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4. No man's acts die utterly. It is a terrible thought to remember that nothing can be forgotten. I have somewhere read that not an oath is uttered that does not continue to vibrate through all time, in the widespread current of sound; not a prayer lisped, that its record is not to be found stamped on the laws of nature by the indelible seal of the Almighty's will.

"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial.

We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best;
And he whose heart beats quickest lives the longest."

5. Every act we do, or word we utter, as well as every act we witness, or word we hear, carries with it an influence which not only extends over our whole future life, and gives to it color and direction, but produces some effect, slight or important, upon the whole frame of society. We may not, and indeed can not, trace the influence working itself into action in its various ramifications among children, friends, associates; yet there it is, assuredly, working on forever." And herein lies the great significance of setting forth a good example,—a silent teaching, which even the poorest person and the humblest child can enforce by his daily life.

6. Let us first take heed to our thoughts; for thoughts resolve themselves, sooner or later, into habits and deeds. To think is to live. Let us, then, reject all evil and impure thoughts, and give entertainment only to those that are good and kind, noble and forgiving, instructive and elevating. Time and life, unfilled with thought, are useless, unenjoyed, bringing no pleasure for the present, storing no good for future need. To-day is the golden chance, wherewith to snatch thought's blessed fruition,—the joy of the



present, the hope of the future. To-day is the time for all good resolutions, and for all first steps in improvement:

O, bright presence of To-day, let me wrestle with thee, gracious angel!
I will not let thee go except thou bless me; bless me, then, To-day!
O, sweet garden of To-day, let me gather of thee, precious Eden;
I have stolen bitter knowledge, give me fruits of life To-day.
O, true temple of To-day, let me worship in thee, glorious Zion;
I find none other place nor time than where I am To-day.
O, living rescue of To-day, let me run into thee, ark of refuge;
I see none other hope nor chance, but standeth in To-day.
O, rich banquet of To-day, let me feast upon thee, saving manna
I have none other food nor store but daily bread To-day.



[blocks in formation]

Pronounce distinctly the consonant terminations here represented: askt; handz; frendz; beasts; subjekts; akts; tri'umfs; feel'ingz; bandz. These and similar consonant combinations are too often slighted.

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"And now

1. THE honorable member has asked: will these Americans, children planted by our care, nourished up by our indulgence, and protected by our arms,— will they grudge to contribute their mite?” They planted by your care!-No, your oppressions planted them in America! They fled from your tyranny to a then uncultivated and inhospitable country, where they exposed themselves to almost all the hardships to which human nature is liable; and, among others, to the cruelties of a savage foe the most subtle, and I will take upon me to say the most formidable,

of any people upon the face of the earth; actuated by principles of true English libe American brethren met all hardships with compared with those they suffered in their ow try from the hands of those that should ha their friends.

2. They nourished up by your indulgence! grew by your neglect of them! As soon as gan to care about them, that care was exer sending persons to rule them, in one departm another, who were, perhaps, the deputies of to some members of this House, sent to spy o liberties, to misrepresent their actions, and upon them; - men whose behavior, on man sions, has caused the blood of those sons of li recoil within them; men promoted to the highe of justice, some who, to my knowledge, were going to a foreign country, to escape being to the bar of a court of justice in their own.

3. They protected by your arms! — They hav taken up arms in your defense!-have exerted amid their constant and laborious industry, defense of a country whose frontier was dren blood, while its interior parts yielded all i savings to your emolument. And, believe m member I this day told you so, that same s freedom which actuated that people at first will pany them still; but prudence forbids me to myself further.

4. Heaven knows I do not at this time spea motives of party heat. What I deliver are the ine sentiments of my heart. However superior in general knowledge and experience, the resp body of this House may be, yet I claim to kno of America than most of you, having seen tha



I believe, are as truly loyal as any subjects tne King has; but they are a people jealous of their liberties, and who, if those liberties should ever be violated, will vindicate them to the last drop of their blood. ISAAC BARRE.

[blocks in formation]

SHIELD (sheeld), n., a broad piece of CAV'AL-RY, n., mounted troops.

defensive armor.

SCYTHE, n., an instrument for mowing. CONQUER (konk'er), v. t., to gain by force.

IN'FANT-RY, n., foot soldiers.
PEAS'ANT-RY, n., rustics.

LEV'Y, v. t., to raise ; to collect.
MER'CE-NA-RY, a., hired; venal.

Pronounce Winkelried, Vink'kel-reed; Sempach, Zem'păk; Zurich, Zoo'rik; Unterwalden, Oon'ter-val-den (the a as in fall).

1. On the ninth of July, in the year 1368, a remarkable scene might have been witnessed in a forest on the borders of Lake empach, in Switzerland. An army of Austrians, led by Duke Leopold, was drawn up in order of battle against a small force of Swiss, composed chiefly of the peasantry of the land. The Austrians, claiming to rule the country, had laid enormous taxes on commerce, and levied heavy tolls on all the produce carried to market.

2. The peasantry were at last so roused by the oppression of their tyrants that they rose in rebellion, fully resolved to throw off the hateful yoke. The army of Leopold was followed by carts to hang the rebellious rustics. He advanced to the attack with his splendid cavalry and mercenary infantry; the former comprising many of the haughty nobles of Austria, and the latter made up of strolling bands from the south of Europe.

3. On arriving at the foot of a hill, the nobles dismounted and gave their horses to their squires, disdaining to fight in knightly fashion against "base-looking



peasants." Great, indeed, was the contrast between the two armies. The Austrians, cased in steel from head to foot, marched onward, four thousand strong, with weapons gleaming in the sun, and gilt helmets, glittering brightly, in "all the pomp, pride, and cir cumstance of war," a spectacle that might well strike terror into the hearts of men less fearful than the hardy mountaineers, who, with heroic front, awaited the onset.

4. It was the spirit, indeed, that sustained the man; for the arms of the Swiss were mostly scythes, clubs, or clumsy spears; and their only defense against the weapons of their foes was the rudest sort of shields, mere boards fastened to their arms; while their whole number was thirteen hundred men. Truly is it said of Switzerland at this hour:

"Few were the numbers she could boast;
But every freeman was a host,

And felt as though himself, were he

On whose sole arm hung victory."

5. The nobles formed a close phalanx, the spears of the fourth rank projecting in front; and thus they advanced to the attack. The Baron de Hazenburg, an experienced warrior, feared the determination of the Swiss, and advised the duke to send for a reserve which he had left behind, near Zurich. But his cau tions were treated with scorn. The nobles, however, wished Leopold not to engage personally in the com. bat, or, at least, to remain on horseback; but he re plied, "What! will Leopold of Austria look on while his barons are dying for him? No! I will either conquer, or remain on the field!"

6. And now from the Swiss arose the shout, "Make way for liberty!" But though they rushed onward to the encounter with loud shouts, they were brought

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