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State of the school.

constitutes an education. There are | vantage of his absence to give themtherefore, many inducements for teach- selves up to all kinds of vice and folly. ing Chinese children, if for no other It is not to be inferred from this that purpose than for mental discipline, his fancied presence offers any very while they would thus secure a longer effective restraint to their conduct, time for religious instruction. though there are degrees of wickedness, even among the heathen. We have reason to be grateful that the people here are not given up to act entirely without restraint. Public opinion, the fear of their gods, and the fear of their rulers, check to some extent the overflowings of corruption from the heart of a heathen; still there remains enough of superstition, deceit, and licentiousness to sadden the heart of every lover of virtue, and to call for the devout prayers and persevering efforts of the friends of God. We need here a great increase of instrumentality, according to the ordinary plan of God's operation, to stay this desolating tide of iniquity. We feel also, to some extent, the need of more faith and heavenly-mindedness, and more union of feeling and concert of action.

13. A small edition of the "History of Elijah," compiled by Mrs. Dean, has been completed to-day. It is a free translation of the scripture account of Elijah, or rather the substance given in language adapted to the Chinese idiom, so as to avoid the stiffness of a translation. Having been revised by two natives, who are scholars, it promises to be intelligible to the native readers. The scholars are making encouraging progress in reading and writing English, as well as in Chinese; and we have reason to hope that the new year, which with them commences next week, will open upon the school with more encouraging prospects than any previous one. The present term is to close with this week, and the boys are to have a vacation of three weeks. Next term we hope to adopt some new regulations in the school, which could not have been introduced in its earlier existence. Br. Goddard has the superintendence of the school for the present; and is expected to continue the charge of the English department. It is important that something be done here for the instruction of girls, but for the present we are able to do nothing more than to admit three or four to the boys' school.

New year's holiday-Chinese superstitions-The small-pox.

23. This being the Chinese new year, some of the members of the church, with others residing on the compound, had of their own accord concerted to hold a prayer meeting, of which we had no knowledge till they came for permission to occupy the chapel for that purpose.

24. Sabbath. Keok-cheng conducted worship in the chapel this morning, and selected for a text 2 Cor. v. 17, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature."

Chek-kok, one of the members, who has been absent three weeks from meeting in consequence of the prevalence of the small-pox in his family, was present to-day. He appeared

somewhat softened in his feelings, 17. This being the last Sabbath in while relating the fact that one of his the Chinese year, I addressed the as- boys had died of this disease. His sembly in the morning, from 1 Peter brethren congratulated him that he had iv. 7, endeavoring to apply the subject escaped by losing but one out of six, to the impenitent, the church, and the while a far greater proportion are exmembers of the school who are to re-pected to die of this complaint. It is turn to their parents to-morrow morning, for the vacation.

Feasting, and a variety of idolatrous rites, need especially to be guarded against at this present time, as the new year's holidays are approaching. The presiding deity is now, according to the ideas of the Chinese, about to retire from the superintendence of earthly affairs, and to enjoy for a few days the happiness of heaven. He leaves his subjects here below to engage in dissipation and crime; and they take ad

a common notion among the Chinese, that their offspring are not to be considered as their children, till after they have had the small-pox-there being so little prospect that they will survive. We endeavored to improve the occasion in reference to the father and others present.

The remaining part of the journal is dated at Singapore, and brings down our intelligence from the mission to the date of Mr. D.'s letter contained in our last number.

Health and other circumstances of mis- be forwarded soon. We now wait for sionaries-Chinese converts. the return of br. Jones, and hope he with him to reinforce the several demay bring a number of missionaries partments of our mission.

Singapore, Feb. 22. I left my family and the mission at Bangkok on the first of the present month and reached this place three days ago, with health Monthly concert-Return of missionariesso much improved, that I expect to return to my usual employments in Siam March 1. I have this evening enjoyby the first opportunity. I left the ed the pleasure of attending the monthschool and the church and other inter- ly concert of prayer with the missionests connected with the Chinese de-ary brethren here, and of taking a part partment of the mission, in charge of in the exercises connected with the Mrs. Dean, Mr. Goddard and Keok-departure of Mr. and Mrs. Orr, of the cheng. The church numbered fifteen Presbyterian Board, and of others who Chinese; and one Siamese had been are about to leave our missionary cirbaptized by Mr. Davenport. The cle, and return to their native land. school was about to assemble after the We regret to part with them because new year's holidays. The members of their society is valued, and their labors the station were in usual health except much needed here; but we indulge br. Slafter, who had been unwell for a the hope that they may do much at few days before I left. home to aid us in our efforts. Having Mr. Orr of the Presbyterian Board, been eye witnesses to scenes among Mr. Travelli of the A. B. C. F. M. and the heathen, and having been engaged Dr. Diver from the Canton station, are personally in endeavors to preach the about to sail from here for America in gospel; and going away with a lively consequence of ill health; and Mrs. interest in the work which has engrossMcBryde of the Presbyterian Board ed their hearts and hands while here, here, is now suffering from small-pox. we depend upon them for a faithful The few remaining missionaries here representation of the mission cause, enjoy comfortable health. The Chi-and the state of the heathen. We folnese teacher employed by Mr. Goddard low them with our prayers, while we while in Singapore, has recently been desire to commend them to the symbaptized by Mr. Stronack of the Lon-pathies and kind attention of our chrisdon Missionary Society. Chu Tit tian friends at home. Capt. Codman Lang, the Chinaman who was baptized of the "Sarah Parker" is now here, in England and returned to Canton or and perhaps may go to Siam; if so, Macao, with the prospect of usefulness I shall go with him; and if not, I exto his countrymen, has recently for-pect a Siamese vessel will be ready to feited the confidence and fellowship leave here in two or three weeks. of the missionaries by using opium, and other unchristian conduct.

Perhaps br. Jones may arrive to go on with me, as capt. C. informs me that he was to sail in two or three weeks after him.

My health is now very good-the change of air and the little sea voyage having done all that could have been anticipated in my favor.


You have perhaps heard of the death of Messrs. Evans & Henghs of Malacca, who died about a month ago, within a few hours of each other. The latest reports from China indicate that the recent arrangement, for the Chinese to pay to the English six millions of dollars, and give them the Island of Hong-kong, will not be ratified by the EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF MR. Emperor; and that in consequence hostilities may again be renewed. Chinese trading vessels still come to this port to some extent. About twenty had reached Bangkok from China before we left, and others were seen passing up the gulf of Siam. The particulars relative to the mission at Bangkok, including both the Chinese and Siamese departments, will be found in a report for 1840, which will

*See Mr. Davenport's letter, p. 250 of the September number.

The subjoined extracts, though not of so recent a date as the preceding journal, are of interest, as referring to a particular department

of labor.

Tract distribution-Siamese customs.

A few

Singapore, Sept. 9, 1840. days since I went out with the printing office men, to distribute tracts. The books being brought we started for a place of Siamese exhibition. At the age of ten, twelve, or thirteen, the

The God of heaven claimed attention for a short time, and the name of Jesus, so sweet to a believer's ear, was repeated by many who now have his

Having given away here about three hundred copies of the parables, with explanations, we left the place, to finish our work among the market boats, and the merry, thoughtless company struck up their plays again.

Siamese lads have their cue of hair cut, | their neighbors, &c., each endeavoring and the hair trimmed like those of the to obtain as many as possible. men, and then they are regarded as men. When this is done, the wealthy make a great parade. Play actors are employed, musicians called, and a scene of merriment is enjoyed for sev-word in their hands; but alas! they eral days. The exhibition to-day was have not his love in their hearts. one of this kind. The performers were all dressed in a habit which set tight to the skin on the upper part of the body, appearing as if the skin were itself the only covering, and that of some was silver, and others gold. With their other clothes-some of Although the great mass, in the hunmen-some of women, and their richly dreds of boats through which we ornamented caps, they were equipped crowded our way, were females, most for their thousand strange pranks and of whom cannot read, yet compassion gesticulations. Most of these were for their souls and the souls of their performed in slow time. Masks were husbands and children, who perchance used by some, but they were placed can read Siamese, seemed to dictate that upon the head like a cap-thus show-they too should have their books. ing two faces, instead of being used to Thus we sow the precious seed in conceal one. hope.

The actors were located under a shed built upon a float in the river in front of a high house, in the verandah | of which were the family, the relatives and friends, for whom the scene was got up. Thus situated they had a fair view of the actors, and the multitude of people thronging the crowd of boats, through which ours with difficulty found its way.

Books were now freely given to the boat inmates, and a man was despatched with his arms full, to act his part upon the stage, which he did most perfectly. For no sooner had he supplied the nearest lookers on under the shed, than those on the stage, without the least seeming confusion, one after another, stopped their play and applied for tracts.

At this moment I cast my eyes to the house above, to see, if possible, the effect this would have upon the gentry in that quarter. There seemed at first to be manifested rather a feeling of surprise, which I was about to regard as unfavorable. A man was just then despatched from thence to our boatto beg us to leave, as I supposed-but by this time a lad had reached the verandah with some tracts, which were

received with tokens of pleasure, just as the messenger called on us saying, "the people of the house have sent me to beg ten tracts." Seeing the multitude, we gave him twenty. These proved not to be enough, and he was allowed twenty more.

As a matter of course, every one begged a handful for the house and for

O! for the Holy Spirit's influence to bless the seed sown, and to cause it to bring forth an abundant harvest. None but those shut out from the blaze of religious light, and shut up amid the gloom of idolatry, can realize our feelings when we look and pray for the heavenly Comforter.


TWest Africa.


Events of the year-State of the school.

The past year has been one which has put our faith to the test, but our Heavenly Father has sustained us. Soon after its commencement, our dear sister Crocker left this state of disappointment and suffering for one of purity and peace. Br. C.* was brought near the grave, and after his partial recovery, he found it necessary to take a short sea voyage. At the same time br. Day's health was very feeble ; leaving only Mrs. Clarke and myself to do what little we could. With much gratitude we are permitted to say, that our health has been unusually good, so that the school at Edina has been continued with very little interruption. Br. Day's health was soon much improved; but as it was found impracticable for him to reside at Bexley, six

Now in this country.

miles distant, and do justice to the school at Edina, and as the former appeared to be a desirable place for a school, we thought it best to make the experiment. It has thus far proved very encouraging. On an average about ten native and fifteen American children, have attended the school. Bexley is a fine and comparatively healthy place, and it may be thought expedient, at some future period, to make it our head quarters. The school at Made Bli has been taught during br. Crocker's absence and sickness, by a young man whom he has employed as interpreter and school teacher. His education is limited, but we trust he is pious, and that he may be useful in the mission. I think the number of children at that station, during the past year, has been about eight. Their progress appears to have been very good.

Arrival of missionaries-Death of Mr. and Mrs. Fielding.

On the 3d of December, our hearts were gladdened by the arrival of brethren Fielding and Constantine and their wives. Though they were directed to another field of labor, we thought it advisable, as they had no experience in relation to the African fever, that they should remain with us awhile. We thought our location nearly as healthy as any on this coast, and that, with proper care and precaution, there was but little danger. After they had been here about three weeks Mrs. Fielding was attacked with the fever, but her case appeared no way alarming at first. For some days her fever was not high, and the symptoms appeared favorable until the eighth. At that time we thought her much better, but during the day she grew worse, and became deranged. We did all we could do for her, but nothing seemed to be of any service. On the tenth day of her sickness, she bade farewell to earth, and we doubt not ascended to her Savior. We can only say, God had determined to take her to himself.

The next day she was interred on the mission lot, near the grave of sister Crocker. Her husband, although he evidently felt her loss very keenly, was much composed, and seemed to have strong confidence in God. He kept up about five days after his wife's death, and was then attacked by the fatal dis


He had a high fever for four or five days, when he appeared better, and we thought he would soon recover.

But alas! it was only the calm that precedes the tempest. Exhausted nature began to give way; his strength departed; reason fled; and he left us dismayed. I began to think that I had before known nothing of the African fever. I had lived in the midst of death and knew it not. How merciful has the Lord been to me and my companion! O that we could love and serve him as we ought! Poor neglected Africa, how few are laboring for thy good! Who will brave thy burning sands, and the dangers of thy climate, to disperse thy darkness and carry the lamp of life to thy dying sons?

The good accomplished-Prospects of the mission.

We all regretted that br. Crocker was obliged to leave us, but we trust he will soon return, even if his health should not be fully confirmed.


Though the past year has been one of much affliction and trial, yet we hope some good has been done. We have been afilicted, but not disheartenedcast down, but not destroyed. schools on the whole have afforded increasing evidence of their usefulness. Much, we trust, has been done to secure the confidence of the natives. Two years ago we found it difficult to obtain boys, and almost impossible to procure girls for the school; now we can obtain many more of either, than we can support. Wherever we go the natives hear us attentively, and acknowledge the truth of what we say. The colonists, we have reason to hope, are beginning to feel more interest in the salvation of the natives. A few months since, societies were formed at Edina and Basa Cove, for the express purpose of aiding in the spread of the gospel among the heathen of this land. The society at Edina, last Monday evening, voted to support two native children at our school in this place.

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Visit to England-Deputation to Denmark-Interviews with the king-Decision of the court.

and the government can retain them in prison, it appears, until either the matter be amicably settled, or security not preach again, and administer the given, (if it is insisted on,) that they will ordinances. In the mean time the interest of the public in favor of our friends is on the increase, and in some of the papers they are ably defended. The number of converts is also increasing, and everything warrants the hope that the faith and steadfastness of our brethren will be crowned with great


Let me now allude briefly to the results of my visit to England and Scotland. Through the blessing of God, the objects I had in view have been, to a considerable extent, realized. I obtained the necessary documents from the Baptist Union, for our brethren at Copenhagen-the Baptist churches in the West-riding of Yorkshire were induced to send a deputation to Denmark-a general interest was awakened among the churches I visited, for Adolph Munster have, through their As our dear brethren Peter and the continent; and I obtained for the long imprisonment, been entirely cut objects of our Tract Society, upwards off from all efforts to provide for their of $1300. The deputation consisting families, I have been under the necesof the brethren J. E. Giles of Leeds, sity of supporting them as far as possiand Dowson of Bradford, have already ble, and I hope when their case beaccomplished their mission to the comes known to the friends of Christ coast of Denmark. They were per- in America, they will generously do mitted to see the king twice, and to what they can for the support of brethplead the cause of our suffering brethren who have sacrificed themselves for ren fully. They were also permitted Christ and his gospel. to read the memorials they bore, in his majesty's presence; all of which produced a most salutary impression, as you will see from the Baptist (Eng.) Magazine, in which our brethren have given an account of their visit and its ing. My stay at home before I left on The cause at Hamburg is prosperresults. The king has in consequence the present tour, was very short. 1 of these appeals, and especially also in was occupied day and night, for nearly consequence of the kind interference four weeks. Ten new converts were of Mrs. Fry and Mr. J. J. Gurney, who added to our number, and several aphave evinced a deep interest in our per-plied for admission, who, I hope, will secuted churches,-offered to release our brethren Munster immediately from prison, if they would desist from conducting religious meetings, at least until the whole affair was settled. Or he would grant them, besides the three places already appointed, where others besides the Lutheran sect may live, another place, which they might choose, if that would satisfy them. Our brethren, have however, nobly refused to accept these offers, as the churches in Langeland and at Aalburg must then be sacrificed. They are enabled to exercise confidence in God, that he will in due time prepare a way for their deliverance. The court has decided in their case, and I rejoice to say that though our brethren are by that decision not liberated, it is a most favorable decision, and altogether against the demands of the court of Chancery. Our brethren have to pay sixty dollars banco, and the expenses,

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be received on my return. We continue to enjoy peace, and the meetings for preaching at my house, are crowded to excess. Nothing seems more desirable for us than to have a larger place for worship, as to all appearance, vast numbers of attentive hearers would listen to the gospel. I hope that prejudice against us is gradually subsiding, and that at no distant period we shall have to rejoice in the conversion of multitudes, and in the spread of pure and undefiled religion on an extensive scale. May God make us faithful in the work and trials to which we may yet be called, and encourage us by what has already been accomplished, but more especially by his promises!

fresen in Hanover, and at Oldenburg, At Marburg in Hessia,-at Othour dear brethren have been exposed to severe trials. They have lost their property, and can only meet for prayer and mutual exhortation in the dead Othfresen have been treated with great hour of the night. Our brethren at severity, and as they are all inexperi

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