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Summer soiling, in comparison with grazing, will equal, if not exceed, the proportion of seven to one, besides the almost incalculable advantage of preserving the manure, and having the stock in better condition, and less liable to accidents,

I cannot omit stating the great profit of carrots. Į have found, by the experience of the last two years, that where eight pounds of oat feeding was allowed to draft horses, four pounds might be taken away and supplied by an equal weight of carrots, and the health, spirit, and ability of the horses to do their work be perfectly as good as with the whole quantity of oats. With the drill husbandry and proper attention, very good crops of carrots may be obtained upon soils not generally supposed applicable to their growth, Un der proper management, an acre of carrots will produce, in favourable seasons, 2000 stone, which, at 6d. per stone, would amount to 50l. besides the tops.

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A saving of sixty acres of land in a farm of six hundred, in the feeding of cattle alone, opens a wide field for speculation. The retrenchment of a tenth, with a gain to the public of the means, if applied to the growth of corn, of supporting in bread one hundred and eighty persons, cannot fail of calling forth serious reflections, and challenging attention to the important advantages which might be drawn from the general adoption of this system.

Jan. 1806.-In the experiments of the preceding year, I had many difficulties to combat; great prejudice prevailed against the plan, and I was myself un


acquainted with every thing relative to the dairy. By the pains and attention bestowed upon it, I trust I have gained such a knowledge of the subject, as to give the present trial a fairer prospect of success.

ground worth

There is a risk

In the last year, I was obliged to dispose of most of my heifers, having no preparation made to continue the keeping of them in summer, nor distant pastures where they might be grazed at a small expense, not exceeding forty or fifty shillings a head from May till October. From the experiments on soiling of the present year, I am convinced, I can keep horses and cattle in the house upon land worth 37. per acre, cheaper than I can pasture them on 10s. and with considerably less risks. in heifers how they may milk, and they never give so much as after the second or third calf. Being now enabled to keep such of the heifers as promise to milk well, a great risk is avoided, and the profits upon the same number of milch cows will be greatly increased without any additional expense. The average loss allowed for, would pay for the summer's grass. There is also a further advantage of having the stock more exactly in milk at the period required.

In all extensive corn farms, there is not only a large quantity of chaff, but much refuse corn seldom used, except for poultry: these mixed and steamed, make admirable feeding for cows, greatly promote their milking, and can scarcely be considered of other cost beyond the preparation. When I had no refuse corn, I made use of a small quantity of bran. I tried I tried many experiments to dissolve oil-cake by boiling, but I could

could not succeed. I am now about erecting a mill to grind it, in order to dissolve and mix it with the chaff. I have no doubt of being able, by this means, to make a great saving; I expect half what I now give will answer every purpose. The period fixed for the delivery of this report will prevent my being able to ascertain this, or to state the ultimate result of the produce of my green crop. Since the beginning of November, I have received from ten to eleven guineas per week for milk, and I expect it will continue to produce that, or more, for two months to come. Should the Board at any future period require further information, I shall be happy to afford it.

On the first of October, I recommenced my dairy; the preparation for it, of green food, were as follows:

Eight acres of cabbages,
Ten acres of red turnips,
Two acres of Swedish,
One acre of kohlrabi,

Twelve of cole-seed.

The cabbages were delayed planting (from the extreme dryness of the season) till the beginning of May, which was a full month later than my usual time. They have proved the lightest crop I ever had, which confirms my predilection for early planting. They stood till the last week in January. The stripping them of decayed leaves requires a great deal of labour. The drum-head cabbage was what I planted; a hardier kind would answer better for standing the winter. I should be much inclined to try some of the



Scotch coles, which, by proper care, might, I pose, be increased to a large size, and would stand late. The turnips proved a very admirable crop. Agreeably to my former intention, I made several trials of ascertaining the weight of an acre of drilled turnips: I weighed various plots of ten yards square, in different parts of the field, and found their several weights (differing very little) to give about 108 stone each, which is 32 tons and upwards per acre. There are many crops in the neighbourhood equally weighty, though none, perhaps, quite so clean. They succeeded wheat, and had about twenty carts per acre of ashes and street-rakings. They were sown in stitches, three feet asunder; the whole was worked from July till the end of September, with the double mouldboard plough and potatoe-harrow, alternately taking the soil from the turnips, and returning it to them. The stitches were, besides, twice hand-weeded and thinned. This mode of cultivation is attended with considerable expense, but I conceive it to be amply repaid both in the present and future crops.

Thirty-two tons per acre, at a farthing per stone, brings them to 51. 6s. 6d. The estimate of 10l. an acre is moderate, as the turnips cost at that rate under a halfpenny per stone, which is but a fourth of the price of straw. In Durham and Northumberland, from 51. to 10l. per acre are the common prices. In Cumberland, from 51. to eight. The expense of pulling and carting is doubtless heavy; but, in strong lands, and where much wet falls, I conceive it impossible to attempt eating them off the ground with advantage :

advantage even where there is a pasture adjoining for the sheep to lie, the constant passing through the mire injures them so much as to prevent their fattening; at least I have found it so after many trials; but I speak of mountain sheep, having no experience of any other. The Swedish turnips were very good. The kohlrabi got to about five pounds each; the white were the largest, the purple the hardiest. Cattle and sheep are particularly fond of them; but I see no advantage they have over the Swedish, except that they may be got at in frost. The cole-seed was delayed sowing from the wet; and very cold weather succeeding, prevented its making much progress. It may advance in spring, but to those who want it sooner, it is a failing crop. My stock consists of 22 heifers, 8 cows, which were in milk during summer, and give but little milk in October, 4 spring calvers, 10 head of young cattle, and 3 bulls, and 4 fattening; total shedded 51; 50 Highland heifers, and 150 sheep; part of the Highland heifers and sheep I have disposed of, which reduced my stock, at the commencement of the year, to 40 Highlanders, and 120 sheep.

The cows were not in general milk till the beginning of November, when the milk obtained exceeded 50 gallons per day; 30 and upwards in the morning, and 20 in the evening. 160 quarts of new milk, and 40 of skimmed, were regularly sold to the town, and required less than two hours to dispose of it at each part of the day.

The plan of feeding was considerably varied from the former year. Immediately after morning's milking

a stone

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