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I being upon different ground. I used, H2: as if a man upon a tree, and I being upon the ground used, Sl.: as if a man on high, and I being upon the ground used, EP.

66. No Process can be granted against him': H. adds, 'you can have no remedy against him.'


'the King is Supreme Governor of those': H. adds, 'because they live under him.'

67. As some would have it': before these words H. adds, The King is not one of the Three Estates.'

'Trenchmore'; a kind of lively dance, in triple
time, to which it was usual to dance in a
rough and boisterous manner (v. Nares).
'Coranto'; a sprightly but somewhat stately old

'Cushion-Dance'; a dance of a rather free charac

ter, used chiefly, as would appear, at weddings (v. Nares).

70. 'under foot,' i.e. for less than their value.'

'nay, be the first,' so H.: EP. may be the first. 71. We have no such land in England'; H. adds before these words the following:-'So regna allodiata are kingdoms that are not held in fee of any body.'


King's Latiner'; H., H2. Latimer.

'As when we call a piece a gun': the middle English word Gun was first applied to a catapult or machine for throwing stones; perhaps shortened from Old French mangonne (cp. man gonel, machine for throwing stones').

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74. 'dully,' so H.: EP. duly.

75. 'As a man watches a Hawk,' i.e. tames a hawk by keeping it awake.

77. 'protections'; a person holding a protection could not be arrested for debt.

78. 'as if the Cook in the Friars' (so H. "with 'fayrs' written over it, with friars' restored in the margin in a different hand," R.); EP. fair. Mr Reynolds notes that after the death of the Earl of Kent, Selden lived with the Countess

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Dowager, generally at her house in Whitefriars.

80. Seeing a further degree may not'; Sl. EP. read

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being', emended by S.; R. keeps being '; and therefore . . . should not' omitted in

H.; H2. inserts' it is' after being.'

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83. and yet he was no Bishop,' so EP. MSS.: R. proposes and yet he was a bishop,' which is probably what Selden intended.

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84. Concionary part,' i.e. what appertains to preaching.

'the Gregories and Tertulian'; EP. H. read
'&c.' for 'and.'
'Cavellus-Mayro': MSS. EP. Javellus-Mayco;

"Cavellus was the Editor of Duns Scotus: and there is no doubt that Franciscus Mayronis, the renowned follower of Duns Scotus, is meant," S. 85. A quaint exposition'; EP. position.

'intend,' i.e. give his mind to: EP. attend.

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86. the Clink,' a prison adjoining the Bishop of Winchester's House in Southwark.

87. Euclid was beaten in Boccaline': referring to 'I Ragguali di Parnasso' (i.e. Advertisements from Parnassus) by Boccalini, a famous satirist of the XVIth century; the work was translated by Henry, Earl of Monmouth; Euclid's fate was to be beaten to death by four men armed with bags of sand, whence probably arose the tradition that Boccalini himself was killed in the same manner.

90. 'who am one of the House': MSS. EP. read 'none'; R. ' one.'

' in my own sense'; EP. in their own sense. 92. 'quickly,' EP. quietly.

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93. Utrum Angeli, &c.,' i.e. 'whether angels may chat


94 'parity": "a term, in general use, for a form of Church government by a body of Presbyters or elders and lay assessors all equal in power, as opposed to Church government by bishops," R.

95. 'Dissentions,' so H2., R.; EP., H., Sl., read Dis


'drinks of the wort,' i.e. 'drinks some from

the wort.'

'they keep a huge quarter,' i.e.
great noise.'

96. if no law be for them,' so MSS.
reads if law be for them,'-


they make a

EP., but R.

a better read

ing, and probably the right one.

R. further

sees in the passage a reference to the trial of the Earl of Strafford (see p. 128).

97. 'sitting up till two of the clock,' etc.;


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famous Remonstrance was carried after sitting from 3 P.M. to 3 A.M., which made some one say it was The Verdict of a Starved Jury" (S.). being one of the Laws of the Twelve Tables'; the words in question occur in Cicero de legibus, iii. 8; they are not quoted as from the Laws of the XII. Tables.

101. 'upon the matter,' i.e. ' in reality.'

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102. an ill Intention,' so EP: 'attention,' H., R. 103. they are like two twists that-' so MSS., R.; EP. they are like to twist that. R. suggests

that we may perhaps add here," are spun out

of the same stuff."

'they did it at first,' altered in H. and H2. from

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they dedicate first,' so EP.

S. sug

107. Then God comes in,' so MSS. and 2nd Ed.: EP. reads Then God's comes in.' gests God's Ordinance' (?)

108. comme d'abus, wrongly given in MSS. and old Edd. : un appel comme d'abus is an appeal to the civil from the ecclesiastical court, when the latter is supposed to have exceeded its power. 116 'tis not the master that teaches all': EP. omits ' not.'

117. The second section of Predestination' is omitted in MSS. EP. evidently gives an earlier recension of the whole passage; the MSS. give the third paragraph at the beginning of the whole passage.


119. My Lord Digby'; the reference is probably to Lord Digby's speech against Strafford's attain. der (cp. Clarendon, I.).


"A Pramunire is a writ issued out of the King's Bench against one who hath procured any Bull or like process of the Pope from Rome, or elsewhere, for any Ecclesiastical place or preferment within this realm; or doth sue in any foreign Ecclesiastical court to defeat or impeach any judgment given in the King's Court" (Coke).

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123. The Queen Mother,' i... Mary de Medici, whose residence in England was resented; she was at last got out of England by the Parliament at 10,000 expense. Roset' or Rosetti, "was resident, at and a little before that time, from the Pope, with the Queen

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(cp. Hobbes, Behemoth, quoted by Reynolds).

128. the Manual,' one of the service books in use before the Reformation, used for service book' in general.

130. Rabbi Busy disputing'; cp.

Bartholomew Fair,'

v. iii., where there is a dispute between Rabbi Busy and a puppet belonging to Lanthorn Leatherhead; EP. reads 'Inigo Lanthorne disputing with a puppet in Bartholomew Fair.' Reynolds rightly adopts the reading of H., which is the only one at all correct, though probably the original version ran'Rabbi Busy disputing with Inigo Lanthorne his puppet in his Bartholomew Fair.' The interest of the passage is the identification by Selden, Jonson's friend, of Langthorne Leatherhead with Inigo Jones, whose quarrels with Jonson are so well known (ep. Jonson's Expostulation with Inigo Jones, &c).

131. 'boat,' so MSS.; EP. boar.

'roaring boys,' i.e. the swash bucklers or bullying bucks.'

134. he thought he would save'; EP. reads 'have' instead of save.'

134. 'they pretend not to abide the Cross,' referring
to the impress on the old coins.


136. 'Assembly': the Assembly began to sit in July,
1643; Selden was himself one of the mem-
bers (p. Neal, History of Puritans, iii.; Rush-
worth, Historical Collections, iii.-v.).
'impropriation,' i.e. the act of putting a benefice
in the hands of a layman or lay corporation.
139. 'One writ me word, that my History of Tithes,'
referring to Gerald Langbaine's letter, dated
22 Aug. 1653 (cp. Hearne, Leland's Collectanea,
quoted by Reynolds, p. 179).

'Pelias' Hasta,' i.e. the spear of Achilles, which

was necessary to cure the wound it had
inflicted on Telephus.

142. Galileo makes Simplicius say so'; Mr Reynolds
gives the reference to the source of this pas-
sage, Opere di Galilei, xi. p. 266 (Classici
Italiani, Milan, 1808-11); it occurs in an
imaginary conversation on mathematical and
physical science between Galviati and Ga-
gredo, the spokesmen for modern science, and
Simplicius, the Aristotelian commentator.

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'hat'; EP. head.

John O Powls in the Play' (cp. Marston's Dutch
Courtezan, v. iii.; Bullen's edition, vol. ii.
p. 98; noted by Mr P. A. Daniel; cp. R.,
p. 189).

Boccaline': cp. Note, p. 88.

in came too the Butchers'; EP. it came to the
Butchers; MSS. R., in came the Butchers.
151. 'King James was pictured, &c,' not in EP.
154. 'Dionysius,' i.e. 'Dionysius the Areopagite.'

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