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Greece:-Letter of Mr. Love.

weeks she has been, though twenty years of age, forbidden to attend our religious worship. She is a young lady of good mind, and we hope, of deep religious principle, having enjoyed for some years the mental and moral training of Mrs. Dickson. What is to be the result, however, of this gross violation of the rights of conscience, we leave to the unerring wisdom and direction of our Heavenly Father.

Labors among the Greeks-Steadfastness of a native convert.

Our labors among the Greeks the past summer have not been without interest. The young man reported in our former letters, as having been converted the early part of this year, still continues to give us increasing evidence that he loves the Lord Jesus Christ. But residing nearly three miles from us, and being engaged in active business, he has not had so good an opportunity for religious improvement as under other circumstances he might have enjoyed. In order to be useful to Demetrius, (for this is his name,) and to give a little more room to Mrs. Dickson's increasing school, and to Mr. and Mrs. Buel, who are yet in our apartments, we resolved about the last of July to spend a few weeks, until the great heat should have passed, at Potamo, a village of about three thousand inhabitants, where Demetrius resides. We remained in that place six weeks, when the rains setting in, we found our stay, on the score of health, no longer safe, and were obliged, in accordance with the advice of our physician, immediately to return to


Of the various persons who from tine
to time were present, some six or eight
individuals were constant in their at-
tendance, and of these, four besides
Demetrius have determined on coming
into town to attend our Greek worship
on the Sabbath.

Considering the time and the disadvantages under which these individuals have labored, their improvement in scriptural knowledge has been wonderful. They evidently seem to be attached to us, and the fact that they have resolved still to continue the means of grace, leads us to hope that the Lord has purposes of mercy respecting them. They avail themselves also of all suitable opportunities of gaining assistance from Demetrius, frequently protracting their stay in his shop and reading the scriptures with him, till a late hour at night.

The priests of Potamo, and many in Their displeasure town, have become greatly alarmed at these movements. is excited chiefly against Demetrius, as they charge him with being the beginning of the "heresy," and the medium of promoting it. They have done their utmost to excite personal violence against him, threatening him with excommunications, and warning him to use all diligence to escape beatings and assassination, if he is thus to continue to hear the instructions of the American. Scarcely a day passed, while we were at Potamo, without his receiving a visit from one or more of the gentlemen, to dissuade him from The method they the soul-destroying practice of reading the scriptures. adopt to effect this, will, in some degree, exhibit the character of this class Our labors among the people at Po- of men. They tell him that the "book tamo were full of interest. The day i. e. the bible, is anathematized by the of our arrival we commenced religious Patriarch,"-"that he is polluting his worship, and continued it every even- sacred baptism,"-" that he is defiling ing up to the time we left. We had the holy chrism,"-" that he has underbeen there but a few hours when De- written himself to the devil,"—" that metrius proposed going out to bring he is hanging the souls of others around in a few of his neighbors to hear the his neck, who will sink him deep, deep, gospel. The first evening four were in hell," "that themselves are present, and the number increased un- sponsible for the salvation of his soul, til we had forty in attendance, among and must interfere in an affair so dauAnd whom was the head man of the village. gerous to bis, and the spiritual welFrom the hand of this gentleman we fare of others," &c. &c. &c. received many kind tokens of regard. when Demetrius asks them to show During our stay here we gave in course. him his fault-the chapter and verse an exposition of the whole of the gos- that is so heretical and dangerous in pel according to Matthew, enforcing it the bible, and to tell him wherein it is so wrong and soul-destroying to hear with great plainness,-besides illustrating numerous other passages and por-instruction from the scriptures that tions of scripture, adapted in particular Jesus Christ commands us to search, to the spiritual condition of the people. and wherein it is so wicked to hear


the teaching of the gospel from one against whom they bring no accusation from the word of God, they answer him only in the wild and incoherent vociferations of madmen. Demetrius, we hope, is beginning to see the harmlessness of so much smoke and vapor. He tells them that he wants none of their security for his salvation—that they can do what they please, as for himself he shall continue to read and to study the word of God, and that too with the American. Not long since, five priests came from town to pay him a visit. Their object, it appears, was to awe him into obedience. Demetrius for a time endeavored to reason with them, asking them to show him his fault, or if they preferred, to go with him to his teacher, who had openly invited all without exception, to a free examination of truth and doctrine from the word of God, and thus they would enjoy an opportunity, if they judged themselves capable of proving that we are heretics. The priests became very angry, and as usual began to threaten violence, &c. Says Demetrius, "Go back again to town, and bring your bishop and as many of the rest of you as will make a solid column reaching from my shop here to the steps yonder of the church of Panagia [the all holy virgin,] and then, lighting up your black candles, anathematize me, and I shall still continue to read God's word with my teacher." A few days after, another priest came. He was an old man, and said he was well acquainted with the books of the holy orthodox church, and therefore he would become his teacher if he wished to study religion. “Very well," says Demetrius, "come into my shop, and I will hear you teach now." The old man came and began his exhortation with alluding to Mark and Luke as being among the twelve disciples of Christ. "And how many times," says Demetrius, "have you read the New Testament?" "Twice a year for forty-four years," said the old man. "How evident," says Demetrius, "that you neither read with reflection, nor understand what you read. The names of the twelve disciples are three times expressly stated in that book you have read eighty-eight times, and yet you, a teacher of religion, are not aware who those twelve individuals are.' "What!" said the old priest, "you an unbeliever of the teaching of your spiritual guide." And the old man made haste from his presence, and running into the street

in a paroxysm of wrath, rent the sacred vestments of his priesthood in which he was clad, and lifting up his hands to heaven cried, "heretic! heretic!! heretic!!!" After the volley of his maledictions had a little subsided, Demetrius, standing in his door, and in the presence of the multitude, which the novel scene had called together, with much pleasantry replied, "You will, I fancy, allow me to remain in my own hired house. And I am quite sure that I shall be able to walk the king's highway, your anathemas to the contrary notwithstanding."

It is here worthy of remark, that during our six weeks stay at Potamo, and with all the hatred of the priests against the light, and their bitterness against the truth, yet we heard uttered against us no uncivil or disrespectful word, from man, woman or child. We record it with gratitude to our Heavenly Father. And this is the more remarkable, as no place in these parts is regarded as more dissolute, lawless and ungodly. We left Potamo abruptly, in consequence of an express injunction from our physician, in view of the state of our health. Yet " some of our friends" at Corfu have, in their zeal to show the impossibility of preaching the gospel to the Greeks in these parts, widely circulated the report that we left in consequence of violence threatened on our persons. The Greek priests and old women of Potamo have it that " Panagia" [the all holy virgin] appeared to us in the night, and frightened us away. Both are equally true. In view of such frailty and folly of fallen nature, we pray that we may have only love and pity. We do not believe that "it is impossible for Greeks to be converted to God." We believe that the fields are all white and ready for the harvest. And we are EXPECTING that the time is not far distant, if brethren at home, and missionaries abroad, do their duty, when there will be in this dark land a most abundant ingathering of the precious fruits of the glorious gospel of the blessed God.


Another hopeful convert.

It is with great gratitude to our Heavenly Father, that we have now to announce even another trophy of divine grace among this people. Since our last we have gained comfortable evidence that another of our Greek friends has been brought into the glorious liberty and light of the gospel. His name is Constantine, originally from

fore. It appears perfectly new to him. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, though badly translated, and Baxter's Saints' Rest, are his favorite books. When reading them he knows not when to lay them aside,-He loves to pray,

very name is sweet-Sin appears very odious-Himself is a worm, but he hopes a pardoned sinner-"Regeneration is the greatest word in the bible-What wisdom in the plan of salvation, and how much is embraced in that word faith." "It is to look away from self, and look to God, obeying his word, and suffering the consequences."

a village near Joannina in Epirus, the modern Albania. We became acquainted with him soon after our removal to Corfu, the early part of last year. We found him to be a young man of excellent mind, considerable improvement, (having studied, at a-He loves the blessed Savior, his former period, two years in Dr. King's gymnasium,) and with unquenchable thirst after knowledge; but unfortunately he had imbibed deeply the spirit of infidelity. His employment as a school teacher twelve miles distant from town, did not allow of his visiting us oftener than Saturday evening, and on the Sabbath; yet we were pleased to learu, about one year since, that when he came in from his school he would prefer coming directly to our house, in order to spend a few hours in conversation, rather than enjoy the society of his kindred and friends. And it was with great joy, that during last winter we observed he chose rather to avoid than to meet his infidel companions.

About the time his mind became peaceful, I recollect illustrating to him at length the principle of appeasement and justification on the ground of imputation, namely, that Jesus Christ by his life and his death placed himself (with the exception that he did not sin) in the sinner's stead-suffering for him the penalty of his sinning; and that The early part of the present year, now the Father is pleased for the Son's he found that the ground of his infi- sake to pardon the believing sinner, delity was untenable. For some time and exalt him to the glorious reward previous he had, with much honesty, due to the blessed Jesus for his spotbeen bringing forward his difficulties less obedience to the divine law, and with revelation and christianity, and for his suffering. Constantine seemed we had endeavored with patience and absorbed in the amazing truth. Says plainness to remove them one by one. | he, “ Tell me that again, it is too deep The truth met his understanding, but | for me." I repeated it, and he wished did not seem to affect his heart. It to hear it again, and again, and even was only when we drew near to Geth- again. And at every rehearsal his assemane and Calvary, and thence to the tonishment seemed to rise higher and judgment, that the lowerings of a higher. thoughtful brow betokened that all was not peace within. It was about the beginning of the present year that Constantine brought Demetrius and introduced him as one "wishing to know the truth."


You will have already anticipated me, when I say that we regard this young man as a chosen vessel to proclaim the name of Jesus to his perishing and deluded countrymen. He now sits at the feet of Christ inquiring In the early part of summer, bis "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?" convictions began to assume a deeper The question he now has under contone, and we learned that he was read-sideration is, "whom" does the word of ing with care the New Testament. From this moment the exercises of his mind became peculiarly interesting. He was no longer the caviler, but the anxious inquirer. For a few weeks the conflict in his soul was sharp. 1 can never describe the deep marks of anxiety that, during these few weeks, were imprinted on that young man's brow. But sovereign grace triumphed, and we now behold him, we trust, a ransomed child of God, bought by the Lamb's redeeming blood.

His mental exercises at present are those of a young convert. The bible is his companion. He wonders that he never saw its beauty and purity be

God command to be baptized. In order to decide this question, with his own conscience and in the fear of God, he is writing out every passage of scripture relating to the subject, that he may have them all, in one connection, with the clear light of revelation before him.

We greatly need the services of this young man as our private teacher, and an assistant in the school. And we think of employing him as soon as the Istate of his mind will allow. Since the arrival of br. Buel we have been paying one of the teachers in the college, eighteen dollars per month for three hours teaching per day, and we

believe him to be less serviceable to | Corfu, that he had been baptized for us than Constantine would be. No money. He pursued this course for time also should be lost in preparing some time, but when people crowded such a young man for the work of the upon him from morning till night, he gospel, and for this purpose it will be found himself in this manner unable necessary to have him near us. Con- longer to gain his daily support. And stantine is about twenty-seven or twen- rather than lose any opportunity for ty-eight years of age. conversing with his poor deluded countrymen, he resolved to labor a part of each night. It was partly from this cause, and partly that we might hear more particularly the state of things at Patras and enjoy a little season of religious worship with him, in connection with Mr. and Mrs. Buel and Mrs. Dickson, that we requested Apostolos to make a visit to Corfu. He came in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ, and rendered us much assistance during the last few days of our stay at Potamo.

Successful labors of Apostolos at Patras. Apostolos is at Patras, where he now spends his whole time in distributing scriptures and tracts, and conversing with the people. His experience in this business renders him a faithful | and most valuable assistant. He has on request in writing from the town authorities of Patras, furnished the public schools of that place with the New Testament, (Bambas's edition, and the edition ancient and modern, in parallel columns,) and with other books; the Child's Book on the Soul, first and second part, and Alleine's Alarm, being particularly requested. This last book was requested probably in consequence of its being so beauti-turn to Patras, to give himself wholly to fully translated. It affords a rare specinien of the sweeetness and sonorousness of the modern Greek language. The girls' school contains more than four hundred scholars; the boys' school about six hundred.

In view of this interesting state of things at Patras, and the announcement of Apostolos as assistant in the Report of the Board, we felt ourselves authorized to instruct him, on his re

the work of distributing scriptures and tracts, and conversing freely and faithfully with his country men on the subject of religion, holding public worship on the Sabbath, and visiting the people on other days from house Apostolos holds public worship to house for religious conversation, as every Sabbath, and on other occasions opportunity might offer. This was whenever persons are present. He most cordial to our brother's own feelreports six or seven individuals as be-ings. Before visiting Corfu, he had ing in a state of interesting inquiry, two of whom he hopes are truly converted. These two individuals engage with him in private prayer, and seem zealous for the truth. One of them, a very quiet and diligent young man, says that the Greek religion is a system of gross idolatry, and his conscience will allow him no more to go to the church. This young man has requested baptism.

made it a subject of special prayer that he might thus spend the remainder of his life. He appears to have his heart fully in the work. His language has often been, "Let me see my poor sou converted, and a gospel church of a few hundred members in Greece, and then, O Lord, 'lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.""


The following extracts give a more particular account of the school under the superintendence and instruction of Mrs. Dickson, referred to by Mr. Love.

Recently Apostolos's little room has been so crowded on the Sabbath, that the people were unable to sit, and many would come to the door and go away again, because they were unable to enter. For two Sabbaths Apostolos found no time to eat from seven in the morning till nine at night, his house being thronged the whole day. When Mrs. D. it will be recollected, is an English he left Corfu last spring, he hoped to have been able both to labor for the lady who has long resided in Greece, and premission, and to support himself by his vious to the death of her husband, which ocown hands so as to have been no bur- curred in 1836, she was employed with him in den to the Board. He had a great teaching. For two or three years previous to desire also to remove that stumbling 183, when she became associated with the block, constantly thrown out at him at ! Saptist mission at Patras, she was employed

as a teacher in the governmental Female | turn to school she made her appearBoarding School at Corfu. She left that school ance among us when she was but parfrom a conviction of duty to impart religious tially recovered; in two days after she instruction to her pupils, which was not there had a relapse, from which she has allowed. never recovered.

On the removal of Mr. Love and his family

to Corfu, Mrs. Dickson did not immediately accompany him, lest her motive in opening a private school in a place which she had recent ly left under those circumstances, should be misinterpreted. Being however solicited to do so, by some of her former patrons, she removed to Corfu, and has, as will be seen, a flourishing private school.

I wrote you three months ago, and gave you some account of our newly opened school, and of its brightening prospects; these hopes have not been disappointed. We have seen much to confirm our faith in the blessed promises of God's word, and much to excite us to earnest and persevering prayer. The school had been in operation only about six weeks, when Mr. and Mrs. Buel arrived. Their arrival as helpers in this mission gladdened our hearts; but when Mrs. B. so cordially undertook to give her services to the school, I could not but see in this, not only the care of God, but his wisdom. Just such a person as Mrs. Buel is, was wanted here to give respectability and efficiency to the school-an efficiency which it never could have attained by my single effort. The support the school has received, and the favor by which it is regarded, show both that such a school was needed, and that it is appreciated. In little more than three months from its commencement forty scholars have been received; a few of these are sick, and consequently are not at school, but none have left. There is at present a regular attendance of thirty-six, and it is so constant that there is scarce an instance of inattention in this respect. Allow me to give an instance or two of the reputation of the school. A woman called one day and said, I have heard such accounts of your school from some who have their children here, that I feel quite impatient to send my daughter. I must not lose an hour. In about half an hour after, her daughter came; the girl, who was about fourteen years of age, made good progress, but the heat became excessive, and as she had to come in from the country, the consequence was, she took fever, which confined her to the house several weeks. Impatient to re

Soon after, another person called with his little daughter in his hand, an intelligent looking girl about nine years of age; her father said he was glad of such an opportunity to educate his daughter, as she had been rather neglected. The next day two little girls, sisters, were absent from school; upon inquiry I found that they had been withdrawn in consequence of this girl having been received. The mother of the sisters told me that this little girl was notorious as a thief and a liar, and other bad habits, so that she could not allow her children to be where she was. I told her that all this was unknown to us, and besides, as the school was intended to be a public benefit, that I could not with propriety send the girl away, as long as she conducted herself well, &c. The next day the two sisters were sent back, but in about ten days after, something valuable was stolen out of the school, and there was strong evidence that the reputed thief was the guilty person. After talking seriously to the child without making any impression, I sent to her mother, who soon after called. I stated to her simply the circumstances of the case, and left her to draw her inferences. She was evidently distressed, at one time weeping, at another time vindicating her child. I pointed out to her the solemn responsibility that rested on parents as to the kind of education their children received at home; and when the mother rose to go away, she said with much feeling, "Will you turn my daughter out of school?" I could not in my heart say yes, I rather wished that she might return and be benefited by religious instruction, and steal no more. The mother finding that she had not been altogether repulsed, ventured to send her back; she came the length of the door-but had not courage to come in. There she stood and wept; this she did for three days. I did not think it right to interfere as I could not invite her back, but allowed the affair to take its course. In about a week after, her father brought her very early in the morning, before any of the children had assembled, and even before I had entered the school room. Finding that she had been received, he called again at mid-day and paid her quarter in ad

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