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Crown of Sardinia. The accompanying as combined with those of the rest of paper, bearing this date, declares his Sar- Europe. I have, &c. dinian Majesty's assent to these conditions, CASTLEREAGH. as the basis upon which the said Powers Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Dalrymple. have agreed forthwith to intrust to his (Second Inclosure in No. 9)-Translation. Majesty the provisional government of Extract of the Protocol of the 10th of DeGenoa, preparatory to the sovereignty cember, 1814. being formally assigned to his Majesty by a treaty to be hereafter executed. I am consequently to signify to you the Prince Regent's pleasure, that you do take the necessary measures, in concert with the existing Provisional Government, to deliver over the same, in conformity to the decision above mentioned, to the King of Sardinia, or to such person as his Sardinian Majesty may appoint to take charge thereof; continuing yourself to act with the troops under your command as an auxiliary corps, at the disposal of his Sardinian Majesty, till you receive further orders.

You will carry these orders into execu tion, in the manner you may find likely to prove most acceptable to the existing Genoese authorities. The deep interest the Prince Regent takes, and will continue to take, in the happiness and future welfare of the people of Genoa, has rendered it a grateful part of my duty to watch over their interests from the moment the British arms were so fortunate as to be the instruments of their deliverance from the oppression of the enemy. I have regretted, in common with the ministers of the other Powers, that we could not, without introducing weakness, and consequently insecurity, into the Italian arrangement, meet that desire to preserve a separate existence which we had reason to suppose prevailed among the people of Genoa: but we persuade ourselves that we have provided more effectually for their future security, and not the less liberally for their commercial prosperity, in the system adopted.

In the liberality of the King of Sardinia, whose desire to meet, as far as possible, the wishes of the Genoese people, has in all these arrangements gone before the desires of the Powers, the state of Genoa bas the surest pledge, that they are about to be placed upon fixed and liberal principles under the protection of a paternal Sovereign. Under these circumstances I trust the people of Genoa of all classes will receive this arrangement as beneficially intended for their welfare, and that they will conform cheerfully to what has appeared most conducive to their interests,

To leave no doubt on the order of succession to be established for the States of Genoa, the Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris have agreed, that the article on this subject should be conceived in the following terms: The States which composed the former Republic of Genoa are united in perpetuity to the States of his Sardinian Majesty, to be like them possessed in perpetuity by him and his heirs male, in order of primogeniture, in the two branches of his House, namely, the branch royal, and the branch of Savoy Carignan.

(Third Inclosure in No. 9)-Translation. Extract of the Protocol of the 10th of December, 1814.

The Plenipotentiaries have taken into consideration the desire of the Genoese, that his Sardinian Majesty should take the title of King of Sardinia.,

The Plenipotentiaries observed, that the King of Sardinia is invested with the title of Duke, as sovereign of Savoy, with the title of Prince, as sovereign of the States of Piedmont. They conceived that the consideration due to the above-mentioned countries would not allow the erection of the State of Genoa into a kingdom; and they propose that the title of Duke of Genoa, which was in fact that of the Doge of the ancient Republic of Genoa, shall be conferred on his Sardinian Majesty, to be annexed to the titles commonly used by his Majesty.

This proposition of the Plenipotentiaries was approved in the conference of the 10th instant.

(Fourth Inclosure in No. 9.)-Translation. Extract of the Protocol of the Sitting of

the 12th of December, 1814.

The Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris, desiring to insure the tranquillity of Italy by a just repartition of forces between the Powers of that part of Europe, had agreed to give to the possessions of his Sardinian Majesty an increase of territory, by the departments forming the ancient republic of Genoa, reserving to themselves to stipulate in favour of the

Marsan, for his full powers, and for the Act of Accession of his Court to the stipu lations of the Treaty of Paris, and to the different arrangements which had been taken to realise and complete these stipulations: and it was agreed, that when Monsieur de St. Marsan should deliver the said instrument, it should be communicated to all the members of this meeting. (Sixth Inclosure in No. 9.)—Translation.

inhabitants, conditions tending to guarantee their future prosperity. The Plenipotentiaries of the said Powers occupied themselves with the subject, in the first instance, upon the opening of the Congress, by establishing a Commission for regulating with the Plenipotentiaries of bis Sardinian Majesty, and the deputies of Genoa, whatever might have relation to this object. The labours of this Commission have received their approbation, and they have found that the conditions Vienna, 15th December, 1814. put forward by the said Commission were Sir; The Plenipotentiaries of the conformable to the tenour of the Treaty Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris of Paris, and were founded on a solid and have authorized me, by a resolution deliberal basis. Desirous now to accelerate clared at their sitting of the 10th of this as much as possible the annexation of the month, to communicate to you, Sir, the states of Genoa to those of his Sardinian conditions and the restrictions which are Majesty, and wishing at the same time to to serve as bases in the annexation of give this Sovereign an unequivocal proof those departments which formed the of their confidence, the Powers who ancient Republic of Genoa, to the possigned the Treaty of Paris have resolved sessions of his majesty the King of Sarto put his Majesty in possession of the darnia, conformably to the stipulations of said states, as soon as he shall have given the Treaty of Paris. I acquit myself of his formal concurrence to the above-men- this communication, by transmitting to tioned conditions, as stated in the ac- your excellency, the extract of the accompanying enclosures, reserving to them-companying Protocol, to which are anselves the disposal of the Imperial Fiefs, which were part of the former Ligurian Republic, and which are at this moment under the administration of the Provisional Government of the states of Genoa.

To prevent, however, the difficulties which might occur from the partial administration of the said Fiefs, as placed between 'the states of Genoa and Piedmont, it has been agreed, that they shall likewise be provisionally occupied, until the definitive Treaty, by the authorities whom his Sardinian Majesty shall entrust with the administration of the states of Genoa. It has been fixed upon, that the Prince de Metternich, first plenipotentiary of the Emperor of Austria, should be authorized 'to make known these determinations to the plenipotentiaries of his Sardinian Majesty, and to invite them to give the required concurrence, in case they are furnished with powers to that effect.

(Fifth Inclosure, No. 9.)-Translation. Extract from the Protocol of the Conference of the 14th December, 1814. The sittings opened by reading the minutes of that of the 10th December, which were signed and approved. It was resolved that in order to bring to a close the question of the reunion of Genoa to Piedmont, Prince Metternich should be requested to apply to the Marquis de St.

nexed the conditions approved of by the
Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris.

The Marquis de St. Marsan.
(Seventh Inclosure in No. 9.)-Translation.
Act of Accession of his Sardinian Majesty.

Vienna, December 17, 1814.

The undersigned, his Sardinian Majesty's Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Vienna, in virtue of the full powers of their Sovereign, which they have presented upon the invitation conveyed in the Declaration, which was published on the 1st of November last by the Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris of the 30th of May of the present year; and the Marquis de St. Marsan in particular, in virtue of special and most ample full powers from his said Majesty the King of Sardinia, for negociating, agreeing on, and accepting all the conditions relative to the annexation of the States of Genoa to those of his Majesty, which full powers he presents in original, to give, by the present Act, an accession formal, entire, and without restriction, to the conditions contained in the three papers annexed hereto, which they have signed for this purpose, and which are entirely in conformity with the papers annexed to the extract of the Protocol of the sitting of the 12th instant, which the Prince de

Metternich has transmitted to the undersigned.

They accede, in the name of their Sovereign, to these conditions of the annexation of the departments composing the ancient Republic of Genoa, to the other possessions of his Majesty-an aggrandisement, the object of which is to establish a just repartition of forces in Italy, which may insure its tranquillity, and testify to the high Powers the acknowledgment of their Sovereign, both for the above-mentioned annexation, and for the mark of confidence which they give him, by putting him in immediate possession of his new States.

They consent to the reservation made with respect to the Imperial Fiefs which formed part of the former Ligurian Republic, and which are now under the administration of the Government of Genoa, the disposal of which the Powers have declared their wish to reserve to themselves; and that they shall only be provisionally occupied and governed by the administration of the King, which shall be established at Genoa until the definitive treaty; declaring, at the same time, that they do not intend thereby to prejudge in any wise the claims which his majesty the King of Sardinia may have upon these Fiefs, and which his Majesty reserves to himself the right to make good. In testimony whereof, they have signed the present Act, and each of the annexed Papers, separately, and have affixed thereto the impression of their arms. Done at Vienna, the 17th December, 1814.

A true copy. (Signed) Le Marquis DE ST. MARSAN, Le Comte Rossi.

(Eighth Inclosure in No. 9.)-Translation.

Vienna, December 10, 1814. My lord; I have the honour to transmit herewith to your excellency, the copy of a note which the Government of Genoa, by its dispatch, dated the 23d of November last, ordered me to lay before their excellencies the ambassadors and ministers assembled at the Congress. I seize with avidity this opportunity to offer to your excellency this fresh homage of my highest consideration.

The minister of the Government of Genoa,

(Signed) Le Marquis DE BRIGNOLI. Lord Castlereagh.

(Ninth Inclosure in No. 9.)-Translation. Protest of the Government of Genoa.

Vienna, December 10, 1814.

The undersigned, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Genoa, has the honour to lay before their excellencies the Ambassadors and Ministers assembled at the Congress, the Declaration which his Government transmitted to him for the eventual case which has unfortunately occurred, of the note of the 3rd of October having produced no effect.

Nothing can equal the respect and veneration with which the Genoese Government is penetrated for this illustrious assembly but nothing at the same time can prevent his acquitting himself of what he owes to his conscience, to his honour, and to his fellow-citizens, to protest against all resolutions contrary to their rights and independence. His demands are founded on the most respectable titles; a political existence old as the origin of many mo narchies; treaties without number during a long succession of ages, with the principal courts of the world; the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, (basis of that of Paris) wherein the Republic of Genoa concurred formally with them in the reciprocal guarantee of their possessions: the evident nullity of its annexation to an empire which was usurped and is destroyed; an independent administration since that period with all the marks of sovereignty, and without the opposition of any one thereto; and what is much more, the immortal declarations of the high Allied Powers. The town of Chaumont and of Chatillon-sur-Seine are yet resounding with the noble assurances, that nations should henceforth respect their reciprocal independence; that no more political edifices should be built upon the ruins of states formerly independent and happy; that the alliance of the most powerful monarchs of the earth had for its object to prevent those invasions which for so many years past had desolated the world; and that at length a general peace, the due effect of their alliances and their victories, would insure the rights, the independence, and the liberty of all nations.

The justice of the Governments which have guaranteed these tutelary maxims, may be tardy, but the result will, sooner or later, be accomplished. The duty of states which are ill known and feeble, is to invoke it incessantly, and to wait for it with confidence and courage.

The undersigned most respectfully demands, that the present declaration may be inserted in the Protocol of the Congress, and he has the honour to offer to their excellencies the homage of his highest consideration. (Signed)

The Marquis BRIGNOLI.
No. 10.-Extract.

Turin, January 24, 1815. Major Andrews reached this place on the 18th, and continued his journey on the same day to Genoa with your lordship's letter to sir John Dalrymple. Count Revel has succeeded admirably since he has been at Genoa; and the King has received deputations from all classes and all parts of the Genoese territory. Yesterday he gave audience to a deputation of the very highest rank, and was addressed in a most flattering discourse, of which I shall have the honour of enclosing a copy if I can procure it in time. I have, &c. Viscount Castlereagh,

&c. &c. &c.


(Inclosure in No. 10.)-Translation. Address of the Deputation from the City of Genoa, to the King of Sardinia.

Genoa, Jan. 5, 1815.

Sire; The city of Genoa, renowned in every age, and constituting no small part of the glory of Italy, has rejoiced to behold the destiny of the Republic, for so many years fluctuating, now fixed by its annexation to the ancient dominions of your Majesty.

Your clemency alone, Sire, and our admiration of the virtues which adorn your paternal and beneficent heart, have produced this unforeseen change in the affections of the Genoese, and have weaned them from those habits of independence which formerly constituted their greatest happiness.

The moment we were permitted to express our sentiments and the satisfaction of our fellow-citizens, we have hastened to the foot of your Majesty's throne, to offer the homage of their loyalty and obedience, determined to rival in attachment the ancient subjects of your Majesty.

The prosperity of Genoa, Sire, was, for many ages, an object of envy to the richest States; but the vicissitudes of years which have passed, have, for the greatest part, destroyed and annihilated her opulence.

It was reserved to your Majesty to reinstate her in her former splendour, The

royal patents of the 30th of last month, afford us aiready a pledge of your paternal benevolence in favour of our beloved country, and are to us the harbingers of a more auspicious futurity.

Navigation and commerce were the principal sources of Ligurian power and wealth. May we presume to implore your exalted protection for these two branches of the public welfare! Let the first act of your beneficence, Sire, be to throw down the barriers which separate two nations, become brethren under a common father: and let those pirates, who, neglecting the fertile lands of Africa, infest the Mediterranean Sea, and are a discredit to our times, disappear from our seas, if they refuse submission to the sacred law of nations. The arms of our Ligurian mariners shall second your orders.

The husbandman of the mountainous and rocky territory of Genoa, is subject to expenses little known, and which far exceed those of champaign countries: we hope that your Majesty will be pleased to take this important subject into consideration when the amount of the land-tax shall be discussed.

Finally, encouraged by your sovereign goodness, we particularly solicit your Majesty, that our municipal administration may, together with its other functions, be continued in discharge of its important. duties for the maintenance of the port, and of the public aqueduct, with both of which it was always entrusted, and which require a local and practical knowledge.

We recommend to your Majesty's regard for religion, the hospitals of Genoa, those illustrious monuments of the piety of our ancestors, from which, notwithstanding the disorders of late years, their descendants have not degenerated.

The city has at all times maintained, as far as it was able, these valuable establishments; but the immense losses which they have sustained, urgently demand, that the State should take upon itself to make provision for their funds, in like manner as the royal patents have already secured to the other creditors the payment of their interest, or require that Government should make a fresh endowment in their favour.

Vouchsafe, Sire, to interest yourself in the establishment of the House of St. George, the model of all other banks in. Europe. Deign to look upon Genoa as your second capital.

We shall esteem ourselves happy, if, while we convey to your royal throne, the sincere wishes of our fellow-citizens, we should be able to assure them also of your gracious compliance, and flatter them with the hope of speedily seeing within our walls, our august Sovereign.Done in the Municipal Council, the Senior Magistrate, (Signed) PASSAGNO.

ADDRESS ON THE PRINCE REGENT'S MESSAGE RELATING TO EVENTS IN FRANCE] The order of the day for taking into consideration the Prince Regent's Message of yesterday being read,

Lord Castlereagh rose and spoke to the following effect:-In rising to call the attention of the House to the gracious Message of the Prince Regent, now read from the Chair, I assure the House, that, at no period of my political life, and under no circumstances which I can recollect, have I ever felt more deeply or more sincerely, the importance of those considerations which arise from passing events, or which may be produced by the counsels growing out of those events, than I do on the present occasion. It has been my lot, during almost all the discussions which have taken place in this House, in the last and present session, to endeavour to direct the attention of Parliament to those events which were rapidly taking place, and which we might flatter ourselves, without appearing too sanguine, were likely, not only to deliver the world from those dangers which it had ultimately passed through, but to conduct it to a state of permanent pacification; and, although so desirable a state of things might not take place with all the precipitancy which ardent minds might hope for, yet that we should finally be led to that ancient social system, which had long predominated in Europe, and of the enjoyment of which we had been too long deprived. What ever difference of opinion may have prevailed, between the gentlemen who sit on the other side of the House, and those who are seated on this, with respect to certain details connected with the arrangements made for the security of the peace of Europe-yet this I may say, that a complete coincidence of opinion has existed as to the principle which was acted upon. The details might have been more skilfully managed; but, I am sure, every individual, however he might disapprove of minor parts of the arrangement, must have been gratified at seeing a state (VOL. XXX.)

of things likely to arise in Europe, which would again present to the world such a mass of independent Powers, endued with all the qualities calculated to render them secure, with reference to each other, and, at the same time, possessing that degree of control, which would produce an effec tual resistance against any attempt made to destroy the system, as must have tended to give permanent peace to the earth. I am sure every reflecting mind must have derived pleasure from the thought, that the world was likely again to be governed by a well-balanced system of political authority instead of being, as was unfortunately the case for the last 20 years, plundered, and persecuted, and oppressed by one overweening Power, which endeavoured to engulph and swallow up every other state in Europe. This favourable prospect has been overshadowed by the events that have recently happened in France-and which, if they do not menace with destruction the result of the efforts and labours of the last twenty years, the result of the mighty exertions of this nation-(an epithet which I may well apply to them, without meaning to degrade or disparage the exertions of other countries)-united with the labours of the different States, which assisted in restoring Europe to its present situation-certainly cannot be contemplated without considerable apprehension. That the stability of the present situation of Europe is endangered by the late events in France, no person who seriously reflects on them, can entertain a doubt. It is impossible for any individual to call the fact in question. For, if a military chief, whose only pretensions to the situation in which he now stands, are founded on the attachment of an army-and if a military system is to be again established in France-it is not difficult to conceive what the result will be. We know the effect which the late revolution in the politics of France has already had on the other Powers of Europe. If that military chief, and the French army, find the peace so contrary to their favourite views, as it evidently appears they do, can any doubt be reasonably entertained as to the course they will adopt? I am sure, Sir, the House will feel with me, that enough was done to show, that this was not a revolution growing out of the sentiments of the French people. It was a revolution effected by the army -effected by artifice-and by that sort of overweening influence, which a person. (2 E)

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