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'being, to authorize the proper Officers of the Exchequer, who may have been directed to pay, out of His Majefty's Civil Lift Revenues, any Sum or Sums to any Perfon or Perfons, for any Penfion, Fee or Salary which did not become due or could not be paid in confequence of the Death of the Perfon to whom it was directed to be paid, to pay the faid Sum to any other Perfon or Perfons, for the Purpofe of the fame being again paid into the Exchequer, and applied, if arifing upon the Third Clafs of the Civil Lift, to the Account of the Confolidated Fund, and if arifing in any other of the Claffes of the Civil Lift, to the Account of His Majefty's Civil 'Lift Revenues,' Be it therefore further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any Three or more of them, and they are hereby authorized, from time to time, by Warrant under their Hand or Hands, to direct the proper Officers of the Exchequer to pay to any Perfon Persons who may be named in the faid Warrant, any Sum or Sums which may have been directed to be paid to any Perfon or Perfons for any Penfion, Fee or Salary, but which did not become due could not be paid in confequence of the Death of the Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame was directed to be paid before the Day up to which fuch Penfion, Fee or Salary, may have been directed to be paid; and the Sum or Sums which may be received under fuch Warrant or Warrants fhall be repaid into the Exchequer, and applied, if arifing upon the Third Clafs of the Civil Lift, to the Account of the Confolidated Fund, and if arifing in any of the other Claffes of the Civil Lift, to the Account of His Majefty's Civil Lift Revenues.

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Treasury to direct Officers

of Exchequer
to pay to Perfons

named in any
Warrant, any
Penfion, Fee or
Salary which did

not become due or in confequence of Death of Perfon to whom fame was directed to be

'VIII. And Whereas it would effentially contribute to the Exercife of a due Economy in the different Branches of the Royal Houfehold, by eftablishing a more effectual Superintendence over that Part of the Civil Lift which belongs to the Departments of the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Steward and the Master of the Horfe, if an Officer were appointed fpecially for the Purpose of examining and auditing the Bills, Expences and Accounts of thofe Departments refpectively;' Be it therefore enacted, That it thall be lawful for the Lord High Treafurer, or the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treasury for the time being, or any Three or more of them, and they are hereby required, to appoint a proper Person, who fhall be empowered and required to examine and audit all the Tradefmen's Bills, and the Accounts and Expences incurred or to be incurred in the Departments of the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Steward and Mafter of the Horfe, and to examine into all the Expenditure within thofe Departments during its Progrefs, and to report thereon to the Lord High Treafurer, or the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury for the time being, fo that the fame may be, as far as may be practicable, in conformity to the previous Eftimates thereof, as fanctioned and approved by the Lord High Treafurer, or the Comoners of His Majefty's Treafury for the time being, or any Three or more of them; and the faid Officer in the Execution of the faid Duty fhall obey fuch Orders and Directions, as he shall from time to time receive from the Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of His Majesty's Treafury for the time being, or any Three or more of them; and it shall be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or the Comunitioners of His Majesty's Treafury for the time being, or any Three or more of them, to grant to fuch Officer, out of the Civil Lift



Treafury may appoint an Of

ficer to audit Civil Lift Ac


to fit in Parlia


Treasury to prepare Inftruc

tions for Guidance of fuch Officer.

Revenues, fuch Salary as His Majesty may think fit, not exceeding One Such Officer not thousand five hundred Pounds per Annum; and the faid Officer, during the holding of the faid Office fhall be and he is hereby declared to be incapable of being elected into or of fitting and voting in Parliament. IX. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury for the time being, or any Three or more of them, and they are hereby required, as foon as conveniently may be after the paffing of this Act, to prepare a full and complete Code of Inftructions for the Guidance of the Conduct of fuch Auditor in the Execution of his Duties as aforefaid; and it fhall be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or Commiffioners of the Treasury for the time being, or any Three or more of them, from time to time to alter and change fuch Code of Inftructions, or to iffue any additional Inftructions for the Conduct of the faid Officer, in fuch manner as the Good of His Majesty's Service may from time to time appear to them to require; and fuch Officer for the time being fhall in all cafes in the Execution of his Office govern himself in the Performance of his Duties therein by fuch Inftructions, in like manner in every respect as if the fame had been inferted and made Part of this Act.

Officer may fummon Per

fons, and require

Books, Accounts

and Vouchers, and examine upon Oath.

Affirmation of


Tradesmen, &c. offending ditmiffed, &c.


Perfons giving falfe Evidence before Auditor.

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• X. And Whereas it may be necessary that the faid Officer, in the • Execution of the Duty to be repofed in him, fhould be empowered to examine Perfons upon Oath; Be it therefore further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Officer, by and with the Confent and Authority, in each particular cafe, of the Lord High Treasurer, or Commiffioners of the Treasury for the time being, tc be fignified by One of the Secretaries of the Treafury, to call before him any of the Officers or Perfons holding any Offices, Situations o Places under the Lord Chamberlain, or under the Lord Steward, on under the Master of the Horfe, and alfo any Perfons not belonging to any or either of the faid Departments, who may have fupplied o furnished, or been concerned or employed in the supplying or furnish. ing any Articles, matters and things in or for the Ufe of either o the faid Departments refpectively, or who may be able, in the Judg ment of the faid Officer, to give any Information relating thereto, and to examine any fuch Perfon or Perfons as aforefaid upon Oath, o Affirmation (if Quakers), which Oath or Affirmation such Officer i hereby authorized to adminifter, as to any fuch Accounts, Expence or Charges, or any matters or things relating thereto, or as to an fuch Articles or things fo fupplied or furnished as aforefaid, or touch ing and concerning any matter or thing necessary for the full, ftric and accurate Examination and Audit of any fuch Accounts or Ex pences or Charges; and in cafe of the Failure by any Perfon to com ply with any fuch the lawful Requifition of the faid Officer, ever fuch Perfon fo refusing, if an Officer or Servant or Tradefman en ployed in any of the faid Departments, fhall be difmiffed from h Situation or Employment, and be incapable of being again employe as fuch Officer, Servant or Tradefman in the Service of His Majefty and every fuch Perfon fhall also be liable to the Payment of such Fi to His Majefty as the Court of Exchequer, on Application made the faid Court by the faid Officer, or by His Majefty's Attorn General, fhall think fit to fet and impofe, which Fine the faid Cou is hereby authorized and empowered to fet and impofe accordingly XI. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any Perfon in t Course of any Examination upon Oath or Affirmation before





fuch Auditor under the Provifions of this Act, fhall wilfully and corruptly give falfe Evidence, fuch Perfon fo offending, and being thereof duly convicted, shall be and is hereby declared to be subject and hable to fuch Pains and Penalties as by any Law now in force Perfons convicted of wilful and corrupt Perjury are fubject and liable to. XII. And be it further enacted, That the Officer fo to be ap- Officer, after pointed fhall, after he has duly examined fuch Accounts and Examination, to Vouchers as aforefaid, make up a State or States thereof, in fuch make out States Manner and Form as fhall be required by his Inftructions in that according to Behalf, and deliver the fame to the Lord High Treasurer, or Com- Treasury may miffioners of His Majefty's Treasury for the time being; and the remit for further faid Lord High Treasurer, or the Commiffioners of the Treasury Examination, or for the time being, or any Three or more of them, are hereby authorized, if they fhall fee fit, to direct any further Examination of the faid Account, or to allow the fame in cafe they fhall be satisfied therewith; and fuch Allowance, and a Warrant under His Majesty's Sign Manual iffued in pursuance of fuch Allowance, shall be a full and final Difcharge for and upon any fuch Account, to all Intents and Purposes, without any further or other Audit, Account, Allowance or Discharge whatever; any thing contained in any Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.

allow any War

rant, &c. to be a

final Discharge.

XIII. And be it further enacted, That whenever the total Charge Exceedings, Parupon the Civil Lift, from the Fifth Day of January in any one Year ticulars laid beto the Fifth Day of January in the fucceeding Year, shall amount to fore Parliament. more than One million one hundred thousand Pounds, an Account ftating the Particulars of fuch Exceeding, and the Cause thereof, shall be fubmitted to Parliament within Thirty Days after the fame shall have been afcertained, if Parliament shall be then fitting; but if Parliament shall not be then fitting, then the said Account fhall be prefented within Thirty Days after the next Meeting of Parliament.

The SCHEDULE to which this Act refers.

ESTIMATE of the probable future Annual Charge on the Civil Lift.




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Penfions andAllowances to the Royal Family
Allowances to the Lord Chancellor, Judges, &c.
Allowances to Foreign Ministers; including Pen-
fions to Foreign Minifters, and Salaries to Confuls
Bills of His Majefty's Tradefmen

Salaries to the Department of the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Steward, Mafter of the Horfe, Master of the Robes and Surveyor General of Works; including Compensation and Superannuation Allowances payable within those Departments CLASS-Penfions limited by Act 22 Geo. III. cap. 82. Salaries and Allowances to certain Officers and Perfons



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Salaries to the Commiffioners of the Treasury, and
Chancellor of the Exchequer

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£ 298,000











OCCASIONAL PAYMENTS, not comprised in any of the foregoing


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An Act for raifing the Sum of One million two hundred
thousand Pounds Irish Currency, by Treafury Bills, for the
Service of Ireland, for the Year One thoufand eight hundred
and fixteen.
[2cth June 1816.]
"IRISH Treasury may iffue Bills to a certain Extent to bear
"Intereft, f1. Bills iffued not to exceed 1,200,000l. 2. Banks
"of Ireland or England may advance 1,200,000l. on Credit of
"Act, $6.

[In all other respects except Dates this Aat is the fame as Cap. 41. ante.]


An Act to continue, until Three Months after the ceafing of
any Restriction impofed on the Bank of England from iffuing
Cath in Payment, the feveral Acts for confirming and con-
tinuing the Restrictions on Payments in Cash by the Bank of
[20th June 1816.]

"IRISH A&t, 37 G. 3. c. 51. continued by 43 G.3. c. 44. Both
"the recited Acts fhall have Continuance until the Expiration of
"Three Calendar Months next after any Reftriction impofed or to
"be imposed by any Act made or to be made in this prefent Seffion
"of Parliament on the Governor and Company of the Bank of
"England from iffuing Cafh in Payments fhall ceafe, unless the
"Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors and the
Privy Council of Ireland fhall, by an Order in Council, direct that
"the faid Restriction on the Governor and Company of the Bank of
"Ireland fhall fooner cease.

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An Act to explain and amend an Act, paffed in the last Seffion
of Parliament, for the more easy affeffing, collecting and
levying of County Rates.
[20th June 1816.]

WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Fifty fifth Year of the
Reign of His present Majefty, intituled An Act to amend
an A&t of His late Majefty King George the Second, for the more
eafy affeffing, collecting and levying of County Rates: And Whereas,
by the faid recited A&t, the Juftices of the Peace of the feveral
Counties, Ridings or Divifions of Counties, Cities, Towns or other
Places, having Commiffions of the Peace within themfelves, in that
Part of Great Britain called England, are authorized and empowered
to affefs and tax, for the Purposes of the faid Act, every Parish.
Townfhip and other Place, whether Parochial or Extra Parochial
• within the refpective Limits of their Commiffions, according to
• certain Pound Rate of the full and fair annual Value of the Mel
• fuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments rateable to the Relie
of the Poor therein; and Doubts having arisen under the faid A&
whether any Meffuages, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments
fituate within any Extra Parochial or other Place where no Rat
for Relief of the Poor is made and collected, could be made fubjec
to the County Rate to be raised under the faid Act, and it is ex
pedient that fuch Doubts fhould be removed;' Be it therefo


enacted by The King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and Heredita ments, fituate, lying or being in any Extra Parochial Place or other Places, whether rated to the Relief of the Poor or not fo rated, although the fame may not be deemed rateable to the Relief of the Poor within fuch Extra Parochial Places, or other Places where no Rate is made for the Relief of the Poor, fhall be, and the fame are hereby declared to be fubject to be affeffed, taxed and rated, by and under the Order, Direction and Authority of Juftices of the Peace, in fuch and the fame manner as the Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, within any Parishes or Places where a Rate is made for the Relief of the Poor; and the Juftices of the Peace shall in all cafes, where the fame may be neceffary, appoint proper Perfons within fuch Extra Parochial or other Places, as directed in and by the faid recited Act, for the affeffing, taxing and rating fuch Extra Parochial Meffuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and lerying, collecting and paying over fuch Affeffments, Taxes or Rates, under the Provifions of the faid recited Act.

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Extra Parochial and other Places, though able to the Relief of the Poor, fubject to be rated to the County Rate.

not deemed rate

Parts of Coun

II. And Whereas Doubts have arifen and may arife, touching the Boundaries of Counties, Ridings and Divifions and Parts of 'Counties, and other Places of diftinct and feparate Jurifdiction, and touching the Jurifdictions of Juftices of the Peace in relation thereto, 'under the Provifions of the faid recited A&; and it is expedient that fuch Doubts fhould be removed, and that Boundaries fhould be afcertained in all fuch cafes, for the Purposes of carrying the faid recited A&t into Execution; Be it therefore enacted, That the Juftices in GeneJuices of the Peace of Counties and Ridings, and Divifions and Parts ral or Quarter. of Counties, and other Places of diftin&t and separate Jurifdiction, in Seffions, to apthat Part of Great Britain called England, affembled at their feveral fix and deterpoint Juftices to and respective General or Quarter Seffions of the Peace, or at any mine BoundAdjournment thereof, fhall be and they are hereby authorized and aries, between required, in any cafe in which any Queftion or Doubt does or fhall Counties, Ridexist, or fhall have arifen, or may in the Judgment of the faid Juftices ings, Divifions or be likely to arife, as concerning any Boundary between any Coun- ties and other ties, Ridings, Divifions or Parts of any County, or other Places of Places of distinct diftinct and feparate Jurifdiction, for which they refpectively act as and feparate sch Juftices, to nominate and appoint Two Juftices of the Peace of Jurifdiction. each fuch County, Riding, Divifion or Parts of any County, or other Places of diftinét and feparate Jurifdiction, between which the Boundary is required to be afcertained, for the Purpose of fixing and determining fuch Boundary, and the Clerks of the Peace, Town Clerks and other proper Officer of the feveral and refpective General or Quarter Seffions of the Peace at which fuch Juftices fhall be appointed fall forthwith give Notice to each other, and to fuch Juftices of fuch Appointment; and the Juftices fo appointed fhall in every fuch cafe, a foon as may be after their Appointment, meet and proceed to afcertain the Boundary, upon fuch Evidence as can be obtained by them, or as they fhall deem neceffary for that Purpose, either by Examination of Witneffes upon Oath (which Oath any One of the aid Juftices is hereby empowered to adminifter) or of any Maps, Plans, Surveys or any other Records or Documents, or in fuch other manner as they the faid Juftices fo appointed fhall think requifite;


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