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The printing, binding, and foundry establishments have continued through the year in successful operation, and editions of the following tracts in Siamese have been printed, viz: The Gospel by Matthew and by Mark; The Acts; Sermon on the Mount; Parables of Christ; History of Daniel; also that of Moses and Joseph; and a broad sheet containing a parable by Mrs, Jones; beside a Siamese and English Vocabulary. These tracts have been distributed to persons calling at our houses, from five to fifty, with an average of perhaps fifteen daily. Br. Davenport has also gone out regularly on the Sabbath, and distributed tracts, assisted by the men employed in the printing office. Br. Slatter and wife have also usually spent a portion of the Sabbath in like manner. Four or five hundred tracts have thus usually been distributed on every Sabbath. Beside this, in March brethren Daven- | port and Slafter made a northern tour of one hundred miles to Phra Bat, the strong-hold of paganism, where they profess to show a footstep of their god, Gaudania. This journey occupied six days, and about three thousand Siamese, and half as many Chinese and Peguan tracts were distributed at the numerous villages which line the banks of the Meinam.

In September, br. Slafter, in company with br. Buel of the General Assembly's Board, made a western tour of one hundred miles in six days, and distributed about three thousand tracts, one third of which were Chinese and Peguan.

In November br. Slafter and wife made a northern tour, passing up the Ta-Chin (a river a little to the west of the Meinam) and returning down the Meinam. They were absent eighteen days, and distributed between three and four thousand tracts. In Dec. br. Davenport visited several places on the N.F. coast of the Gulf of Siam, and then directed his course for Siri point on the N.W. coast, but was driven ashore by several adverse circumstauces, about fourteen miles this side of the place of their destination-and detained there for several days. This

however in the end seemed a favorable providence, for he found the place a central point, where he met persons from several neighboring villages, and found that they were so anxious to obtain tracts that in some instances the few books which had found their way to those regions were bought, at from thirty to fifty cents apiece. In this place br. D. distributed about three thousand tracts. If indeed it was the hand of the Lord that forced him to stop here contrary to his intentions, we may hope that the ground was prepared, and that the seed thus sown will spring up, and bring forth much fruit. Br. D. was absent eleven days, and distributed about seven thousand tracts, one fourth of which were Chinese. Beside the above tours, br. and sister Slafter have just gone on an eastward tour, the results of which will be laid before you at a future time.

In all these tours the brethren have experienced much of the good provideuce of God, and have met many interesting circumstances, which will be more fully laid before you in their journals. They have also done much to explore the country, and have become fully satisfied that here is a broad field, and room for many laborers, and that great, very great multitudes of souls are perishing for want of the bread of life. Rumors have recently gone abroad that the king intends to put a stop to these tours, and that he has already issued orders to have the men who assist in our conveyance whipped. We have not however yet received any orders from the king, and have reason to believe that the reports were started by some enemy to the cause of Christ. We trust the truth will be spread abroad over the whole kingdom, and that the power of man will not be able to prevent it from operating to the salvation of many souls.

Operations of the school.

The Siamese school has continued through the year under the care of Mrs. Davenport. The average number of scholars has been six, present number five. They are instructed in reading and writing Siamese ; and in reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography, in English. Most of them understand English sufficiently to join in reading at family worship. In arithmetic one (who is about sixteen years of age) has advanced as far as simple proportions; the others have not gone beyond the first three simple rules.

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Reflections on this department of the mis

sion-First Siamese convert.


here for some time, and have made many converts among the Chinese, have given up the Siamese as a hopeSuch is a brief outline of our labors less people. Having for a long time in the Siamese department. Nor have labored for them without success, they these labors, feeble as they have been, have now directed their efforts to other proved entirely unsuccessful. Much quarters. And until recently there has certainly been accomplished in the was not in the kingdom, a Siamese general diffusion of so large an amount who professed to be a disciple of Je, of religious knowledge by means of sus. But thanks to God, that can no tracts, which have been carried to al- longer be said, and may it never again most every part of the empire, and by be true. On the second Sabbath in conversations which have been held December the first convert having with persons belonging to almost every been publicly examined and approved, part of the country. Besides this, followed the Savior in the ordinance there are large numbers of Siamese of baptism-his case is quite interestwho have been connected with using as coming out alone. He has been as teachers, laborers, domestics or scholars, who have regularly attended our religious exercises, and have thus obtained a tolerably correct understanding of christianity. These, as they mingle with their friends, naturaily spread abroad this knowledge, and thus the leaven is kept operating, and the truth which is mighty through the power of the Spirit, is doing its work, and gradually bringing about a result by which God will be glorified, and many souls saved.

As to actual conversions to christianity, this mission has ever labored under great discouragements. The people seem peculiarly indisposed to consider the claims of a new religion, or even, if conviuced of its truth, to act according to that conviction. This results partly from their natural indolence, which is manifested in all their actions, and renders them peculiarly averse to mental effort; and in consequence of which they prefer to rest satisfied with the most vague ideas, and without any definite opinion as to the truth of a subject, rather than take the trouble to examine. There is also such a servile connection between the lower and the higher classes, that the mass of the people can scarcely be said to have a mind of their own. Independence of thought or action is unknown among them. They have but little inducement to examine any subject, since whatever might be the result, the fear of displeasing their masters would prevent them from changing their opinions or course of conduct. Hence, as before said, we have not been encouraged by seeing multitudes of the Siamese turning to the Lord. To such an extent do the influences of which we have been speaking operate, that the Catholic missionaries who have been laboring

sometime employed in the printing office, and has had opportunity to gain considerable religious knowledge.Truly the conversion of one such soul more than repays all the poor efforts we have ever put forth. But the importance of this event is greatly mag. nified by its bearing on the people. There have for some time been numbers who have professed to be convinced of the truth of christianity, but no one seemed ready to be the first to come out on the Lord's side. It has been moreover feared that a profession to christianity would expose to persecution and death. But the way has now been opened; an example is set, and it will soon be proved whether a native christian will be allowed to live here or not. We have hopes that this is but a "first fruits" of a most plentiful harvest. God grant that these hopes may speedily be realized.

Chinese department-Attendance on public worship.

In the Chinese department daily morning and evening worship has been maintained by br. Dean, attended by about a dozen adults, besides the children of the school. On the Sabbath, worship has been attended in the chapel mornings, and prayer meeting at br. Dean's house in the middle of the day; and at four p. m., a meeting at the

* Sometime since a Siamese who had been

employed here by Mr. Jones as teacher, and who accompanied him to Malacca, was baptized by Rev. Mr. Dyer-he is now residing at Singapore, and continues to give some evidence that he is a child of God. Besides, there have been at different times some two or three concerning whoin our brethren of the A. B. C. F. M. have felt somewhat encouraged to hope that they were truly children of God-but none have given such evidence, as that our brethren have felt at liberty to admit them to the privi leges of the church.

house kept for the purpose at the ba- derstanding of the Old. His discourses zar. In the morning the congrega-show that he possesses talents suited to tion varies from twenty-five to thirtyfive, beside the children of the school. In the afternoon the number is somewhat less. Beside the devotional exercises of our worship, a portion of scripture is sometimes read and explained, and sometimes a single text is unfolded in the form of a sermon.

Observance of monthly concert.

the work of an evangelist. He has for some time taken his turn with br. Dean in conducting the exercises of worship on the Sabbath. The other young man is the school teacher, who was baptized in October last. In talents and promise of future usefulness he is not perhaps inferior to the other, but wants his experience and knowlledge of the scriptures. From these two converts we expect, with the blessing of God, much in reference to the building up of the cause of Christ in this place, and it is by no means impossible that before China shall be opened to foreign missionaries, these young men may spread the gospel far and wide among their countrymen. We sincerely hope that should the time come when our little church shall be called to send missionaries to China, the churches in America will not be backward to lend a helping hand.— or if we soon become convinced that the interests of Zion here demand that these two or any otliers of our native brethren be instantly employed as evangelists, we most sincerely hope that the Board will not be obliged to say we have no money for their support. We believe that it is from the good haud of the Lord that we have receiv

On the first Sabbath in each month, the prayer meeting is conducted as a monthly missionary concert. On the first Sabbath in Dec. (the day on which this arrangement was recommenced, it having been discontinued since the absence of br. Dean when on his visit to China,) the meeting was quite interesting, and the contribution at the close amounted to $4,27. In view of the small number and general poverty of the members of the church, we considered this a very encouraging commencement. In what manner the church will prefer to have these contributions expended is not yet decided; perhaps in employing some of the more advanced of the native converts to distribute tracts and converse with the people, both here in Bangkok and also in the surrounding villages. In this way the gospel may be carried to many places where we cannot go-ed these two members of our church, either on account of prohibitions from government, which would not affect native converts, or because of our inability to endure the effects of the climate as well as they.

Additions to the church-Two young men

and that in giving them he promises good to this people. We however feel it our duty to be cautious in promoting them, and shall endeavor to cultivate in them a spirit of deep piety, and to enlarge as much as possible their knowledge of the holy scriptures.

Printing and distribution-Desirableness

of promise as native assistants. Besides those who have been bapDuring the past year six Chinese tized there are a few who may be conhave been added to the church by bap- sidered enquirers-two have requested tisin, four on May 31, and two on Oc- baptism-one case is quite promising tober 11, making the whole number of of the other we have more fears. native converts now living, including one who has returned to China, with whom we correspond, and also the of employing native assistants. Siamese convert, of whom we spoke We have during the year published above, sixteen. In this little circle of editions of the Enquirer's Guide; a converts are two young men of good Temperance Tract; and the History of talents and education, who are em- Elijah. The temperance tract was ployed as teachers; one, br. Dean's prepared to meet the present exigency; private teacher, has been a member of intemperance prevails to an alarming the church about three years, and has extent since the suppression of opium. for some time been employed to some Besides these we have purchased of extent as an assistant missionary. He the mission of the A. B. C. F. M. at manifests a very encouraging anxiety Singapore 4054 tracts of different kinds, to improve in religious knowledge, and have received gratuitously from and has already become able to ex- the same mission 8,397 tracts publishplain correctly most of the New Tes-ed at the expense of the Am. Tr. Soc., tament, and has gotten a general un- also 330 from Mr. Gutzlaff. Many of


and arithmetic by Mrs. Dean-and since the arrival of br. and sister Goddard, they have been instructed in reading and writing English, with very encouraging success. The scholars attend all our religious exercises, and many of them have acquired a consid| erable amount of biblical knowledge, but as yet we see no special fruit in their conversion.

come able to use a foreign language with fluency and effect, is a labor of which we cannot easily form a correct estimate, without actual experience. We find occasion to use great patience in this labor, and often feel it one of our greatest trials that we are obliged to communicate the gospel of salvation to the perishing souls around us in so broken and so imperfect a manner.

these tracts remain still on hand. The junks from China, which regularly come here in large numbers about the first, and return about the middle of every year, were fully furnished with tracts. We have also endeavored to spread them abroad through the various parts of the city, and have given large numbers to the boatmen who come with sugar from various parts of the country. The brethren of the Aside from the labors which have Siamese department have also spread been detailed, and various others which abroad large numbers of Chinese tracts cannot easily be mentioned, our time during their tours to different parts of has been occupied in the study of the the country. We think, however, that languages to which we are devoted. if our time and health would permit, Some of us find study to be our chief or if the Board were able to furnish labor for the present, and all of us find us the means for employing native as- that our work in this department must sistants the business of tract distribu-be coëxtensive with our lives. To betion and free friendly conversation with persons of all classes at their own houses, might be pursued to a much greater extent than it now is, to good advantage. Something of the kind is necessary to rouse up the attention of the people, and lead them to come and hear the gospel. The usefulness of our Sabbath exercises, which are now contined to a very limited number of hearers, would be greatly increased, inasmuch as larger congregations would be gathered by these means. At present we often feel that we are laboring at disadvantage. We are not able ourselves, in addition to attending to all the duties which devolve on us here on our premises, to go into all the lanes and streets and compel them to come in and without such compulsion we must ever expect the number of enquirers and of attendants on our religious exercises will be small-and our labors, sufficiently arduous to convey the knowledge of the truth to large multitudes, benefit only a few. We often feel very anxious to enlarge our plans of labor, so as to lay the truths of the gospel before the minds of this whole people immediately, and to keep it so constantly before them as to give them no peace until they yield to its claims; but we find ourselves limited both in the measure of our own ability, and also in the means for calling in

Friendly intercourse with other mission


We cannot close this brief review of the past year, without an expression of thankfulness to God for the reinforcement, consisting of five missionaries, one of whom is also a printer, with their wives, and one single lady sent by the A. B. C. F. M.; and also, of one missionary and his wife sent by the Gen. Assembly's Board, who have arrived here during the past year. We have felt our hearts encouraged and our hands strengthened by their arrival, and trust we shall ever be enabled as we thus far have been, to work together harmoniously for the conversion of this mighty empire to God. One of these missionaries is engaged in the study of the Fuhkeen dialect of Chinese, the others are all devoted to the Siamese lauguage. We could not but sympathize deeply in the affliction, when a kind, no doubt, but mysterious providence suddenly removed one member of the reinforcement, br. Benham, a missionThe Chinese school at present con-ary of great promise, from his labors, tains uine boys and three girls, nine of by drowning, very soon after his arwhom are boarders. The average rival. At first we could scarcely ennumber of attendants, during the year, dure the stroke, or see why it was inhas been ten. They have been in-flicted, but we are constrained to trust structed in the Chinese literature by a the wisdom of the providence we could native teacher, and in the scriptures not comprehend, and we would desire

others to our assistance.

Condition of the school.

to have our work done, that we may be also ready.

We solicit an interest in your prayers and those of all the friends of missions, and hope you ever enjoy the rich blessings of the gospel which you are laboring to spread abroad, as well as all the temporal favors which a merciful Heavenly Father is accustomed to bestow on his people.



The following commuuication recently received, is from Mr. Van Husen, missionary to the Teloogoos, dated Nellore, May 13, 1841.

Visit of Mr. Day to Madras, accompanied by M'Carthy, an assistant-Dissolution of the church at Madras-Visit to Arcot-Baptism of several candidates.

death and resurrection. The persons baptized are, a Tamul Catechist and wife, a Teloogoo man, and the wife of a Tamul reader. The busband of the last is also a Baptist, laboring in connection with the Indian Miss. Society. The connection between the first and the Loudon Missionary Soriety was dissolved by its missionary immediately subsequent to, and in consequence of, his baptism. As a friend has kindly offered to furnish the means requisite to his support for the present, we have advised and arranged for his departure hither, to labor among the Tamulian population of Nellore and vicinity, and to be associated with us for the time being, that we may judge of his qualifications for evangelical labor.

Encouraging prospects at Bangalore.

While br. Day was in Arcot he learn| ed that there were a number of persons in Bangalore, auxious to be baptized. In a letter just received from br. Mills, we learn that there are ten waiting for an opportunity to express their faith in Christ, according to his own appointment. We have just concluded to send Nullamuthu, the native

assistant, to ascertain the true state of

Since my last to the Board I have experienced some interruption in the study of the language, in consequence of an affection of the heart, and additional labors in the absence of br. Day. My associate having returned, and my health being now in a good measure restored, I hope soon to be able to prose-things, and to encourage and strengthcute the study of the language with renewed energy and diligence. All the members of the mission family are in the enjoyment of usual health, but are experiencing severe lassitude from the inteuse heat of the season. The ther

mometer ranges from 90° to 104°, but will presently reach its maximum. On the 21st of April, after an absence of about two months, we had the privilege of welcoming our beloved brethren to the mission family in the enjoyment of the ordinary blessings of a kind providence. On their arrival in Madras, they found the state of the little Baptist church to be such, that, after careful and prayerful investigation, they deemed it necessary that the church should be dissolved. The church at Madras was constituted a few years since, while Mr. Day was stationed at that place; it was an English church and was composed chiefly of persons from the army.

en the disciples. The leaven of truth is evidently exerting its own native energy, and will continue to do so, until the whole lump shall have been


Labors and prospects at Nellore.

A house and lot were recently purchased in town for 420 rs. The location is favorable for the objects of the mission. It is well adapted to auswer the purposes of a zayat, a school, and a dwelling-house. Here on every Lord's-day evening, we examine the school in the catechism, first lessons and portions of scriptures, and speak to the people who may be in the street, in the door, and in the house. We cherish the hope that a wide door will here be opened for the promulgation of the gospel, and that we may be permitted to see the salvation of our God. Persons from the adjacent villages occasionally call at the mission house for It was accordingly disorganized, and conversation and books. About two our brethren departed for Arcot. Here, months since an old man from Ongole after an examination and approval of came to Nellore on business, and learnfour individuals as candidates for bap-ing that there were missionaries in tism, br. Day proceeded to plant them the place, immediately called to see together in the likeness of the Savior's us. He says that almost ten years

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