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Brooklyn, Mr. Steele, for Karen Mission, per Rev. Silas Ilsley, 5,00 Rochester, 2d Baptist Church and


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TER, DATED Jaipur, June 14, 1841.

The October number of the Magazine contains several letters from the missionaries in Asam. Although they had been subjected to many and severe trials-recently, in the death of one of their number (Miss Bronson), and in the removal of Mr. B. from his station among the Nagas-the hope was expressed that a brighter day was about to dawn upon the mis


Additional encouragement is given to this hope, by the intelligence contained in the following letter. It details the experience of a native youth, whose conversion was attended with peculiarly interesting circumstances.

centre of a very extensive population. A pious officer and his lady are there, and feel anxious a missionary should locate himself in that vicinity. If br. Bronson should go to Now-gong, Jorhath or Gowahati should I think be occupied by the next missionaries that come out. O, if the Board could send out at once, four missionary families, what cause of rejoicing and gratitude would it be! Two pious, well-educated, and well-informed missionaries would find a wide field of usefulness at the large and important station at Gowwhere br. Robinson would be able to ahati, where capt. Jenkins resides, and render them considerable assistance. At this station, more than perhaps any other in Asam, two should be associa

for mutual counsel, deliberation and prayer.

be stationed at Jorhath, the seat of The third missionary should Asamese learning and intelligence, and the residence of the principal native families or nobility of Asam. The fourth brother might be located at Diburu Gor, a new and important station, recently formed by the political agent for Upper Asam. It is situated near the mouth of the Diburu river, about two miles from the Brahmaputra, and is the principal station in that portion of Asam called Mattak, which embraces the whole of the tract lying between the Brahmaputra and Buri Dihing rivers, as far up as Jaipur.

A new station at Sibsagor-Other stated, as they will have frequent occasion tions proposed-Prospects of Jaipur. On the 18th of May, br. and sister Barker left us for Rangpur, or as the station is now called, Sibsagor, for the purpose of locating themselves there. We have heard of their safe arrival, in the enjoyment of excellent health. They appear pleased with their new location. Sibsagor is about fifty miles below this place, and about two thirds of the way from this to Jorhath. It is the head quarters of the Asam Light Infantry; and is the residence of the magistrate and collector of the distirct, which embraces a large extent of country. As the native population is fast increasing, it seems a very desirable location for a missionary, and we cannot but rejoice that br. Barker has gone


Br. Bronson contemplates removing to some place below Sibsagor, and forming a new missionary station. I think perhaps he will go to Now-gong, which is represented as being the

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Jaipur is, I think, a healthy location, perhaps quite as much so as any place this side of Bishnoth, (which is high ground on the Brahmaputra.) Arrangements are making to have much more extensive clearing made near this

* An English baptist brother, teacher of a government school.

station the ensuing cold season, and I have no doubt, it will be the means of drawing in a much larger population than we have at present; and that it will also make the station still more healthy. The first year we arrived here, there were no drains, no roads, and the grass jungle was growing up in every direction around our doors, It would have been remarkable if it had not been unhealthy. As it was, there was as little sickness here as at any other station in Upper Asam.

Six or eight days would bring us into a large and populous district of Shyans, by crossing the Naga hills. No European has yet done this, but as the upper ranges of Nagas are every month becoming more friendly, we may, I hope, in the course of a year or so, venture over among them. This (Jaipur) is I think a very important point, although we should not select it for a station on account of the native population at present resident here, while such places as Jorhath are unoccupied. But if we ever get into the Shyan districts and China from this quarter, it must be either from Sadiya or Jaipur. And as br. Brown's time is mostly taken up in translating, and mine in the printing office, I think it as good a place for the press as we could possibly find. And though the population is now sparse around us, yet there are quite as many inhabitants as we can faithfully attend to with our other duties.

Conversion of a native youth-Interesting


Among the lads in our employ, there are two or three who have been scholars in the school from its first commencement at Sadiya, and have, 1 think, become fully convinced of the truth of the christian religion, without however experiencing its quickening and regenerating power upon their hearts. We have been recently cheered by seeing one of them weeping on account of his sins, and subsequently rejoicing in the Savior, and publicly acknowledging him before the world. His name is Nidhi, about fourteen or fifteen years of age, and is one of the most intelligent lads we have. He was bound an apprentice to me by his father in 1837, for the purpose of learn ing the trade of a printer. About the time of our removal to Jaipur, both his parents died. From that time we took him more particularly under our care, and he was seldom away from the

house or office excepting at his meals. We thus had opportunities for instiling into his mind the truths of christianity, and of urging upon him the importance of early surrendering his heart to God. He appeared some times to listen with interest; and at one time he prayed often, and read such portions of scripture as were published, with apparent pleasure. He renounced caste, and we hoped he would soon become a sincere disciple of Jesus. Our hearts were pained, however, to see him gradually fall back, into his former state of indifference and inattention to the concerns of his soul. This was his condition up to the first entry in the following extracts from my journal.

May 23. On our return home from our usual prayer meeting last evening, we found Nidhi appeared very grave and thoughtful, but did not suspect it arose from any thing of a religious nature, particularly as he had manifested an unusual disrelish for the truths of the gospel for some weeks previous. I sat down to read over a proof, which I continued till the clock struck twelve. I had several times told Nidhi he might retire, but he remained till I rose to leave the room, when he said he wished to speak with me. I sat down again, and told him to say what he wished. He then told me that in reading a short prayer from the "Lessons for Infant Schools," he instantaneously felt himself to be a lost and ruined sinner, and he inquired of me with earnestness, "what shall I do to be saved?" I inquired if he had been guilty of any particular sin which should make him feel thus? He replied, "No particular sin, but I have sinned against God from my infancy, every day of my life, and deserve to be sent to hell forever." He sobbed aloud and the tears flowed profusely. After conversing with him a long time, I asked him if he would like to unite with me in prayer. We kneeled down; and after I had implored the blessed influences of the Holy Spirit to rest upon this first sincere inquirer after truth, he commenced and offered up a fervent and appropriate prayer; that God would give him light, and for Jesus' sake blot out his sins and create within him a new heart.

After giving him a few more words of advice, I retired to my room with indescribable feelings, and poured forth my soul in praise and thanksgiving to God for this manifestation of his

love to one of these benighted Asam- | Matthew in type in Asamese, Bengali character.


To-day he attended our English worship, and afterwards visited br. Brown, who conversed and prayed with him. The rest of the day he spent in reading the Bible, the Missionary's Daughter, or Memoir of Dorothy Sophia Brown, (with whom he had been acquainted) and other suitable books. We cannot persuade him to eat. His sins seem to weigh him down, and whenever he is spoken with on the subject, he bursts into tears. I never saw him shed a tear before when speaking about the concerns of his soul. May the Lord carry on the work he has thus begun!

25. Nidhi has continued to devote himself to the reading of the word and prayer. To-day while returning from an interview with br. Brown, light suddenly broke in upon his mind, and with joy beaming in his countenance, he told me that he felt his burden removed! O, what cause for devout gratitude and praise! He really seems an altered child. This evening he appeared calm and happy, and delights to speak of the love of his Savior. I inquired how he felt towards his young companions? He replied, that he loved and pitied them, and wished to talk with them very much, and tell them of the Savior he had found. I told him that his friends and associates

might laugh at him, and ridicule him. He replied that he should not feel angry but truly sorry for them, because they knew no better.

The son of a Khamti chief who is in our family, under the instruction of Mrs. C., is a warm friend of Nidhi's, and he said he wished very much to converse with him. I accordingly sent them both into my study, where Mrs.

This evening after prayer meeting we examined Nidhi, and all obtained the fullest satisfaction that he was a fit subject for the ordinance of baptism. As he is anxious it should not be delayed, we unanimonsly agreed to receive him as a disciple of Christ, and that the ordinance should be administered to-morrow.

Sabbath exercises-Baptism.

13. Sabbath. This morning at our English worship I read a sermon by Bishop Wilson on the danger and guilt of being ashamed of Christ. Eight individuals were present, besides our missionary circle. Soon after worship we all repaired to the river's side, accompanied by the natives in our employ, who were soon joined by a large concourse of others. Br. Brown has been confined to the house with a severe cold and cough for the past fortnight, but he ventured out to-day, and delivered a long and interesting address at the water, in Asamese, followed by an appropriate prayer in the same language. Br. Bronson then led Nidhi down into the stream, and baptized him in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. After singing a doxology, and pronouncing a benediction, the assembly dispersed.

This is the first baptismal scene we have been permitted to witness in Asam. May it be but the commencement of brighter days for this benighted province!

The assembly paid the most serious attention, and we sincerely hope the services will be blest to many who were present,-both Europeans and


Mrs. C.'s health has been much bet

C. overheard N. entreating and plead-ter for the last two months than for a ing with his young friend, with the long time previous. She continues greatest earnestness, and frequently his her school as usual. weeping interrupted his speech. He also read to him from Matthew, and afterwards they both went down to have an interview with Mr. Brown.

29. Nidhi appears well, and all the brethren and sisters are satisfied that

it is the work of the Holy Spirit, and that he has really passed from death unto life. He engaged in prayer at our meeting this evening. O how cheering the sound of prayer from the lips of one of these Asamese! May the Lord increase their number an hundred fold.

June 12. To-day finished putting

We earnestly hope that the strong appeal for more laborers, made in the preceding and in former letters from this mission, will not be forgotten by our readers. Mr. Brown, in his last communication, says "We have been sadly disappointed, in not receiving help from home. We had fondly hoped that ten missionaries, at least, would have been sent among the Asamese. They present a most encouraging and inviting field; they are, in a great measure, a civilized people; a good portion of them can already read; and their country is rapidly becoming one of the most important in all the Company's possessions."

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This act of persecution has thus resulted in our favor, and may tend to the furtherance of the gospel. The teacher appeared to endure it patiently, and we have reason to hope it may be the means of improving his piety and usefulness.

Tract distribution-Native preaching

Female education.

9. To-day distributed five hundred from the country, of which there are tracts, chiefly among the sugar-boats large numbers now in Bangkok-the new crop of sugar being just ready for market. At some of the boats we remained some time for conversation, and found the men desirous of receiving books, and apparently interested in the conversation. In this way we in

ple without going to their houses. In many instances, we find families, including parents and children, living in their boats while they remain in the city.

Jan. 3. Sabbath. This morning I preached to the people from a portion of the second chapter of Hebrews, and enjoyed divine assistance in endeavor-crease our acquaintance with the peoing to explain the way of salvation by the merits of Jesus Christ. At the prayer meeting at eleven o'clock, the Chinese brethren each expressed briefly their growing attachment to the service of the true God, after which several engaged in prayer for the coming of the Redeemer's kingdom. We then took up a collection amounting to nearly six ticals, (about $3,50.) It was interesting to see several of the school children contributing, unsolicited, to aid in giving the gospel to the heathen. At one o'clock, P. M. the church assembled, when br. and sister Goddard were formally introduced into the church by an expression of approbation from each member, and the right hand of fellowship from the pastor; after which br. Goddard officiated in admin-listened to with some good degree of istering the Lord's supper. At half past three o'clock, P. M., Keok-cheng (the native assistant) addressed the people at the house in the bazar, where I was told there was an unusual number of Chinese assembled.

10. Sabbath. At our service in the chapel, Keok-cheng took a text from Rev. xxi. 8, and delivered a more formal sermon than he has before attempted. The text naturally divided itself into a number of particulars of great importance and of timely application to those who heard. The plan of the discourse had been suggested to him, but the illustrations were altogether original and calculated to produce a happy effect. At the house in the bazar, the parable of the sower was made the subject of remark, and

attention by a number of strangers. During the day, some of the parents and friends of the school boys came in, and listened with apparent interest to the explanation of some things relative to our operations. The mother of one of the boys who has been in the school three months, visited us to-day for the first time. She is a woman of intelligence, about thirty-five years of age, and presents an encouraging subject for religious instruction. She un

7. Yesterday one of the members of the church who is now employed in teaching the school, while distributing books in the bazar, was taken up by some police officers on the plea that he had not paid his tax, and confined in prison for the night, without food orderstands and speaks Chinese well, clothing-exposed to insult, and surrounded with filth to such an extent as to render his situation very uncomfortable. By application to Prince Chow Fah, to-day, his release has been procured, and the principle recognised, that inasmuch as he is supported by us in teaching the children of the natives, without expense on their part, he should be exempt from paying the tax.

and is one of a more numerous class of females in Bangkok than has been generally represented, so far as relates to a familiarity with the Chinese language. Few females here can read Chinese but many speak and understand it very well. They think that six months is a sufficient time for a native to learn to read Chinese, and also that learning to read and write

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