and thence towards the Susquehanna, as far as the present funds of the company will, in the opinion of the presi dent and managers, justify.

Resolved, That the president and managers be authorised to receive subscriptions for the balance of the stock of the company, authorised by law, or so much thereof, as may be sufficient to complete the whole work.

Resolved, That the president and managers be authorised and requested to make application to the legislature, to be allowed five years in addition to the time now authorised for the completion of the whole work-for permission to transport the mail and passengers, or to receive such toll as may appear to the president and managers reasonable for the same. And also for permission, if at any time hereafter, the tolls should not enable the company, after paying all repairs and other necessary expenses, to divide six per cent, per annum on the capital stock expended, that then, and in such case, the tolls may be increased by the company, so that the dividends shall amount to ten per cent. per annum, and that whenever the tolls shall exceed fifteen per cent. per annum on the capital expended, they shall be reduced so as not to exceed that amount.

A letter from Mr. Wm. McCarty to the managers of the company was read, in which he offers to contract for making the whole road, at the estimate of the engi neers, and to subscribe for stock of the company to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, to be received in part payment for the work.

The following resolution offered by Richard Peters, Esq. was then unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tender33 00 ed to the stockholders of Danville and Sunbury, for 3 30 their very liberal conduct, in relation to the prosecu22 30 tion of this great work.


$84 97

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

H. C. CAREY, Secretary.


$2 77 But as a return cargo, sufficient to pay the expense of returning, may be safely calculated upon-the sum of $22 30 should therefore be added to the balance, in favor of the Canal, and we then have a nett saving on the Canal of $25 07.


At a meeting of the stockholders of the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road Company, held agreeably to public notice, on Saturday, 12th instant, on motion of Stephen Girard, Esq. Gen. Daniel Montgomery was called to the chair, and H. C. Carey, was appointed secretary.

The following preamble and resolutions, moved by Richard Peters, Esq. were unanimously adopted.

Whereas, the stockholders of the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road Company, have been convened by

For the Register of Pennsylvania.


NO. I.

That part of Pennsylvania, lying west of the Allegheny mountain, comprising the counties of Westmoreland. Fayette, Washington, Greene, Allegheny, Beaver, But ler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Warren, Venango, Arm` strong, Indiana, Jefferson and McKean, and parts of Somerset, Cambria, Clearfield, and Potter, is generally denominated Western Pennsylvania. What is known

by the name of the dividing ridge, or top of the Allegheny mountain, passes through the four last named counties; all the streams rising east of this ridge flow



eastwardly, generally forming tributaries of the Sus quehanna; while those having their sources on the western side flow westward, and find their way to the Ohio. The geographical division is strongly marked, and the term very appropriate.

History-There are men yet living who assisted in the arduous enterprise of settling this extensive and flourishing section of our commonwealth. The writer of this has seen and conversed with many of these venerable pioneers, much of whose lives has been spent in the privations and hardships incidental to new and remote settlements, in contests with savages, often obliged to betake themselves to blockhouses for safety, and who for many years, encountered innumerable perils; but who, through perseverance and industry, have

caused the wilderness to blossom as the rose.

Long before the revolution, this section of country was in the possession of the French, who built and occupied Fort Du Quesne, at the junction of the Alleghe ny and Monongahela rivers, where Pittsburg now stands. This was their principal fort. They had also anothe fort on French creek, a tributary of the Allegheny, called Le Beuf.


[blocks in formation]

In 1763, Gen. Forbes commanded on the third expedition against this place. Profiting by the dear bought experience of his predecessors, he resorted to stratagem. On arriving near the garrison, be marched his men in single file, and extended as much as possible. The Indian spies, finding what they supposed an interminable line of troops approaching, hastened to the the sage maxim of the renowned Falstaff, blew up their garrison with the intelligence. The French, adopting works, and made a hasty retreat down the Ohio, leaving this important station in quiet possession of the British. Treaties were concluded with the neighboring Indian named Fort Pitt in honor of the Earl of Chatham.* tribes; the garrison rebuilt at considerable expense, and

At this period emigration, from the eastern side of the mountains, began to be general. Various inducements were held out to settlers by the government of Penn

sylvania, both before the separation from Great Britain and since. Redstone settlement, on the Monongahela, was the first. Soon after other settlements were form

During what we now call the old French war, the British government made numerous attempts to dislodge the French, and their Indian allies, from Du Quesne. In the year 1755, General Braddock,in making this attempt, met with his disastrous defeat. After a fatiguing march through the wilderness, he had arrived within eight miles of the fort, when he was met by a strong force of French and Indians. Ignorant himself of Indian warfare, and perhaps too proud to take advice, he drew up his army in the usual order of battle, to contend with an enemy skulking behind trees and logs. The result was what might have been expected: his men were slaughtered by an unseen foe, and a defeat the most disastrous perhaps that ever took place upon the continent; and a precipitate retreat, leaving the wounded among their merciless conquerors. ed, principally in what are now Westmoreland and AlThe brave but imprudent Braddock received a mortal wound. He was carried about fifty miles by his men, a town called Hannahstown, the first seat of justice of legheny counties. Pittsburg began to be built, and when he expired; and his solitary grave is yet pointed Westmoreland county, laid out, about 32 miles east of out to the traveller, in the mountainous region, near the line dividing the counties of Somerset and Fayette, Pittsburg. A number of houses were erected, and it on the side of the national road. In this action our burnt, and the inhabitants driven off for a time, by a was the centre of a flourishing settlement, when it was own Washington, then a young man, a Major at the head of the Virginia troops, first displayed that pru- seat of justice was transferred to Greensburg, about marauding party of savages. It was never rebuilt; the dence, firmness, coolness, and intrepidity, which after-three miles distant. The ruins are yet to be seen. wards marked his character, and gave him a place among the first of men. After sustaining the furious onset, and doing all that man could do, to make head against the overwhelming force of the enemy, he covered the retreat, and saved the army from total destruc


On the theatre of this bloody and unfortunate affair, a flourishing Female Seminary is now established. Light and playful steps tread the soil which drank the blood of the warrior; and the ploughshare of the husbandman disturbs his mouldering uninterred bones. The fortress in dispute is now the scite of a great and flourishing city. The wilderness through which Braddock,

The burning of Hannahstown, and the numberless current of emigration. The country was fine, and land depredations of the Indians, did not much retard the to be had for little more than the expense of surveying; and although separated by almost inaccessible mounthe pack horse was for many years their only means of tains from the rest of the civilized world; and though better times. Many venerable and worthy men are conveyance, they still persevered, looking forward to now living, in affluence, who endured these difficulties. Previous to the year 1772, all this section of country

• Hence the name of Pittsburg.



was comprised in the single county of Bedford. In that
year, Northumberland county was erected, which, with
a large section east of the mountains, comprehended a
considerable portion of the western, lying east of the
Allegheny river. In the following year, Westmoreland
was erected, comprehending all that part of Bedford sit-
uated west of the Allegheny mountain; being the first
county, the seat of justice of which was situated west of
the mountains. As the population increased, new
counties were erected, in the order following:
Washington, from Westmoreland in 1781.
Fayette, from
Allegheny, from
Lycoming, from Northumberland, in 1795. This is
now an eastern county; but at that period it extended
across the mountains, comprehending all that part of
western Pennsylvania, formerly belonging to Northum-




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Somerset, from Bedford, in 1795.
Greene, from Washington, in 1796.


Beaver, from Allegheny and Washington, in 1800. Butler, Mercer, Crawford, and Erie, from Allegheny, in 1800.


hard sterility, whieh denies the labours of the cultiva tor a full reward.

Mountains.-The Allegheny mountain, as was be. fore observed, bounds this section of Pennsylvania on the east. When we speak of the Allegheny moun. tain in particular, we mean the great central elevation which divides the eastern from the western waters, and of which all the others are but spurs or branches; although all are frequently comprehended under the gen. eral denomination of Allegheny mountains. In almost all respects this mountain differs from the others. In approaching it from the eastward, it presents a bold and precipitous front, and from two to five miles will bring the traveller to the summit, from whence the desent westward is scarcely perceptible. Much of it might be called table-land; for even on the summit, tracts of level, and frequently, excellent land extends for miles. Many fine farms are to be met with in these tracts; and, although it is what farmers denominate a cold soil, it well repays the labour of cultivation, But it is along the water courses that the genuine mountain features are to be seen. Rugged, precipitous hills, rocks and precipices, pine, laurel, and every variety of mountain

Warren and Venango, from Allegheny and Lycoming shrubbery, together with the roaring of the wild in 1800. and agitated stream, crowding at once upon the mind Armstrong, from Allegheny, Westmoreland, and L.y. of the beholder, form a combination in the highest decoming, in 1800. gree, picturesque and romantic.

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The Laurel Hill, is the first branch of the Allegheny on its western side; and its direction is parallel with, and but a short distance from it. It forms the dividing line between Westmoreland and Somerset counties, thence passing through Fayette county, it leaves the State. In elevation it falls but little short of the Allegheny. Steep, rugged, and rocky, it cannot be cultivated. Its scenery is wild, and its aspect generally dreary and forbiding. The Conemaugh and Youghiogheny rivers have broken passages through it.

Indiana, from Lycoming and Westmoreland, in 1803. Jefferson, from Lycoming, in 1804. Cambria, from Huntingdon, in 1804. Clearfield, from Lycoming, in 1804. M'Kean, Thus settlement after settlement was formed, until nearly all was filled up. The pack horse was superceded by the wagon; and this last is now giving place to the canal-boat and rail road car. The rude cabins of the first settlers are mouldering away; their thrifty occupants having long since deserted them, for more The Chesnut Ridge is the next and last elevation enticommodious, comfortable, and, in many instances, ele-tled to the appellation of mountain. It passes through Ingant mansions. Smiling villages, occupy the scites of diana, Westmoreland and Fayette counties, to the YoughIndian encampments; and a peaceful, intelligent com-iogheny river, where it appears to terminate. In altitude munity now have their happy homes upon the very soil and rugged features it falls far short of the Laurel which, within the memory of men now living, was the unimproved, uncultivated home of wandering, unsettled tribes, who roamed, in gloomy solitude, or in predatory hordes, through the interminable forest.

The physical features of this section of country are strong, and extremely various. In one section we find the bold, picturesque scenery of mountainous regions, often too wild to be reduced to order, or made subservient to the use of man. In another, the fertile plain, inviting to the husbandman from its fertility, and pleasing to the eye of the traveller, as the abode of peace and plenty. In a third, alternate hills and vallies, in pleasing variety, affording, together with a fruitful and generous soil, the two richest blessings of life, good water and good health. In a fourth, vallies watered by beautiful limpid streams form a scene, which of all others, the lover of nature the most delights to contemplate. Here, in a word, nature has scattered her bounties with a liberal hand-has] equally removed it from the enervating influenec of extreme fertility, and the


The Allegheny river, and many of its tributaries, have their source in what may be termed mountainous regions: regions having all the features of mountains except their regular elevation.

Rivers.-The Allegheny, which traverses the north; ern section of western Pennsylvania, first claims attention. It rises in Potter county, whence, flowing in a north-western direction, it enters the state of New York; thence inclining more and more to the south, it re-enters Pennsylvania, at the N. E. corner of Warren county, and continues in a direction nearly south, passing through the counties of Warren, Venango, Armstrong, and Allegheny, unites with the Monongahela at Pittsburg, and forms the Ohio.

The Ohio was considered by the Indians as the continuation of the Allegheny. The names are synonymous: Allegheny being a word in the dialect of the Delaware Indians, and Ohio in the Seneca, both signifying Fair river.




The importance of the Allegheny, consists chiefly It is important, however, as being the sole feeder of the in the lumber business, more than twenty millions of western section of the Pennsylvania Canal, which folfeet of which descend annually, from the vast pine for- lows the valley of this river, almost throughout its entire ests through which it and its tributaries pass. A steam course. About twenty miles from its mouth, this river boat, built purposely for the navigation of this river, of receives the waters of a creek, called Loyal Hannah; from sixty to eighty tons burden, plies regularly be- from which place the name of the river is absurdly tween Pittsburg and Warren, a distance of about two changed from Conemaugh, to Kiskiminetas,-thus prohundred miles; and in-one instance ascended to Olean | ducing confusion in the mind of strangers. It may have Point, in the State of New York, a distance from Pitts-been the result of accident or misunderstanding; but, burg little short of three hundred miles. however this may be, it is high time that the name of Kiskiminetas was stricken from the map.

This river is universally admired for the unrivalled purity of its water; which is so transparent that the pebbles at the bottom may be frequently seen at a depth of twenty feet; for its smooth, yet lively current; and for the clean pebbly channel through which it flows. Its navigation is safe and easy; and it is a remarkable fact, that, although it is, through a great part of its course, closely environed by high, steep, and frequently rocky hills, its channel is almost entirely free from rocks. Its scenery is highly romantic, and in some places assumes a wild grandeur, but rarely to be met with. The country along its banks partakes of a great variety of features: some of it is very fertile, and well settled and improved, some steril, and incapable of cultivation, and other parts are highly valuable on account of the fine timber with which they are covered.

The Monongahela rises in Virginia, whence flowing northward, enters Pennsylvania, forming the dividing line between Fayette and Greene, Westmoreland and Washington, counties, then enters Allegheny county, in which it unites with the Allegheny river at Pittsburg. Its current is mostly gentle, and its waters rather muddy. It appears at first view of equal size with the Allegheny; but it falls far short of the latter in the quantity of water it discharges. The country through which the Monongahela meanders is perhaps the finest in western Pennsylvania. Large tracts of alluvial soil skirt its borders, and the hills are generally easy of ascent, and well calculated for cultivation. Steam boats ply regularly on this river between Pittsburg and Brownsville, in Fayette county, about forty miles. The name in the Indian dialect, signifies "the river of the falling in banks."

The Youghiogheny, the principal tributary of the Monongahela, rises in the Allegheny mountain, near the Maryland line, whence pursuing a north-western direction, through Fayette and Westmoreland counties, it unites with the Monongahela, a few miles above Pittsburg. It is difficult to navigate, but affords fine water power, and flows, for a considerable part of its course, through a highly fertile and flourishing section of country.

There are many other fine streams in this section of country, some of which are navigable for a considerable distance. Water power is abundant, mills and other manufactories are numerous, and to be met with in all quarters. Nearly all these streams have clean pebbly channels, lively currents, and little or none of that grass, and other vegetable matter, which, putrifying, engender a variety of diseases. Hence agues are almost unknown in Western Pennsylvania.

The soil of the vallies, in the mountainous regions, is excellent, and well watered. Leaving the mountains, the country consists principally of arable hills, alternate vallies, or, as it is commonly called, rolling ground. However, near water courses, the hills are frequently too steep for cultivation, although possessing a fine soil, and clothed with the most luxuriant growth of timber. Such hills, having the proper exposure, would be well adapted to the culture of the vine. This latter description, holds good generally, respecting the greater part of Westmoreland-the western part of Fayette-all Washington-Allegheney-Beaver, and Indiana, for the most part, may be placed in the same class, The three first named counties, possess the finest land, and Wash

Mercer, Crawford and Erie, have large bodies of level land, of excellent quality; but better adapted to grazing than grain-growing. Butler, Armstrong, Venango and Warren, have soils so extremely various, that it would be impossible to give them a general character. Whilst large bodies might almost be pronounced worthless, and other large bodies are valuable only for the timber with which they are covered, there are many extensive tracts, which will not suffer in comparison with any land in Pennsylvania.

The Ohio, formed by the united waters of the Alle-ington is generally supposed to rank first in this respect. gheny and Monongahela, has but a short course in western Pennsylvania. Passing through part of Allegheny it enters Beaver county, thence, leaving the State, it pursues its course of a thousand miles into the far west, till it mingles its waters with those of the Mississippi. It retains the general features of the Allegheny, rather than of the Monongahela, though the current is more gentle, and the water less limpid. This is decidedly the most important river in this section of country, forming as it does the great channel of communication with the vast and flourishing regions of the west and south.

Timber.-There is no better criterion of soil than the Its width is from one third to half a mile. timber which it produces. The soil best adapted to' The Conemaugh, a tributary of the Allegheny, has "small grain," will be found to produce abundance of its source in the Allegheny mountain, whence it pur- white oak; yet almost invariably mixed plentifully with sues a north-western direction, till it meets the Alleghe- either hickory, chesnut, walnut, the other species of ny, thirty miles above Pittsburg. It is in many places oaks, ash, or with several, or even all of these. But the 2 rough, impetuous stream, of dangerous navigation. I white oak will predominate. On that best adapted to



Indian con-hickory, walnut, cherry, or sugar maple will predominate. Beech, maple, black ash, &c. indicate good grass land; although hickory and the various species of oaks, except rock oak, frequently abound on such soils. Pine lands cannot be said to be good for any of the grains-they produce grass, when favourably situated, pretty well.

Almost every species of timber abounds on the Allegheny mountain; except white oak. The various species of pine predominate. Poplar, beech, sugar maple, chesnut and birch, are next in abundance. Some kinds of shrubbery are found which I have met with no where else. Wild cherry abounds in some parts, as also black, red and rock oaks, walnut, ash and hickory. Pines, poplars and chesnuts grow to huge size. In some places, where the soil is rich and humid, it is covered with a vegetation so dense and luxuriant as to seem absolutely impenetrable.


ardent lover of nature may rusticate with delight amidst
its solemn, wild, and romantic scenes, the political econ-
omist may calculate with pleasure its vast resources; and
the philanthropist rejoice in the view of this favoured
abode of simplicity and virtue, of plenty and content-
[To be Continued.)


Mr. POINDEXTER, of Mississippi, offered the following resolutions: (on the 3d day.)

Resolved, That we feel the strongest attachment to the Union of the States composing the Confederacy of the United States; and that we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor, to defend the same against all encroachments, internal and external, which may threaten its duration; which sentiment we cannot be induced, by any emergency, to yield, while the liberty of the people is preserved, and the rights of the parties to the compact respected according to the provisions of the Constitution.

Chesnut, and red, and rock oak predominate on the Laurel Hill. On the Chesnut Ridge, chesnut is most abundant; poplar, the oaks, and most timber usually 2. Resolved, That all laws regulating labor by penal found on high grounds, also abound. It is heavily tim-enactments, by bounties,or monopolies, are inconsistent bered. No pine is met with except along a few of the


with the principles of free Government, and a palpable violation of the inherent and inalienable rights of a free people; and contrary to the letter and spirit of the Except in the mountainous regions, and in the north-Constitution of the United States. eastern section, no pines, properly so called, are found in Western Pennsylvania. One species, the hemlock, skirts the borders of some of the streams. Cedar is rarely met with in any part.

In the vallies, and along the water courses, hickory, ash, sugar-maple, cherry, elm, &c. &c. abound; the ma, jestic sycamore skirts the borders of most of the larger streams. Leaving the vallies, the different species of oak are found greatly predominant. Black walnut abounds in some places, and always indicates a soil of extreme fertility.

In the neighborhood of Lake Erie, beech and sugar maple predominate. The soil is very good, but hard to clear, owing to the long, spreading roots of these trees. On the heads of the Allegheny and some of its tributaries, there are immense forests of white pine, from which the country bordering the Ohio is supplied with boards and shingles of the finest quality, and at very low prices.

The forest trees generally are of a large size, healthy and luxuriant in appearance, and frequently as thick as they can stand. Wood is plenty and cheap. Fruit trees are abundant, and the soil and climate well adapted to their fruitfulness. Grapes in great variety are found growing spontaneously; and some of them are of excellent quality, and would be well worthy of cultiva tion. This branch of rural economy is beginning to attract attention; and, so far as tested, the experiment has been successful.

In a word, whether we consider this section of country as regards its bold and variegated scenery; the fruitfulness of its soil; the purity of its waters; the salubrity of its climate; the veriety and vigorous growth of its vegetable productions, or the well cultivated fields, and the pleasant dwellings of its industrious, virtuous and happy population, we find much to admire. The

3. Resolved, That the obvious and legitimate object of a written Constitution, is to define the powers of the Government; to limit the action of the majority, and to protect the rights of the minority from invasion, by a usurpation of powers not enumerated in the grant.

4. Resolved, That the law of Congress, entitled "An act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports," passed on the 19th day of May, 1828, is unequal in its operation on the great interests of the nation; oppressive on Agriculture, Commerce and Navigation. That said act recognizes and imposes a system of taxation, falling with peculiar injustice on those who cultivate the soil, and supply, by their industry, the export trade of the United States, and on all others not immediately engaged in manufactures; that, in effect, it assumes a power unknown to the Constitution, to regulate labor by bounties and monopolies, to the unlimited exercise of which power, a free people cannot, and ought not to submit, when all hopes of redress shall have vanished.

5. Resolved, That a solemn appeal be made to the patriotism and justice of the people of the United States, to unite in obtaining such modifications of the existing Tariff as may be essential to all the important interests of the people, and calculated to quiet the fears and satisfy the reasonable demands of every section of the Union; and also, that a Memorial, of like import, be addressed to the Congress of the United States, to be presented at their next session.

6. Resolved, That the preceding resolutions be referred to such Committee as may be appointed to prepare the aforesaid Address and Memorial.”

Fourth day-Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 1831.
At 12 o'clock the President took the Chair, when
the minutes of the preceding session were read.
The following Delegates appeared and took their


From Virginia, Littleton Upsher.-New York, James Heard, E. D. Comstock, Silas M. Stilwell.-Maryland, George Hoffman.-Massachusetts, John Pickens.--South Carolina, Thomas Fleming.-New Jersey, R.F.Stockton. North Carolina, N. Bruner.-Connecticut, Roger Minot Sherman.

The President laid before the Convention a commu

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