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is not by might or power or by means never so well devised, in themselves considered; but by the Divine Spirit that the heathen are to be converted. Let us also employ the appointed means with a deep sense of their incompetency to effect the desired end of themselves, waiting for, and earnestly imploring the descent of the Holy Spirit to render them effectual, and we may expect much more will be accomplished.

It appears to me that in India, if in any place, we should honor the blessed Spirit by entire dependence upon Him, for there is no country where the inefficiency of mere human agency is more strikingly manifest. Ignorance, prejudice, an alldominant priest-craft, the fear of persecution and the loss of all things held dear in this world; all unite to oppose the truth. Nearly every class of evidence to which we would appeal to convince a candid and enlightened mind of the truth of Christianity, is lost on a Hindu or a Mohammedan. A single assertion of the Koran or Shastra outweighs volumes of the strongest evidence we can produce. This would be the case even if they had sufficient knowledge of history and the general laws of evidence to understand our arguments in all their force, at least in many instances. But when we consider their utter ignorance of history, their distrust of statements made by those whose whole object is to overthrow their national faith, their characteristic indifference to truth, and a hundred other circumstances which will readily suggest themselves to your mind, we may well feel that our only dependence is upon the omnipotence of God's gracious spirit. Oh that we could feel this as we ought! Let this sentiment be ever present in our minds, in our preaching, our teaching, in the composition of tracts and books, in the circulation of the divine oracles themselves. Let it be constantly impressed upon the minds of the whole church, that it may duly influence the friends of missions in their prayers, their donations, and in short in every thing they do to aid the cause, and God, if I mistake not, will honor our efforts to a degree hitherto unknown.

It is not enough that we have a vague and undefined dependence upon God. It must be a felt, habitual, practical dependence. It must be such a dependence as Joshua felt when, by divine command, he invaded the city of Jericho,-using no other instruments than his trumpets of rams' horns. Here the means employed were such as left no foundation for any hope but in the immediate agency and power of God. Hence, in due time, the

walls of the devoted city fell down, and all, both foes and friends, were constrained to acknowledge in it the hand of God. Now it is faith like this, I conclude, which God requires to insure success in our missionary work. The means which we are instructed to use, are, it is true, very different from those ordained in the case alluded to above. Yet, in themselves considered, they are no more competent to accomplish the end in view. Our whole dependence must be upon that unseen yet irresistible Agent, without whose presence every other instrumentality will be as unavailing as the blast of a trumpet against an impregnable fortress. We (missionaries) are prone to feel, oh if we were eloquent-if we understood the native language, and their modes of thought as we do our own-if we could bring all the power of argument to bear upon them as we could upon a christian audience, then we might hope to accomplish something. Such absurdities as those upon which their religions rest could be demolished with ease, and conviction almost forced upon them. But experience proves this all a delusion. Those who are educated in the English language, and who can appreciate to a greater extent the evidences in favor of Christianity than many in Christian lands, though they in many instances acknowledge that these arguments are unanswerable, still so far as practice is concerned, are as little affected as the ignorant mass. It is not mere force of argument that can subdue prejudice and the natural enmity of the unregenerate heart. It is not any array of means that can overthrow the thousand obstacles to the truth. The spirit of God and that alone can illumine the dark mind of a heathen-show him his truly wretched state, and discover to him the suitableness of Christ and his salvation to meet his case. This truth must be more deeply felt and more practically acknowledged in all our plans; we must lean more upon the simple promises of God and less upon our welldigested plans. Our eyes must be oftener directed to the Hill of strength, and less to men and presses and schools, &c.; then will we honor God as he claims to be, and he will honor us by making our efforts to prosper.

The history of the church will abundantly corroborate these remarks. It is not to the power of eloquence-nor to learned and logical argument—nor to a costly apparatus of schools and presses, &c., that we are mainly indebted for the triumphs of the gospel. That all these things have answered an important end, we do not deny. They are means which God has, and will continue to bless when used in humble de




The following memoir of a converted beathen, communicated to the directors of the London Missionary Society, by the Rev. C. Pitman, missionary in the South Seas, stationed at Rarotonga, under date of June 9, 1840, is

fill the christian with hope in reference to the good influences and the ultimate success of foreign missions. It must be truly cheering to a missionary to meet with such instances of piety; to find thus early among the heathen a heart so prepared to receive the ingrafted word as was the heart of this man.

His early services to the Mission.

In the afflictions of our poor people we have been much afflicted; hundreds of them have been called from time into eternity. The satisfactory evidence, however, given by many, very many, of those taken from us, that "death" to them was " gain," is a great alleviation to the grief occasioned by their removal. Death has cut down, with an unsparing hand, high and low, young and old; and we are left to mourn over the devastating effects of this awful visitation. The wise, the good, the useful, the careless professor, and the openly profane, have alike fallen by the devouring sword of this messenger of death. Amongst the number is one of Rarotonga's best men-a most valuable assistant of the Mission in this place, ever since its formation. To me the loss is great indeed, but I desire to bow with devout submission, to the righteous decision of Him who cannot err.

pendence upon the spirit of all grace to render them effectual. But whenever these outward instruments become the fulcrum, the resting-place, of our faith, instead of the promised assistance of the Holy Ghost, then they become hinderances and not helps in the work of converting souls. The simple presentation of bible truth, whether from the pulpit, in the ba-worthy of an attentive perusal; and it ought to zar, the Bible class, Sunday school, or by means of tracts and the printed word, is the means which God delights to bless. And they are effectual, I suppose, in exact proportion to the degree of simple confiding faith in which they are used-faith not in the efficacy of the means, but in the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Such was the case on the day of Pentecost. The gospel was preached with power it is true: but it was not the power of man, it was the demonstration of the Spirit which sent home conviction to the hearts of thousands. The same is true in regard to every genuine revival since. Such is manifestly the case in the Sandwich Islands; we read of hundreds, who had never or rarely heard a word from the missionaries, coming to their stations to learn how they could be saved. How were they convicted of sin and thus brought to seek the way of escape from God's wrath? The answer is plain. The Spirit of God, applying the truth of some tract, or perhaps casual conversation with a native helper, fixed their attention and led them to the cross of Christ. Such also was the case in the great awakening at Krishnaghur in Bengal, which occurred a few months ago. It was manifestly a work of the Holy Spirit. Thousands were almost simultaneously impressed with the A short account of this good man's relitruth. Many thus unpressed had never gious character, his life, and death, will not, had any personal intercourse with the mis- I presume, be uninteresting to the Direcsionaries. And indeed no means had been tors. His name was Tupe. He was one employed, which, judging from past expe- of the chief supporters of idolatry in the rience, could warrant any such effects. reign of superstition. But be attached himBut it pleased God to pour out his Spirit self to us on our first arrival in this place, upon the dark and superstitious minds of in 1827. Ignorant was I then, how Provithese degraded heathen, and results follow-dence had gone before in preparing such a ed which even the missionaries themselves could not have anticipated. But I must stop-I have already consumed too much time, both my own and yours-I did not intend to write more than a tithe of what I have penned. The subject I am persuaded is important and practical. But the thoughts I have strung together are too crude to illustrate it as I wish. Still if I am led by them to realize more fully my utter dependence upon the grace of the Holy Spirit for success in my work, I shall then become a more efficient laborer, and I trust God shall be glorified.

valuable assistant in my future labors. In the erection of our first chapel, he was one of the most laborious in the work. Not soon will it be erased from my memory, the joy that beamed in his countenance, when it was told him that I intended to remain in this district as their teacher, and that brother Williams would reside in the other division of the island till a ship arrived to convey him to Raiatea. The very first night of our settlement amongst them, he came to our house to make inquiries respecting the truths of the Bible; and, till prevented by disease, scarcely a night passed, that he was not present at our friendly meetings for conversation, chiefly

on religious subjects. Often, till near mid-1 communicated to the house of his son adnight, have I sat conversing with him on joining, which was speedily destroyed; then the "great salvation." Nothing, I believe, to our large chapel, which also was soon occupied so much of his attention as the level with the ground. Large flakes of fire concerns of the soul; nor any thing more passed by and over our own dwelling; but desired by him than the wide diffusion of through the timely exertions of the natives divine truth. Indeed, I may say, he was we were mercifully preserved from danger. wholly devoted to the temporal and spir- Soon as I saw him, I said, "Alas! Tupe." itual welfare of his countrymen. Inces-"O teacher," he replied, "the book of sant in labor, and indefatigable in his efforts to forward the cause of God, he assisted me in every good work with unwearied diligence, till death.

His public character and sufferings. He was a man of considerable influence, and, on the establishment of laws, was appointed chief magistrate for this part of the island, which office for twelve years he faithfully discharged. Well do I remember, at a time when we were involved in much perplexity, owing to disputes about land, and all parties were preparing for war, he proposed, in person, to go to the opposite party, if possible amicably to adjust the points of difference; in doing which he had to pass through a district infested by some desperate young fellows. I stated to him the danger of the attempt, and said, that it might probably cost him his life. 66 Does the word of God," said he, justify my proceedings?" I could not but reply in the affirmative. "Then I go, regardless as to the consequences. God can, and will protect me.' He, without a weapon of defence in his hand, passed through the district of these desperadoes, amidst the scoffings and revilings of all. The subject of contention was calmly debated; he returned home, and in a few days, all was quietly settled, and war prevented.

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The unflinching conduct of this good man in passing judgment, his impartiality in the administration of justice between man and man, and his unwavering determination to unite with us in seeking the advancement of "undefiled religion," roused some of his inveterate enemies to acts of most cruel revenge; even the destruction of himself and family. This they attempted by clandestinely setting fire to his house, when he and his family were asleep. But He who neither" slumbers nor sleeps," mercifully preserved the life of his faithful servant, and of his family. They only escaped, however, with what they had on; every thing else was consumed. On discovering the fire, the first thing he endeavored to secure was what he considered his greatest treasure, a portion of the sacred Scriptures, viz., the Acts of the Apostles in the Tahitian dialect; but this he could not effect, and in attempting it, lost his all. The consequences of this fire did not end here; it

God is consumed! My house, my property, never regard, but oh, my book, my book! and, oh, the house of God; will not God punish us for this?" The next morning I had the gratifying pleasure of presenting him with another copy of the book, which he so much prized; it was received with feelings of no small delight. What added poignancy to the distress of this good man was, to hear many of those who passed by his house when in flames, calling out, eitoa, kia ka, "It serves him right, let it burn."

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Proof of holy courage and ardor. The very first thing which occupied the attention of our valued friend the following day, was to see his brother, the chief, and call a meeting of the under chiefs, that immediate measures be taken for the re-building of the house of God. "See," said he to them, "the house of God in ruins! What shall we do?" "Build it again,” was the unanimous reply. Koia ia e tâmâ, mea meitaki, Yes, friends, that's very good," he said, with joy beaming in his countenance. "When shall we begin?" he ask"To-morrow," was the universal reply. He then said to me, " Teacher, be not cast down at what has happened. Let them burn-we will build. Let them burn it again, we will build; we will tire them out: but, teacher, do not leave us in this wicked land." The very next morning, at sun-rise, Tupe, with the old warrior, Tuaivi, and Pa, our principal chief, were the first seen passing our dwelling, with their axes on their shoulders, going to the mountains to cut down timber, for the erection of another chapel; the whole body of chiefs and people in their train.


In calling to mind these by-gone days, there is a certain something which fills the mind with pleasure of no ordinary kind, and leads the observer of Divine Providence to admire the rich, free, and sovereign grace of God, in thus raising up instruments from the rough quarry of nature, to carry on his great and eternal purposes of mercy in man's salvation.

His appointment to the office of deacon.

In May, 1833, he was unanimously chosen to fill the office of deacon. How faithfully he discharged its important duties we are all witnesses. Decided piety, deep

humility, and holy zeal for the advance-
ment of pure religion," were the striking
characteristics of our valued friend. This,
I believe, no one who knew him would call
in question. His knowledge of divine truth |
was by no means inconsiderable; and he
was eminently qualified for the responsible
situations in which Divine Providence had
placed him, though he rated very low his
own abilities, and almost to the day of his
death deeply lamented his ignorance. He
would often revert, with expressions of the
greatest astonishment, to the condescension
of God in visiting such a sinful land as this.
Conversing with him, as I frequently did, on
subjects illustrative of the mercy and com-
passion of God, he would sit at times for
hours in deep thought, and was heard mut-
tering to himself, Oh, the love of God!
the amazing pity of the Saviour! the depth
of the sacred Scriptures! the hardness of
the human heart! the exceeding sinfulness
of sin!" The Sabbath he reverenced. The
word of God, the house of God, and the
people of God, he loved; thereby evidenc-
ing that he was a genuine disciple of the
Lord Jesus. Unless sickness prevented,
or engaged in his official capacity, he was
never known to be absent from the house
of God at any of its appointed services,
either on the Lord's day; or the weekly
evening lecture; nor from our church meet-
ings for prayer.


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well of us, be not deceived, we are a wicked, deceitful people: stop till you have been longer with us, and know more of our character, and way of living.' A few weeks having elapsed, again I mentioned the subject. "Ah!" said he, "teacher, you don't know us yet. You think because we come to the house of God, and the schools, and do what you tell us, that we are good people, and love God. It is not so; we are deceiving you: there is a great deal of private wickedness committed that you know nothing of. Ere long you will know." His words were verified, and many of those, whom I had fondly thought had begun to seek the Lord, were clinging to their heathen practices. This discovery led me into a more particular investigation of the private character of those who united themselves to us, and found that our dear friend had not in the least exaggerated in what he had told me. In inquiring of him, from that time, either privately or publicly, the character of those making a profession of religion, I uniformly found him the same, and do not recollect an instance in which he connived at the sins of any. His word was to be relied upon. Among a people just emerging from heathen superstition and idolatry, such a man is to be ranked amongst a missionary's greatest blessings.

His last illness.

But the time came when our friend must His conduct in the office of deacon. die. About three years ago his health beIt would not be easy to enumerate the gan to decline, and he was much afflicted various ways in which our departed friend with a disease which ate into the soles of rendered asistance to me, and to the mis- his feet, and destroyed the tops of his finsion, in the discharge of important duties. gers. He was, however, able to attend to Every day in the week he was engaged in his varied duties, though afflicted with some religious exercise; and in the exami- much pain, till a few weeks of his decease. nation of candidates for divine ordinances At length his seat in the house of God was he spent no small portion of his time. For empty, and he was confined to his dwelling. this department of labor he was eminently Frequent were my visits to him, and the qualified. He connived at the sins of none. following notes from my journal will tell This trait in his character early began to the state of his mind, when "flesh and display itself. Several years ago, even be- heart began to fail." fore he gave evidence of decided piety in himself, our house every night was crowded with people who came to make inquiries respecting the discourses delivered from the pulpit, &c. Observing some more particular in their questions, constant in their attendance at the house of God, and very active in every thing proposed for the good of the community, I, one night as we were sitting alone, made inquiries into their characters, and said, "I hope by their attaching themselves to us, and their ready acquiescence in putting down existing evils in the land, that they are desirous of becoming disciples of Jesus." He made no re-dren having given him particulars. He reply; after a few minutes' silence, he said, ferred to the great advantages afforded to Teacher, be not in haste; do not think so this people, and asked whether it was not

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Sept. 16. Spent an hour with deacon Tupe, a tried and valued friend. His days on earth are fast closing; he is very weak. It is something strange,' I said, 'to observe your seat empty in the house of God.' "Ah!' he replied, it is the will of God it should be so. Here I sit and hear the people sing in the chapel, and oh, I wish to be there. I give myself to prayer. God is with me. He will not forsake me.' I quoted several passages of sacred scripture for his comfort, and mentioned the texts and outlines of discourses on the Sabbath. With these he was acquainted, his wife and chil

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for their sins God was pleased thus to chas- | with him.' I requested an interest in his tise, by cutting off so many by death. He prayers, for myself, my partner, the church, then spoke of the faithfulness of God in the and the island. I have done,' he said, fulfilment of his promises to his people. with the world. What remains is to set Not one good thing,' said he, has failed all in order, and think of the cause of of all that God has spoken. He promised Christ.' I left him with feelings not easily to Israel victory over their enemies, posses- to be expressed, and talked awhile with his sion of Canaan, &c., all of which he ful- daughter in an adjoining room. My soul is filled.' After a pause, with much emotion cast down, yet rejoicing in the consideration and feeling, he asked, Where, oh, where of God's wonderful love to such a worm in is Pitimani vaine,* what detains her?' He thus employing me as an instrument of good thought he should be called away ere her to immortal souls. All glory to God and return." the Lamb!""

His happiness in the prospect of eternity.

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Death of Tupe.

Sept. 24. As I was preparing to go to the out-station, a son of Tupe came to say that his father was much worse, and wished to see me. I immediately went, and perceived the messenger of death was come to call him hence. He could not see me, but was perfectly sensible. With great effort, and at intervals, he answered a few questions.

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Sept. 19. In my way home called to see my faithful friend Tupe. The change is great; not long and he will be seen no more below. He is, I believe, fixed upon the Rock of ages. His views are clear and scriptural. We conversed together on our labors from the beginning, and I said it gave me great pleasure that he had through grace been enabled to hold out to the end. Yes,' said he, we have hitherto been How is it with the soul?' All well.' permitted to work for God. His goodness Do you find your Savior your support in has been great; his compassion boundless.' death?' He is.' 'Is the pathway clear?' I referred to his sickness, and the constant No obstruction, the way is clear.' 'Have prayers I presented to God on his behalf, you any fear?' • None. Christ is mine.' and how much I had been cast down at the Your last discourse to the people,' I obprospect of our separation; but had been served, was on the death of Stephen, who enabled within the last few days to resign saw the glory of Jesus; are you also lookhim into the hands of God, to do as seemething to him now in your departure?' I dehim good. That,' said he, is well; do sire to see him, and to be with him.' I said, Grieve not. Detain me not. My end Death is come, you will soon leave us, we is near:' and he quoted several passages of shall be left in the wilderness.' Yes,' he scripture. Two portions of the word of replied, I go, you remain. I am going to God,' he said, afford me much delight; God. I have done with the world, we have that in Isaiah, “Thine eyes shall see the been long companions, now we part, it is King in his beauty; they shall behold the painful-but let the Lord's will be doneland that is very far off;" and the words of yes, the Lord's will be done.' I referred Paul, having a desire to depart, and to to his family, most of whom were present, be with Christ, which is far better." I have and said, it was pleasing to see some of no dread of death. Christ is my refuge.' I them uniting with the people of God. 'Yes,' said, You have greatly assisted me in the he said, with effort, and the others will work of God, from my coming to Raro- come.' What,' I asked, do you desire tonga, and now we shall be separated.' for your children?' He answered, The Ah!' he replied, 'salvation is all of grace, word of God, the blood of Jesus.' He was through the blood of Jesus. Our work has thirsty, and asked for drink.' 'That,' I not been in vain. Here I sit, and think, said, is water for our bodily sustenance.' oh! the teacher, the teacher, who will as-Yes,' he replied, I shall soon drink of sist him? then I think God is with him.' Looking up, he exclaimed, Oh! Pitimani vaine, Pitimani vaine, I shall not see her face again.' He wept, and I wept,-who could help it? I broke silence, and said, In our Father's house, we shall meet again. Yes,' was his reply, with an effort which almost deprived him of his voice, 'we shall meet in glory.' No more,' said I, to part.'No,' he replied faintly, 'to be forever with Christ. I long to go to be

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Mrs. Pitman, then in England.

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the water of life.' I then read part of the
fourteenth chapter of John, and expounded
it, asking him a few questions as I pro-
ceeded, respecting the mansions provided
for the righteous. He said,Ere long I
shall be taken to mine, and shall see the
King in his beauty.'
his soul to God in prayer, I asked him, if
he heard and understood? 'Quite so.'

After commending

Now Tupe,' said I, in our separation, what shall I say to the church?" Soon as he heard mention of the church, he exerted himself to the utmost and said, Tell the

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