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CHA P. Religion, take very little Care or Pains about inftructing these ignorant poor Creatures, but only endeavour to procure their Friendship, by trading with them at a lower rate for European Goods, than the French can afford to do; and giving a higher Price for their Commodities. This, together with the furnishing them with Fire Arms, Powder and Ammunition, Tobacco, and Brandy, is the only Method I know of which the English employ to keep the Savages their Friends. Whereas

the French, by having a constant and infinite Number of Jefuits, Seminaries, Nunneries and Convents amongst them, can and do, upon every Ocafion, excite the Savages to join with them, in annoying Us.

BUT though the above Account may poffibly be entertaining enough to fome Readers, yet it has led me a good deal wide of my Purpose; which is to fhew in the next Place, what are the Rights of each Power, to what they claim in America, as founded upon Treaties. And herein, I fhall on this Occafion, confider only fuch Treaties as are between England and France.



An Extract of Such Articles of the Treaty of Utrecht, as reSpect the English Nation; particularly in regard to America: With Remarks upon each Article herein cited.



NDER the Article of Treaties, I CHAP. imagined I should have Occafion to mention more than one: But having by way of Notes on Mr. Dummer's Memorial, made fuch Remarks as were neceffary on those of 1632. and 1655. I shall here confine myself to those parts of the Treaty of Utrecht, which relate to our Affairs with France. To which purpose, I fhall transcribe all those Articles, or the Substance of them, which in any Shape refpect England: and close this Chapter with fome Remarks on each Article.




Extract of


THE King of France hereby folemnly

the Treaty of and fincerely acknowledges the Limitation Utrecht.

of the Succeffion of the Crown of Great Britain (as fettled by the Laws made in the Reigns of King William and Queen Mary,) to the Iffue of Queen Anne; and in default thereof, to the Princess Sophia, and her Heirs in the Proteftant Line of The French Hanover. He, on the Faith and Word of King admits a King, and on the Pledge of his Own the Proteftant Succeffion. and Succeffor's Honour, accepts and approves the fame for Ever: And that no Perfon, than according to the faid Limitation, shall ever by Him, his Heirs, or Successors be acknowledged or reputed to be King or Queen of Great Britain,


THE faid King, in the fame folemn Manner engages, that neither He nor his Heirs or Succceffors ever will at any time hereafter disturb the Queen, her Heirs or Succeffors, defcended from the aforefaid Proteftant Line, who poffefs the Crown




of Great Britain. Nor will the faid King CH A P.
&c. give at any time any Succour, Aid,
Favour or Counsel directly or indirectly, Disavows the
by Land or by Sea, in Money, Arms, Pretender,
Ammunition, Warlike Provisions, Ships,
Soldiers, Seamen, or any other way, to
any Person or Perfons, whofoever they
be, who for any Caufe, or under any
Pretext whatsoever, fhould hereafter op-
pose the faid Succeffion, either by Open
War, or by fomenting Seditions, or form-
ing Confpiracies against fuch Prince or
Princes who are in Poffeffion of the
Throne of Great Britain, by virtue of
the Acts of Parliament abovementioned.


CONTAINS Letters Patent by the King The King of of France, for admitting the Renuncia- Spain's Retion of the King of Spain to the Crown nunciation of the Crown of of France: And thofe of Monfieur the France. Duke of Berry, and Monfieur the Duke of Orleans to the Crown of Spain. As likewise the King of Spain's Renunciation ; and those of the Dukes of Berry and Orleans.


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THE King of France engages that the

kirk to be de- Fortifications of Dunkirk, shall be razed, the Harbour filled up, the Sluices or Moles which cleanfe the Harbour levelled, at the faid King's own Charge, and Expence, within five Months after the Signing of the Peace; on the Express Condition, that they fhall never be repaired again.

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RESTORES to Great Britain the Bay and Streights of Hudson, with all Lands, Seas, Sea Coafts, Rivers and Places in the faid Bay and Streights; no Tracts of Land or Sea being excepted, which are at prefent poffeffed by the Subjects of France. All which, together with all Buildings, Fortreffes, &c. erected there before or fince the French feized the fame, shall within fix Months from the Ratification of this Treaty, or fooner if poffible be delivered to the British Subjects, entire and undemolished, together with Cannon


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