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the doctrines of protestantism, and of extolling those of popery. The labors and publications of the Evangelical and Bible Societies are denounced in the most awful and apparently pions language; but the rites, ceremonies, and doctrines of their own church, are descanted on with all the fervor that superstition and interest lend to bigotry. "The regular priesthood, strengthened and carried onwards by these powerful streams, manfully play their part in the confessional, the pastoral visit, and the pulpit. The superior clergy are not less zealous. Their word and authority are constantly set in opposition to the labors of the Evangelical Society and the word of God.

"Every day they augment their power, they increase their influence, and multiply their numbers. Funds are willingly and abundantly placed at their disposal by their followers. They can purchase ornaments, paintings, saints, buildings for schools, for benevolent institutions, for churches, for convents; in short, all they need or wish. "They are determined to work whilst it is called to-day, and whatever their hands find to do, they do it with all their might.' "And shall not we be zealously affected in a good thing;'' knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord?'

"The constitution of the nation gives the greatest freedom to religious effort. No country can boast of laws affording so much religious liberty. No legal hindrance can interpose to stay the zeal of Roman Catholic or of protestant missionary. The field is open to both; the one goes forth manfully, and as a host: the other as a persecuted band, feeble and few."



The Rev. William Gill, a missionary of the London Missionary Society, at Rarotonga, a station on one of the South Sea Islands, writes, March 26, 1841, as follows

Our schools are well attended, and, I am happy to state, afford many blossoms of hope. Some of the children were some time since tempted to join in a heathen dance, got up by the "Tuteauri," but the majority are constant in their attendance, and make good progress. Several among the teachers have given pleasing evidence of a renewed heart; and others, both teachers and elder scholars, are among the inquirers. I could mention the cases of several, but at the present time will refer only to one, that of a young man about 18 years old. I do so the more willingly

*Rejectors of Christianity.


because it has some reference to the labors of our departed brother Williamu. It appears before us as the fruit of a word spoken in season by our brother; the result of which yet remains to be disclosed to him in eternity.

My first conversation with the lad was as follows:

"I have," he said, "long wished to converse with you."

"On what subject," I inquired, “do you wish to converse?"

"On the subject of baptism."

"Tell me first what you think of baptism?"

"I think it to be a sign, by which to show that our hearts are entirely defiled by sin, and that except we are renewed by the Holy Spirit, we cannot be saved.”

"Are all men fit subjects for baptism?" "No, none but those who hate sin, and who have run to Jesus, and desire to become entirely his disciples."

"Do you remember being taken by your father to Williamu?”


Yes, quite well." "Have you been a steady, thoughtful lad?” "No, far from it. I have been a very wicked boy. I would not live at home; I joined, as often as I could, a set of wild lads with whom I used to steal, and commit all kinds of sin."

"That was, indeed, an awful condition," I observed.

"I have not told you all," he replied: "I cannot. I have been, indeed, a very wicked boy."

"But," I continued, "I am surprised at what you say, because since my resi dence here, I have known you as a steady lad in the school. What first wrought a change in your conduct?"

"While I was so wicked, I frequently had thoughts of fear in my heart, but they were not lasting, until one day just before Williamu was going to England, he came here to preach, and afterward to address induced to go and hear him. He told us it the children; being his last address, I was God, and exhorted us to go to Jesus for was an evil and bitter thing to sin against pardon and salvation. He told us we ought to go at once and not delay."

"Well, how did this address affect you?” because I then saw my sin, and it also ex"It caused fear to grow in my heart, cited my desire to speak to Williamu."


"Well, did you speak to him?" with another went and begged a little book, "Yes," replied the young man. that I might learn, for I did not then know how to read."

How did you succeed?”

"I asked for a book, and Williamu look-tended the schools and the house of prayer. ed at me and said, 'Are you come for a I used sometimes to pray, but my heart book? Why, I know you to be a very was the same as formerly. I did not hate wicked boy, and besides you cannot read; all evil. I did not desire Jesus with all how is it that you are come to beg a book?' my heart." I then told him all he had said was true. I was a very wicked boy, but from what I had heard that morning, I was full of fear because of my great sins, and now desired to learn, and would try to cast off my former habits."

Well," I inquired, "what did Williamu say then?"

"He exhorted me to learn to read, and read the good word of God, and to pray for a new heart."

"But," I continued, "this is a long time since, upwards of six years ago. Have you attended to Williamu's advice, and been a praying lad ever since?"

"From that time I have been a steady lad, I have obeyed my father, I have at

"But do you think that your heart is interested about these matters now?"

"Oh, yes!" he replied, "I feel very different inside now to what I did formerly; my heart is become soft, and my eyes are opened."

"Has this been a sudden change?" I in


"No, it has grown very softly."

"But are you sure this change has taken place? What are the signs?''

"I think my heart is changed. This I know, sin is become a very wicked thing to me; I rejoice in private prayer to God; my heart is made light, and I desire to be found in Jesus, that he should be my Lord and Master, and I become his servant."


American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions.


This is a subject upon which we cannot reason with the precision of mathematical demonstration. Before we could proceed with that method of proof, certain principles of duty must be established, capable of universal application; and all the facts in the case must be in our possession, as it regards the actual means of each individual, and all the various other claims upon him, &c., &c.; but all these conditions are wanting. The question of duty to the heathen is variously interpreted; though it may be generally admitted that there is some obligation, the degree of indebted ness would be estimated variously by individuals of the same ability. Nor will the degree of obligation felt, always correspond with the strength of moral feeling; a person of correct moral sensibilities may have been badly educated.

We will proceed with the inquiry upon the supposition that the question of duty is so far settled, that every Christian, and

more, that every person of good morals feels bound to contribute to the support of foreign missions, according to his ability and the relative claims of other objects of benevolence; and upon the supposition, too, that all these various claims are justly estimated. Have the Baptists of the United States, who, since 1814, have been sending Christian missionaries into various quarters of the world, among the unevangelized portions of mankind, reached the extent of their ability? The Board of Missions have obviously proceeded upon the supposition, that our actual ability for sustaining foreign missions has, as yet, been but partially developed. They have commenced missions at various points, in the expectation that the number of laborers would be greatly augmented. It is only upon this supposition, that their wisdom can be justified. Our missions, at present, are evidently too much extended to be prosecuted advantageously, unless the number of laborers shall be considerably increased. Have the managers of our missionary concerns been mistaken? Have they estimated the ability, and the integrity, and the

fidelity of their brethren too highly? What have we done? The amount of our annual contributions, including what has been given to this object through the Bible Society, will not much exceed $60,000. Supposing the number of our communicants to be 600,000, a contribution of $60,000 would be equal to ten cents for each member. Are we told that one half of this number are poor? We admit it. We will suppose that their condition is not better than that of the majority of those who are supported in the alms-houses of New England, (which is not the case,) and no man will deny the ability of this class even, to raise for the procurement of any object which they really desired, a single dime, in the space of a twelve-month, or even three times that amount. But let us cast off this class, the one half, 300,000,* and see what we can make of the remainder.

they are meeting? We are almost afraid to attempt to describe these things, lest we should do it irreverently, or with too little humiliation and tenderness of feeling. Has the Lord Jesus Christ any claim upon us? Can that claim be estimated in dollars and cents? Are the offerings which we make to the glorious Redeemer, of less value than those which the heathen make to demons, with the hope of so appeasing them as to escape from some temporary evils, which they vainly suppose these imaginary beings have the power of inflicting upon them?

Lest we do an injustice, let it be stated that there are many among us who have come up to a very high standard of liberality in their contributions for foreign missions. Let not the admission, however, displace from our minds the fact, that we have three hundred thousand members of competent means, who are each on an average, giving annually for the accomplishment of so magnificent a design as that of


The reader need have no fears that we are going to deceive ourselves by a mathe-evangelizing the world, less than twenty matical deduction,-that, because we find The question before us is-if it be by a calculation in figures, based upon a allowable to ask if that be true which every given estimate, that there is ability to send one knows to be false-have we reached the gospel to the heathen, that, therefore, the maximum of our ability? The fact the heathen will be evangelized. The ob- that a few are seen so far in advance of all ject of our inquiry is, is it just and right the rest, affords some evidence on this point. for us to set ourselves at work in good earnest to induce the people in this Christian and highly favored land to convey the blessings of salvation to the perishing heathen? We have in our churches 300,000 communicants who are in the condition, at least, of good livers,-who are annually accumulating property; and is it not probable, that the Lord Jesus Christ has a claim upon them, on account of the heathen, infinitely greater than that which

* If the division which we have now made, by drawing an imaginary line, could actually take place, and the parties be accurately surveyed, some very curious facts would, no doubt, be developed. It might be found that the poor, whom we have cast off as being of no account, were actually sustaining the greater share of this labor-that the mites of poor widows even, constituted a very considerable sum in the general aggregate collected for missionary purposes.

To exhibit this subject in a strong point of view, we should need to know the actual income of each individual, the amount of his expenditure, and the various items for which expenses are incurred. These facts, however, are in the possession of no one; and we have no adequate means of obtaining even an approximate view of them. The annual expenses of each individual in the class of persons of whom we are now speaking, is doubtless equal, on an average, to $200 per annum. Admitting, then, that their contributions for missions are twenty cents each, it would appear that a thonsandth part of their expenses is for this object, which places the claim of the heathen upon us at a pretty low point.

Nothing is more true than that a false method of reasoning is generally adopted upon the subject of Christian benevolence. The too common custom is to satisfy every

actual and even imaginary want, before we come to the question of giving. You take up the inquiries, what is spent in pleasure, what for the gratification of appetite, &c., and the amount, compared with that expended in doing good, is enormous.

Estimating the cost of distilled spirits, consumed in the United States, at twentyfive cents per gallon, the amount expended for this article, in 1839, was ten millions two hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars, at an average expense, for each individual, of sixtysix cents and six mills. Now the individuals of whom we are speaking, either use this article or they do not. If they use it as a beverage, their condition would be improved by discontinuing it, and by paying the amount thus expended with positive injury to themselves, for the support of foreign missions; and if they do not use it, they can certainly afford to pay to this object what others can pay for a needless thing. If 300,000 contribute each sixty cents, it gives $180,000.

The annual cost of coffee consumed in the United States, estimating the cost of the article at 9 7-10 cents per pound, is $7,763,462, which is equal to an average cost to each person of 45 cents.

tain a serious loss; that there was in their hands at the time of the failure, $7,347, subject to the order of our missionaries in Asia. What portion of this sum will be recovered, is uncertain. The Board have been informed that creditors of such houses as have transacted this kind of commission, have sometimes allowed the whole amount to be paid; and they have taken measures to secure this result if possible.

The Board is liable to lose the greater part of this sum, and for the time being, the whole amount is unavailable to our missionaries. But for the liberality of several English gentlemen at Calcutta and in other places, where our missionaries are known and the credit of the Board is established, our brethren must have suffered a very great inconvenience.

This loss is the more painfully felt, at this time, from the fact that the Board were beginning to adopt measures for re-inforcing several of the missionary stations by sending out additional missionaries. How far their designs may be interrupted by this loss, cannot now be determined. There has been of late a manifest increase in the contributions to the funds; and it is hoped that the knowledge of this loss will only call forth a more liberal expression of interest in behalf of the heathen. Shall Our limits do not allow us to pursue this loss fall on ourselves or on the heathese inquiries any farther at this time. then, who are dependent on us for the Our object has been to make it appear that bread of life? The English Baptist Miswe are able to double and treble our con- sionary Society in 1812, when much weaktributions for foreign missions, and that er than we are, lost by the burning of their the neglecting to do so, argues a criminal printing office at Serampore, about $50,000 indifference to the subject. To correct-which was more than supplied within a this great evil, we must begin individually, single year, by the extra contributions of just as Christianity makes its aggressions the friends of missions. This event is upon human society; and this process must strictly providential. It has occurred from go on until the whole mass becomes affect- no want of care or economy on the part of ed. In fact, this is Christianity in one of the Board. It is an event that can rarely its bearings. Let us begin, and let the occur if the same care he exercised and question be, What do I owe unto my yet its possibility is proved by the sad Lord? reality.

FAILURE OF AGENTS IN CALCUTTA. At a recent meeting of the Board, the Treasurer reported that by the late failure of the house of Boyde & Co., our agents in Calcutta, the Board is liable to sus

The Board has now carried on its operations in different and remote parts of the world for nearly thirty years, during which time, its losses have been so few and unimportant, that they scarcely deserve to be mentioned. Indeed the Board feel that

they have abundant occasion to acknowledge the special providence of God in their behalf.



An increase of interest in our missionary affairs is becoming obvious; it is not the result of a momentary excitement, awakened by some adventitious circumstances, but it arises, obviously, from a deep, settled conviction of duty. The yeomanry are coming with their offerings, a class who do not move so soon as some others, but when they have made up their minds, the thing is certain. We recently had occasion to speak of the liberality of Mr. Follet, of Vermont. The treasurer reports in the present number of the Magazine, the receipt of $500 from Mr. Robert Francis of Weathersfield, Ct. Mr. Francis, too, is a farmer, who has accumulated his property by his own industry, and though now an old man, he still eats his bread by

being either too poor to contribute any thing, or as being too inefficiently managed to do any thing for the benevolent objects of the day. And then let us inquire how much

ARE COMING WITH the remaining 2000 might be supposed to contribute annually, provided the subject was properly brought before them. Is there a school among this remaining 2000, which could not contribute $3,00 a year. This would be, for a school of 25 scholars, only one cent a month for each pupil. But the sum of all the schools, at that rate, would be $6000, a tenth of all that is now raised for Foreign Missions by the Baptists in this country. But the greater number of the schools could easily give $12,00 in a year, which, in all, would amount to $24,000. There are many schools which could contribute 20, 80, 50, and even 100, or more. If we mistake not, there is one school, which, the last year, has raised for Foreign Missions about $120. Hitherto, however, but little has been done for Foreign Missions by Sabbath schools. The whole amount, it is believed, does not exceed $500, or $600, yearly.

the sweat of his brow.



2. Another reason for enlisting the feel

To Superintendents and Teachers of Sabbath ings and co-operation of the young in be

Schools. BRETHREN, Permit me to call your attention to the claims of the missionary cause on the youth and children under your religious instruction. One of the many efforts now making to promote missionary feeling and action in this country, is that of enlisting the sympathies of Sabbath school scholars in behalf of the heathen.

There are a few very plain reasons for directing the attention of the young to this subject, and for calling in their aid.

1. For the heathen's sake. The sum that may be contributed by them for the support of missions to pagan lands, is by no means trifling. It is not known how many Baptist Sabbath schools there are in America; but they are believed to be not less than 3000. This is on the supposition that one half of the Baptist churches in this country have attached to them a Sabbath school. It is hoped a greater proportion have them. But from the 3000, deduct 1000, as

half of Foreign Missions, is, that it will exert a good moral influence on the youthful contributors themselves. The habit of contributing, at stated periods, in aid of the Missions, would induce frequent little acts of economy and self-denial, whose silent influence would aid in the formation of a good character-the object of all education.

It would afford to the Teachers and Superintendents the means of greater variety and interest in their weekly instruction, by missionary anecdotes, by allusions to pagan character and customs. The monotony of Sabbath schools is one of their present obstacles to success.

The missionary information given, would cultivate a compassionate spirit; and the practice of contributing would form the habit of doing good. It is difficult to induce an old man, who was not accustomed in early life to deeds of charity, to give liberally to any object. This early formation of a habit of benevolence is of incalculable

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