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Him? That the enterprize is begun, requires that it should be prosecuted, and prosecuted with vigor,-or the shame of having begun to build and not being able to finish, must come ou the Christian churches.

I derive another argument for its urgency, from the state of the heathen nations. There is commotion among


these, like all first attempts, are yet imperfect. They know the frailty of human life. They feel deeply anxious that their labors should be perfected and rendered available to the conversion of sinners, and the Redeemer's praise that the best efforts of their lives—their holiest endeavors, should not be thwarted, and hence they beg that the enterprise should be prosecut-them-changes, great changes ed. Shall their plea be disregarded? Shall those whose souls are touched with a Savior's love, say to their brethren, laboring under such circumstances, Brethren, your work is a good one-we admire your enterprise -but we cannot help you. 'Tis true the Savior requires all to be devoted to Him-but our friends claim us too-lit-folly of their superstitions. Those suerary distinctions await us here-we feel an interest in your cause, but we cannot join you?"


But some have gone further still. Having mastered the language, and being provided with Christian books, they have labored directly for the conversion of the heathen. They have established schools-have taught many the principles of our holy faith-they have sown much seed--it is beginning to spring up. They see death hastening on them through the influence of multiplied cares and a debilitating climate; and they call for some of their brethren to come and water the seed they have sown, and gather the harvest they have been maturing, and shall their prayer be unheeded? God has blest the instrumentality of somesouls have been converted,-gathered into a church. They are true disciples, but weak in faith and weak in knowledge. The missionary is hastening to the grave. He would descend to it in peace, if, as he goes down the dark valley, he could see some devoted brother standing by, ready to guard and guide the little flock he has gathered. He has long prayed that God would send forth more laborers into his vineyard. Those laborers have been raised up, but they will go into other vineyards without asking God where He would have them work. The missionary dies-he has no successor. Years elapse-the little flock, feeble in number and in influence, follow him to heaven. His works follow him, but there are none to follow his works. Is such a process honorable to the professed followers of the Lamb? Does it comport with their professed attachment to his cause, or their professed willingness to obey

taking place. Mind which has slumbered for ages is waking up. The intercourse of Christian nations with them is becoming common. Facilities for intercommunication for purposes of trade, and by means of steam navigation, will increase. That intercourse will enlighten them to see the

perstitions are losing their influence
more or less every year. Multitudes,
who ten years ago had strong faith in
Mohammed, or Brahina, or Budh, have
grown skeptics, or renounced their
creeds altogether. Shall no substitute
be given them? They are still in
darkness-gross darkness covers the
people. And,

"Shall we whose minds are lighted,
With wisdom from on high,-
Shall we, to souls benighted,

The lamp of life deny ?"

Neither Mohammedism, nor Brahmanism, nor Budhism, nor any of all the forms of paganism, proffers forgiveness to any of its votaries. All men know that they are sinners-all long for salvation!

These nations are hastening to the grave,-thousands die daily,-millions every year. Whatever is done for them must be done quickly. While we deliberate, while we speak, multitudes are sinking in the agonies of death, having never heard the Savior's name. Though we go with our utmost speed, before we can reach them multitudes will be past our aid. Is not the work then urgent?


But it is not a hopeless enterprize. It is one in which success is sure. may not be so near at hand as many would hope, or as all would anxiously desire-but it is beyond the possibility of a doubt. The promise and the oath of God ensure it-"As truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." "Every knee shall bow; every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father." Urged then by the divine command, and by the appeals of our brethren, and by the unuttered though

dying groans of paganism-and cheer- | vicinity, where of course it will be still ed on by the surest prospect of suc- colder, and we shall hope to repair cess-what wait we for? Christian thither. I feel a happiness which no brethren, I stand before you as one of language can express, in committing yourselves. I have tried the missiona- our ways to Jehovah, knowing that ry work, and found it such as I have He is "too wise to err, and too good described it, and have felt the need of, to be unkind." My daily prayer is though I have not attained to such that my will may be swallowed up in qualifications as I have specified. I His. I wish to have no will of my own, feel the urgency of it, and stand ready but in all my ways to acknowledge to resume it as soon as God in his Him, knowing that He will direct our providence shall open the way. I ask, paths. is there none here, who will join his efforts with mine, and go with me?


EXTRACTS FROM A LETTER OF MRS. SHUCK, DATED MACAO, JUNE 23, 1840. Our latest previous accounts from this Mission, were to the latter part of February,-see p. 265 of our December number.

I have only two girls in my school at present. As warlike times appeared, the children mostly left me, and I have not endeavored to supply their places. The two I have, with two boys under Mr. Shuck's more particular instruction, are improving very rapidly, which greatly encourages my heart. I shall devote all my time to them until somefuture location, and shall endeavor to thing is settled with regard to our prepare them to be assistant teachers. I do hope much from them. While we are doing all that we can for their minds, may the gracious Lord sanctify instruction, and prepare them by

Mrs. Shuck, after expressing her grateful sense of the goodness of God, in raising her from a state of extreme illness, to that of comparative health, thus speaks of the Prospects of labor, and state of the mis- genuine conversion to teach their de


I am able to accomplish more missionary work than at any previous time, occupying the whole of the forenoon in study and teaching. Truly I am much indebted to my heavenly father, in thus raising me, as it were, from the borders of the grave. May my unprofitable life which He has seen fit to prolong, be, in future, devoted more unreservedly to His service. At one time we very much feared that we should be compelled to revisit America, as the last resort for the restoration of my health. The physicians gave it as their decided opinion that it was impossible for me to live unless I went to a colder climate. We felt determined to try every expedient, and consequently I underwent much bodily suffering from a rigorous course of medical treatinent, which, however, in the hands of God, seemed to prove successful. The operation, of course, was painful, but not so painful as the idea of leaving China-the land where I wish to spend the remainder of my life.

If it can be consistent with the wishes of the Board, and more especially of Him, to whom the Board look for direction, I trust we shall be permitted to remain in China. It is altogether probable that the English will take some place, or places in this

luded countrymen the way to happiness and heaven! They already know much concerning their eternal interests, and if they perish, it will not be because they have not received instruction and admonition.

Mr. S. preaches to a congregation assembled at our house twice a week, and goes among them (the Chinese) very frequently. I love to visit their degraded hovels and talk to them. They always receive us kindly, offering us (as is their custom) tea to drink. I am almost impatient to have the time come, when, unmolested, we can teach them of Jesus whose blood alone can cleanse them from their impurity and fit them for the skies.

In evangelizing this great empire, I confidently believe that educating the rising generation will be found one among the most efficient agencies, and, that I am permitted to bring the humblest share of this instrumentality to bear upon even the minutest portion of this immense population, affords me my highest earthly happiness. For this purpose I have forsaken the endearments of my native land, the comforts and pleasures of the paternal roof, and all the sweets of Christian society. In this blest employment may the last energies of my frame be spent; and though unworthy and worthless, I look to heaven for success.

Confirmation of Miss Macomber's death. |

[See last No. p. 299.]

You will perhaps, ere this is received, have heard of the death of our friend and ship companion, Miss Macomber. Her end was peaceful and happy. Though only permitted to labor a few years in the heathen world, her time was not misspent, and she had the happiness of feeling in her last moments that she had discharged her duty. One by one, our band are dropping away. How important that we also endeavor to "watch," having our lamps trimmed and burning, for we know not at what hour our sum

mons may come.

Early in the month of September last, some of our Greek friends began attending our worship, both on the Sabbath and the evenings of the other days of the week. In these religious exercises we enjoyed seasons of interest, and frequently witnessed demonstrations, that the Greek has a heart to feel, and a conscience to apprehend the force of truth. These efforts, though made in weakness, God was pleased to bless. One young man was brought to a knowledge of the truth. He continues to maintain a life of godliness. An English woman, married to a Greek, and for thirty years a member of the church, was also at the same time deeply impressed with a sense of her sins, and we have some

Mrs. S. acknowledges the receipt of the fol- times, more recently, indulged the hope lowing sums in aid of her school, viz:

From Rev. Mr. Taylor, chaplain U. S.

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that she has become a child of God. I had also for some time enjoyed the 20,00 privilege daily of reading the scriptures 12,00 and praying in an interesting family 8,00 circle-nor was the word there unattended with the influences of the Holy Ghost. After I was confined to my room with sickness, one of this family, a young woman, came and besought Mrs. L. to pray for her.


On page 204 of last volume will be found the notice of a communication from Mr. Love, dated May 15th, giving an account of his distressing illness, and that of his family; and of his removal, for that reason, from Patras to the island of Corfu. The gloomy aspect thrown over the state and prospects of the mission by that intelligence, is somewhat relieved by the following letter of Mr. Love, dated Corfu, June 13, 1840.

Interesting state of things at PatrasSickness of Mr. L.-Regret at leaving.

In ours of the 15th ult. I noticed an intention of giving you a more full account of our welfare, as soon as my strength would admit. Though painful, there is yet comfort in reviewing the trials we have passed, because ordered by that Hand which cannot err. We had long indulged the hope of success in our labors at Patras. Our poor instrumentality had been peculiarly blessed. We had always met with opposition, it is true; but in no case had a single important effort ultimately failed. The field was widening on every side, and God had given us so much favor with the people, that the trials, ordinarily falling to the lot of the missionaries, in their incipient efforts, were by us scarcely realized.

My health began to fail in October; but we continued these labors until after the first of November, from which time I was laid aside from all labor until the middle of February.

On returning from Corfu the 15th of February, we immediately recommenced our daily and Sabbath services. They continued one month under cirteresting. After I was again confined cumstances more than ordinarily into my bed, they were conducted for two weeks with great acceptance by Apostolos, the converted Greek mentioned above. Three young men of promise attended daily these means of grace, and four others solicited the same privilege after I was no longer able to conduct the services. These latter were men to whom age had given judgment and respect in society. They had been reading the scriptures for a number of months. After we were all coufined to our beds, some of these friends came almost every day and inquired,-" Will you be able to have worship this evening?" It was not easy to leave a people under circumstances so interesting.

When we first became fully apprehensive of the true condition of my health, and the consequent necessity of removal from Patras, we could only conclude to lay the subject before the

Board, desiring that we might remain until some other person should arrive to fill the place. So clear were the indications of mercy to the people that we could not feel that God designed they should be left destitute. This idea of remaining we entertained until, to human foresight, it appeared clear that my instrumentality at Patras was done. From that time we could no longer make it appear right to remain any length of time, should God enable us so far to recover as to be able to remove. By change of place there was still some ground of encouragement, which we feared would not exist by a few weeks' or days' longer delay. I had become so feeble in the last attacks, that for a time, I could not be raised in the bed without fainting.

The unhealthiness of Patras, Mr Love snp. poses may be owing to sudden changes, and to the miasma arising from the annual decay of a most exuberant vegetation on the uncultivated grounds in the neighborhood of the town.

Mount Bodias, eight thousand feet above the level of the sea and covered about eight months of the year with snow, is just in the rear of the town. This contributes much to the sudden changes. The sensible cold from the mountain is much greater than that indicated by the thermometer. When the wind is from that quarter at a temperature of 50° Fahrenheit, one would suppose from his sensations, that the thermometer was at 250 or 300. To these causes chiefly I attribute my frequent illness, the last year and a half; during which time my constitution has been gradually undermining.

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Labors and prospects at Corfu.

We have been in Corfu about two months. We find there is work enough to do, and sometimes feel that perhaps the Lord has ordained to use our instrumentality here, for the promotion of his kingdom in these dark places of the earth. My health allows of doing but little at present, and yet we have thought that little should not be left undone.

In the citadel we have, through a pious officer and a few soldiers, commenced distributing English tracts among about fifteen hundred English troops. One of the distributers reports that none are unwilling to read.

We have opened a bookseller's shop on one of the main streets. This is attended by Apostolos, the converted Greek, where he stands a fearless and faithful champion for the truth. A few Greeks are beginning to listen to the word of God; the more however still continue to scoff. One attends our Greek worship on the Sabbath, and two others, within a day or two, have proposed attending. Great effort is being made at present on the part of the priests. All Greek books in the hands of missionaries, containing the name "Jesus Christ," are anathematized. The moral horizon, it would seein, has for three or four years been growing darker My general health continues impro- and darker, until at length night has ving. I have had no attack for five set in with "a darkness that can be felt." weeks, and we are the more encoura- The priesthood of Corfu may anatheged from the fact, that a strong pre-matize the scriptures and array themmonition of the disease has just passed away with nothing more serious.

Since his removal to Corfu, he says:

I do not expect ever to be able again to labor at Patras. Of the last fifteen months of our residence there, I was sick nine. Must Patras then be abaudoned! We can not think that it should be given up without another trial. A person of strong constitution might not suffer there. Of the foreigners residing in Patras, perhaps more than one half enjoy excellent health. I do not think Mrs. L. and some others of the family suffered

selves against the light; yet if our
work be of God, it must prevail,-the
light must shine.
able, I have been for nearly a month
As I find myself
holding English worship at our house
twice a week. I have tried to illustrate,
with great plainness of speech, some
of the fundamental principles of Chris-

seventy were present, twice the num-
Last Sunday evening, about
ber that first attended. I believe that
the Spirit of the Lord is amongst us.
There has been solemnity in our little
congregations. One person, the daugh,

zen of Corfu, has already, we trust, "passed from death unto life."

Apostolos has some time since asked baptism. And having for a length of time had clear evidence of his conversion, I have concluded to grant his request, and expect to baptize him in the course of a few weeks.

ter* of a most respectable English citi- | thus still strengthened in the good work, and we are amply compensated for the little unpleasantnesses through which we have lately had to pass. My dear fellow laborers and the brethren generally continue to be actively engaged in the spread of the truth. Our important tract labors extend, and I doubt not thousands will have occasion, to bless God in the day of judgment, for this part of our work. Several of our brethren have been out on itinerating

The English citizens of Corfu number about three or four hundred souls; those who attend our English worship are chiefly of this class. They inter-tours into various parts of the country, marry with natives, and are regarded as on terms of equality.

Corfu is greatly in advance of Greece in point of civilization. But oh! what a picture of morals-grog-shops and brothels numerous--drunkenness, Sabbath breaking, and profanity, every where rife; and prostitution stalks abroad by day and by night, shameless and unmolested.

Truly a great work is to be done for Greece, in every department of Chris

tian effort.



Increase of the churches at Hamburg and
Jever-Langeland church constituted
Church at Copenhagen enlarged-En-
couraging prospects.

We have continued, since my last letter, to meet regularly for the worship of God and the observance of Christ's ordinances, on the Lord's day. We have been compelled to assemble in small companies, except at my house, where I have generally had sixty or seventy hearers. Our members remain all faithful, and we have had since my release from prison, in all, sixteen additions, and several hopeful persons now stand proposed to the church. Our hearts and hands are

*This young woman was a member of Mrs. Dickson's bible class the last year. And it is an interesting circumstance, that another

also of the same class was converted while we

were here last winter. In our boarding house we had an hour daily for reading and illustrating the word of God and for prayer. This young woman, a member of the family in the boarding house, was accustomed to be present, and she now refers to these religious exercises as the means of deepening her conviction, and at last giving her peace in the blessed Savior.

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and have been generally well received. Br. Müller is at present in Mecklenburg, where he has again visited more than eighty villages, and where he meets with much encouragement.

I have been to Jever and Eastfriesland. The little church at the former place has received a valuable addition of ten new members, whom I baptized, among them the young school-master alluded to in my last letter. The opposition against the gospel is so great in this place, that I could remain only a day and two nights, which were fully employed in various religious exercises. Since I left Jever, our brethren have been summoned before the authorities, and all religious meetings have been strictly prohibited on peril of a fine of ten dollars.

In Eastfriesland I formed several valuable connectious, which may lead to great results. I met with Christians in these parts who had been much exercised on the subject of baptism. I hope, that if I should be permitted to visit them another year, these friends will then be ready to follow the Lord in all his commands. To the friends I visited on this tour, I have sent upwards of 400 copies of the scriptures, and 10,000 tracts.

Soon after my return to this, I went in company with br. Köbner to Langeland, in the Great Belt. Though our journey to this place was attended with much fatigue (I bad for three nights no sleep)-and with some danger of being arrested, the Lord graciously brought us through it all, and we were enabled to accomplish our work there in one night. I baptized nine converts, constituted the church, and united with them in commemorating the Lord's death. We were engaged in this service from midnight till seven in the morning. May the great Head of his church bless this infant cause, and make it a blessing to the whole of the island. I have no doubt but that many will be added to the little flock.

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