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Christ must be served faithfully, I.
36; II.148.

his appearing and manifestation
threefold, II. 25; coming to judg-
ment will be soon and sudden,
28; our life, and how, See Life.
Christ, put for the Church of
Christ, I. 272.
Christian, as to the name is nothing,
I. 23, 443, 445; serving any
other than God is guilty of sacri-
lege, 23; living in sin is a walking
monster, 443.

Christian, the true, ought always to
advance, 116, 380, 381; II. 9,
86; is like a fruitful tree, I. 127;
in what respects, 129.

is dead to sin, the world, and
the flesh, II. 16; in what man-
ner, ibid.; he grows in faith daily,
and how, I. 350, 351; does all
things in the name of Christ, II.

is in Christ through faith and
the Spirit, I. 316; ought to imi-
tate Christ. II. 10, 115.
Christian, his enemies, T. 133;

his life ought not to be a scandal
to the Gospel, II. 251; his con-
versation is in heaven, II. 6, 7.
Christians, ought to teach, and ad-
monish, and restrain one another,
II. 138, 139; are called saints in
Christ, and why, I. 20, 22; faith-
ful in Christ, 24; brethren in
Christ, and why, 26.

are brethren among themselves,
ibid.; II. 270, 297, 348; there-
fore live in concord, I. 26; and
united, 348, 349.

Church, whence it is called, I. 217;

of what Church Christ is the head,
218; hypocrites are not members
of the Church, 219-221, 515;
the Church is as the family of
God, 294, 295; receives all things
from Christ, 514; increase of the
Church, what, 516; how the
whole is united to Christ, and the
members of it with one another,

Church hath the power of ordaining
external rites, I. 401.

may consist of manifold divisions,
218; each particular one may fall,
12, 20; II. 293.

a domestic family may be a
Church, II. 299.

Circumcision, internal what it is,

I. 448; the Christian excels the
Jewish in three things, 434; its
author, and the instrument of it,
438; ought to be total, 439.
Jewish what it signified, 460;
chief among their ceremonies,

Circumcision, put for the Jews
themselves, Ï. 451.

Citizenship, a bond of love, II.


Colosse, where situated, see Pre-
face, lxxi; overturned by an
earthquake, II. 293.

Comfort, what it comprises, I. 345,

Commendation, conduces to perse-
verance, I. 374.

Commodus, base deeds of that Em-
peror, II. 95.

or impartation,
proper, I. 364; 414–417.
not to be had with the ungodly
or superstitious, II. 252.

of benefits should be mutual, 301.
Communion of saints, in what it
consists, I. 289.

Compassion, what, II. 104.
Conclusion concerning faith, where
there is only one proposition of
the Scriptures, I. 47.
Concord, see Peace.

the concord of love arises from
agreement in faith, I. 348.
Concupiscence, its first motions are
sins, II. 48.

threefold: natural, carnal, and
spiritual, 49.

Conservation of all things wholly
from God, I. 203.
Consolation, spiritual, does not ex-
ist without love, I. 342; Papists
confess the same when they ap-
peal to their consciences, 347.

all strengthened by the gratui-
tous promises, 346.
Conversation of a Christian ought
to be on heavenly things, II. 5—

Corruption natural, in the under-
standing, will, and affections, I.
452; compared to a state of dark-
ness, 156.
Covetousness, a vice partly spiritual
and partly carnal, II. 51.

how a covetous man is said to be
an idolater, ibid.

the greatness of the sin, 52.
Creation and preservation alike the
act of God, I. 204.

Creatures, cannot create, not even
as instruments, I. 191.

our right to them, civil and evan-
gelical, II. 147,

Cross, the punishment of, best suit-
ed for our redemption, I. 242.
upon it Christ triumphed, 474;
the devil was affixed, ibid.
Custom, changes nature, I1, 41, 42.
does not prevail against right, I.
15; nor against the truth of a
doctrine, 379, 380.


Darkness signifies the state of cor-
rupt nature, I. 156, 157; how we
are delivered therefrom, 158.
Days, no difference of, to Christians,
480; what was heretofore the
case among the Jews, 478; how
the Jewish holy-days were to be
observed for ever, 482; what
each prefigured, 231.
holy-days to be observed by Chris-
tians, and how, 485.

cautions in the observance of
them, 487.

Deacon, Alanovos, taken largely and
strictly, 103, 293; II. 304.
Death, not to be feared by Chris-
tians, I. 226.

of Christ, hath delivered us in
two ways, 167; was in a measure
not absolutely necessary in itself,
but more suited to reconcile us,
and why, 241, 242; applicable to
all, but not applied to all, 255,
256; to be exhibited in our life,

Demas, why he went back, II. 296.
Desire after temporal riches may
be threefold, 49.

of spiritual treasures should be
paramount, I. 312.
Detraction, II. 69-71; worse than
theft, I. 102.

Devil rages mostly against theChris-
tian, 374.

how Christ hath delivered us from
him, 166, 474.

Devils, why called principalities and
powers, 469.

how Christ triumphed over them
upon the cross, 474.

how being conquered they yet
harass us, 475.

Dignities, ecclesiastical to be de-
fended, I. 8; 295; 375.

Dignity twofold, viz. of equality
and suitability, 128.

Discourse of Christians, what it
ought to be, 1I. 144; 260.
Doctrines not to be received without
examination, I. 308; 534.
general, should be specially ap-
plied, I. 248.

and commandments of men, not
to be received, 518.

Doubt concerning the remission of
sins may exist in believers, but
not as believers, I. 50.
Duelling, unlawfulness of, II. 116,


Earthly things, what are so called,
II. 8; are perishing, 9; are vain,
ibid.; are contrary to heavenly
things and opposed to our true hap-
piness, ibid.; are not to be sought
after, 8, 9; and that on two ac-
counts, 9.
Education of children, ought nei-
ther to be too severe, nor too
lenient, II. 190, 191.
Effeminacy what, II. 47; to be
mortified and banished, 48.
Effectual calling of the elect, I. 146,

Elect, they alone truly believe, I.
146; 307,

Election, temporal and eternal, II.
98; of which it is that the consi-
deration influences to holiness, 99.
Eloquence of the Scriptures, I. 336.
not to be affected by ministers,


of heretics deceitful and ensnar-
ing, 368, 370.

End the, determines the moral ac-
tion, I. 125; 201.

how God acts from love to a final
one, 199.

of all things is Christ, ibid.
Enemies, we are such to God by na-
ture, 250, 251.

who are those of a Christian, 134;
470; Christ overcame them, 474;
who are the enemies of the cross
of Christ, 476.

Enemies, our's, are to be loved, I.
74; we must forgive them, and
do them good, 75, 76.

Envy makes another's good our own
punishment, 58.

Epaphras, his commendations, 102-


[blocks in formation]

has a twofold meaning, 484.
Evil-speaking, what, ÏÏ. 69; hei-
nousness of the sin, 70, 71.
those given to it not to be listen-
ed to, 72.

consolations of the godly under
it, 72, 73.

Example of sympathy in Mezentius,
I. 273; of insensibility in Lici-
nius, 8; of abstinence in Paula,
540; of the Monks of Palestine,
539; of the austerity of the Fla-
gellantes, 540; of the martyrs
tempted to Idolatry, II. 253;
of prayer in the Egyptian Monks,
II. 225; in Old Testament saints,
226; of watchfulness, 233.

for Christians is the life of Christ,
II. 114-116.

Exordium of a discourse, its parts,
I. 334; regarded by St. Paul,


Faith, twofold; the one unformed,
historical, and general; the other
formed, justifying, and particular,
I. 66;

in what justifying faith differs
from that which does not justify,
62, 67-69.

Faith, the object of it in general,
whatever is delivered in the Scrip-
tures, 61; specially and princi-
pally Jesus Christ under the cha-
racter of a Mediator, 62; the same
faith reposed in Christ before his
incarnation and since, 164; 212;
471, 472; 492.

imparted by God alone, I. 85, 86;
307; II. 242, 243; it is the gift
of God, I. 447; when infused at
once shews the thing believed, and
the reason of believing, 353; in
what manner the word preached
is the instrument of producing
faith, 85; is the foundation and
the root of religion, 59; what is
done without faith is not good, 60.
Faith justifies as to its truth, not as

to its degree, 53; it alone justi-
fies, 261; justifying faith is stable,
is not lost, 262; the stability of
faith twofold; stedfast and firm,
382; both required, 383; stedfast
faith what, 376.

Faith does not exclude all doubt,
but overcomes it, 51; the full as-
surance of faith what, and whence
it comes, 351; true faith exists
not without love, 67, 68; yet is
not formed from love, 69; a blind
faith is not pleasing to God, 352;
is not sufficient for the people,


of the popish Collier, 354, and

Family, the head of, ought to in-
struct his household in Religion,
II. 299.
Fastings, what were in use in the
primitive Church, I. 543; exam-
ples of fasting, 539; in what man-
ner we should fast, 542-544;
how far human laws concerning
fasting bind us, 482, 483; a two-
fold error in the fastings of the
Papists, 481.

FATHER, his being named does not
exclude the other persons in the
sacred Trinity, I. 55; GoD is the
Father of Christ, as man, 56;
the FATHER of Christ is God,
both as God, and as man, ibid. ;
the Father is not before the Son
as God, 186; the Father is spe-
cially invisible, 180, 182; is the
primary author of our reconcilia-
tion, 235; why we are said to be
reconciled to the Father, 237,

Father, the very name bespeaks
kindness, II. 193.

how the authority of should be
exercised, 190-195.
Fathers, under the Old Testament,
were saved through Christ, I.
164; 211, 212; 471; they looked
to Christ through the ceremonies
by faith, 492; were not in Lim-
bus, 470, 471.

Fear of God, the best regulator of
actions, II. 200.

Feast of tabernacles, why instituted

and what it signified, I. 491.
Festivals of the Jews, how to be ob
served for ever, 484; the New
Moons what they signified, 492;
what their other festivals shadow-
ed forth, 490.

[blocks in formation]

Forgiveness of injuries, yields ad-
vantage to the person forgiving,
II. 112.

of sins, how the phrase is to be
understood, 1. 49; what the act
includes, 457; is the property of
God alone, 458.
Fornication, what it is, and how it
differs from adultery, &c. II. 38.
not regarded as a crime among the
heathen, ibid. ; yet disapproved
of by some of the wiser, 42; the
heinousness of the sin demonstra-
ted, 39, 40; not to be tolerated in
a Christian State, 45; opposed to
charity in many respects, 43; fa-
voured by the Papists, 44; where-
fore reckoned among things indif-
ferent by the Apostle, 41.
Fortitude, Christian, in what it con-
sists, I. 132; whence derived, 134;
our need of it, ibid.; true, from
God alone, 136; how it differs
from patience, 137.

Free-will does not fit or dispose us
for grace, I. 90; 149; 453. Vide

Friends, who are such, 250, 251.


Glory future, the twofold array of
soul and body, II. 25, 26;

the hope of, a consolation in all
adversities, 29.

Glory of Christ, ought to be the
end of all our actions, II. 146, 147.
vain-glory to be avoided by Mi-
nisters, I. 103.

God, the author and end of all
things, I. 199; the preserver of
all things, 203-208; acts to a
special end, 199; to be loved for
himself alone, 70; not to be wor-
shipped through any image, 182.
is the Father of Christ, I. 56.
Vide Father.

how he is invisible, 180; unknown,
181; an object of dread out of
Christ, 179; omnipresent, II. 201;
in a threefold manner, I. 415.

how he is said to be angry, II. 54;
is not a respecter of persons, 91;
211; his righteousness in punish-
ing, 56; in how many ways he is
blasphemed, 69.

God, his efficiency by his Ministers,
I. 8; his philanthropy shewn in
appointing them, 9; prevents us,
89; is the fountain of all grace,
as he is our Father, 32-34;
communicates grace by his Son,
35; the first author of reconcilia-
tion, 235; the author of our
quickening, 455, 456; the author
of salvation by fore-ordaining it,
and by effectually calling to it,
145, 146.

God alone ought and could save us,

hated by sinners, and in what
manner, 250.

Grace, and peace, the Apostolic sa-
lutation, I. 29; why joined, ibid.;
why grace is put first, 31; the
practice of St. Paul in reference
to this, II. 308.

Grace, denotes three things, I. 29;
II. 308; all derived from God, I.
301; as our Father, 32, 34;
through his Son, in a threefold
manner, 351.

efficacious, the property of the elect
alone, 146-148; 367; sending it
only not found to move the will,
453; necessity of it on account of
corrupt nature, 147, 453; fulness
of grace, what, 230; our duty to
grow in it daily, 116; II. 49.
Gratitude, duty of, I. 128.
See Thanksgiving.


Hand, the right, of God, what it
means, and what to sit there, II.

Hand-writing of Ordinances, what,
I. 461-463; how made void and
abrogated, 405, 46C.

Hatred, mutual between God and

sinners, I. 250; perfect, in what
it consists, and how evinced, I.
76, 77.
Head, what required to constitute
headship, I. 215, 216; 511–513.
of the Church, Vide CHRIST.
Hearers should have general doc-
trines applied to them, I. 248;
319, 320.

Help of God in troubles and afflic-

tions, II. 15.
Holiness, what, I. 20, 21; twofold
as it respects the end of Redemp-
tion, I. 258; threefold as it re-
spects the redeemed, 259, 260;
all holiness from Christ, ibid.;
our inherent holiness imperfect,
but real, 258.

Holiness of life must be joined to

true faith, I. 380, 381; without
it no one can be happy, II. 27;
increases knowledge, I. 131.
Hope, human and divine, I. 51;
includes not only the delightful
expectation of the will; but the
undoubted persuasion of the un-
derstanding, 52; rightly inspired
hath the same certainty as faith,
ibid.; why future blessedness is
called our hope, 78, 79.
Hosea, in what sense he took to him-

self a wife of fornications, II. 42.
Humility, suitable to every condi-
tion, 11. 106; motives to the cul-
tivation of it, ibid. 107.

Husband, the love of towards his
wife, II. 159; the duties of three-
fold, 160; how a man should
choose his wife, 163.

Husbands, should exercise mildness,
164; and avoid every thing oppo-
site thereto, 164-167; an exam-
ple proposed to them, 161.
Hymns, how they differ from
psalms and odes, II. 140.

how they ought to be used by
Christians, 141–143.

Hypocrites are not justified, I. 259;
are not members of the Church,


Idolatry, or the worship of God by
an idol, unlawful, I. 182; the
suspicion of severely punished by
the antient Church, II. 252, 253;
conduct of those allured to it af
terwards, ibid.

Idols not to be overthrown by pri-
vate authority, II. 253.
Ignorance of Christ the cause of er-
rors, I. 143.

Image, what required to constitute
its nature, I. 173;

how Christ as God is the image of
the Father, 174, 175;

how so as man, 179; why the

Spirit is not so called, 176; image
of God one thing in Christ, and
another in us, II. 87; in what
the image of God in man consists,

Images, made by the Papists for
worship, I. 182.

Impurity encourages to sin, II. 54.
In (the preposition) often taken for
by in the Scriptures, I. 188.
Incarnation of Christ should be ex-
hibited in our life, I. 444, 445.
the whole Deity incarnate at the
birth of Christ, but not in regard
to all the persons, 413; the as-
sumption of the human nature
imports the act and the end of it,
414; the whole Trinity concurred
in the work of incarnation, but
the Son alone was incarnated,

Indulgences, papal, grounded upon
four errors, I. 277; their validity
refuted, 278-283; not founded
in Scripture nor on the Fathers,
284-290; their use explained
away by modern Papists, Note


Infants, to be baptized, 448; how
they may have faith, ibid. ; in-
cluded in the Covenant of believ-
ers, 449.
Infirmity of the Saints, I. 133; in
good works, 147; See GOOD
WORKS imperfect.

Ingratitude, a heinous vice, II. 129.
Injustice and iniquity, the origin of
all, 222.

Intercessor, Christ the only merito-
rious one, II. 238, 239.
Invocation, Christian, differs from
Heathen and Jewish, I. 57;
is to be made to God alone, I.
505, 506.


Jesting, not to be affected by Chris-
tians, II. 260.

Jesus, Justus, who, and why called
by the latter name, 284; the sur-
name given to others, ibid.
Judge, ought not to be an accepter
of persons, II. 212.

absolute, no mortal is so in mat-
ters of faith, I. 498; 537.
Judging concerning brethren should
be according to the rule of Cha-
rity, I. 22.

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