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THE general neceffity of employing agents of talent and credit to execute the bufinefs in the various departments of government is strongly felt in every country; but the affignment of each branch to a distinct avowed minister is peculiarly requifite in the British fyftem. In other nations, the bounty and patronage of the crown, and the execution of all the weighty affairs of itate may be committed to one perfon, dif tinguished by the name of favourite, prime minifter, or premier, and his malversations may be fheltered by the authority of the monarch; but, in Great Britain, the axiom, that the king can do no wrong, is prevented from becoming an engine for oppreffing the fubject, by the strict refponfibility annexed to the fituation of minifters, and the power of inquiry and impeachment tenaciously referved, and vigorously exercifed by parliament.

In the following enumeration, the duties of the most eminent minifters of state will be exhibited, and fome details afforded refpecting the offices or departments over which they prefide. They are given in the order of their precedence, with the addition of embaffadors and confuls in foreign lands.

1. THE LORD HIGH STEWARD. In ancient times the lord high fteward of England was the firft great officer of the crown. The title is of Saxon etymology, teda fignifying room, or flead, and weard a warden or keeper; and therefore to the lord high fteward of England belonged vice-regal power. As next under the king he fupervised and regulated the adminiftration of jus tice, and all other affairs of the realm both civil and military.. VOL. II: The


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