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The Govr informes the Councill that he sent a Letter to Coll. Talbot, to know what ye Lord Baltemore would doe in answer to Govr Doungan's Letter, which was to this Effect; to Lett things remaine as they were, till such times as there is a Decision made by y King & Councill; he also will stay his Declaration till he heares what Talbot Sayes.

Ashcom's Letter was read Concerning Talbot.

Samll Lands' Letter was read, informing the Govr and Councill that Jonas Askins heard Coll. Talbot say, that if Govr Penn should come into Maryland, he would Seize him & his retairce* in their Journey to Susquehannah fort.

Ordered that Wm. Welch doe take ye Attestation of Jonas Askins, Concerning what Talbot said unto him, or any of those adherent to him.


By Wm. PENN, Propor & Govr of y Province of Pennsilvania & Territories Thereunto belonging: By and with ye advice and Consent of ye Provll Councill of ye same.

Wm. Welch is granted Leave to goe home.
Adjourned till ye 12th 4th Mo., 84.

At a Council held at Philadelphia y 12th 4th Mo., 1684.

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Wm. Clark Complains of Wrong done him by false reports of things done amiss in Open Court. The Persons names is Jno. Edminson and Wm. Darvall.

The President's being Membr of Councill, are appointed a Comittee to Inspect the Virginia Laws, and to prepare such things out of them as may be Usefull for this Province, against the next Genall Assembly.

Ordered that Jno. Edminson & Griffith Jones, 'be Sent for.

Griffith Jones being attested, Saith that about ye 5th Inst., John Edminson said before him & others at Capt. Brigg his house, that Wm. Clark, in shoeing y Difference between the Lord Baltemore's Government and this, & how much Easier it was to Live under this Government, then his tould soe many lyes and Untruths against the Lord Baltemore's Governmt, that he could hardly bear with him; and further adds, that he, ye said Edminson, said that he was goeing to Govr Penn for Pattents for his Land in ye County of Kent, and when he had got them, he would goe to ye Lord Baltemore and gatt his Pattents for y' said Land. Jno. Edminson Stands to ye same, and

* Should be retaine.

Saith that Wm. Clark tould ye people that the Lord Baltemore Denyed that Ever he had Given Out a Proclamation to Encourage y People to Settle at ye whore Kills, as one of his Untruths.

Ordered That there is a report made to this board of the returne of the Comissrs wch went to Kent County Concerning Wm. Darvall, and that he may have a Writing drawn to Clear him.

Joseph Bowle, aged 31 years, living near Iron hill, about 8 miles distance from New Castle, being attested, Saith that about tenn days since Coll. Talbot ridd up to. his house and was ready to ride over him, and said Dam you, you Dogg, whom doe you Seat under here, you dogg! you Seat under noe body; you have noe Warrt from Penn no my Lord; therefore, gett you gon, or Else Ile sent you to St. Mury's; and I being frighted, Says he, you Brozen faced, Impudent, Confident Dogg, Ile Sharten Penn's Territories by & by; and the Neighbours said they saw Bowles his Land Surveyed away. Adjourned till y 18th 4th, 84.

At a Councill held at Philadelphia The 18th of ye 4th Mo., 1684.

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The Govr desired to be Informed what Persons are fittest to administer to ffra. Whitwell's Estate it was thought Wm. Southersby and Wm. Berry who were appointed, so to be.

The Govr again read the Declaration Concerning y Difference between y Lord Baltemore & himself, desireing y Councills approbation; who approved of it, but desired that sone things for ye psent might be left out.

Adjourned till y 19th of ye 4th Mo., 84.

At a Councill held at Philadelphia ye 19th of ye 4th month, 1684.

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The Govr. Informes y Councill that Wm. Darvall was much dissatisfied at y proceedings of y Comissrs, and desires y Opinion of y Council in giving him a Clearing under y Clarke of y Councell his hand.

Upon Inquiry made in relation to Wm. Darvall, Concerning y° Entertainment of one Murfey in Disafection to this Governmt,

The Comissrs appointed to Enquire after & to bring to condigne Punishemt such Disafected Persons to this Governmt, as they should have Proof of, in the County of Kent;

Returned this much Concerning Wm. Darvall: that the things suggested were not proved against him.

Taken out of the Journall by leave of Govr and Councill.

The Govr Informes Wm. Clark and Edmnd Cantwell that they should draw up two Petitions; One to ye King & One to yo Duke. Adjourned till the 20th 4th Mo., 84.

At a Council held at Philadelphia ye 20th of y° 4th Mo., 1684.

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The Petition of Geo: Thorp read; desiring a hearing before the Govr & Councill.

The Govr desires to know if it be not Convenient to Constitute Provll Judges to Try Geo: Thorp's Business. Ordered that it be Tryed to-morrow morning, Unless Griffith Jones shoes sufficient reason to the Contrary.

Ordered that Griffith Jones be informed that the Govr & Councill Sit at two of ye Clock in ye Afternoone, in order to his Buisness.


The Petition of Geo: Thorp being againe read, The Quest. was put whether they would be pleased to Sitt as a Court of Equity and Law, or a Court of Equity alone.

The Govr Proposes whether the two partys are Willing to have it Tryed by the Provll Judges.

Griff. Jones desires time to send for his Evidences, and also desires to know if it shall be Tryed by Law or Equity.

Adjourned till ye 25th 5th Mo., 84.

At a Council held at Philadelphia ye 25th of ye 5th month, 1684.

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Richard Mitchell, Sheriff, made his returne from Kent County, of the Election of Wm. Darvall in y Place of ffran. Whitwell, Deceased.

Wm. Darvall Attested to Keep Secrecy.

The Govr Desires That the Membs of Council would be sure above any thing to Suppress Lewdness and all manner of Wickedness. The Govr first proposes to the Councill, the Law Concerning Selling Rum to the Indians.

That is to say: advises to Issue forth an Act of State to Suppress selling rum to the Indians in such Quantities.

The Govr desires also, that Ordinary Keepers' disorders may be suppressed.

Ordered that Robt Terrill be sent for to appear before y° Govr & Council, and all others that Sell Rum to ye Indians.

Jno. Jones Acquaints the Councill that one Russell harbours his Negroes, and therefore begs some redress.

MEMORANDUM: Servats Traviling wth out Passes, Idleing on first days, Unlisenced houses selling Liquors without Licence; also, seaven pence halfe penny a Meal, and one penny a qt for beer. Adjourned till ye 26th 5: Mo., 1684.

At a Councill held at Philadelphia y 26th 5th Mo., 1684.

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Robert Terrill being brought before the Govr & Councill for Selling rum to the Indians and Other people, and Entertaining Other Person's Servts, rece'd a repremand from the Govr.

A Proclamation Ordered to be Issued Out in Order to Suppress the same.

Ordered that Magistrates give Instructions to the Grand Jury for Suppressing of Ordinarys, according to Law.

Ordered that a Letter be writt giving Magistrates directions Concerning the Proclamation, & also of Chuseing Magistrates & Peace Makers.

Left to ye Govrs Discretion to have ye Laws & Charter printed at London.

Magistrates to Look after the Peace of y Province, & to Demeane themselves without a just Cause of Offence to the Indians, and then Discreatly.

Tho: Lloyd, Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, appointed to draw up a Charter for Philadelphia to be made a Burrough, Consisting of a Majr and six Aldermen, & to Call to their Assistance any of ye Councill.

Adjourned till y° 28th of y° 5th Mo., 84.

At a Councill held at Philadelphia ye 28th of y° 5th Mo., 1684.

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The Govr put y Question, whether y° Govrs Charges & Expenses for the Preservation and Continuation of the Lower Countyes as

annexed by act of Assembly to this Province, shall be reputed a Public Charge.

Resolved upon y Question, yt y Govrs Expenses preserving and Continuing the Lower Countyes annexed by act of Assembly to this Province, be held & Reputed a Public Charge.

The Govr put y Quest: whether two-thirds or three-fourths of y ffreewill Offering Money given to ye Govr, should be put to y° Quest. Past in the Affirmative.

As many as are of Opinion that two thirds should be allowed the Govr towards the preserving & Continuing the Lower Countyes, annexed by Act of Assembly to this Province.

Past in the Negative.

As many as are of Opinion that three fourths should be allowed, Say yee: Past in yo Affirmative.

All that are of Opinion that ye Charges of ye Watchmen at New Castle should be payed out of y° Publick Treasury, till further Order from Provll Councill, Say yee: Resolved in y° Affirmative.

Ordered that Tho: Holmes, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clayton, Tho: Lloyd, Wm. Darvall, Wm. Clark, or any two of them, Inspect y° Bills of Benj. Acrod, Deceased, before such time as they are payd. Adjourned till ye 14th 6th Mo., 84.

At a Councill held at Sussex The 14th 6th Mo., 84.

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The Differance between Luke Watson and Jno. Bellamy, touching the appraismt formerly Ordered by y Govr & Councill, &c. The sayd Luke Watson & Jno. Bellamy agreed before ye Govr & Councill, as followed:

That the said Luke Watson shall Continue upon ye three hundred Acres at Prime hook, whereon are his Improvemts, togather with the two hundred Acres adjoyning thereto; and in Consideration thereof, the said Jno. Bellamy shall have the four hundred fifty-seaven Acres as p. Pattent, being formerly the Lands of One Wm. Canes, and Seated by Prentice, and to assigne and make Over their Intrests to Each Other in ye said Lands, by Legall Conveyances, &c. And ye Said Luke Watson shall further pay unto the said Jno. Bellamy, one Bullock, or Vallue thereof; and thus they agreed & shaked hands.

Adjourned till The 18th of y° 6th Mo., 1684.

At a Councill held at New Castle The 18th of yo 6th month, 1684.

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