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or demons, is universal. It is the same all over Burmah, except in the large towns, where the splendor of Budhism, sustained by government influence, has quite rooted out the old superstition.

circumstances and wants of different | country, but then the worship of Nats, nations. They are often pleased, therefore, with the gospel, at first, but when they come to understand its fearful denunciations against idolatry and all unrighteousness of men-that it pronounces the whole world in a state of apostacy from God-that all men without faith in Christ are without God, and have no hope, and in the end must everlastingly perish,-when they understand these things, and that the gospel is the only system of truth and the only refuge for the whole race of man, they either become patient hearers, or bitter opposers, or, as is sometimes the case, they take refuge in infidelity.

In my last letter, I informed you that there was a church here of thirteen members. All, except one, were baptized between 20 and 25 years ago, near Chittagong. They removed to this town after the country fell into the hands of the English, for the sake of enjoying greater liberty and toleration. Most of them have become feeble from age, and soon the church must become extinct. They appear to love God, but are very ignorant. There is some disorderly and unchristian conduct among them, but I attribute much of this to ignorance, and therefore I do not despair of seeing a more consistent christian morality established.

The three inquirers I mentioned on the 4th, give us cheering evidence that they are taught of God. Two of them request baptism, but Moung Loon is suffering the most bitter opposition from his relatives, particularly from a brother and his wife, and on this account he is afraid to be baptized. He wishes first to win over his relatives to a better state of feeling, but says he can never be any thing but a disciple of Jesus Christ, who gave up his own life that sinners might be saved. Among the other inquirers, is one of peculiar interest, on account of his learning, his high standing in society, and his great age. He is called M'ha don, a title given him by the king of Ava many years ago, when he was sent into Arracan to explain to the priests and people, the sacred books. He called on me because I had lived in Ava, and from that time onward he appears to have felt a deep conviction that Budhism has more falsehood than truth. He has continued his visits and attended public worship. For many years past he has regarded outward Budhism,-that is, prostrations and prayers and offerings before pagodas and idols,-as adapted only to the ignorant, unthinking multitude; and like many others of a contemplative turn of mind, had taken refuge in PantheMay 14. Since writing the above, I ism, or the abstract, mystical doctrines have spent five days among the vil- of Budhism. All objects recognized lages to the north of this. I remained by the senses are to be regarded as nearly all the time in three villages of illusions, alike degrading to the mind about 1,000 inhabitants each. My as- and destructive of happiness; and semblies would average 100 or more, therefore, every thing which is pleasand except on one occasion, there was ing, harmonious, and beautiful, is to no interruption or rudeness to disturb be avoided, and the outward senses to one who is accustomed to address a be blunted and crushed, to the very heathen congregation. Many appeared utmost. The highest possible virtue, to be much interested, and would re- and so the most perfect happiness, is main after the crowd was gone, as indifference. Praise and blame are alike; long as I had strength to talk with nothing pleases, nothing offends; nothem. Several individual cases would thing gratifies, nothing disgusts. You be interesting, if the limits of a letter are neither to like nor dislike; the would allow of sufficient detail. mind is to be in a state of perfect equiwas urged to visit them again, and librium. Then all idea of one's self, since my return home several have or individual identity, is lost or absorbcome to the city to get books and ed in the divine essence, as a drop of tracts. I think more than 2,000 people water loses its form and individual heard the gospel. Moung Na Gau was character when cast into the ocean. with me, and he labored hard to reach Connexion with matter, or materithe consciences of the heathen. There al substance, therefore, is the cause are few priests and fewer idols in the of evil, and the gratification of the

Excursion to villages-Hopeful converts
-An interesting character-Heathen


senses, is to commit sin. Neither the | is now very ill, and the other is violenteye, nor ear, nor taste, nor feeling, should ly opposed by her husband. These be gratified. Even conjugal, parental, tokens of the divine favor encourage and filial affection are only so many us to preach the gospel in season and forms of selfishness. To own any out of season, and endeavor to comthing which affords pleasure, or to mend ourselves to every man's conwhich any relative value can be attach- science in the fear of God. It is two ed, is only to gratify self, or the indi- months to-day since we came to anvidual being. While the highest ef- chor in this harbor, entire strangers forts of virtue consist in rooting out all and no house to go into; now, near idea of self, or individual existence, the same place and the same hour in and so bringing back the soul to an the evening, three converted heathen eternal, though unconscious repose. are baptized, and a multitude listen to the everlasting gospel which brings Baptism-Interesting converts-Encourlife and immortality to light. The aging results of labor. venerable M'ha don was at the water, and united with us in singing two hymns and paid the utmost attention to all that was said and done. When the converts came up out of the water, in answer to a question which some one put to him, he replied in an earnest and elevated tone of voice, "This is the true religion, and I must be bap

constant attendance at worship has created a great sensation all over the city. The priests have had a meeting to inquire into the cause of this extraordinary conduct of the M'ha don; he told them, in the most frank and open manner, "I have found the true reli

May 22. Yesterday we had a meeting for the examination of those who wished to be baptized. This afternoon we had a prayer meeting, and then in the cool of the day assembled on the shore of the harbor, and after services intended to instruct the Christians, as also the heathen who gathered in considerable numbers around us, I baptized and be a disciple of Christ." His tized Moung Loon, Moung Yau That, and Ma Pong. The last two are young people, and gave very satisfactory evidence that they were taught by the Holy Spirit. The conversion of Moung Loon is a case of peculiar interest. From the very first, the truths of the gospel fell upon his mind with irre-gion after worshipping idols and pagosistible power, and while they swept away every vestige of heathenism, they brought home to his inmost soul the knowledge of God and of Christ Jesus, which is eternal life. As all the inquirers were suffering violent opposition and bitter railing, I preached last Sabbath evening from Matthew v. 10, 11, 12, and told them distinctly that honest and faithful disciples of Christ could not escape persecution and reproach; and if they were not prepared to persevere, regardless of all opposition, they were unfit for the kingdom of Heaven, and could not be disciples of Christ.

Early on Monday morning, Moung Loon came to the house and said he had not slept at all, during the night. He could only pray and weep for joy, he had such an overwhelming sense of the love of Christ in bearing in his own body the sins of men. His deep feelings are more like what we often see at home, than any other case I have ever found among converts from heathenism.

There are two others who wish to be baptized, and there is much reason to think they have felt the renovating influence of the Holy Spirit; but one

das for more than ninety years." So far, therefore, he stands firm, and faces the storm. Though more than 90 years old, his form is erect, and he walks with a firm step, and reads without glasses.

The intelligence contained in the remaining portion of Mr. K.'s letter we know will be welcome to our readers. The wonderful progress of the gospel among the Karens in Bassein and the other provinces which lie along the western borders of Burmah Proper, has been alluded to in various communications from the missionaries; and some notice was taken of it in the Annual Report of 1839; but no definite information has reached us as to its extent, or the probable number of those who have embraced the truth. This work is the more remarkable, as it occurs in a region where there is no or

dained missionary, and from which the most practicable mode of access to any of our stations, is by a long and perilous journey over the mountains aud through the jungles which separate it from Arracan on the west. Yet the fatigues and hazards of this journey have been undertaken by many large companies, and a communication has been established with Mr. Abbott at Sandoway, as mentioned in his journal given in our last number. Immediately

on his arrival, Mr. Abbott sent a deputation over the mountains to invite the inhabitants of these provinces to visit him at Sandoway. The result is stated in the journal to which we have just referred. Though the violence of persecution has caused our missionaries to retire, for a season, from their labors in Burmah Proper, and has occasioned great suffering to the Christians at Rangoon, Ava, and other places, yet it would seem that "the word of God is not

bound;" it still prevails among these simple hearted Karens of the western provinces, and they are willing to incur every hardship and danger, for the sake of securing to themselves its inestimable blessings.

Wonderful work of divine grace among the Karens of the Bassein provinceMore than two thousand souls hopefully converted.

You will be happy to learn the wonderful triumph of the gospel in the Bassein province. It cominenced among the Karens in the latter part of 1837, and now there are more than two thousand rejoicing in the glorious liberty of the gospel. Br. Abbott, at Sandoway, is in communication with them, and he has fifty or more promising young men in school. All the men who have come over the hills, represent the work as still going on; spreading from village to village in every direction. Moung Shway Moung, who was baptized the latter part of 1835, was appointed by the king, governor of all the Karens in the Bassein province. He was sent down from Ava the latter part of 1837-the Karens soon found he was a disciple of Christ, and that he would shield them to the utmost of his power from oppression and persecution. The Karens testify that "he was a just man, and would never take bribes,"" that on the Sabbath he closed up his house, and remained alone." About this time, the conversion of the celebrated young chief took place. He is a young man of great energy and powerful intellect, and all his influence was thrown into the work of publishing the knowledge of God among his countrymen. The full extent of this revival we do not know, but enough has been learned to convince us that it is an extraordinary display of divine grace. Probably more than two thousand souls are turned from the worship of demons to the service of the living God. This too has taken place under the jealous and intolerant reign of the new king. It is God's glorious work.



Our previous accounts from Mr. Ingalls, and from the station at Mergui, were to Sept. 9, 1839. (See pages 4, and 83, of last volume.) The natives had just completed a commodious chapel for worship, and the missionaries,― Messrs. Ingalls and Brayton, and their wives,were laboring in hope, and with encouraging success, in preaching and in conducting their Burman and Karen schools, which are kept up at this station during the rainy season. Still, Mr. I. says, "Our brightest prospects are among the Karens; the Burmans of this province glory in rejecting the gospel. God is pointing out the Karens as the people whose day of salvation has come; to them the gospel is indeed good tidings, while to most of the Burmans it is fool


Baptism-Attack of illness-Departure for the jungle.

Mergui, Sept. 24, 1839. To-day, in presence of a large assembly I baptized six Karens. These individuals were from the boarding school. The solemn ordinance was witnessed, and remarks listened to, with more than common interest. O that the truth heard might be sent home with divine power to their hearts!

29. An unusual number of Burmans
at worship to-day,-some of whom
give us reason to hope that their hearts
are affected with the truth of the gos-
pel. In the evening two Karens, one
a chief, came in, neither of whom is a
believer. This chief has been a noto-
rious drunkard. When my eye first
fell upon him I saw, by his counte-
nance, that a great change had taken
place in his feelings-he was now as
harmless as a lamb; the large tears
rolled down his cheek as he told me
that he had given up his arrak and
was now praying to the blessed God
for mercy. Praise be to God for show-
ing compassion to this poor man!
This has been a good day; though
wearied with much speaking, and the
body ready to faint, the soul rises in
strong desires that blessings may de-
scend upon the Burmans and Karens
surrounding me.

Oct. 7. This morning had an attack of bleeding at the lungs, produced by too much speaking. I have been wont to consider my lungs as almost invulnerable, but now feel how frail I am. The discharge of blood not being great, I am not apprehensive of immediate

danger, still I fear an interruption to my public labors. The hemorrhage continued till November 6, with little intermission, when, through the blessing of God, it was wholly removed.

making preparation for a short tour to the jungle.

11. Reached Mazau; found the brethren steadfast in the faith, and a number of inquirers. After evening service, four requested baptism.

12. This morning we met and or

Nov. 9. Left Mergui in company with br. Brayton for Palau, a large Burman village about half way to Ta-ganized a church of six members-then voy. Preached at a number of small villages; gave away some testaments and tracts. Some listened with apparent interest, while others opposed with much hardness of heart.

19. Left with my family for the jungle, accompanied by br. and sister Brayton, and on the 20th reached Kabin, the loved village where the principal Karen church in this region is located.

Found the brethren in peace, rejoicing in an abundant harvest of rice and the fruits of the earth, the reward of their hard labors. Our reception was most cordial. Met with them in the evening, and preached from Psalms 65: 11.

proceeded to examine the candidates. All gave evidence of faith and repentance, and were baptized and added to the church. In the evening broke bread to this little band;-this was a memorable day for Mazau. Never before, since the ascension of our Lord, was the ordinance of baptism administered in this region, or the emblems of a crucified Savior exhibited. To me and the little church, the season was joyful, solemn, and holy—God was there. Among the baptized was the wife and son of the head man. This chief was baptized last year by br. Kincaid. For nearly two years he has stood alone and preached to his drunken relatives. The aspect of this village is changed. God has done

Repeated baptisms-Sickness of Mrs. I.- great things for them, and to his name Visit to Mazau-to Kabin.

23. This evening had a meeting for the examination of candidates for baptism. Ten came forward and requested the ordinance ;-a number more, considered too young by their parents, were very anxious to apply. The evening was happily spent in listening to their relation of God's love and mercy to their souls. I rejoiced to witness the clearness of their views of the way of redemption through Christ. He was their only refuge, and since fleeing to him they had found great peace.

be all the glory!

17. Yesterday I left Mergui with Mrs. Ingalls for Kabin, her health being so far restored as to warrant her undertaking the journey, and early the next morning we found ourselves near the village. The native brethren hearing of our approach came down and pulled our boat up to their village. This act of Christian affection, performed with so much good will, added another to the many ties that bind us to them.

21. We have held frequent mee ings with the church, and have found 24. Met again this morning and that some of the younger members completed the examination of the can- have been drinking toddy-a drink didates. About 5 o'clock, as the sun procured from a certain tree, and sold was declining in the west, we assem- by the Burmans. It resembles, I am bled upon the banks of the beautiful informed, cider; and if taken in large stream that winds along in front of the quantities produces intoxication. Memzayat, and led these willing converts in bers of our churches are not allowed the footsteps of the Savior. They were to partake of this deceptive beverage. "buried with Him by baptism into Those who had been seduced by the death," and "like as Christ was raised Burmans came forward, and on their from the dead," so we trust they will making a full confession were forgiven. "walk in newness of life." In the The natives are now building Mrs. evening we commemorated the love-Ingalls a house. They do it of their the dying love of Christ; about seven- own accord. I mention the fact to ty were present.

Jan. 10. Through the past month Mrs. Ingalls has been confined to her bed by a fever, and some part of the time apparently near the grave. But God has been merciful, and spared her. She is now so far recovered that I am

show the liberality of these native Christians. They have built their meeting house this year, and now, this dwelling house. Should every Christian manifest the same liberality, no land would famish for the word of life.

Excursion to the Tenasserim-Voyage they joyfully put on Christ. In the

on a raft-Baptism, and a church constituted at Tewah.

27. Early this morning I started in company with br. Brayton for Tewah, a village on the Tenasserim. We go by land over the mountains-the route taken by br. Kincaid. After a toilsome march through jungles and over mountains, we found ourselves, as the sun was going down, about half way to our place of destination. The road not having been travelled for nearly a year was bad indeed; we pitched our tent in the solitary woods by the side of a stream, and having lighted our fires to protect us from the wild beasts, we laid ourselves down to rest. The Karens, more thoughtful of a breakfast the coming morning, than of sleep, soon disappeared with their lighted torches. After a short absence they returned with a number of immense frogs, which they informed us were excellent eating.

28. About 11 o'clock we reached a stream near the ascent of the highest mountain between us and Tewah. The Karens told us they could construct rafts and descend the stream, and so avoid the mountain road. We willingly assented to this arrangement, and in a short time we found our rafts in readiness. They were made by lashing five or six bamboos together for the bottom, and one on each side for a railing; upon these they placed some split ones for our baggage.

With a Karen at each end with a setting pole, we commenced the descent of this rapid stream. We soon found that rapids and rocks were abundant, and that it required about as much agility and skill for us to keep on the raft, as it did for the Karens to guide it. More than twenty times we found ourselves on the rocks, and once, with all my care, I found myself in the water. After passing ten or fifteen miles in this manner, about sundown we reached Tewah. Last year br. Kincaid baptized four at this place, who had removed to other villages. We found three converts and a good number of inquirers who had removed to this place last year. We had an assistant stationed here during last rains. Ten came forward for baptism. 29. Early this morning we commenced the examination of the candidates. They gave very good evidence of saving faith, and were received. We now repaired to the banks of the Tenasserim,-whose waters in this region seldom witness such scenes,-when

evening we constituted them into a church, and gave to them the right hand of fellowship; after which, we broke bread to this little flock. The duties of this day were of no ordinary kind, and we felt that the divine spirit was present, guiding and filling us with joy and gladness.

30. Having commended this church to Him who alone can build it up and sustain it, we bade the brethren a reluctant farewell, and recommenced our voyage down the Tenasserim on our raft.

Feb. 2. Reached Ya-boo, where there are two converts, and where we stationed an assistant last rains. On my visit last year, there were many hopeful inquirers here, but we now found all cheerless and gloomy-many who appeared well then, are now arrayed in One reason they alopposition to us. leged was, "that many of their friends went last year to Mata and died of I fear a more prominent cholera." reason is, the unholy walk of the two Christians, who appear to have but little religion. We found not much to encourage us at this place; the head man has set himself against the gospel, and goes about doing all he can to stop the work of God in this region.

6. Reached Kabin and found our families well, having accomplished a tour in eleven days, that would have occupied a month had we gone up the Tenasserim in our boat instead of going over land.

Addition to the churches-An Association proposed-A Burman deceiver.

9. Two individuals were received and added to the church by baptism. There being now four small churches in this region, I informed the brethren of the custom of our American churches in regard to Associations. They manifested great interest in the subject, and with much good feeling resolved to invite the brethren and sisters of the three adjacent churches to hold a general mecting with them, to continue three days,-commencing on Friday the 28th of the month. I have long been desirous of getting up a yearly meeting of this kind, but hesitated about mentioning the subject, fearing it would not succeed-the measure has taken well with the native brethren, and if we should have a good meeting it will become established.

11. Left this morning for Thing

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