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Tacitus, obferves the jealoufies which must naturally arise between a family, who have conferred a crown, and the king who has received it, who will always think the sence of such benefactors too bold and pe remptory.


The character of Henry IV. is perfectly agreeable to that given him by historians. The play opens by his declaring his intention to war against the infidels, which he does not undertake, as was ufual in those times, from a religious enthusiasm, but is induced to it by political motives: that the martial spirit may not break out at home in civil wars; nor peace and idleness give men opportunity to enquire into his title to the crown, and too much discuss a point which would not bear a cool and close examination. Henry had the fpecious talents, which affift a man under certain circumftances to ufurp a kingdom: but either from the want of those great and folid qualities, which are neceffary to maintain opinion loyal to the throne to which it had raised him, or from the impoffibility

poffibility of fatisfying the expectations of those who had affifted his ufurpation, as fome of the best hiftorians with great appearance of reafon have fuggefted *, it is certain his reign was full of discontents and troubles.

The popular arts by which he captivated the multitude are finely defcribed in the speech he makes to his fon, in the third act. Any other poet would have thought he had acquitted himself well enough in that dialogue, by a general fatherly admonition delivered with the dignity becoming a monarch: but Shakespear rarely deals in commonplace, and general morals. The peculiar temper and circumftances of the perfon, and the exigency of the time, influence the fpeaker, as in real life. It is not only the king and parent, but Henry Plantagenet, that chides the Prince of Wales. How natural it is for him, on Percy's revolt, to recur to his own rebellion against Richard, and to apprehend, that the fame levities which loft that king, firft the opinion, then

*Hume's Hift. of H. IV.


the allegiance of his fubjects, should deprive the Prince of his fucceffion! Nothing can be better imagined than the parallel he draws between himself and Percy, Richard and Henry of Monmouth. The affectionate Father, the offended King, the provident Politician, and the confcious ufurper, are all united in the following fpeeches :


I know not, whether God will have it so,
For fome difpleafing service I have done;
That, in his fecret doom, out of my blood
He'll breed revengement, and a fcourge for me.
But thou do'ft in thy paffages of life

Make me believe that thou art only mark'd
For the hot vengeance and the rod of heav'n,

To punish my mif-treadings. Tell me, elfe
Could fuch inordinate and low defires,

Such poor, fuch bafe, fuch lewd, fuch mean attempts,
Such barren pleasures, rude fociety

As thou art match'd withal, and grafted to,

Accompany the greatnefs of thy blood,

And hold their level with thy princely heart?

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Heav'n pardon thee. Yet let me wonder, Harry,
At thy affections, which do hold a wing
Quite from the flight of all thy ancestors.
Thy place in council thou haft rudely loft,
Which by thy younger brother is fsupply'd;
And art almost an alien to the hearts

Of all the court and princes of my blood.
The hope and expectation of thy time
Is ruin'd, and the foul of every man
Prophetically does fore-think thy fall.
Had I fo lavish of my presence been,
So common-hackney'd in the eyes of men,
So ftale and cheap to vulgar company;';
Opinion, that did help me to the crown,
Had still kept loyal to poffeffion,
And left me in reputelefs banishment,
A fellow of no mark, nor likelihood.
But being feldom feen, I could not flir,
But, like a comet, I was wonder'd at,

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That men would tell their children, this is he;:.
Others would fay, where? which is Bolingbroke?

And then I stole all courtesy from heav'n,
And dreft myself in much humility,

That I did pluck allegiance from mens hearts,


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Loud fhouts and falutations from their mouths,

Even in the presence of the crowned king.
Thus I did keep my perfon fresh and new,
My presence, like a robe pontifical,
Ne'er feen, but wonder'd at ; and fo my ftate,
Seldom, but fumptuous, fhew'd like a feast,
And won, by rareness, fuch folemnity.
The skipping king, he ambled up and down
With shallow jefters, and rafh bavin wits,
Soon kindled, and foon burnt; 'fcarded his ftate,
Mingled his royalty with carping fools
Had his great name profaned with their scorns ;
And gave his countenance, against his name,
To laugh at gybing boys, and stand the push
Of every beardless, vain comparative;
Grew a companion to the common streets,
Enfeoff'd himself to popularity.


That, being daily fwallow'd by mens eyes,
They furfeited with honey, and began

To loath a taste of fweetnefs; whereof a little

More than a little, is by much too much.

So when he had occafion to be feen,

He was but as the cuckow is in June,
Heard, not regarded; feen but with fuch
As, fick and blunted with community,

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