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A Plea For Small Doses.

Dr. John Aulde, of Philadelphia, has published his experience with small doses of medicine. The following serve to show what small doses will do: Quinine in doses of one-tenth of a grain, to those who, on account of idosyncrasy, cannot take larger doses, will often be found sufficient. One drop of tincture nux vomica, or one-twentieth grain of the extract, are frequently as serviceable as a tonic of larger doses, while strychnine in doses of one-sixtieth or one-hundredth of a grain will accomplish all that is desired, and be much safer than larger doses. Cannabis indica, in half drop doses at intervals of five minutes, will cause the pain of trifacial neuralgia to quickly disappear. Profuse diaphoresis may be produced by the frequent administration of half minim doses of extract of pilocarpus. Phosphorus, in doses of one-hundred-and fiftieth of a grain, given three times daily, will produce such an effect that it may be tasted by a susceptible patient for several days afterwards. Morphine, in tablets containing one-fiftieth of a grain, can be given in many instances with marked benefit. One drop of a one per cent. solution of the fluid extract of rhus toxicodendron is often an efficient remedy in stubborn attacks of sciatica and other affections of a like character. One-tenth of a grain of calomel, given every hour, it is well known, will produce an effect on the bowels equal to ten grains given at one time. Corrosive sublimate, one fiftieth of a grain three times daily, is an excellent remedy in disease of the stomach with fermentation and eruction of gas. It is doubtful if we have any better remedy for the treatment of boils and carbuncles than small doses of calcium sulphide, onetenth of a grain every two hours.-Practice.

"Many things have been said, and very well, undoubtedly, on the subjection in which we should preserve our bodies to the government of our understanding; but enough has not been said upon the restraint which our bodily necessities ought to lay on the extravagant sublimities and eccentric rovings of our minds. The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior nature, is wiser in its own plain way, and attends its own business more directly, than the mind with all its boasted subtlety."Edmund Burke.

Persistent vomiting, in cases of intestinal obstruction, indicates almost always that the trouble is in the small intestine. If the vomiting occurs early, the strangulation is high up; if stercoraceous, it is low down.

Hygeine for the Nervous.

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"Nervous people can do much to help their condition, independently of the physician's aid. They should take plenty of openair exercise, short of fatigue; and it should have an object in view; an aimless exercise, as "going for a walk," etc., is not condusive to improvement of their mental condition. They should have a goal to attain, as for example, rowing to reach a certain spot, walking to visit a friend, playing ball or what not to win the game. For food, oranges and baked apples are useful before breakfast. Cocoa or boiled milk in place of tea and coffee. Fish; not too much meat; no soups as a rule, and little or no beer or spirits. Some sound wine, as good port or sherry, is not objectionable.

Cerebral hemorrhage may be induced by softening of the brain, the vessels bursting through loss of their natural support from the surrounding tissues; or increased pressure of the blood within the vessels may be its cause, as occurs in chronic Bright's disease or as a result of over-exertion; or the walls of the vessels may have become diseased, thro' degeneration, endarteritis, or aneurisinal dilatation. It is mostly a disease of old age, and is usually more frequent in men than in women.

Dr. Lionel Beale (London), records a remarkable case, in which large quantities of pus were discharged for years with the urine, no physician being able to locate its source. Eventually, numerous small gall-stones made their appearance in the urine; and, after a long period of suffering, the patient got well. No bile was discoverable in the water; yet the presence of actual gall-stones demonstrated the fact that there had been a direct communication between the gall-bladder and the urinary bladder.

For Suffocation from Gas.

In cases of impending suffocation from charcoal fumes, or from "blowing out the gas" in bed-rooms, the forced inhalation of oxygen suggests itself as a rational means of resuscitation by antagonizing the carbonic oxide. A rubber bag may be easily filled with the gas, and fitted with a temporary tube.


Cream mixes with gastric juice in a perfect manner, and thus aids digestion, and forms a most available nutriment for invalids. It is superior to butter, containing more volatile oils, and is more fattening. It excels cod-liver oil, and is the best of all foods for consumptives.

Glycerine Enema.

A teaspoonful, or even less, of glycerine, injected into the rectum with an ordinary glass syringe, will produce a copious evacuation in a few minutes. This is an old practice revived, and is remarkably efficacious. The rationale of its action is the attraction of blood to the parts by the property of glycerine to abstract water.

Incompatibility of Chlorate of Potassium and Iodide of Iron.

Chlorate of potash should not be combined in prescriptions with syrup of iodide of iron; it liberates all the iodine from the iodide, and the heat of the stomach hastens the process. Thus, the stomach becomes filled with iodine, leading to severe gastric irritation.-British Med. Journal.

For Neuralgia.

Dr. Metcalf (J. T.), in the "Boston Med. and Surg. Journal," offers the following remedy for neuralgia: R Tinct. aconiti, tinct. colchici sem., tinct. belladonna, tinct. actea racemosa, of each equal parts. Six drops every six hours, until relieved.

BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM was found in a stubborn case of ptyalism during pregnancy, says Memorabilien, to be the only one of all the remedies employed which produced permanent cure in doses of ten grains three times a day.

-Prof. Da Costa ordered the following treatment for ulcer of large intestine: An emulsion of turpentine, each dose containing ten drops of the oil of turpentine, and three drops of deodorized tincture of opium, four times a day.

Dr. Horace E. Bope, of Detroit, Mich., wishes some one to give a practical list of medicines for the pocket case, and also one for the buggy case.

Natural secretions may be increased, decreased, or suppressed by the influence of certain passions. Tears are produced by sorrow; perspiration by excitement; diarrhoea by fear; a nursing woman's milk may be altered by temper; fright may render the urine watery and copious; anger and grief may set up jaundice, by causing re absorption of bile; saliva is increased by hunger; milk by emotional hunger; milk by emotional thoughts of the child; and semen by the conception of voluptuous ideas.

Migraine frequently attacks those who read. studiously while digesting their focd.


In Jan. issue, pages 5, 6 and 8, we gave some excellent treatments of this disease, besides the very successful one of Prof. Waugh, on page 10. We have noticed quite a discussion of the diseases among our exchanges.

In The Medical Standard, Dr. Mansfelde, of Nebraska, gives the following treatment :

"Locally, a liniment is used composed of compound tincture of icdine 3 ss, chloral camphor 3 ii and one ounce of castor oil, to be applied to the neck. For the throat a gargle is ordered, also to be used as constantly as possible, with the steam automizer. It is composed of a concentrated turpentine water, charged with lime (aqua calcis terebinth.) with from five to ten grains of patassium bromide to the ounce. For patients, who cannot gargle, or with whom the steam atomizer is imperfectly used, a large camel's hair brush is to be filled with the fluid, and pressed gently against the posterior wall of brush, and the effort at gagging distributes it very the pharynx. This squeezes the fluid from the effectively over the parts affected. Again, the bed or crib is covered with an impervious covering, and this box is filled with the vapor of the above mixture, thereby bringing the remedies, which are deemed the most efficacious, constantly in contact with the diseased surfaces. Certain it is that little spreading of the destructive process need be feared, if these local applications be persevered in.

In regard to internal medications, two points must not be lost sight of: The specific condition of the patient and the rapid loss of bodily energy. For the former no remedy ranks higher than potassium iodide, and for the latter, it would be difficult to find three better ones than potassium bromide, alcohol and milk. The potash salts can be given together and should be pushed to their local and systematic action, i. e., locally, a loosening of the secretions of bronchii-trachea and mouth, and, systematically, the substitution of tranquility for the nervousness, which would otherwise soon exhaust the patient. Alcohol, than which. there is no better remedy in existence for the disease, can be given with the salts or with the milk. It should be always highly diluted-but in sufficient quantity to meet the indication-which points to a quite remarkable tolerance of the drug. Milk, which is mentioned as the embodiment of nutritives, should not be lost sight of. It is certainly true that in the convalescent stage of bad cases of diphtheria, milk and alcohol are as necessary, if not more so, than in any other disease, for it is here where the paralysis of the muscles (aid the heart is no exception) reaches its greatest dev-lopment. A

sudden cessation of the heart's action, after all danger seems to be over, is a common occurrence. Alcohol will prevent this.

Of course, this is not intended for a complete paper on diphtheria, for many points must here be left unmentioned, which every practitioner should know. One in particular--sleep, sound sleep, should always be had. Chloral and the bromides will procure this and (alcohol being constantly given) will not endanger the heart.

This course seems to the writer both humane, effective and in accordance with the indications derived from the pathology of diphtheria. It certainly has served him well in his experience of over twenty years with the disease.'

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In the same journal the following gentlemen express themselves as follows:

John G. Meachem, M. D., Racine, Wis. : "I do not make local applications of silver nitrate or iron persulphate to every case which comes under my care, as I did at that time, since I found after awhile, that the fright given to many young children caused far more injury than the application did good. I have hence almost entirely abandoned local applications to that class of patients, and now give remedies so often that all indications for local treatment are quite as well as they would be by probang or brush. If patients suffer severe pain, let the location be where it may (and a great proportion of cases in the early stages do so suffer), I always begin with a good full anodyne, for which I prefer Dover's powder if the stomach be in a state to tolerate it, but if not, I give morphine acetate. If, upon examination of the throat, the parts are found highly inflamed with or without exudation, the patient is put at once upon the following mixture:

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very useful in patients who have age and sense to use them, and the same may be said of atomizing. All detached portions of exudation should be carefully removed. Forceps and scissors are often required for this work. The terrible fœtor arising from these when decomposed is greatly modified by their early removal. It is always safe and prudent to give two or three doses of quinine every twentyfour hours."

W. O. N. Mendenhall, M. D., Richmond, Ind. : "When I treat a typical case of diphtheria I give two grains of calomel every three hours until four doses are given. I have the throat gargled every three hours with hot water made strong with soda bicarbonate, and once every three hours I give a teaspoonful of equal parts of turpentine and honey, so administered that each hour one of the three will be given. After the calomel is given I move the bowels freely with castor-oil. I then give in place of the calomel, a solution of potassium chlorate and tinct. ferri. chlor. Diminish the turpentine as the diphtheric deposit clears away and add quinine to the solution of potassium and iron as the debility of the case demands. Liquid nourishment is given freely if necessary. For children the above dose must be diminished according to age. according to age. I believe this treatment intelligently followed, will save almost every case. In my twenty years' practice I have not lost a patient from diphtheria. I prescribed this treatment for a young man a year ago, upon whose throat I found a very diphtheritic deposit. After I left him, he decided to gargle his throat with pure spirits of turpentine which he did freely and frequently; when I saw him the next morning the deposit was almost gone and he was very much relieved. The deposit rapidly and entirely disappeared and he made a speedy and complete recovery."

J. F. Kennedy, M. D., Des Moines, Iowa: "I treat the disease by antiseptics and supporti ves. I seldom resort to stimulants, as I believe they tend to depress and overtax the heart. Quinine and milk are given freely. Where the larynx is invaded, free use of the fumes of slacking lime gives the best results. Tincture of iron chloride is always given freely, usually with glycerin. Equal parts of the iron chloride tincture and glycerin should be applied with a camel's hair pencil to the tonsils and nares, care being taken not to detach the membranes. The lime inhalations have yielded excellent results in my hands, although the cases treated were as severe as could be well imagined. Suffocation, at times, appeared imminent, but quick relief was afforded by the inhalation at each recurring attack of dyspnea."

The Genu-Pectoral Position in Difficult Version.

Dr. H. M. Cutts has recently looked up the literature on this subject, and after a careful study of a large number of cases concludes that, in transverse presentations, at least, the genupectoral position is an invaluable adjunct to the safety of both mother and child; that version with it may be undertaken any time after the complete dilatation of the os, and without regard as to whether the membranes are ruptured or not, and without waiting for an anesthetic. Some of the "helps" which this posture lends to version are: 1. The weight of the child naturally drags the presenting part from the os uteri and pelvic cavity, and by so much relieves the impaction. 2. The abdominal cavity is elongated, putting the vagina upon the stretch, thereby giving it a cylindrical character, thus aiding to throw the head into line with the superior straight. 3. The woman cannot, in this position, to any extent, exert her voluntary muscles in bearing down. 4. The liquor amnii is more likely to be retained until we accomplish the version.-Practice.

The Best Way to Induce Premature Labor. The Paris correspondent of the Philadelphia Medical Times, referring to a recent lecture by Dr. Pinard on the subject of inducing prema

ture labor, states, first, that the usual remedies that have heretofore been used for this purpose are all of them inefficacious. Even electricity, friction and massage have been found wanting. The sponge tents, while they dilate, are dangeroùs; septic infection being almost sure to follow their use. The ascending vaginal douches, of Keivisch, have been abandoned. Barnes' colpeurynters are, for many reasons, difficult for the general practitioner to use. Krause's sound is liable to be followed by separation of the placenta and dangerons hemorrhage. For this reason preference is given to Professor Tarnier's method. It consists of a rubber tube terminated by a dilatable rubber bag and a metallic conductor. This conductor is a branch half round in shape, and turned on the end like a male sound. The little rubber sac, when dilated with water, is as large as an egg. To use it, the rubber tube is fixed in the metallic carrier, and injections of water are used to drive out any air that is in the tube and bag, and to test the strength of the sac at the same time, notice must be taken of the quantity of water that is needed to dilate the sac. The introduction is made into the cavity of the neck as usual, except that Tarnier's instrument need not go far in, as it is a dilator as well as an exciting agent. Having placed it, the syringe quickly dilates the bag, with the proper quantity of

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water before determined. Dr. Pinard has used it in thirty-four cases in primipara without difficulty, and without any deaths, which cannot be said of Krause's sound. esting point is that in twenty accouchements by this method, thirteen of the children were saved, though they all occurred in mothers with deformed pelvis.

Intermittent Fever; Quinine and Ergotine. Intermittent fever, associated with enlarged spleen, is successfully treated with ergotine and quinine combined. About 15 centigrammes of ergotine are advised three times a day, with a moderate dose of quinine.

In a case of uncontrollable vomiting due to pregnancy, the patient was placed under ether, and afterwards told that she had been delivered of a fetus. The vomiting ceased at once; and the physician arrived at the conclusion that in many instances these persistent vomitings are due to an affection of the nervous system on the mind, rather than to any abnormal condition of the genital apparatus.

cares have much influence on the prolongation Pleasant surroundings and absence of worldly of life in diseases of nutrition. Certain passions, as grief and intense suffering, speedily diseases of the heart, lungs and liver. develop in persons predisposed to them

When tea is taken for breakfast, eggs should be boiled lightly; when coffee is the usual drink, they should be boiled hard.

Oil of Turpentine in Diphtheria. Roese, of Hamburg, treated fifty-eight cases, with a mortality of three (5 per cent), as follows: Oil of turpentine was given in teaspoonful doses three times daily; it was mixed with spirits of either in proportion of 4 minims of ether to the teaspoonful of oil of turpentine. In addition, a tablespoonful of a 2-per cent solution of sodium salicylate was given every two hours; externally an ice bag was used, and locally gargles of 1-per cent warm solution of potassium chlorate. The results were :

1. Rapid diminution in pulse rate and temperature.

2. The subject symptoms were rapidly alleviated.

3. The duration of illness was shortened. 4. An axacerbation of the local process was not observed after the first dose of oil of turpentine.

5. Danger of suffocation occurred but once, when tracheotomy was done.

Roese considers penciling the throat to be generally futile as done in private practice. He exercised great caution in pushing oil of turpentine in anæmic individuals and those having diseased hearts. Excessive heart action, from any cause, was carefully treated. The nourishment given was bouillon, old port wine, and milk; to quench thirst, ice and aerated fruit juices were used. No intoxication was observed. Paralysis occurred once, and recovery followed the use of potassium iodide.-National Druggist.

Treatment of Placenta Previa.

Dr. John Morris, of Baltimore, submits the following propositions: 1. No expectant plan is justifiable in cases of placenta previa. The uterus must be emptied as soon as possible after the discovery of the trouble, no matter what the stage of pregnancy may be. A halting, hesitating practice means danger both to mother and child. 2. That the life of the child must not be considered in the treatment of the case. 3. That the manner of emptying the uterus must be left to the individual judgment of the medical man in attendance. 4. That in cases of central adherence of placenta the safest and best practice is to separate the placenta entirely. 5. That in cases where the placenta is adherent in the latero-cervical zone of the uterus partial detachment may be sufficient, but if the hemorrhage is not arrested, the whole mass should be removed and means of delivery at once instituted. 6. That the colpeurynter is the only tampon that can be safely used in these cases--that sponges, silk handkerchiefs and other forms of tampon are nasty, filthy and septic, and should never be employed. 7. That the bimanual treatment, whenever possible, is the best and speediest form of delivery. 8. That chloroform must be administered in all cases in which manual interference is necessary.-Prac


The Physician of the Apocrypha.

In the apocryphal writings of the Old Testament the thirty eighth chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes, or a portion of the chapter, is devoted to the physician, his duty, the divine character of his calling, and his dependence upon the Most High, and the origin of his medicines, etc. The writer says: "Honor a physician with the honor due unto him, for the uses which ye may have of him, for the Lord hath created him. For from the Most High cometh healing, and he (the physician) shall receive honor of the king. The skill of the physician shall lift up his head, and in the sight of men he shall be in admiration.

"The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and he that is wise will not abhor them.

"And He hath given men skill that he might be honored in his marvelous works. With such doth he heal men and taketh away their pains.

"My son, in thy sickness be not negligent, but pray unto the Lord and He will make thee whole. Leave off from sin and order thy hands aright, and cleanse thy heart from all wickedThen give place to





the physician, for the Lord hath created him; let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him. There is a time in their hands there is good success. For they shall also pray unto the Lord, that he would prosper that which they give for ease and remedy to prolong life.

Tuis does not teach the "faith cure" method, for its disciples claim that the cure is performed by the direct intervention or God, and no other means. This says that the Lord will prosper the prescribed methods of the physician. "He that sinneth let him fall into the hands of the physician."

They sometimes do, these days, and it might be better for the community if they did so oftener.

A New Local Anæsthetic.


Wiener Medicinischen Blaetter, Dr. Lewin describes a new local anesthetic of surprising power and rapidity, viz. Hayah or erythroflein. Its intensity says the doctor is uberraschend, and it is destined not merely to supplant but to quite overthrow and destroy the reputation of cocaine. It is of African origin, and is found in the shape of a red mass called hayah. A minute portion placed upon the tongue renders the organ utterly devoid of the sense of taste or even of sensation. Chemically it is a glucoside. A drop or two of an aqueous solution placed in the eye of a cat renders the organ absolutely insensible in fifteen or twenty minutes, and it is more or less anæsthized from ten to twenty-four hours afterwards. Intravenously or subcutaneously injected, it renders frogs and such animals inert, the frequency of heart-beat is lessened from thirty-eight down to eight beats per minute, and a spasm or cramp, beginning at the eyes, passes over the entire body every few momentss extending to the very end of the tail. The animals that vomit, this reflex occurs within a few moments after injection. The source of this wonderful medicament is said to be a plant described by Oertel in the early part of this century under the name of Erythrofleum judiciale, the substance being used in the native African trials by ordeal. In these trials the bark of the plant is powdered

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