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support to herselfe and poor children, The Livet. Goveonor told ym he wold intercede for ym to his Excell. Benj. ffletcher, upon that accompt.

(27th June, 1693.

At a Councill Held att philad. on Tuesday 27th June, 1693.


WM. MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet Governor.
Andrew Robeson, Esqrs.
Robert Turner, S

Geo. Forman, Esqr.
Pat. Robinson, Secry.

Upon reading the petition of Edward Burch to the Livet. Governor, setting forth, That having Sailled from Barbadoes in the barkenteen Ann, George Stiles, Mr., & onlle one man and a boy more belonging to her, the petitionr and his servant being to have their passage for their Labour: that the Mr, to the Southward of Cape Henlopen, was casually knockt over board and Lost, to the hazard of the shipp, goods & passengers, and that att the desire of the people on board, the petitioner, with great hazard of his Life, went ashoare, & for saving the Life of the people, & for preserving the vessell and cargoe, did agree with a person to pylot her to some safe harbour, and to give him twentie pounds, and having had an easie & speedie passage into the whorekills, the said pylot was willing to take ten pounds sterling, which the petitioner accordinglie paid, & took his receit for the same: And yrfor praying that the owners or present Mr of the sd vessell may repay the said monies, & to allow some reasonable reward for his extraordinaire service, care and danger, &c. Mr Jasper Yeates, to whom the sd vessell was Con. signed, being called, and having had the sd petin read to him, and alledging that the passengers promised the petitioner fourtie Shillings p head for his care,



It was ordered that the owners of the said vessell should back to the petitioner the said sum of ten pounds, & that hee might take his remidie att law for the fourtie shillings p head, promised to him by the passengers.

Upon the petition of the Inhabitants of the townshipp of Cheltenham, in philadelphia Countie, for a convenient roade to the towne of philadelphia, while it may be done without injurie to the improvments of the Inhabitants: As also, for a convenient roade from the most inhabited part of the said townshipp, to Germantowne.

Ordered that the petitioners acquaint the Surveyor generall to attend the Councill the yth of July next, to informe about the conveniencie of the said road.

Upon the petition of the inhabitants of Chester, to order the division of the sd Countie from the Countie of New castle, for want of which the petitioners Have long suffered.

Ordered that one or two persons of each Countie doe attend the Councill the yth of July next, in order to inform the Council of the true state of that affair.

Upon the petition of philip England, Setting forth that whereas his Excelly. Benjamin Fletcher, did confirm the proprietor's License for keeping a ferrie over Skuillkill to the petioner, forbidding anie other to act therin att their perrill; And that notwithstanding therof, Wm. Powell does ferrie people over the Skuillkill, to the petitioner's damage, & yrfor requesting the said Wm. Powell may be supprest. Ordered that the Secry. Issue outt a warrant, to be served on the sd Wm. Powell by the Messenger, to appear before the Councill the 18th of July next, to. make ansr to the sd Charge.

11th July, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia on a Tuesday, the yth of July, 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet. Governor.
Andrew Robeson, Esqr.

Robt Turner, Esqr.
Patrick Robinson, Secry.

The paucity of Justices of the peace for this Countie being represented to this board by some of the members yrof, It was thought fitt that between this & the 18th instant, John Jones & Joshua Carpenter should be desired to be present the 18th instant at this board.

Upon the petition of Edmond Lassell to the Livet. Governor and Councill, setting forth that he has been 3 years agone prosecuted about making of monie, upon the evidence of persons att that time, Convict for the same crime, and yrfor requesting that upon his giving securitie for his good behaviour, hee might have Libertie to come into philadelphia to pursue his calling.

Ordered, That by reason of the uncertaintie of this petin, that the petitioner be Left to his course att law.

Upon the petin of Israell Taylor, Joseph Taylor, and Jno Buzbie, setting forth That Robert Turner having had the administran of the estate of Christopher Taylor, their father, Comitted to him by the then Ordinary, 12 mo. agone, and that hee hath done little in it, to the petitioner's great damage; And yrfor Requesting that the sd Robt turner may be ordered to prosecute the sd business as farr as in him lies, otherwise the petitioners will be greatlie damnified.

Ordered, That if the sd Robt turner doe not, with as much expediton as the Law will allow, perform the dutie of an administrator yrin, That another be appointed in his roome.

Upon the Request of some of the members of Councill, that an ordr made by the Court of Quarter Sessions for the Countie of philadelphia the 4th July instant, (proceeding upon a presentment of the grand Jurie, for the bodie of the sd Countie,) agt the tumultuous gatherings of the negroes of the towne of philadelphia, on the first dayes of the weeke, ordering the Constables of philadelphia, or anie other person whatsoever, to have power to take up negroes, male or female, whom they should find gadding abroad on the said first dayes of the week, without a tickett from their Mr., or Mris, or not in their

Compa, or to carry them to goale, there to remain that night, & that without meat or drink, & to Cause them to be publickly whipt next morning, with 39 Lashes, well Laid on, on their bare backs, for which their sd Mr., or Mris. should pay 15d to the whipper att his deliverie of ym to yr Mr., or Mris. & that the sd order should be Confirmed by the Lievt. Governor and Councill.

The Lievt. Governor & Councill Looking upon the sd presentment to proceed upon good grounds, & the ordr of Court to be reasonable & for the benefit of the Inhabitants of the towne of philadelphia, & that it will be a means to prevent further mischeifs that might ensue upon such disorders of negroes, doe ratifie & confirme the same, & all persons are required to putt the sd ordr in execu'n.

Upon the presentment of the sd grand Jury for the want of a Channell to Convey ye water each way along the front street, between Chess-nutt-street & Wall-nutt-street, & upon the ordr of the sd Court that the Inhabitants between the sd streets on each side of the way should represent the same to the Livet. Gor & Councill.

Ordered, That the Messr of the Councill, by ordr from the Secrie, doe Summon all the inhabitants on both sides of the street from Chess-nutt to Walnutt-street, to attend the Councill the 18th instant, in ordr to be heard in the sd matter, and to know the Livet. Governor and Councill's minds therin.

[18th July, 1693.

Att a Councill Held at philadelphia on a Tuesday the 18th day of July, 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet. Governor.

Andrew Robeson,

} Esqr.

Robert Turner,

Lawrence Cock, Esqr.
Pat. Robinson, Secry.

Upon a former petn to the Livet. Governor & Councill, held 27th June Last, by philip England agt Wm. powell, for ferrying people over Skuillkill to the petitioner's damage, It was then ordered that sd powell should be Sumoned by y° messr of the Councill to attend ym this day to ansr the sd charge. The sd Wm. powell appeared & for his justificaon produced a paper wherin the grand Jurie for the Countie of philadelphia, held the 7th of the 4th mo. 1692, presented the convenience of another ferry att Wm. powell's on the Skuillkill, which the sd Court allowed, approved, and thought convenient that it should be done accordinglie. To wch the Livet. Governor ansred that yt was no authoritie for him to keepe a ferrie there in prejudice to the ferrie established by the proprietor. But therafter the sd Wm. powell answered That he wold desist from & leave off ferrying over people att that place, & that none else under him should ferrie any people over from his Land for anie reward, And which the Livet. Governor strictlie charged him to observe att his perrill.

Robert Brett Having made known to the Levet. Governor & Councill that he had a Comission from his Excell. Gor ffletcher, for

Clark of the market of philadelphia, Requested that they wold establish suteable fees to the said office.

Ordered, That the Clark of the market for the sd towne shall & may receive for all Cattle killed for the market Sixpence p head; for everie sheepe, calf & Lamb, two pence p head, for everie Hogg or shoot brought to the market or cutt outt for Sale there, three pence, And that nothing shall be paid for what the Countrie people bring to towne readie killed; And yt hee shall & may receive for Sealing of weights & measures, One pennie for each great or small. And they also Ordered, that all persons concerned should duely pay the Clark of the market the above said rates; And that all Justices, sherriffs, Constables and other officers be ayding & assisting to him in the execuon of his said office.

According to an ordr of the Livet. Gor and Councill, of the yth of Julie instant, John Jones and Joshua Carpenter having appeared, & the office of a Justice of y peace being offered ym, John Jones absolutelie refused the same: Joshua Carpenter accepted, and did take the oaths appointed by act of parliament to be taken instead of the oaths of allegiance & Supremacie, & subt. the test, & took the oath of a Justice of the peace.

In obedience to a formr order of Councill, dated yth instant, some of the Inhabitants betweene Chess-nut & Wall-nutt street, did appear, viz: Griffith Jones, Samll Carpenter, Anthony Morris, Alexr Beardslie, Nathll Sykes, Humphrey Morrey, Robt Ewer, Joshua Carpenter, Tho. Marle, who did represent their willingness to have a Channell in the midst of the street to convey the water both wayes along the front street, between the sd two streets, qrby the nusance between the sd two streets might be remedied, and did desire that since they could not agree among ymselves about the manner of it, That the Livet. Governor & Councill wold take such Course yrin as might be Compulsorie, & binding upon ym & the rest of the freebolders between the said two streets.

Ordered, That Anthony Morris, Joshua Carpenter & Alexr Beardslie, doe oversee & order the doing of the sd worke, with all expedtn & yt they take such advice & assistance yr in as they shall think fitt, and that the charge be laid equallie & proportionablie upon the freeholders on each side of the way between the sd two streets.

[30th July, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia on a Thursday the 30th of July, 1693.


WM. MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet. Governor.

Robert Turner,
Lawrence Cock,

} Esqrs

Pat. Robinson, secry.

Israel Taylor, sheriff of the County of Bucks, Having been Called before the Livet. Gor & Councill to give an acot of the estate of derrick Jonson, Lately sentenced & executed for murdering an

unknown person; and Whether he had observed the Law relating to the estates of persons executed for murder; And why hee went from towne without taking full Instructions about the said estate; And why hee had disposed of some parts of the sd estate Contrarie to the instructions he had received from the Livet. Governor: To all which Hee answered, That hee had not Inventoried the sd whole estate; and that hee had taken some part of it, but had not meddled with the widdow & children's half part; and that hee had disposed of some of the movables; and that hee had paid no ffees but conditionallie, to be repaid him if demanded; and that hee had great trouble about it; And that hee had procured to himself manie enemies on the accot of his office; and after a perremptorie manner, desired to be dismist from the same: From which the Livet. Governor did dismiss him from that time.

Ordered, That Israel Taylor doe bring in the Inventorie of the estate of derrick Jonson, and the apprizment thereof, with a particular accot how, in what manner, to whom and for what, hee has disposed of the same, by the 13th of August next; which he promised to doe befor yt time; and further added, that hee could give a true & just accompt of the same.

Ordered, That a Bill of Charges of-7£, 158, & 5d, disbursed and brought in by Robt Cole for saving, reaping and securing the Cropt of Corne, be paid him out of the sd estate of derricke Jonson, with something for his owne pains, travell & expences.

[1st August, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia on a Tuesday the 1st day of August, 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet. Governor.

Andrew Robeson, Esqrs.
Robert Turner, S

Lawrence Cock, Esqr.

pat. Robinson, Secry.

His Excell. Benjm. Fletcher's Lettr to the Livet. Governor and Council was this day read, & becaus of the thin Council, It was ordered yt the same should be considred the 8th instant in a full Councill, And yt ye Secrie. give notice to as many of y° Councill to be then present as (by reason of their distance) can.

Thomas Meaking, keeper of the free schoole in the towne of philadelphia, being called befor the Lt. Gor and Councill, was told Ansred that hee that hee must not keepe schoole wtout a Licence. was willing to Comply, and to take a Licence: was therfore ordered to procure a Certificate of his abilitie, Learning & diligence, from the Inhabitants of note in this towne, by the Sixteenth instant, in order to the obtaining a Licence, which he promised to doe.

Upon Reading the petition of Charles Butler against David Lloyd, Ordered that the Consideratn yrof be referred to the next Councill, the 18th instant, and that the Secrie cause the messr Soumons the sd David Lloyd to be then present to ansr to the same.

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