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store, and the crimes and vices of that class of settlers who are reckless of the wrongs and injuries inflicted on them. It has pleased God to enable the missionaries already to effect so much, as to show how well advised was the original plan of the Committee, and how certain and extensive would have been its success, under the divine blessing, could it have been persevered in, uninterrupted by colonization. Proofs of this are to be found in the latest communications of the missionaries, which attest the spread of the leaven of the gospel in almost every district and almost every tribe of New Zealand. These cheering facts may well encourage all true friends of the Society to persevere in their exertions in behalf of this mission, on which so large a measure of the divine blessing has rested. It is true, indeed, that, instead of being solely occupied in raising up the New Zealanders to the standing of a Christian people, they must now also direct their efforts to the more difficult and less promising task of preventing their utter extinction. Yet the glory of God is the more manifested when the difficulties are greater; and a spiritual work of a yet more wonderful character may still be achieved, if, through the grace of God, any considerable portion of the natives should be preserved, in the purity of the faith and in holiness of life, amidst all the snares and dangers to which they are exposed. With men, in deed, this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. It is our part to carry on the work in the humble yet undoubting confidence of faith; and this must we do, notwithstanding that the mission is assailed on all hands by misrepresentations of every kind.

From despatches lately received, we shall extract some passages.

The Rev. H. Williams, in a letter dated Paihia, Jan. 23, 1840, writes as follows of the

State of the mission.

It is a remarkable fact, that at this singular period of the history of New Zealand, when the enemy is pouring in like a flood, the mission is in a more flourishing condition than ever; nor could we reasonably desire stronger evidence than is shown at this time. In my recent long journey, every party of natives to whom I came, was a congregation, worshipping God in much simplicity; and their books hore evidence of earnest examination. By a late calculation, the numbers who assemble with us, and receive instruction every Lord's day, are not less than 18,000 souls.

Mr. John King, in January last, saysWith thankfulness I can say, that the Lord has spared us to complete our twenty-fifth year in New Zealand, and that we are at this time in good health. It gives me satisfaction to be able to write to you of the favorable change which has taken place among the natives of Rangihoua: some have been baptized, and others are candidates. A good number visit us at Tepuna twice a-week, to read the New Testament and converse on its truths, and to inquire the way to Zion. Our place of worship is filled on Lord's day at morning service. Waikato and his family attend divine service on Lord's days, and the means of grace during the week. I have in faith long been laboring and groping in the midst of gross darkness; believing that the gospel would break through, although I might not live to see it. I had been praying particularly for a long time-for although the natives heard the word, and attended to instruction, they did not seem spiritually to profit by it-that God would impress upon their hearts the word which they had heard year after year, and cause them to remember the Lord's day, and rest from their common labor, that they might have leisure to attend to their souls. In an unexpected manner, Waikato collected all the people of this place; and told them, that he would leave off his old bad ways, and for the future observe the Lord's day, and attend to the means of grace. He also said, that the missionaries and native teachers might visit at his residence as often as they would, to instruct him in the truths of the gospel. He requested the people to speak their minds without reserve. Most of them had their names written down; and he sent a copy of the paper declaring their intentions, to the Rev. W. Williams at Paihia. This much encouraged those who had previously attended to the duties of the Lord's day at this place; having school at their dwellings, and using their influence to spread the gospel among their neighbors. Their applications for books and slates have been attended to. The work of instruction is comparatively easy: formerly, I had to follow them into the fields and woods; and then, while I was urging upon their minds the great truths of the bible, some would mock, others crave property, while others would be careless or insolent: now, while my strength is abating, they come forward in an unexpected time and manner, to assemble with us on Lord's days: and the gospel is spreading far and near, and extending to every tribe.

Other Societies.

American Board of Commissfoners for against missionaries and the means they Foreign Missions.


A letter from Mr. Allen, dated Jan. 1, 1840, states that there are four schools for boys in Bombay, and four for girls, embracing 302 boys, and about 100 girls. About one third of the former and two thirds of the latter can read intelligibly in the scriptures. The family boarding school contains fourteen girls, exclusive of a few day scholars. Of these scholars five are Africans, taken from a slave ship.

Organized opposition to Christianity. The past year has been remarkable in the religious history of Bombay, not so much for the conversion of the native population to Christianity, as for their opposition to all measures connected with its propagation. In the early part of the year much excitement was produced by the public profession of Christianity by two Parsee young men. They were baptized in May by Dr. Wilson of the Church of Scotland's Mission. They had for a considerable time previously attended the meeting of that society in Bombay, and had acquired a knowledge of the English language. It is believed they are the first proselytes from the religion of Zoroaster to protestant Christianity in modern times. Their conversion excited, first the surprise, and then the indignation of the whole Parsee community in Bombay. The young men believing, and not apparently without sufficient reason, that their lives were in danger, took refuge with the Scottish missionaries. Their Parsee friends, finding it impossible to induce them to return to their former homes, and failing in several attempts to obtain possession of their persons, in the hope of obtaining possession of them, and in some way, of effecting their renunciation of Christianity and return to the Parsee religion, instituted a legal process against Dr. Wilson. But in this hope they were disappointed. The court decided against them, and so they lost their cause. Still they resolved to use the most effectual means in their power to secure the native population, especially their own denomination, against the future influence of Christianity.

In this excitement and in these efforts some leading men of the Hindu and Mohammedan population united with the Parsees. Various ways were devised to excite and prejudice all classes of people


use to communicate a knowledge of Christianity. The people who live in our neighborhood were told, not to come to us, to have no intercourse with us, to receive no books from us, to listen to nothing we should say to them, and above all, never to go into the chapel. The people whose children attended our schools were told to withdraw their children immediately, and that fearful consequences would follow, if their children continued to attend. A brahmin, well known for his zeal for the Hindu religion, and for his hatred of Christianity, prepared a tract, entreating all classes of the native population to withdraw their children from all the mission schools. This tract, signed with his own name, was printed and copies were freely distributed in Bombay. It was not easy for parents or teachers to withstand such influence and obloquy. The boys' and girls' schools both suffered; the latter suffered most.

Female education was represented as an innovation, attempted by missionaries upon the good old way, and so was made the subject of special obloquy.

One of the means at this time devised to oppose the progress of Christianity, and to secure the native population against the influence of all means to impart a knowledge of its truths, was the formation of a society, called "The Society for Protecting Hinduism.” The brahmin who wrote the tract above mentioned took a prominent part in forming this society. He apparently expected to become its general agent. All Hindus were called on to subscribe liberally to the funds of the society, and to exert their influence for the support of their own religion, now in great danger from the schools and other operations of missions. Some persons connected with this society were profuse in their promises of what they intended to do for the support of the Hindu religion by employing agents, supporting schools, and publishing and circulating books. The society occupied the attention of the native community awhile. Beyond this it has not accomplished much, nor is it likely to do so. We shall send you a copy of the prospectus or constitution of this society.

Another means they devised was for themselves to become the assailants, and to attack the Christian religion. They hoped in this way to occasion work sufficient for the missionaries to defend their own religion, and by furnishing the native population with arguments and objections

against the truth of the bible, to remove the force of the argument of its being obligatory on all mankind because of its divine origin. A Parsee, who has considerable knowledge of English literature, was employed to prepare a work to be printed in the native language against the divine origin of the Scriptures. The plan was to take Paine's " Age of Reason" for the basis, but to incorporate reasons, objections, and cavils from other infidel authors. The prospectus of this contemplated work was published, the price was fixed, and patronage was earnestly solicited for it, as work for which there is great occasion. The book was put to the press and was expected long ere this to be published; but it has not yet appeared. We are not informed whether the intention of publishing it is abandoned, or whether it is yet advancing toward publication, but more slowly than was promised and expected. Such devices and efforts show the spirit of the people, and the obstacles with which missionaries have to contend.


These events show the effects which the progress of the truth is adapted to produce on the conduct and feelings of the native population of different classes. When missionaries first arrived in India, considerable excitement was produced by the novelty of the work in which they engaged, and of the doctrines they inculcated. But the native population seeing no marked effects immediately following such labors, soon began to regard all means to convert the people of the country to the Christian religion as unavailing, and many believed that such means would soon be relinquished. For a few years past, however, this subject has been assuming a more important aspect in the minds of intelligent natives. They saw that these means were not wholly unavailing, but were attended by some success in the conversion of indi- | viduals and families. They saw these efforts persevered in, and missionaries not only increasing in number, but locating themselves in other places. They saw that the professedly religious part of the European community regarded the conversion of natives to the Christian religion with feelings of deep interest, and in various ways encouraged those engaged in this cause. They also saw in some places a decreasing regard to the rites and ceremonies of their own worship. The apprehensions of such persons have been greatly increased by the events of the past year. Painful as it is to see many of them engaged in opposing the progress of truth, endeavoring to take away the keys of knowledge, not entering into the kingdom of heaven themselves, and striving to pre

vent others from entering in, reviling the only way of salvation, and blaspheming the only name given under heaven, whereby men can be saved; we would yet, in view of what has occurred and of present appearances, rejoice and take courage.


June 24th, Doct. Parker, who had left Canton and come down to Macao, writes from the latter place just before the blockade by the British squadron was expected to be carried into effect

I am constrained to look upon the present state of things not so much as an opium or an English affair, as a great design of Providence to make the wickedness of man subserve his purposes of mercy towards China, in breaking through her wall of exclusion, and bringing the empire into more immediate contact with western and Christian nations.

Writing on the same day, Mr. Bridgman remarks

There has of late years been much intercession made to God in behalf of China. And we know he will, in his own time, and in his own way, bring the Chinese to acknowledge his supremacy, and to bow to his peaceful and holy commands. I cannot for one moment entertain the idea that China is to be closed like Japan, and for centuries, or even for tens of years, exclude the light of God's glorious gospel. Neither can I believe that those who bring glad tidings and publish peace are much longer to be hindered from their work. The pride and the haughtiness of man, God will humble. The mountains shall be levelled, and the rough places be made smooth. Jesus shall reign. More and more do I long for the time when I may go among this people, and, day after day and hour after hour, discourse to them about the things of God and heaven.

We are on the eve of a new era, and a great revolution has commenced. We have long mourned over the evils and the desolations around us. For these the gospel is the only remedy. And now we trust the God of nations is about to open a highway for those who will preach the word.

[Miss. Herald.

Baptist (Eng.) Missionary Society.


From the last Annual Report of this mission, we make some interesting extracts.

The state of education-Preaching.

During the past year our Society has had, in different parts of the island, 29

schools, containing 1050 children; 2 in Colombo, 6 at Hanwella, 4 at Byamville, 7 at Kottighawatta, 8 at Matelle, and 2 at Aloot-gama.

The small number of our schools in Colombo arises from the greater lack of instruction which is discernible in the villages. We cannot extend our labors without some limitation: would to God that nothing could stop us, but a cessation of the ignorance and miseries of man! This will one day be the case.

We come now to the more direct object of our society, the preaching of the gospel to the heathen nations.

And, to begin at Colombo and its vicinity. In ten different places the religion of the cross has been regularly published and explained, and this in four different languages, the English, the Portuguese, the Singhalese, and the Tamul. The latter was undertaken by solicitation, and a blessing seems to rest on the result.

The places are Slave Island, the Fort, two in the Pettah, one in Chequo-street, the Grand Pass, the Leper Hospital, Moderah, Matakooly, and Hendella. At most of these places sinners have been brought to abandon their evil courses, give up their false hopes, and take refuge in the sacrifice of Christ, and shape their lives agreeably to his laws and example.

The number of persons admitted to the privileges of the Christian church by us, after a minute examination of their cases, and a diligent inquiry into their lives, amounts, during the past year, to one hundred and thirty-one. These have been baptized, on a public avowal of their faith, and are considered by us members of the respective communities to which they belong. This observation, of course, includes

all our stations.


Since our last annual meeting we have ordained over this church a pastor, keeping in mind the apostolical direction that such an one "ought to be an ensample to the flock." His labors have been very successful. Twenty-three natives have humbled themselves under the mighty hand of God, and sought refuge from the storm of divine anger in the atoning blood of the Son of God. Of these, some were Budhists; some nominally Christians, but ignorant of that faith which they professed, and enemies to God by reason of their wicked works. One, an aged woman, having lived nearly seventy years in the world, was an obstinate persecutor for some time after this branch of our mission was established, and strove to hinder its growth, and render its members contemptible.

Interesting fact.

Another interesting fact connected with this place we cannot forbear relating, if it be only to say to others, "Go thou and do likewise."

A poor native, who had come a distance of twelve miles, to hear words whereby he might be saved, obtained all for which he was anxious, by his journey. He repented of his sins, was baptized, admitted into Christian communion, and bidden to come as often as he could, that he might get nourishment for his soul, and so be prepared for death.

He found it difficult to attend every Sabbath, and so confined his visits to the first Sabbath in the month, when the Lord's supper is celebrated; taking care, in the interim, to open his house for the worship of God in his own village, and to get together as many of his neighbors as he could, to join him in his humble attempts to praise God for his manifold mercies in Christ Jesus our Lord. About twelve of his neighbors were wise enough to listen to his voice, and to be influenced by his example. He has had the satisfaction, to see them cast idolatry behind their backs, and they are now candidates for baptism.

How might the practical effects of the gospel be increased, did all imitate the conduct of this humble disciple, who proved himself indeed a light shining in a dark place!"


Here, likewise, we have ordained a native to the office of the Christian ministry. Like all of us, he itinerates; but he has his stated place of worship, his flock, gathered every Sabbath, and his fixed place of residence. In no less than seventeen villages he lifts up his voice like a trumpet, to warn his fellow-men of the error of their ways. In ten of these he preaches regularly, viz. once every fortnight; in the other seven, only occasionally.

On Wednesday last, eleven additional members were added to this church, making a total number of thirty-six communicants, all of whom (with one exception, by reason of sickness,) sat down, on the occasion, to celebrate the Lord's supper.

It is pleasing to be able to state, that since the foundation of this interesting station not one instance of immorality or inconsistency has occurred, among those deemed fit for baptism and the communion of the Lord's people.


Matelle is one of the most delightful parts of the island of Ceylon. Its lofty mountains and picturesque scenery make one

devoutly and earnestly wish that all its in- telle, and dwelt on the road to Trincomahabitants knew and adored the common lee; where, having no opportunity of atCreator; and bringing them back to this tending public religious ordinances, they happy state is not so difficult a task as kept up private religious exercises, family many imagine. They attach much less prayer, and the observance of the Sabbath; importance to Budhism than the residents and by their growth in grace evinced that of the maritime districts; and have escaped, the sanctifying power of God's spirit is not in a great measure, the contagion of Euro- confined to fixed rules of action, but that pean evil example. Never, amidst all he can suit his benevolent agency to the their labors in England, did the missiona- wants, the circumstances, and the destituries discover so much readiness to receive tion of man. divine truth in the love of it, nor so much thankfulness for the least ray of heavenly light darted into the mind.

On a recent visit there, the missionary went from village to village, into places almost inaccessible, over craggy, rocky mountains, up steep places, down declivities, through the thick overgrown jungles, and through the rapid streams which poured down from the heights above; and in all the places, when he gained access to the inhabitants, they left their agricultural employments, came in multitudes to hear the intelligence that "unto them a child was born, that unto them a Son was given, that he should be called the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and that the government should be upon his shoulder." Convenient places were fitted up for the missionary's reception, fancifully adorned, after the native fashion; while the rites of hospitality were performed with a glow of gratitude that showed that spiritual blessings were highly appreciated. Every place was crowded with hearers; and in some places people went away without hearing. Candidates for baptism were examined with care and scrupulosity; and fifteen were admitted, by that holy rite, into the fellowship of the Christian church. Of these one was formerly a Budhist priest, or rather high priest. He exercised his impious functions at Matura, and there led multitudes the downward road that endeth in destruction. Convinced of his folly and wickedness, he most resolutely threw aside his robes of office, gave up his calling, which was somewhat lucrative, and embraced, with zeal and eagerness, the sublime and saving truths of Christianity. Now he is endeavoring to counteract the mischief he formerly did, by teaching his pupils, by letter, and orally, the worth and preciousness of the gospel; and along with him were baptized two, who had formerly been misled by him in his inculcation of Budhistical tenets.

In another instance, two persons, who had heard of our proceedings, and that we were about to baptize, came eighty-six | miles, so to fulfil the law of Christ. They had been awakened to a sense of their sinfulness some months before, had left Ma

On the Sabbath day upwards of 200 people attended at Matelle to hear the word of God; and in the evening, a mixed congregation of English descendants and native Singhalese, when alternate services were carried on by Mr. Silva, the pastor, and the visiting missionary.—Bap. (Eng.) Mag.

Bildare Place Society, (London.)

This Society has now for nearly thirty years labored with unabated zeal and perseverance to promote the moral and spiritual welfare of the Irish people.

There are at present in connection with it 1097 Schools, containing 81,178 children, about one-half of whom are Roman Catholics.

The Model School in Dublin contains 465 boys and 436 girls. There have been trained in it 1997 Schoolmasters and 693 Schoolmistresses. The numbers received into it for that purpose last year were, eighteen Schoolmasters and sixty-three Schoolmistresses.

Nearly 3000 Lending-libraries, including one in each school, were established for the poor, and more than a million and a-half of cheap publications, compiled by the Society, have been issued from its depository; by which a vast number of pernicious books have been put out of circulation. The number issued last year was 18,234.

From 1815 until 1831 it enjoyed an annual Parliamentary grant, which in the latter years amounted to 30,0001. This grant was wholly and suddenly withdrawn, because it was a fundamental rule that the Holy Scriptures should be read in the schools by all who had attained a suitable proficiency.

The contributions to the Society amounted last year to nearly 25,000l. This includes 18,0007. contributed by parents of pupils, at rates varying from 1s. 1d. to 4s. per quarter. Nearly the whole income is raised in Ireland; the amount received from England having scarcely ever exceeded 10007. in one year. Great exertions are now making, by the visits to England of the Secretary, the Rev. James Graham of Londonderry.-Miss Reg.

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