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NO. 184.

ture, of which bites they did not entertain the least apprehension; remarking, with a smile, that she was excusable; for, added he, "she was in a situation that too frequently turns men and women raving mad, and, therefore, I wished her no harm. But the panic was so great among the neighbours, as she had bitten many more men and dogs, that to please them, my daughter (neither of us having the heart to kill the poor animal) carried her, in her apron, to some man, who took her with one hand, and chopped off her head with the oth

If the popular terror, generally entertained concerning hydrophobia, could only be once mitigated, and all the cases observed with coolness and an unprepos sessed mind; we cannot doubt that they could all beer." traced to natural accidents and ordinary causes. But those are extremely few who are so zealous as to be willing to embrace the few opportunities which are offered, to forward this end.

Pursuaded, for my own part, that the seed of truth is as easily sown as that of error, I have not neglected the undertaking; though, conscious from experience, that in such a work, much of the labour is generally lost. Nevertheless, it is consoling to reflect that the value of the harvest may compensate for its scarcity.

I shall relate a few cases of those that I have closely observed, neglecting nothing, and sparing no pains, necessary to the complete history of them. They will 1 expect, corroborate the opinion that I have supported in this inquiry.

The following must be fresh in the memory of several of our members; and the noise it made in the newspapers of this country, is hardly entirely subsided.

After this, I thought all safe enough in sparing the flesh of the young girl; and for the purpose of calming the public, I immediately published a fair exposition of the fact in Relf's Gazette.

Ten years nearly have elapsed since this alarming occurrence; but neither men nor animals that had been bitten by that pretended mad dog, have yet shown any sign of derangement.

It is, however, not amiss to show, that obstinacy can always find some rampart against the attacks of truth. It will, I fear, hardly be believed that on my relating the above and other facts, I was told that by killing the dog, the disease is prevented in those that have been bitten! For the same reason, I presume, that, formerly, to cure a wound, the sword, that had inflicted it, was anointed, dressed and nursed!

2. A male child, about five years of age, was seized with melancholy, attended with a drooping countenance, 1. About the latter end of June 1819, three respecta loss of appetite, glaring eyes, and tremor of the limbs. ble physicians of this city were attending a lady of South-Early in the morning of the next day he became very wark, and, after her death, reported her case as hydrophobia.

On the 3d of July following, I was called to visit a young lady, eldest daughter of Joseph Barry, captain of the packet ship Telegraph, of this port, also residing in Southwark. She had been severely bitten, on the leg, by the same dog that had caused the death of Miss F. above alluded to.

One of the three physicians who attended Miss F. during her illness, had, I was informed by Mrs. Barry, been consulted on the case of her daughter, and advis ed the excision of the wounded part. But as I had been the physician of the family for a number of years, she thought proper to postpone the operation, until she could have my opinion.

The popular excitement was high and general, particularly in the neighbourhood; and the reports were so various that one could not be too cautious in accrediting them.

I thought it advisable, having already learned from the reports of a number of persons I met on my way, not to act with too much precipitancy, and went out to collect more information.

I discovered that a little boy residing in the same family with Miss F. who had also been bitten by the same dog, was exhibiting no sign of illness, and that his wound was healing kindly.

restless, and in a short time so much agitated, that he could not be kept in bed. He refused medicines and drinks, and slabbered considerably, talking incoherently and wildly about cats.

The cat of the house was looked for, but could not be found. Information was received from the children of the family, that the animal had run away in a fit.

Madness was immediately the cry. Two of the most accredited physicians were sent for, who pronounced the disease an evident case of hydrophobia.


I was a friend of the family, and, happening to pay a visit at that time, was asked to examine the child. was in a state of extreme agitation, with all the symptoms I have already related. A sweat was running from his face and breast; a violent spasm was remarka ble in the muscles of his neck and throat. He protruded his tongue as it craved something, and exhibited all the symptoms of the greatest agony. I had not yet retired, when the attending physicians returned. They tried to make him swallow some drops, but he raised his hand against the cup, with a roaring noise in his throat, and, apparently, with great anger and terror.

Unable to find any marks of a bite or scratch on the child, I took the liberty to observe, that in the absence of any lesion, the infection from a rabid virus appeared, at least, doubtful. But the physicians were both of a contrary opinion, alleging that rabies could be contractI learned from him, as well as from the many idle ed in various ways; that numerous cases were on restories of others, that the culprit was a little slut be-cord, by which it was satisfactorily proved, that the longing to Mr. Kane, a tobacconist, residing at the N. E. corner of Second and Christian streets. I went im

mediately to see him, and was informed, that he and bis daughter had likewise been bitten by the little creaVOL. VIII.


mere breath of a rabid animal could communicate the
disease. As they were both senior to myself by many
years, I bowed respectfully; but before I left the room
I asked the liberty of putting my finger into the mouth

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of the child to ascertain the state of the fauces, which I found extremely contracted. This was assented to by the gentlemen, who, I dare say, viewed this as an indication of rashness. Death took place the following day, or soon after, for I now relate from memory. was informed of it, and proposed an examination of the body, which was assented to.


tion, I persuaded him to wait. Fear had already created symptoms of an impending hydrophobia. He felt a constriction of the fauces, and exprerienced some difficulty in swallowing his saliva. I persuaded him at least, that his indisposition was owing to fatigue and uneasiness of mind, dressed his finger, and supplied him with some opiates, and thus saved him from mad

A quantity of flowers of the belladonna were foundness and the loss of his life. in the stomach, which as well as the œsophogus and fauces, was in a state of great turgescence and inflammation. So much for rabies in this case.

3. In the year 1805, a seafaring man, apparently in great distress, called on me for relief. He had, some years previously been bitten by a dog, and exhibited the mark of the wound on his leg. His sensations were, he said, such as he never felt before. Every thing made him peevish and ill natured; he could not content himself any where, nor could he rest, eat, or drink. His ship mates were constantly teasing him about his turning mad; telling him that he would be smothered between two mattresses or shot, and plaguing him with the usual stories connected with such cases.

It was not long before he was really taken sick, and I was requested to visit him.

It is not to be doubted that the cure would have been more ostentatious and more admired, if I had unfeelingly lopped off the finger of the poor fellow.

Cases are not wanting to prove that an excited imagination without any other cause, has, in instances, developed all the symptoms of hydrophobia. One of this kind may be found in the Journal de Medecine of Paris, 1814. Kindness, attention, and proper consolation restored the patient, a young student of medicine, to his reason and to health. Another case is to be found in the Annales Literaires Med. Etr. 1811.

The patient died with all the symptoms of canine madness, from the bite of a cat that was even suspected of being rabid. PINEL relates a case of death, with all the symptoms of the most evident hydrophobia, from the bite of a horse, that, neither at that time nor at any subsequent period, showed any sign of disease. Hydrophobia is not uncommon in hysteria. The abuse of mercury has, not unfrequently, been the cause

of it.

I have not, I hope, led any one to suppose that hydrophobia cannot result from the bite of dogs.

My ar

I found him labouring under a most violent attack of tetanus: his looks were so wild that no one dared to come near him. No information could I obtain from him and no one could be persuaded to take care of him; so great was the panic created by the superstitious stories related with reference to his case. Having after much trouble convinced some of the by-guments are simply intended to combat the erroneous standers that he could not bite on account of his teeth idea of a rabid virus, and to allay the terror generally being violently clenched together, they assisted me in entertained of mad dogs. For, if I do not believe the applying large blisters upon all the parts we could get accidents that have been witnessed to be the result of a access to. Then, taking advantage of a vacancy be tween his teeth, I endeavoured to throw in some liquids, but he returned them with violence and anger. Ene

mas were not resorted to.

No doubt was entertained by those who visited him, that his case was hydrophobia from the bite he had received some years before.

specific venom, I have powerful reasons to acknowledge, that the bite of dogs, either sick or well, is not unfrequently attended with extreme danger, and ought

to be avoided with the utmost caution.

genius, as if it were not satisfied with all the evils and What I have occasion to wonder at, is that human calamities thrown in our way, and daily threatening our existence, should have fancied and contrived additional imaginary ones. Partiality for mysterious causes and effects, is one of the most prominent characteristics of

the human mind.

human invention; and no great effort of mind is requi The rabid poison is not the sole imaginary bane of site to understand why it, and syphilis, and witches, &c. &c. have, so long, been reverently accredited. and vampires, and loup garons, and syrens, and ghosts, very one has some business to do. Tot mala, tot anti

On the third of my attendance, the large doses of opium suspended in water, which he had taken by injection, had already relaxed the system. I was then informed by one of his attendants that a large swelling attended with great redness, was observable on his right wrist, and that they had learned from one of his visiers that, six months before, he had a very sore hand. examined the part and found that some foreign body could be felt in the wrist, between the tendons. former wound being completely cicatrized, I laid it open, and found a splinter of wood more than two inches in length, and three-eighths of an inch thick. The nion, to entertain no apprehension from eating the flesh I have known people, and I have given it as my opitetanic symptoms continued however, for some time; of a pig or a cow that had been bitten by a soi-disant but the continuance of large doses of opium, amount-mad dog. Experience has repeatedly confirmed the ing sometimes to the quantity of thirty-six grains in 24 hours, produced at last a relaxation.


Had death in this instance, taken place without the discovery of the cause of the disease, it would have been considered as an indubitable case of rabies.


correctness of this opinion.

Dogs are undoubtedly liable to disease: and maladies are sometimes epidemical among them, as well as among cats. But, have their diseases been studied; and do we ar character? possess sufficient data to pronounce upon their particu indisposition, with a morose and dejected countenance, As soon as a dog shows some signs of instead of looking for the cause of his disease, he is kickplaces, and, through fear or timidity, walk with a droopDoes he wander out of his habitual to be attacked by other dogs, and attempt to bite in his ing tail, he is taken for a mad dog; and, if he happen own defence, ten chances to one if he is not put to death without mercy or further inquiry.

Such was the dread left on the mind of this patient, that on my meeting him some years after in the street, and, speaking of his past illness, he was seized with a general tremor, and angrily declared that he believeded and turned out. that if I spoke again of his disease, he would be thrown again into a fit of lock jaw!

4. William Wildey, upwards of eight years of age, had been bitten on the middle finger of the left hand by a dog that, after having bitten several dogs in the country about Bristol, had been pursued and killed as a mad dog. All his friends advised him to have his finger amputated, and he applied to me to perform the operation. All my representations to the contrary producing very little effect to make him alter his determination. Having, however, ascertained that he was not willing to trust any one else to perform the opera

inclines me to think, that they, then, rather lose their What I have seen of dogs under a state of disease, natural temper for watchfulness and ferocity. They lie down and secrete themselves if they can, and, unless it be in their own defence, seldom bite; and if they resort to that extremity, their bites do not appear to be, then, more dangerous than at any other time.

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During the panic excited in this city, by the report of the death of Miss F, of Southwark, I had, in my family, a sick dog that exhibited more of the symptoms of madness, than any I had seen killed for this supposed malady. He was a favourite with all my children-they nursed him, and through the care and attention paid to the animal, he recovered, and is still alive.

That a sick dog or any other animal, should show an aversion for food and drink, is a circumstance consonant with the laws of the animal economy, and cannot be characteristic of any particular disease.

It is not without extreme pleasure we observe, that the reports of cases of hydrophobia, from the bites of animals, are neither so numerous nor so fabulous as formerly. This cannot, we may reasonably suppose, be attributable to any other cause than to a more extensive dissemination of knowledge; creating, in our popula tion, a greater degree of fortitude, and enabling every one to compare and judge with less prejudice.


resort for insuring the safety, or calming the apprehensions of the community. A great deal is thought of it, particularly by those, who, from various motives, justly deprecated the barbarous law for killing our dogs.

Against this expedient, at least as good for the people, and better for the animals, I should be reluctant to raise any objection, as long as our dogs are not better muzzled than we see them at present. The principal object being to quiet unfounded fears, it does not matter how this is obtained; if the means are humane, and not shocking to our feelings.

But if the muzzle were put on tight enough to prevent dogs from biting, it would likewise prevent them from drinking, and obstruct the passage of the saliva, which, when the creatures are heated, runs abundantly from their mouths.

In times of epidemics, prudence requires that dogs should be confined. Their food and drink ought to be carefully regulated and changed; and when they are kept in kennels, the utmost degree of cleanliness is to We confidently anticipate the time, when, by the ex- be observed; fumigation being used, as well as whiteertions and investigation of unprejudiced men, all the washing, and scrubbing with lime-water. Their litter fabulous stories respecting canine madness will either should be made with dry, and, if possible, nearly scorchbe entirely forgotten, or treated with derision and con-ed straw; for vegetable putrefaction is, more than any tempt, and the diseases resulting from bites, viewed and other, the source of malignant diseases. treated like all the tetanic affections from general cauThey ought to be often led through running water, ses; attributing the variety and intensity of their symp- and kept in it as long as possible. toms, to the diversity in constitution and habits of body, the higher degree of irritability of the subject, the great er degree of sensibility of the wounded parts, the extent of the injury; in a few words, to the multiplicity of incidents resulting from circumstances, and the influence of uncountable and unknown causes, to which organized bodies are unavoidably exposed.

Having endeavoured to place hydrophobia in its proper light, I shall now devote some time to the examination of the various modes of prevention and cure, proposed and put in practice at different periods, and those now recommended by prudence.

Whether hydrophobia be the result of a specific virus or not, it is, under every shape, one of the most formidable diseases that we have to encounter; and the dread of it being one of the most prominent features, our attention should be directed not only to the disease, but to every thing else that may, from prejudice or otherwise, have a deleterious tendency. This is, certainly, not the easiest part of the task.

Superstition has gone so far as to make some believe, that they may be secured against the bite of mad dogs, by wearing certain amulets. Finger rings are publicly sold in the streets of the cities of Europe, under the name of Bague de St. Hubert; with the assurance that, as long as they are worn, no danger is to be apprehended from them. It may be as good a talisman as the horse shoe, the snake stones, quarantines, &c. &c.. they all keep the human mind in a state of placidity, do no harm, and give employment to many.

I cannot take leave of this subject, without taking a cursory view of the therapeutic means now in our possession.

We have advanced but little further in our curative than in our preventive means. From our predecessors, except the excision and cauterization of the wounded parts, we derive but little knowledge for the cure of hydrophobia. Their remedial means were, as we have already said, either insignificant or terrific.

The practice of plunging, and keeping the patient under water, until he was exhausted and nearly drowned, was followed for a long time; but few, if any, re

As the belief has been, and is yet unshaken, that this disease is of canine origin, quackery, favoured by popular opinion, has spared no pains to circulate a vast num-ceived real benefit from it. ber of nostrums for preventing dogs from being affected by this disease, under the persuasion, that, if dogs were safe, men had nothing to fear.

The application to the forehead of a red hot iron, of different forms, according to the superstitious notions of different countries, has been, and is yet, thought of indubitable efficacy; chiefly among the peasantry and the lower classes. Cutting the tip end of the tail, and pull ing something out of it, some have great faith in, as well as in amulets tied round the neck.

PLINY recommends hen's dung; JAMES, turbith mine. ral; others, antimony. Indeed, any thing may be recommended; for, as I have remarked, the uncertainty of the existence of this disease, may support the credit of the most insignificant nostrums, on account of the impossibility of detecting the imposition.

The worming of dogs, or extracting something from under their tongue, nobody knows what, although recommended at the time of PLINY, is supposed by some to be a modern discovery. The rationale of this operation has never been given, nor does it appear to be very evident.

Muzzling the dogs appears, in our city, as a dernier

* Dr. WILLIAM SHAW, spoken of before, has seen many cases of the kind, and the bites have never proved more dangerous than under other circumstances.

Opinions are very much divided concerning the course to be pursued in the cure of tetanic diseases, of which we may consider hydrophobia as merely one of the symptoms, marking an excited state of the affection.

It is extremely difficult to trace a general route; for, in some cases, and indeed not very unfrequently, the phases of disease succeed one another so rapidly, that the remedy indicated at one period, can scarcely be applied at a more advanced stage. Hence the repeated failures of the various remedies boasted of.

If it were possible to see the patient on the invasion of the disease, and practicable to be constantly at his bedside, our success would undoubtedly be greater.

The remedies now held as the most energetic, and which are highly recommended as having been most successful, are mercury and antispasmodics. I have always found opium extremely beneficial, particularly when the administration of it can be safely pushed to large doses. The promptitude of its action upon the animal system, entitles it to the highest degree of confi. dence.

Mercury presents resources not to be found in other

I have given it, with success, to the extent of thirtysix grains a day; and Dr. W. Shaw assures me, that he has gone as far as forty-eight grains, daily, for several days. Monstrous doses are on record.




remedies, from the variety of forms, and the diversity servation cannot dispel the darkness in which we are of ways in which it can be administered. Its introduction has been owing chiefly, I presume, to the gratuitous supposition of a rabid poison introduced into the system; under the expectation that, since it had proved an antidote against the venereal poison, it might, by its power of acting upon the salivary glands, be still more efficacious in hydrophobia, (whose cause was supposed to have originated in the mouth of the dog,) and by a profused salivation expel the morbid poison. Thus was one supposition supported by another, and reasoning founded on an analogy that does not exist.

Yet, as it is not absolutely necessary that a remedy should possess a specific power to prove beneficial, no objection can be found to combining mercury with opium; especially when we know, that they have been repeatedly administered together, to the great relief of the patient.

The asthenic practice has never been crowned with great success, nor does it seem calculated to promise much good. If it were possible to foresee the intensity of the symptoms before they are established, depletion might, perhaps, guard against them; but too many circumstances forbid such an expectation, and when we are called to see a patient, it is mostly too late to resort to it. Besides, is it possible to reduce the irritability, the sine qua non of life, without sapping the very foundation of its existence, and running the risk of destroying the patient, when our object is to get rid of the disease?

often left to move. Remedies known to conceal no deleterious influence, may always be tried with safety. Much of the success expected from the application of remedies, depends upon their timely administration, the knowledge and management of the proper quantities, that can be borne by different individuals; and the continuance requisite to obtain the proper effect. For, it is evidently known, that when the nervous system has been once thrown into a state of disturbance, it becomes extremely difficult to recal it back to its healthy standard, even after the removal of the exciting cause.

Such are my views of this important subject. They are not the result of a few hours' thoughts, but have been suggested by many years of reflection, and confirmed by repeated, close, and faithful observation.

In this investigation, I have not been influenced by any other motive than that of promoting useful inquiry, to efface, if possible, erroneous impressions, and quiet the unfounded fears respecting canine madness, on the appearance of the slightest symptoms of hydrophobia.

By bringing the human mind to reflect more cooly upon the diseases that have been stamped with terrific names, it will soon be found that they, like others, proseed from the innumerable causes that bring diseases upon the whole creation. Free from terror, our patients will view their situation with more firmness; and, confident in our cares, will expect with resignation the benefit of those means, which experience has taught us to rely on with most confidence.

Even admitting the disease to be caused by the presence of a rabid poison, the asthenic method would be I may not, in all respects, agree with every one; but found no less hopeless. When poisons have once be- I rejoice to find myself supported by a number of medigun to disorganize the animal frame, the poisonous mat-cal men, entitled, from their talents and unbiassed minds, ter is not the sole object calling for our attention: the to the greatest respect and confidence.-N. A. Medical means of enabling the organization either to eliminate, and Surg. Journal. or to resist the shock produced by the venom, have, I presume, a much stronger claim to attention.

It is so difficult, and the instances are so rare, in which we may be enabled to expel or neutralize the poison, that the only resource left to us, is to support and assist the natural powers to combat the enemy. This, I am confident, is the desirable object to be ob tained, rather by increasing than by reducing the vis naturæ. Yet as this cannot be effected by abrupt measures, our assistance ought, in all cases, to be judiciously regulated, in consonance with the natural energy of the individual, and the urgency of the case. Hic labor, hoc opus. Hence, good or bad management, in every undertaking, may acquire fame for, or sink into insignificance and oblivion, the same means.


PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SUPPORT OF CHARITY SCHOOLS. The managers, who were elected at the annual meeting, on the 5th January, 1830, assembled and organized the board immediately after the election, by the appointment of the usual officers, and standing and visiting committees.

The Schools are visited by a committee, every week; the hours of teaching continue from nine until three o'clock; and such regulations have been adopted, as were thought would most conduce to the general welfare.

Injections into the veins have lately been the subject of experiments, with no better result that I know of, The subject that has in years past claimed the attenthan the exchanging of one disturbance for another. tion of the members, was again brought into considerBut few medicaments can, with safety, be introduced ation, at the commencement of the last year; that of into the blood vessels, and the salutary effects of such furnishing to the boys who had most advanced, some a practice are at least doubtful. If it be intended to iustruction in the higher branches of an English educathrow in the medicine and to have them carried, un- tion. It was proposed to divide the boys' school into changed, into the general circulation, this route is but lit-two rooms; in one of which, the present exercises should tle better than the natural one; for if the drugs, introduc- be continued under the superintendence of a princied into the stomach, undergo some change, before they pal monitor, subject to the direction of the teacher; and are offered to the acceptance of the lacteals, they, like- that the other room should be principally occupied by wise, must suffer a considerable alteration in the lungs, the teacher, as the higher school, with a class of scholars to procure their admittance into the general circulation. sufficiently sensible of the advantages of education, and If the intention be to reach at once, and annihilate the of the privilege granted them, in being admitted to this morbid poison, the shorter route is undoubtedly through room, as to induce a close attention to their studies. the arteries, where the specific could, more likely, be The proposed plan was not executed, for although it conveyed without alteration. Such an idea might please was considered, that many benefits would result to those and satisfy many, who do not extend their views any pupils, who might thus obtain a knowledge of the highfurther, but, to say the least of it, its practicability is er branches of learning; yet the maintenance of the extremely doubtful, and the benefits to be expected primary school, in the high reputation it has sustained from the operation still more questionable. for many years, which, it was feared, would be injured, if deprived of the constant care of the principal, was deemed of greater consequence to the general class of scholars. The importance of the primary school, is increased by the large number of boys in attendance, whose parents rely on the pledged faith of the Society, for a faithful attention to their education. It is, therefore,

The modus operandi of vast numbers of venomous substances remains yet in the dark; as seldom any vestige of them can be discovered, except by their ravages. Until we have advanced further in this knowledge, we are left to experiment with great uncertainty.

It is not, however, pretended, that judgment and ob

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claimed in justice to those under our care, especially on account of the short period they are permitted to attend school, arising from the necessity which generally exists, of their being placed, in early life, to some trade or business, that they should derive every advantage in obtaining learning, during the short time they are allowed to devote to that object. It was, therefore, the conclusion of the board, that until the funds of the Society would permit the opening of a school under the care of an additional teacher, that it was an imperative duty, so to conduct the present school, as to "educate gratis in reading, writing, arithmetic, and other useful learning, the children of the poor of all denominations," in the best possible manner. This we believe can only be attained by the exclusive devotion of the time of our teacher, because the system of governing by monitors, without the constant attention of a principal to direct the whole, would be found very defective in the promotion of the general advantage of the pupils. With these views, the board regret that the state of the funds will not warrant the Society in opening and supporting another school, under the care of an experienced teacher, for the instruction of a limited number of boys in the higher attainments of useful learning. The attention that was thus given to this subject, has, however, led to the enlargement of a class in geography, and thirty-seven boys have been engaged in that study, who have progressed extremely well, and are already familiar with the geography of the U. States and of Europe.

The whole number of boys belonging to the school is 250; of whom, 110 write on paper, and 120 cypherthey all spell-and, with the exception of 15, they all read. The average attendance of boys, in favourable weather, is 185; the number admitted during the last year is 220.

The literary department of the girls' school, has been conducted by Sarah Morton; and the sewing department by Margaret Bonsall. There have been admitted, during the year, 216 girls; and the number now belonging is 190. The average attendance of the school is about 140. The daily attendance in the cutting out and sewing room is 40; and the instruction thus furnished to the girls, continues to give satisfaction to the managers. Since the commencement of the Society, about 9000 pupils have been admitted and partaken of the benefits of the institution.

Sarah Morton having given notice to the board, that at the close of the past year, she wished to resign the interesting charge, which had been, for many years, committed to her superintendence, the board felt the importance of supplying the vacancy with a teacher, possessing the valuable qualifications which are requisite for the instruction and care of youth. After much inquiry, it resulted in the selection of Margaret Bonsall to the literary department, and of Hannah Smith to the sewing school; whose duties commenced with the new year.

The board have been obliged to eject the tenant, who had possession of the estate in Kensington; and it is now satisfactorily rented at 50 dollars per annum. The lot adjoining, on Palmer street, has been purchased, by the instructions of the Society, for 190 dollars. The title papers were gratuitously drawn by F. Beates.

The managers now surrender the powers granted them, into the hands of their constituents, with the persuasion, that the same kind Providence, who has, here. tofore, watched over their usefulness, will continue his guardianship, and bless the the labours of the Society. By order of the board,


JNO. B. ELLISON, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4th, 1831.


To the Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools.

The Treasurer respectfully reports his annexed


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The expenses will probably be $2000. All of which is respectfully submitted,

$1,953 18 356 00

150 00

2,459 18

GEORGE PETERSON, Treasurer. Philadelphia, 1st mo. 3d, 1831.

At a stated meeting of "The Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," held at the School-house in Walnut street, January 4th, 1831, the following named persons were elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year, viz:

Vice-President-PAUL BECK, Jr.

Managers-Philip Garrett, John Claxton, John G. Simmons, William Abbott, Samuel Sellers, Samuel J. Robbins, James Cresson, Richard Oakford, Pearson Serril, John H. Cresson, Cornelius Stevenson, Timothy Abbott, George Peterson, James Mott, John B. Ellison, Thomas Graham, William B. Davidson, Hartt Grandom.

Electing Committee-Richard George, Joseph Cresson, Frederick V. Krug, Adam Seckel, Stevenson Smith, Joseph Warner, Joseph M. Truman, Adam Dialogue, John U. Fraley, John Kenworthey, Mahlon Gillingham, Frederick Fraley.

MIFFLINTOWN.-Gen. Philip Benner, of Centre, Maj. Joel Bailey, of Dauphin, and Chauncey Frisby, Esq. of Bradford, commissioners appointed by the governorf or the purpose, have fixed the seat of justice for the new county of Juniata at Mifflintown.

WYOMING BANK.-A number of shares of the stock of this institution, were sold, on Saturday last, (June 11,) at the rate of $1 20 and $1 23, for $1 00 paid an-in.-Wilkesbarre Democrat.

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