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enced, they stand much in need of bears to the character of Mr. Oncken, and to some one who can encourage and com- the usefulness of his labors, cannot but be gratifort them. I have engaged br. Sander,fying to those who are watching with intense who was the instrument of their con-interest, the progress of the work in that country. version, to return and remain among It is encouraging also, to know that the cause them. He is an excellent young man, of truth and religious freedom is taking a strong-has the good cause much at heart, and I believe his stay among this per- of our brethren are beginning to command the er hold of the public mind; and that the labors secuted little band, will be a great blessing to them. respect and sympathy of christians of other denominations. The letter is dated at Hamburg, Sept. 27, 1841.


At Langeland the persecutions have also been very severe; as also at Aalburg, where Fottved has been dismiss-State of the church at Hamburg—Sabbath ed from the regiment in which he had served for many years. But God has strengthened his children, and made them faithful, so that not one has proved faithless, a cause of abundant graditude to God, who alone can keep us from falling.

The church in this city (Berlin) has of late had occasion to rejoice in new accessions; and as br. Lehmann has now a more suitable place for their meetings (it will hold between 2 and 300 persons) and the government puts no hindrance in their way, there is every prospect-if the spirit of God bless the word-that the church will

soon increase. A considerable addi

tional expense has been incurred in consequence of the saloon (hall) which has been hired, which the infant church composed of very poor persons, is unable to defray. I warmly recommend the case to the Board, or if their funds will not allow of their doing anything for this special object, I trust they will recommend it to the christian public. Our friends here require for the saloon annually, about $150.

I am now on my way to Memel, where I hope to baptize between thirty and forty converts. The prospects there are most encouraging, and I hope

that from thence we shall introduce

the gospel into Lithuania. On my way to Memel I shall pass as rapidly as possible, that the object I have in view there may be realized. On my way back, I shall visit some of the Menonites, and endeavor to sow the good seed wherever an opportunity offers. Oh! that it would please God to breathe his life-giving spirit on the Menonite congregations.

In addition to the above, it gives us pleasure to lay before our readers the subjoined extracts of a letter received from Professor Hackett, of Newton Theological Institution, who is now on a visit to Germany. The testimony which it

*For some account of Mr. F. see pp. 269 and 276, of the September number.

the arrangements for travelling such On my arrival at Hamburg I found main here two or three days longer as to make it necessary for me to rethan I had intended. Unfortunately Oncken, is absent at this time, on a for me, our missionary brother, Mr. visit to Memel on the confines of Prussia, whither he has gone to organize a new baptist church. As he proposes also, during this excursion, to visit the christians on the Suabian mountains, who have professed baptist be protracted two or three mouths. I principles, his absence will probably since my arrival, and have received have seen Mrs. Oncken frequently from her much interesting information respecting the state of the mission at this place. Our friends here are still their meetings in a private room; and required by the government, to hold there is not, so far as I can learn, any striction will be removed. There is very immediate prospect that this revery little doubt, that if it were, and lic place, a large congregation could they could have the use of a more pubbe speedily collected. The room in which they now assemble will contain perhaps seventy-five or a hundred persons; and this is not only filled, but usually the stairs and entry leading to it. They have two services on the Sabbath; and it should be stated, that the audience at the former of these, in the morning, is always a different one from that in the afternoon. This is the result of concert, in order that as many Yesterday was the Sabbath, and I had as possible may be enabled to attend. the pleasure of meeting with this little assembly. Our br. Kobuer conducted the service; and unintelligible as was most of the sermon to me, it was abundantly manifest, from the attention with which he was heard, and the varied expressions of countenance which I witnessed, that there was an active sympathy between the preacher and

his hearers. Ten additional members have just been received into the church, which now numbers, I was told, one hundred and thirty-five.

Labors of Mr. Oncken―Decision of the court at Copenhagen.

It has been very gratifying to me to find so much evidence as I have met with in various ways, of the respect which religious people here entertain for Mr. Oncken; and of the interest which they take in his labors. He is beyond all question performing a most useful work; and my impressions of the importance of his position, and of the claims of this mission upon the sympathy and support of our churches, have been most decidedly strengthened by what I have been able to learn. I have taken some pains to inform myself on this point, and am confident that I do not speak at random. I can merely say at present, that in addition to the conversions here, of which Mr. Oncken has been instrumental, and the churches which he has formed in other places, and over which he exerts a directing influence, he is fast acquiring the increased respect and confidence of christians of other denominations; is contributing to correct the misapprehensions which exist here, to an astonishing extent, in regard to the principles and usages of the baptists; and is destined, as I can not doubt, to do much to hasten the time when the true principles of christian liberty, now so sadly misunderstood here, shall be better known and practised.

With respect to the condition and prospects of our brethren in Denmark, I can write nothing of which you will not probably be apprized before this comes to hand. I learn that the decision of the court is more favorable than the friends of the mission here apprehended, who supposed that it might very possibly be unconditional banishment. There is room for an appeal from the judgment of the court in which they have been tried, to a higher one; and the brethren, as I understand, are unanimous in refusing to accept the decision which has been made, but will have the question carried up. May wisdom from on high be granted to your Board that they may be guided aright in relation to this subject, and all the important interests which they are called to direct. It is our consolation to know that His word is faithful, who hath said that he will cause even the wrath of man to praise him, and the remainder he will restrain.


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The station occupied by Mr. Bingham, as doubtless most of our readers are aware, is a

U. S. military post, within the state of Michigan-at the falls of the river St. Mary, which unites the lakes Huron and Superior. On the opposite side of the river is a trading post of the British Hudson's Bay Company. The labors of Mr. B. are employed in superintending a school, of which some account is given in the subjoined report-in preaching to the whites connected with the Garrison, and to the Indians who resort thither for the purpose of trade, or for instruction-and in visiting, at intervals, the different stations temporarily occupied by the Indians in their migratory wan

derings over the country.

The latest previous accounts from this mission, which have been published, will be found in the last annual report of the Board.

Annual report of the mission-State of the school-Of the church-Preaching. In presenting to the Board the thirteenth annual report of this mission, we would record with gratitude the tender mercies of the Lord. Through his kind providence our school has been continued through the year in regular and successful operation, with no other intermissions than our usual vacation of one week at the end of each quarter. The number of scholars enrolled during the first quarter of the present year, was forty-two; nineteen of whom were taught gratuitously. The second quarter had forty-nine enrolled; thirty-two of whom, eighteen boys, and fourteen girls, were free scholars. The third quarter had thirty-two enrolled; seventeen of whom enjoyed the benefit of free tuition. And the present quarter has forty-five enrolled, twenty-nine of whom are Indians and mixed bloods, and are taught free of charge; ten of these latter are boys, and nineteen are girls. The progress in their studies has been as good as could reasonably be expected with the attention they give.

Arithmetic, geography, and grammar, have been taught, in addition to the minor branches.

We have been trying the experiment of conducting our missionary operations upon the plan of boarding a smaller number than formerly. A part

of the year eight beneficiaries have them. Yet I think the prospect is, that been wholly supported ; five boys, and we shall be able to lead them on gradthree girls: but at present we have butually in these things. Fish have been six, four boys and two girls; one of each having been dismissed. They are pretty well instructed in the usual branches of business common in this country, and are quite industrious.

so low the past year, that they have done very little. In general they have done finely at making sugar. Many families, of those who fall under my labors, have made 4, 5, or 600lbs. and probably some have gone over that amount.

Our Sabbath school and Bible class are still continued. The former, much as it was at my last report; the latter Br. Cameron has been down here. is not so well attended as then; it He stopped on the other side of the never is at this season of the year. Of river, but attended meeting with us. our Sabbath meetings at home, I can- He has baptized quite a number renot report so favorably as at some cently; but how many I do not now former times. Those held with the recollect. He will, doubtless, report Indians, continue to be of about their the particulars to the Board. usual interest. But those with the white people have seldom been at a lower ebb, for any length of time, since we have been here; yet we hold on

our way.

Of my labors with the Indians abroad, my journal will give a more full and distinct account. During the past year, I have travelled about 800 miles in visiting them at their different hunting and fishing locations. In these missionary excursions, I have preached fifty-one regular discourses, besides several lectures ; have held eight prayer and conference meetings, and have camped out" several nights, both summer and winter, where we had no Indians to preach to. These are in addition to my regular labors at the station. But with all these labors I am unable to report any additions to the church by baptism, during the year. No alterations have taken place in the church since my semi-annual report. Present number seventeen; besides one from whom we have heard nothing for several years. Br. Shegud (the assistant) has maintained his meeting at Utikwamenan during the time the Indians remained there, with the exception of a short interval. There was a time when the attendance became quite small, and the discouragement he felt, together with his feeble state of health, led him to drop his meetings for a short time. But I soon visited them, and endeavored to strengthen his bauds. I pressed upon them the importance of attending the ministrations of the word; and they revived again.

I believe he has acted the part of a faithful assistant in his labors with that people.

The Indians have planted their gardens, the present season, but have made no considerable additions to

On that side of the lake (the Canada side) no ardent spirits are carried among the Indians; consequently their prejudices and opposition are much more easily overcome. It was so here, when we had succeeded in rooting out that bane of human society from among us. But now that it has returned upon us, with all its destructive power, what will be the result of our labors, we cannot tell. In reference to translations, I would remark, that Dr. James' work was never revised, as it ought to have been, and as we intended to have it. Br. Cameron commenced a revision, but found so many alterations necessary, that he concluded to translate it anew.

We give below, a few extracts from the journal of Mr. Bingham, relating particularly to his missionary excursions among the scattered portions of the tribe, which have their residence during part of the year, along the banks of the St. Mary's above and below the military station.

Missionary tour-Death of an Indian


Feb. 19, 1841. Friday morning I started on my tour down the river. About four o'clock, P. M., I reached a place where were four lodges, and five families. Most of the Indians present came out to meeting in the evening.

20. Proceeded to Nawesakodan, where were three lodges together, and three others at a distance. Two families had encamped here the night before our arrival-the old chief Keokas and his son. Here we spent the next day, which was Sabbath. The Indians laid aside their business for the meetings, though they had but little to eat. As usual, had three services during the day and evening. Here was Nawagezhik, with his mother, and the family

Bwam said he believed what he had heard was the truth; admitted his own personal need of religion, but said the force of the truths he heard soon left his mind. He resolved that from that time he would endeavor to abandon drink. Said he had never said so before, but he now declared it before those persons as witnesses.

The mother informed me, that the night | on the subject of religion, and answer before I visited them last fall, his wife my questions, to come in. All came (who was then just gone with the con- except one woman. At the beginning sumption) dreamed that I made them of the meeting br. Shegud appeared a visit, and talked with her. And, rather dispirited, and I proceeded with said the mother, "the next day you the others. The members were faint, came, just as she had dreamed." The yet not wholly disheartened; but found sick woman died, the Sabbath after many trials and discouragements in left there. But, the mother added, "she the way. After they had spoken, I was not afraid to die; and said she did questioned the others. not think hard of the Lord for making her sick, or taking her out of the world.” | This was her method of expressing her daughter's resignation under sickness and in prospect of death. She repeated the expression a number of times, "She was not afraid to die." I asked her if she thought her daughter fully believed the gospel? She replied, that she did fully; and, said she, "that was the reason she was not afraid to die ;" and said further, that she had a great desire to see me again before she died. The thought forcibly struck my mind -who knows but the doctrine preached to her when I was there-" but now God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," may have been specially applied by the Holy Spirit to her dark mind, and made effectual to her conversion? It may be that the judgment day will unfold results of our labors, of which we now have little idea. The thought did, at least, relieve somewhat the painful depression that had for some time affected my mind, in view of the little apparent fruits of my labors.

Of another excursion to Whitefish Point, on lake Superior, the journal has the following notices. They reached the Indian settlement on the 24th of June, and the following day, Mr. | B. visited the two principal families, those of Bwam and Mukubwam.

An inquiry meeting.

After evening meeting, had some conversation with Mukubwam on drinking, &c. The conversation was introduced by himself. I related to him the resolution formed by our first female convert at Pawetin, and recommended her course as a pattern for him. Deacon Shegud followed up the subject, and finally related the manner in which he escaped a critical temptation at Mackinaw.

June 27. Lord's-day. Had good meetings. At the close of the afternoon service I notified an evening conference, and invited all who were willing to have me converse with them


Mukubwa, in answer to a question I put respecting himself, said he told his family they must go to meeting, and attend to these things, adding that he wished to have them become christians. Seeing him fully disposed to justify himself, I informed him that he was lacking in one important thing. He ought to lead the way. In all good things a father should always teach his family by example as well as precept. After some appropriate remarks from the deacon, M. said, he did fully believe that the word he heard was not the word of man, but the word of God. · And it was evidently the most serious word I ever heard him speak. Bwam's wife thought if he kept his resolution, it would be a great means of enabling ner to embrace christianity.

The mother of Shegud's wife said, the loss of her children had mich affected her mind. Admitted her need of religion, and promised she would endeavor to follow my instructions and advice. The others also admitted their need of a Savior.

28. Returned to the Bay. Found nine lodges including Bwam's, who came down with us.


Next day had two services. subjects were solemn and interesting. After meeting, had some talk with an Indian whose English name is James D. Knowles, and who is sick. He said an increasing solemnity had rested on his mind ever since I was there before; but said he was not a christian.

In this tour Mrs. B. and our two little girls accompanied me; and I found it profitable. She interested the minds of the females, and instructed them in things that I could not. She was delighted with the trip, and her health was improved by it.

We were absent eight days; I preached eight discourses, and held one conference meeting. It was the most agreeable trip I have had these two years.

Arrival of other missionaries-Commun

ion season.

July 4. Lord's-day. Just as I was going into meeting, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. James, and Miss Spooner, missionaries from the A. B. C. F. M. arrived and put up with


Mr. Wheeler preached for me. 5. As the birth-day of our national Independence occurred on the Sabbath, the national salute was fired in the Fort with but little parade. This afternoon we celebrated it at the mission, by prayer and praise to God, in connection with reading the declaration. Our missionary brethren, and the Rev. Mr. Brockway, were present, who also took part in the services.


miles beyond, travelling at intervals to the dif ferent hunting and fishing stations of the Indians.

Annual report of the mission-Additions to the church-Favorable prospects.

I feel great pleasure in reporting to the Board the blessed success which has attended my missionary labors during the past year among the natives residing on the northern shores of lake Superior. Ascribing all the praise to our Heavenly Father for his unspeakable mercies, I have to inform the Board that there has been this year an addition of eight members to our church, of whom five are males, and three females. The whole number is thirty. The spirit of one has departed into the blessed mansions of eternity: the mother of my dear children. Her end was a happy one. She died full of faith in the blessed Redeemer.

The native brethren are steadfast in Solomon Parker,-one of our the faith, and seem to appreciate, very Seneca scholars, who was under our in- much, the privilege of hearing the struction all the time we were with word of life preached. Those residing that people, being at Mackinaw, came in this vicinity have not enjoyed that over and made us a visit. He is not blessing as much as those in the neighpious, but still an interesting young borhood of Fort William. I have We had considerable conversa-pitched upon this place as my winter tion and prayer with and for him. He quarters for the ensuing winter. The remarked that he felt happy to meet natives are very much pleased with my his old teachers, and receive renewed decision, knowing that it is designed instruction from their lips. for their special good.


23. Had a day of humiliation and prayer. But our missionary brethren were obliged to leave us, the vessel being freighted, and the wind fair. We however accompanied them to the place of their embarkation, where we kneeled down upon the shore and had a precious season in prayer. From an acquaintance of almost three weeks, we were highly pleased with them all; and we rejoice to see the region beyond us being supplied with such missionaries.

The other part of the day was spent with our native members, and we felt that it was a good season. Our native members all arrived from the interior, and were all present at the communion.


The prospect of doing good to the natives at this place, is very encouraging. Some years have elapsed since many of them heard the word of God preached, as I have been most of the time absent. Their love to the truth however, seems to be unabated, judging from what I hear from the brethren. It is expedient, therefore, that measures be adopted to satisfy their hungering and thirsting after the bread and water of life.

During my short stay here, this summer, a goodly number of natives arrived at this post for the purpose of receiving religious instruction. They were from one of the Company's posts, called New Brunswick, about ninety miles from this. It unfortunately happened that necessity obliged me to hasten on my way to the Sault, from

ERON, DATED MICHIPICOTON, (LAKE scarcity of provisions. The disagreeSUPERIOR) SEPT. 29, 1841.

able consequence was, that I had to leave without giving them much instruction. The head of the band had come to me a few years before at this

The station at which this letter is dated is a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company, on the northern shore of Lake Superior. Mr. C. usually resides a portion of the year at this sta- *The number added last year was seven. tion, and a portion at Fort William, about thirty | See Magazine for February last.

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