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I have only culled a bouquet of other men's flowers, and nothing is my own but the string that ties them.-MONTAIGNE.

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FRATERNAL GREETINGS.-The friends of literature will be pleased to learn that the WESTERN MONTHLY is meeting with general favor throughout the West. The leading and most influential men and women are rallying to its support, and send words of greeting and encouragement. The press has not been backward in its efforts to establish its claim, but responded in a manly tone for the furtherance of the enterprise. Of course, we do not expect to please everybody, nor every paper; and, for this reason, we may look for an occasional hit, square in the face. This world has ever been blessed (or cursed) with critics, who can see the faults in others which they cannot see in themselves. We have not started the WESTERN MONTHLY with the expectation of making a perfect model of literature in two numbers; indeed, that would require the aid of the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh. Literature is not borne on lightning wings to Jove's celestial halls, nor is it, like Jonah's gourd, grown in a night. It requires time to bring its forces into order and prepare them for the work of the future. There are people who live in doubting castles and look with distrust upon every new effort; but, if that effort succeeds, they were the harbingers of its coming and "the voice in the wilderness". "prepare ye the way."

That which has been called an experiment has ripened into a success, and we assure the reader, that the WESTERN MONTHLY is not "a bubble on the wave" nor "a transient meteor in the sky," but one of those permanent institutions which, we trust, will merit the respect and patronage of all nobleminded men and women.

In conclusion, we would extend our most grateful acknowledgments to the

editorial fraternity of the West, and to our many friends for their kindly greetings and stubstantial testimonials.

THE MAGAZINE. In presenting this number, we have no apology to offer for its appearance or the matter it contains. Writers of known ability have been secured, in addition to those announced in the January number, some of whom appear in this with articles, and others with promises for the future numbers, as will be observed by reference to "Correspondence." The portrait of Gov. Fairchild speaks for itself. The biographical sketch was penned by a master hand-one who has been a friend and neighbor of the soldier and statesman for years, and therefore knows the truth of what is written. "Kate Elbridge" is a readable little story by the author of "Stolen Loaves,” which appeared in the last number. Its style of language is very good.

"How and What to Read," by the racy and original Robert Collyer, needs no comment. Everybody knows him, and everybody will read it. "Suffrage," by S. M. Booth, is a masterly paper, and the best he ever wrote. Mr. B. is a powerful writer. Mrs. M. L. Rayne has favored us with a very fine descriptive article on "Acadia: the Land of the Mayflower." The fact that Mrs. R. dates her nativity and spent the first years of her life in Nova Scotia, is sufficient to establish the correctness of the description. "Evolution or Creation, Which ?" as will be observed, is from the pen of Mr. Clarke, the author of "Sir Copp," etc., and will be read with interest by every scholar into whose hands this number falls. Eugene Taylor has again furnished a stately poem on "The Battle above the Clouds." "My Room—and Something Else" is a semi-humorous

article, and presents some novel ideas. James R. Boise, Professor of Greek in the Chicago University, and author of several Greek works, appears this month with his first paper on แ Athenian and American Sophists," a subject which he is eminently qualified to handle. Two articles more, upon the same subject, will be presented by the Professor. Col. A. G. Brackett, of the U. S. Army, author of "Lane's Brigade in Mexico" and a "History of the U. S. Cavalry," furnishes the paper on "Southern California." The Colonel has, until recently, been stationed in the region which he describes, and his statements can therefore be relied upon. He is now a member of the Department of the Platte, and we expect to hear from him again at no distant day. Dr. Conklin, one of Chicago's many noted physicians, presents an interesting and scientific "Talk about Digestion," which every "ungrateful animal" should read. "Charlemagne's Lament for Roland" is a poem of power. Some facts connected with "The Chicago River Tunnel" are here presented, which, we believe, have never before been made public. The writer possessed unusual facilities, and has written a very readable article, one worth preserving.

By reference to our pages of correspondence, the reader will observe that President Haven and Prof. Winchell, both of the Michigan University, will contribute papers for the March number of the WESTERN. A three-page poem, entitled "A Legend of the Black Forest," will also appear, from one of our favorite home poets.

OUR PREMIUM LIST.-We are prepared to offer better recompense for labor bestowed in behalf of the WESTERN in obtaining subscribers, than has ever been done by any magazine on the continent. Twenty-five thousand subscriptions must make up our list before the expiration of 1869. In order to

accomplish this, money and labor must be expended freely. The former we can furnish to those who will help us perform the latter. Superintendents and teachers of schools can aid us by introducing the magazine to their scholars and acquaintances, and thus make a step in the right direction for the cause they advocate. The best scholars of the West write for us a fact that should stimulate every educational man and woman to action. Some of the ablest divines of our land are engaged, and others will be secured as fast as possible. We make a very liberal discount to clergymen-one that will well compensate those who choose to lend a helping hand. The interests of manufacturers throughout the West are not to be neglected, as observed elsewhere. If proper efforts were put forth, there are few large establishments that would fail to furnish a club of from ten to fifty subscribers, a result which would prove beneficial to the manufacturers and to the magazine. Young ladies and gentlemen who desire a light and agreeable vocation which pays, will do us a favor by sending for terms to canvassers. We desire to secure the services of a few thousand canvassers, and will satisfy any who may address the office, that there is money in the investment. Reliable and responsible traveling agents also, are wanted, to visit all the principal cities and villages of the West immediately. Postmasters will be furnished with hand-bills, specimen copies and terms by return mail, upon application. We can afford you better terms than those of any publication, East or West, and shall be pleased to receive the address of at least one thousand of your number, during the month of February. Let us hear from one and all. We help those who help us.

NOT RESPONSIBLE.-We desire to have it distinctly understood that we do not endorse the sentiment of any writer

who appears upon our pages, but that every one thus appearing must fight his or her own battles. We are ready to furnish the field and assist in marshaling the forces engaged, upon both sides, but those directly concerned must perform the "present arms" process and stand or fall, as their relative strength shall be. The name or nom de plume of the responsible author will accompany nearly all the articles presented, and those not so attended, of course, make the editors accountable parties. Papers taking sides against anything published in the WESTERN we will cheerfully insert, if they are properly qualified to appear upon our pages.

ARTICLES WANTED upon all the great commercial interests of the West. The East knows as little of the extent and magnitude of Western enterprise as it does of that of Kamtschatka or New Grenada, and we, as a people, know but little more.

We desire to take part in the general organization and development of all these varied interests, and ably written papers upon any of them will find a ready insertion and liberal compensation, if forwarded to this of fice. Many thousand copies of the WESTERN go out monthly, and are read by the farmer around his fireside; the merchant, banker, manufacturer, and real estate dealer in his counting-room, and the professional man at his office. Here is a grand medium for the centralizing of our mighty forces, and showing to the world and to ourselves what we are and hope to be. We expect all interested men of the West will lend us a helping hand (with a pen in it) in carrying out this great plan of Western development and organization. Those who consult their own interests, certainly will do so.

A CARD. The undersigned had occasion to visit Southern Ohio during the month of January, and through the

kindness of Mr. J. C. CLELAND, the gentlemanly General Passenger Agent of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, he was favored with a card upon which was written, "To Forest and Return," which carried him safely over the grand old road in first-class time. This road is in excellent condition, has magnificent coaches and sleeping-cars, and, above all, gentlemen for officers. The trip was a very pleasant one, and we were highly pleased with what we saw on and along the line, but time will not admit of an extended article for this number. During the year all the railroads entering Chicago will be written up their history, etc., with brief biographical sketches of their officers-and be published in the WESTERN MONTHLY, when the P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. will not be forgotten.


CORRESPONDENCE.-We place before the readers of the WESTERN MONTHLY & few of the many cheering letters received from the literati of the West during the last month. Assurances of support and encouragement arrive by almost every mail. Clippings; too, from a few of the hundreds of Western papers that have reached our table since the last issue, each bearing the most encouraging words of cheer, are presented, that the reader may judge correctly of the manner in which the enterprise is received by the Western Press.

MANUSCRIPT. So large a quantity of manuscript has been received during the month that we have found it impossible to examine it all. Our contributors will bear with us a little, and after we are systematically arranged, we'll try to be more prompt in acknowledgments, etc.

CLUBBING RATES.-Publishers of papers and periodicals in any section of the country will be furnished with the WESTERN MONTHLY at our lowest club rates, that is, at $1.50 per annum. Any number of copies may be ordered and at any time. Back numbers always furnished if desired.

EXCHANGES should always be addressed to "WESTERN MONTHLY," Drawer 5812, Chicago. All communications to REED & TUTTLE, 115 Madison street, Chicago.



We have received from the music publishing house of Messrs. Root & Cady an advance copy of The Song Messenger of the Northwest, which is an unusually fine number. It contains a complete list of new music and articles of peculiar interest to the musical world. We are also in receipt of a package of music from the same house, which contains some of the finest pieces we have seen this season, comic and sentimental. We give below a list, and regret that our space is so limited we cannot indorse the particular beauties of each separate sheet:

"Old Friends." Song and Chorus. Music by J. P. Webster.

Song This

"Golden Leaves of Autumn." and Chorus. By Frank Howard. has a beautiful lithograph title, and is a sweet and tender song, set to a beautiful melody. Key of G.

"Tis the Heart makes the Home." Trio. By P. P. Bliss. This is an exquisite production, and should be sung at every fireside in the land. Key of D.

"Velocipede Song," by Frank Howard, and the "Velocipede Waltz," by the same composer, are highly sugges tive, with their illustrated title pages, of the popular mania.

"Velocipede Polka." By H. E. Kimball. Like the above pieces, this has a beautifully illustrated title.

"Guests of the Heart." Song. By J. R. Murray, the popular composer.

Sacred Lyrics. For social and public worship. Edited by Wm. Ludden. Single copies 80 cents; $8.00 per dozen. These lyrics are especially adapted for devotional singing. The most beautiful songs in sacred poetry are set to the rhythm of sweet, soulstirring music.

School Lyrics, a book of the same size and style, is adapted to the use of schools and family singing. The assortment of hymns is excellent, but we

think it would be improved by the addition of a few pieces written and sung in a sprightlier vein than any of the lyrics in the book. We can commend the editor, however, for his conscientious selections.

The Musical Independent, published by Lyon & Healy, Clark and Washington streets, has made its appearance for February. We commend the article upon "Music in Schools" to everybody, but to teachers especially. The title page of the paper is extremely handsome, and the poet's corner contains a gem from Robert Browning. There is a sparkling, piquant piece of music, "Katy's Letter," and a sentimental song, "One Little Cot among the Hills," and several highly interesting articles concerning musical celebrities.

"Sing to Me, Brother," issued by Lyon & Healy, is one of James Butterfield's pleasant melodies.

"Barbe Bleu" is a ten-page pot-pourri, and is an easy, brilliant arrangement, by Mr. Baumbach.


Madame Parepa-Rosa is ill at Balti


Adelaide Phillips is making a Western tour, and sung last week in Chicago.

Patti will soon be worth her weight in gold. She got $13,000 for singing a few nights in Berlin.

Minnie Hauck is engaged in the Italian opera at Paris.

Blind Tom, the wonderful negro, who is not only blind but idiotic, is singing to Western people. Chicago accepted him as a prodigy.

Madame Anna Bishop is softening the hearts of the Australians with "Come Home, Father."

The Music Hall at Boston has received a half-dozen portraits of Beethoven's friends.

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