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While employed in pulling down the hay, Mr. P. said to his wife, "call in the boys, for it is not safe for them to be out." They were called in. While running to the house, the oxen, finding the stack unguarded, went up close to it, in order to eat the hay. As the lads entered the door, a flash of lightning struck the stack, set it on fire, and killed the oxen. "Doth God care for oxen ?" Doth he not care for, and preserve the children of men when exposed to danger ?


AS the late Mr. Sam'l F. Bancroft, in his travels through the Canadas, traversed an extensive lake of the Northern States, in a vessel on board of which was Volney, notorious for his atheistical principles, a heavy storm came on, insomuch that the vessel was expected to go down every instant, the mast having gone by the board, the helm being quite ungovernable, and the whole scene exhibiting confusion and horror. Many passengers, both male and female, were on board, but not one manifested such fearful marks of despair as Volney. He threw himself on the deck, now imploring, now impeaching the captain, and reminding him that he had engaged to carry him safe to his destination, and vainly threatening him in case of failure. As the probability of loss increased, this great mirror of nature began to load all his pockets with dollars, and thus, as he thought, was preparing himself to swim for his life. Being prevented from leaping overboard, he threw himself on the deck, exclaiming with uplifted hands and streaming eyes :-"Oh, mon Dieu! mon Dieu !-qu'est ce je ferai, qu' est ce je ferai!" O, my God! my God! what shall I do, what shall I do! This so suprised Mr. Bancroft, that though the moment did not well accord with flashes of humour, he could not avoid addressing him, "Eh bien! Monsieur Volney! vous avez donc un Dieu a present." Well, Mr. Volney, you have a God now. To which Volney replied with the most trembling anxiety, Oh oui, oui! O yes, yes! The vessel, however, got safe to land; but afterwards, like a modern French Philosopher, he said those words escaped him in the hour of alarm, but had no meaning.

Extract from a communication in the Christian Observer for

April, 1822.

THE late Rev. J. W. FLETCHER, of the Methodist Episcopal Church." His courage and intrepidity were very remarkable.There is an anecdote related by his biographers on this subject, so striking, that I cannot resist the temptation of presenting it to your readers. Mr. Fletcher had a very profligate nephew, a military man, who had been dismissed from the Sardinian service for base

and ungentlemanly conduct. He had engaged in two or three duels, and dissipated his resources in a career of vice and extravagance.This desperate youth waited one day on his eldest uncle, General de Gons, and, presenting a loaded pistol, threatened to shoot him unless he would immediately advance him five hundred crowns. The general, though a brave man, well knew what a desperado he had to deal with, and gave a draft for the money, at the same time expostulating freely with him on his conduct. The young madman rode off triumphantly with his ill-gotten acquisition. In the evening, passing the door of his youngest uncle, Mr. Fletcher, he determined to call on him, and began with informing him what General de Gons had done; and, as a proof, exhibited the draft under De Gons' own hand. Mr. Fletcher took the draft from his nephew, and looked at it with astonishment. Then, after some remarks, putting it into his pocket, said, "It strikes me, young man, that you have possessed yourself of this note by some indirect method; and in honesty I cannot return it, but with my brother's knowledge and approbation." The nephew's pistol was immediately at his breast. "My life," replied Mr. Fletcher with perfect calmness, "is secure in the protection of an Almighty Power; nor will he suffer it to be the forfeit of my integrity, and of your rashness." This firmness drew from the nephew the observation, that his uncle De Gons, though an old soldier, was more afraid of death than his brother. "Afraid of death," rejoined Mr. Fletcher; "do you think I have been twentyfive years the minister of the Lord of Life, to be afraid of death now? No, sir: it is for you to fear death. You are a gamester and cheat, yet call yourself a gentleman! You are a seducer of female innocence, and still say you are a gentleman! You are a duellist, and for this call yourself a man of honor! Look there, sir; the broad eye of heaven is fixed upon us. Tremble in the presence of your Maker, who can in a moment kill your body, and forever punish your soul in hell." The unhappy man turned pale, and trembled alternately with fear and rage. He still threatened his uncle with instant death. Fletcher, though thus menaced, gave no alarm, sought for no weapon, and attempted not to escape. He calmly conversed with his profligate relation; and at length perceiving him to be affected, addressed him in language truly parental, till he had fairly disarmed and subdued him. He would not return his brother's draft, but engaged to procure for the young man some immediate relief. He then prayed with him, and, after fulfilling his promise of assistance, parted with him, with much good advice on one side, and many fair promises on the other.

The power of courage, founded on piety and principle, together with its influence in overcoming the wildest and most desperate profligacy, were never more finely illustrated than by this anecdote. It deserves to be put into the hands of every self-styled "man of honour," to show him how far superior is the courage that dares to die, though it dares not sin, to the boasted prowess of a mere man of the world. How utterly contemptible does the desperation of a duellist appear, when contrasted with the noble intrepidity of such a Christian soldier as the humble Vicar of Madeley !25


I OVERHEARD a discourse, something like altercation between the deacon, his sons and servants. Some one had informed him that cattle had broken into his cornfield, and were making great ravages. His servants were ordered to make haste and turn them out and

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repair the breach. "How came they there?" cried one." Which way did they get in ?" cries another. "It is impossible, the fences are good," says a third. "Don't stand here talking to no purpose," cries the deacon, with increasing earnestness. They are in the field destroying the corn, I see them, with my own eyes. Out with them speedily, and put up the fence." As I approached him he began to be more calm. "Your pardon, sir-those fellows have quite vexed me. They make me think of our parson's sermon on the origin of sin-spending his time in needlessly inquiring how it came into the world, while he ought to be exhorting us to drive it out." "Your observation is just," said I, "and your directions to your servants contain sound orthodox doctrine-a good practical improvement to the discourse we have heard to-day."

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"So the thought strikes me," replied the deacon" I will hint it to our preacher," "and I to the clergy in general.” "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel," &c.

Col. Star.



THE late Mr. Wieniger, a Moravian Missionary who spent several years in Egypt, gives the following account of an interview with a Mahomedan of distinction:

While on a visit to Benessa, Mr. Wieniger, accompanied by one or two of his fellow Missionaries, one day took a walk in a large garden on the Nile. While admiring the beauty and magnificence of the place, its proprietor, a rich Aga, attired in all the splendor of eastern costume, met them, and received them with great courtesy, inquiring who they were, and whether they were all brethren. Having received an answer to these questions, he addressed Mr. W. and asked, "Why do you wear a beard, and not your brethren ? You are certainly a priest." Aware of the extreme danger of speaking on religious subjects with Mahomedans, Mr. W. replied, that wearing a beard was a mere matter of convenience.

This answer did not satisfy the Aga, but he continued the conversation in the following manner: "You are a priest; do not keep me longer in suspense. I have prayed to God Almighty, to make me acquainted with a man who could tell me what I might do to be saved; and I have received an answer from God, that a man would come into my garden who would tell me what to do. I am convinced you are that man; and now tell me plainly." The Missionary replied, that he would not presume to teach a Mahomedan; but directed him to seek instruction from his own priest. "No;"

rejoined the Aga, "I am firmly convinced that I, and all followers of Mahomed are not in the right way; there must be another way I am well aware to salvation; and this you must declare to me. that we shall both be put to death if our present conversation is divulged; but be not afraid, you have to do with an honest man who will not hurt you." He spoke with such visible emotion as greatly affected the Missionary, who could refrain no longer, but said, "I will tell you what a Christian must do to be saved." At these words he took Mr. W. by the hand, and led him to a fig-tree, saying, “Come, thou man of God! Here, on this spot, where I have so often prayed to God, you shall tell me what I shall do."

The Missionary now laid aside all reserve, and discoursed with him on the creation of the world, the fall of man, and his recovery by the redemption of Christ. The Aga listened with astonishment, and, amidst a flood of tears, exclaimed, "O Jesus! who is seated at the right hand of God, have mercy upon me. Be my Saviour also!" "Yes, Lord Jesus, I behold thee as After a pause, he continued: my Sawounded and crucified for my sins; now thou art become viour."

Mr. W. and his brethren retired, silently admiring the ways of Divine Wisdom, and earnestly supplicating mercy for this Mahomedan, whose eyes seemed in a great measure opened, to see his danger as a sinner, and his need of a Saviour.

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Before the break of day next morning this Aga stood at the door of the Missionaries' dwelling, attended by a numerous retinue. This greatly alarmed Mr. W. who hastened out of the house, and thus accosted him: "Why do you bring so many people with you He answered: "These people are my Mamelucs; they know nothing of our conversation, and have orders to wait in the street till I return. I could not endure to be without and you your brethren's company; and have not slept the whole night for joy."

While the Missionaries continued in the country, this Aga approved himself their sincere friend, and as far as they could judge, remained faithful to the light he had received; though he did not ISLE. make a public profession of Christianity.

London Evang. Magazine.


Philadelphia, August 20. A company of German emigrants, eighty-four in number, passed through this city on Saturday morning, on their way to Ohio. We are informed that they profess the Jewish faith, but what is most remarkable is, they all make up one family, consisting of grandfathers, grandmothers, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grand children, &c. all connected. They appear to be rich for setilers, having brought with them from Germany, waggons, harness, and various kinds of goods, wares and merchandise, sufficient to fill ten baggage waggons. In two of the waggons, it must however

be observed, they found room to deposit the children. The men and women trudged on foot. The long beards, broad brimmed hats, small-clothes and short coats of the former, with the drugget bed gowns, and red under dress of the latter, gave the whole group a singularity of aspect, such as was well calculated to arrest the attention of the passing traveller. [Union.


THE Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, will hold their annual meeting at New-Haven, on Thursday the 12th of September, the day after Commencement, in Yale College. Dr. Proudfit of Salem, is appointed to preach before the Board. The Rev. President Moore of Amherst, Mass. is appointed his substitute.— Besides the ordinary business of the Board, Messrs. William Goodell, William Richards and Artemas Bishop, are to be ordained as Ministers of the Gospel, with a view to their being sent as Missionaries among the heathen. Mr. G. is assigned to the Palestine Mission. Messrs. Bishop, and Richards, to the Sandwich Islands. Public exercises to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Dr. Miller, of Princeton, is appointed to preach the Ordination Sermon.


ORDAINED at Southold, (Long Island,) on the 15th instant, Mr. John Hallet, to the office of Pastor of the Baptist Church in that place. The Sermon was preached by Elder Frederick Wightman, Middletown, Conn. The Ordaining Prayer by Elder Enoch Green, Berlin, Conn. Elder Samuel Miller of Meriden, Conn. gave the Charge. Elder Wightman gave the right hand of Fellowship, and Mr. Enoch Green, Jr. of Middletown, made the concluding Prayer.


Adexes' answer to one of our correspondents has been received. But as the whole original communication had not appeared before Adangos sent in his reply, we think proper to suspend its publication.

Most freely do we invite a discussion of this subject.


We regret that some picces in this number are so lengthy as to exclude that variety which our pages will usually present.

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