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ing incorporation, the conduct of meetings and general carrying on of company business. Part four of the volume contains the various forms neces: ary in connection with company work.

Great credit is due the publishers, Messrs. Burroughs & Co., of Calgary, for the excellence of their publication.

A Collection of Latin Maxims and Phrases Literally Translated. By John N. Cotterell. Third edition. London: Stevens & Haynes.

Too great stress cannot be laid upon the advantage to be gained by a thorough knowledge of the leading Latin maxims so frequently quoted in legal works, but unfortunately translated with difficulty by the ordinary practitioner, especially in Canada. This little volume of some seventyfive pages presents the principal legal maxims of common law so ably amplified in the well-known work of Broom.

A Digest of Equity. By J. Andrew Strahan, M.A., LL.B. of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Third edition. London and Winnipeg Butterworth & Co.

This volume gives a very careful and illuminating exposition of trusts in the various forms, trustees, their appointment, duties, powers, indemnity and liability for breach of trust. An able exposition is given of liens in the nature of trusts and when relief will be granted for their non-fulfilment. The latter portion of the volume deals with assetand administration, with chapters devoted to executors and administrators.

The Phenomena of War and the Idea of Peace. By George del Vecchio, University of Bologna. Translation and introduction by Mariano Castano. Madrid: Hijos de Reus.

This monograph by Professor del Vecchio is a translation in Spanish of this able work which has appeared in nearly all the languages of Europe. It is a particularly able philosophical exposition of war and peace and will amply repay careful perusal.

The Statutes of the Province of Alberta have been recently issued. The celerity with which the western pro-.

vince procures the tran-lation of its business might well be taken under consideration by the older provinces, particularly Ontario, where those in charge of the issue of the statutes seem to be sleeping as sound as the far-famed "Seven Sleepers."

The Fourth Annual Report of the Commission of Conservation, Canada, of which the Honourable Clifford Sifton is chairman, is to hand and deals particularly with forest conservation, fisheries, and water-power, in addition to which it contains an agricultural report of an interesting nature. The Commission make certain recommendations regarding the prevention of the smoke nuisance and laws relating to town planning in Canada.

Forest Conditions in Nova Scotia. By B. E. Fernow, LL.D. of the University of Toronto. Published by the Commission of Conservation.

The object of this volume is to preserve the forest already existing and to undertake a systematic method of reforestration.


Laddie. By Mrs. Gene Stratton Porter. Toronto: Thomas Langton, $1.50.

The Harvester, published at a time when the taste of the public was satiated, one might almost say vitiated, by a surfeit of trashy novels, was a revelation,-Freckles, a delight, and The Girl of the Limberlost and The Moths added lustre to the already distinguished name of the author, but so soon as an attempt is made to write a novel with an obvious purpose it is a failure, and it is hard to realize, after reading "Laddie," that it is by the same author as Freckles" and "The Harvester," the book is such a disappointment after its predecessors. If Mrs. Porter had written a book of sermons and then a novel with the impossibly perfect Laddie as hero of the latter, there might have been some excuse, but the combination does not mix. The best advice one could give the author is "take a rest."

The Sixty-First Second. By Owen Johnson. Toronto: Copp Clark Company, Limited. $1.35.

One of the cleverest of a very prolific season of clever books. The whole plot is well thought out and well developed and there is none of the dragging so evident in most novels with a similar theme. Stover at Yale" was clever, but "The Sixty-first Second," (using the slang of the day), gives it points and then some.


The Mating of Lydia. By Mrs. Humphry Ward. Toronto: The Musson Book Company, Limited.

The distinguished author of "Robert Elsmere" and other notable books apparently finds it necessary to descend to pot-boiling, which is certainly a great pity. The present volume will add no new lustre to Mrs. Humphry Ward's fame as a writer.

Gold. By Stewart Edward White. Toronto: The Musson Book Company, Limited.

This book is a tale of the rush to California in '49 and presents the varied experiences of those who participated in the wild rush for gold, now become so familiar to readers of fiction by the many stories published since the rush to the Klondike.

It is not to be expected that a writer will always maintain the same standard of excellence, and in justice to the author of "The Blazed Trail" and "The Riverman" it must be stated that "Gold" is not at all equal to these splendid books.

The Judgment House. By Gilbert Parker: illustrated by W. Hatherell, R.I. Toronto: Copp Clark Company, Limited.

The years have given the author a keener insight and broader outlook. The characters in "The Judgment House are drawn with a facile yet delicate pen, the working of the minds of the characters is singularly well analyzed and the people in the book are real, living, throbbing human beings. Covering a period which is writ large in British annals, the author has chosen a splendid theatre for the staging of his work. "The Judgment House" is a powerful book and is without question the best of the many entrancing stories given to the public by this author.

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At a special luncheon of the Canadian Club held on the 21st October, Dr. Van Hise said:

Gentlemen of the Canadian Club: It is a very great pleasure indeed for me to respond to the cordial invitation. of your secretary to be present and address you. I suppose that not many of you have seen as much of Ontario as I have seen. I have traveled your railroads from one end of the Province to the other; I have walked along your railroad lines; canoed your lakes and streams from Winnipeg to Temiskaming. And therefore I know something of the growth of this Province, and of this city of Toronto, during the past twenty-five years. Whenever I come to Toronto again, I am thrilled with the expansion of this city and its additions.

This morning I asked the secretary of the American Club, Mr. Miller, to take me out to the residential suburbs; and I was very much pleased and amazed at the growth of the residential portion of the city since I was here three or four years ago.

In speaking of this subject of the university and its relation, its service to the State, I am talking on an assigned subject. Your secretary asked me to speak upon it. I suggested one or two other subjects which might be more interesting, but he insisted upon this one, therefore I am to speak on it.

There is no fundamental difference between the universities in the United States, whether State or endowed, and the universities of Canada or of England. The universities of the United States were originally patterned after the English colleges or universities. Some have


developed in different directions; some have gone in this, that, or the other direction; but all have the fundamental purpose of teaching ideas and ideals to the youth of the nation and the advancement of knowledge. And however varied the ways in which these two fundamental principles may express themselves, their essential thought is the same.

At the inauguration of President Lowell as President of Harvard University, Mr. Bryce was there and gave an address, in which he uttered what I think was the most pregnant sentiment of the celebration: he said: "A university should reflect the spirit of the times, without yielding to it." I take it that we may reflect the spirit of the times in a way that shall not yield the essential freedom of the university.

I don't know how it is in Canada, but we are absolutely free in the United States universities in the matter of holding any heterodox notions we may choose to hold, regarding higher mathematics, or even philosophy. But when we get to subjects such as sociology, political economy, or political science, then some people are somewhat sensitive about what the university should teach. But it is clear that the university must hold itself absolutely free to teach the truth as it sees it throughout the field of politic, of morals, of religion. Only so can the university be a university; only so can it see that it does not yield to the spirit of the times.

While I make this statement thus somewhat dogmatically, I understand perfectly that the spirit in which this work is done must not be that of the advocate; it must not be that of dogmatic certainty. We must realize that of all subjects, everywhere, knowledge is incomplete. No man knows everything about a grain of sand, and no man ever shall know everything about a grain of sand! Therefore it is the function of the university to ever advance towards completion and perfection, without expecting to reach either anywhere. Therefore, while the university professor should be free to teach and investigate, his attitude must be that of the seeker after truth, that of the Judge, and not that of the advocate.

However, it is not these fundamental commonplaces that I am expected to emphasize here to-day; only I thought I ought to say these things as a background from which you should see these branches growing, and therefore that the

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